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Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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Search results: E.A. Gabbasov

Number of results: 9

Contemporary approaches to assessing the quality of pre-school education

In the article, the authors give a brief overview of approaches about the essence of the concept of "quality of education" in preschool education, as well as justify the need to use in formation and communication technologies in the assessment of the quality of education.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Skills of the owning behavior with crisis situations at pupils of teenage and youthful age

In this article is considers the problem of development of skills in pupils to own difficult life situations in difficult circumstances of modern life. The author considers basic provisions of crisis situations and ways of behavior of pupils in them. The owning behavior of teenagers is considers as the purposeful public behavior allowing the subject to cope with problems (or stresses) by methods adequate to personal features and situations, through intelligent strategy of acts.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Financial support of students at “InEU” LLP

This article examines the mechanisms of financial support for students at Innovative University of Eurasia, the conditions of financial support for students and ways to solve them.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 4(68)

The use of probiotic Clostat in the diet of pigs

This article discusses the use of probiotic Clostat method of adding a dry mixture in the combined feed in its production. This probiotic has a high resistance to enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract of animals, antagonistic activity to pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms. This probiotic normalizes the intestinal microflora, increases the resistance of farm animals. Probiotic Clostet improves the digestion process, which affects positively the transition of weaned piglets on self-catering.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 2(70)

Digitalization of education: pros and cons

The pandemic has given a new impetus to the digitalization of society. Digitalization is one of the most significant trends in our real life, which is actively implemented in the field of education and is rapidly gaining ground in Kyrgyzstan. This article examines the positive and negative aspects of the modern educational environment focused on the systematic use of digital learning technologies. Modern technologies are developing at a great speed. The authors are sure that the process of transition of modern education and in particular the school curriculum to an electronic format is inevitable. This determines the relevance of the topic under consideration. The author determined that when the idea of digitalization comes to life, not only the education system will change, but also its meaning and purpose. A new one has already grown digital generation; new digital technologies have emerged, digital technology has been born economy, educational technologies have changed – digitalization has begun education. How not to confuse digitization and digitalization? What legislation what is the basis for digitalization of education supported by? What are the pros and cons of the digitalization of education? The prospects, pros and cons of digitalization of education are presented in this article. The article discusses the main advantages and disadvantages of digital education. It is concluded that the digitalization of education is a necessary and inevitable step that characterizes the modern social reality, so it is necessary to carefully study all the pros and cons in order to avoid serious problems in the future. Digitalization implies independent study of the material. It will be possible to evaluate all the pros and cons of such a system and its consequences decades later. When the time comes, the entire structure of education will change.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

The main directions of competitive and sustainable development of Pavlodar region

Main problem: The key task of the development of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan is to ensure their sustainable socio-economic development by increasing its competitiveness and innovation activity. To develop a successful strategy, as well as for its subsequent successful implementation, it is necessary to have a clear vision and idea of what the region will be like in the near future. This vision should be clearly formulated and understood by all interested parties in order to properly coordinate efforts in achieving the set goals. In turn, based on the vision, various initiatives and activities are being formed, the implementation of which is aimed at implementing the main directions of sustainable development of the region. Purpose: to consider the main directions of the implementation of the strategy of competitive, sustainable and safe development of the region. Methods: The theoretical and methodological basis was the concepts, hypotheses and theories presented in the works of domestic and foreign researchers. The methodology is based on a systematic approach, within which methods of comparative, factorial, subject-object; structural-functional, statistical analysis and extrapolation have been applied. Results and their significance: In order to ensure the sustainable development of the Pavlodar region in the future, there is a need to form the basis for the creation of new sectors, as well as to consider opportunities to diversify the regional economy. Currently, there is a structural change in jobs, which leads to an increased role of professional services industries in the field of information technology, engineering. It should be noted that the level of development of small, medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurship in the region is at a low level, due to the predominance of resource sectors in the economy. These sectors, due to the peculiarities of the technological process, do not form a system of suppliers around themselves. However, in order to ensure the progressive development of the industrial complex in the region, it is important to create conditions for the development of SMEs in the region and, accordingly, a system of suppliers around leading manufacturing enterprises. The high competitiveness of the Pavlodar region in the future until 2030 will be ensured through the development of priority clusters, as well as through the emergence of new industrial sectors of the economy. Thus, the priority clusters of «today» include: metallurgical cluster, including the production of end products; cluster of railway engineering; agro-food cluster.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

The main directions of improving the process of formation of methodological skills of a future mathematics teacher

Based on the psychological aspect of the concept of "qualification", the article analyzes the main directions of the formation of methodological qualifications of future teachers of mathematics and advanced training in pedagogical universities. It is possible to achieve high-quality teaching of geometric subjects in higher educational institutions by using methodological and meaningful methods in organizing the educational process. The creation of a certain structure of the educational process, the definition of teaching methods and means, the careful selection of subject content were determined by the specific principles of pedagogy. Basically, these principles are the real achievements of modern pedagogy and are constantly changing. The existing system of didactic principles can be gradually changed and expanded The purpose is to choose the main didactic principles and to offer a scientific-methodological basis for improving the methodological preparation of future mathematics teachers in the Pedagogical University for solving and teaching geometrical problems. In this regard, interviews, questionnaires, analysis of the curriculum and its content, as well as discussions with experienced teachers and methodologists in teaching geometry were conducted; pedagogical control and diagnostics of the educational process were carried out. In order to test the effectiveness of the methods proposed by us, pedagogical experiments were carried out. The entire system of training future teachers of mathematics faces new challenges related to the implementation of effective didactic principles for teaching geometry in pedagogical universities. First of all, it is the principle of mastering innovative teaching methods of the future teacher of mathematics and the principle of mastering new pedagogical and information technologies of education. The results of the study can be used as a methodological basis for further research on the professional orientation of teaching mathematics in universities.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)

Electronic Financial Services Market in RK: Problems and Prospects of Development

Main problem: At the present stage of life, Innovations in the financial sector contribute to the optimization of financial intermediation and, in turn, stimulate economic growth. Financial innovations increase the efficiency of the allocation of savings capital to investment capital, as well as increase liquidity in the markets. As the digital economy has developed, the functionality of traditional large financial institutions has been partially replaced by financial technologies (FinTech). FinTech involves the convergence of traditional financial services with mobile services, social media services, big data aggregation and processing, and cloud technologies. Purpose of this article is to identify the main directions of the electronic financial services market in the Republic of Kazakhstan, identify the main problems and prospects for the development of the financial sector of the economy. Methods: The work used general scientific methods of comparative system, vertical and horizontal analysis, structural and functional method, analytical techniques, economic and statistical research methods. The results and their significance: the authors identified the main directions of digitalization of the financial sector of the modern economy, noted the role of FinTech companies and services in both theoretical and practical terms, and provided relevant approaches to the definition of this concept in the economic literature. The main reasons and factors for the development of this direction of digitalization of the financial sector are substantiated, including the concept of financial accessibility, the advantages and disadvantages of FinTech, various approaches to their classification, country and regional characteristics, and an analysis of development trends. The crowdfunding direction of FinTech is noted, approaches to its definition and classification are given, the advantages of the crowdfunding mechanism are revealed, and its role in the modern economy is analyzed. The trend of algorithmic trading development as the most important direction of digitalization of the financial sector is investigated. A detailed analysis of mobile financial services as one of the fastest-growing areas of FinTech is carried out, approaches to their classification are given, factors stimulating the growth of mobile payments, country and regional characteristics are substantiated. The main directions of digitalization of the insurance sector are analyzed, reasonable conclusions about the advantages of InsurTech are made.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)