The scientific journal

Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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Editorial board

The Editorial Board is a deliberative body consisting of leading domestic and foreign scientists involved in the development and implementation of the Editorial Policy of a scientific journal, helping to increase the level of its publishing activity.

Each section of the scientific journal has its own editorial board, which provides examination of manuscripts of articles, makes the final decision on their publication, participates in the preparation of issues for publication.

The chief editor of the scientific journal is doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Nayzabekov Abdrakhman Batyrbekovich (Republic of Kazakhstan), the executive secretary – Ismagambetova Asem Amantaevna  (Republic of Kazakhstan).



  • Shunkeyeva S., PhD of Philology – scientific editor, Karaganda Buketov University (Kazakhstan);
  • Adilova A., Doctor of Philology, Karaganda Buketov University (Kazakhstan);
  • Borodina T., Candidate of philological sciences, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (Russia);
  • Karipbaev B., Doctor of Philosophy, Karaganda Buketov University (Kazakhstan);
  • Ruditsa N., Candidate of sociological sciences, Innovative University of Eurasia (Kazakhstan);
  • Shotbakova L., Candidate of historical sciences, Karaganda Buketov University (Kazakhstan);
  • Aitmagambetova M., Master of philology – technical secretary, Innovative University of Eurasia (Kazakhstan)

Pedagogy and psychology

  • Kairbekova B., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, – scientific editor, Innovative University of Eurasia (Kazakhstan);
  • Dobaev K., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Academy of Education of Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstan);
  • Kudysheva A., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University (Kazakhstan);
  • Raklova E., Candidate of psychological sciences, Innovative University of Eurasia (Kazakhstan);
  • Semenova L., Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Innovative University of Eurasia (Kazakhstan);
  • Ilyusizova A., Master of pedagogy and psychology – technical secretary, Innovative University of Eurasia (Kazakhstan)


  • Paramonova L., Candidate of Law – scientific editor, Innovative University of Eurasia  (Kazakhstan);
  • Vartanyan, A., Candidate of Law, Grodno State University named after Ya.Kupala (Belarus);
  • Jetpisov S., Doctor of Law, Innovative University of Eurasia (Kazakhstan);
  • Mukhamedzhanov, A., Doctor of Law, Tashkent State Law University (Uzbekistan);
  • Nurgaliev B., Doctor of Law, Academy “Bolashak” of Karaganda (Kazakhstan);
  • Satkenov А., Master of Law – technical secretary, Innovative University of Eurasia  (Kazakhstan)

Economic sciences

  • Bekniyazova D., PhD of  Economics – scientific editor, Innovative University of Eurasia (Kazakhstan);
  • Amirova M., PhD of Economics, Toraighyrov University (Kazakhstan);
  • Arynova Z., Candidate of Economics, Innovative University of Eurasia (Kazakhstan);
  • Kashuk L., Candidate of Economics, Innovative University of Eurasia (Kazakhstan);
  • Toktosunova Ch., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Kyrgyz Economic University named after M. Ryskulbekov (Kyrgyzstan)

Technologies and materials in mining, engineering and chemical industries

  • Naizabekov A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, – Scientific Editor, Innovative University of Eurasia (Kazakhstan);
  • Efremov S., Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan);
  • Yordanova R., Doctor of Sciences, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (Bulgaria);
  • Kasperovich A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Belarusian State Technological University (Belarus);
  • Knapinsky M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Czestochowa University of Technology (Poland);
  • Kuzmin S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Rudnensky Industrial University (Kazakhstan);
  • Panin E., PhD, Karaganda Industrial University (Kazakhstan);
  • Panichkin A., Candidate of technical sciences, Institute of Metallurgy and Enrichment (Kazakhstan).
  • Samodurova M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, South Ural State University (Russia).
  • Krasnoperova E., Candidate of technical sciences – technical secretary, Innovative University of Eurasia (Kazakhstan)

Agricultural, veterinary sciences and food processing

  • Nikitin E., Doctor of Veterinary Sciences – scientific editor, Innovative University of Eurasia (Kazakhstan);
  • Bakhov Zh., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Kazakh Agro-Technical University named after S.Seifullin (Kazakhstan);
  • Bulashev A., Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Kazakh Agro-Technical University named after S.Seifullin (Kazakhstan);
  • Isaeva J., PhD of Agronomy, Innovative University of Eurasia  (Kazakhstan);
  • Mikhalovskiy S., PhD Engineering and Nanotechnology, ANAMAD Ltd. Brighton (UK);
  • Krasnopyorova E., Candidate of technical sciences, Innovative University of Eurasia (Kazakhstan);
  • Kasymbekova L., Сandidate of Veterinary Sciences – technical secretary, Innovative University of Eurasia (Kazakhstan)