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Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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Number of results: 13

Formation of spiritual and moral values among pupils through the "Self-knowledge" discipline

In the article, the questions of functioning of "self-knowledge" discipline in the school curriculum, setting goals and tasks in the process of educating the younger generation are considered. Based on the ideas of the spiritual and moral education of students.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

Trends in the development of gender education in higher education in countries of post-Soviet Central Asia

This article identifies the leading development trends of gender education at higher school of the post- Soviet Central Asian countries. Ones relate, firstly, to the legal and regulatory framework for the implementation of gender ideas at higher education. Secondly, trends are related to the conditions for organizing gender training. Thirdly, trends are manifested in scientific activity on gender studies at the universities of the CA countries.

Author: S.N. Grishak
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)

Conceptual sphere in the structure of consciousness

he article presents the results of research on the idea of «conceptosphere» in modern science. The main emphasis is placed on the semantic spheres represented by the meanings of words in the language. The authors conclude how much is the culture of a nation, its folklore, literature, science, fine art, historical experience, and religion is rich, so the concept sphere of the people is richer. In addition, the concept sphere of a person is a field of knowledge made up of concepts as its units. There are reflected the sources of the conceptual unit of ideas from which the world view of the language speaker is formed. The article analyzes the main trends of concepts that form the concept sphere, which enter into correlating relationships, hierarchies with other concepts by their individual characteristics.The specific nature of the system relations of concepts requires research, but the General principle of systematicity undoubtedly applies to the national conceptual sphere, as thinking itself presupposes the categorization of thought objects, and categorization presupposes the ordering of its objects.The article summarizes the conceptual system, which should be considered in terms of mental representations, mental lexicon, and the language of thought that are part of it. The term «cognitive space» also defines an individual cognitive space – a structured set of knowledge and ideas that has any lingual person, every speaker. In their work, the authors highlight the collective cognitive space, represented by a structured set of knowledge and ideas that must be possessed by all individuals belonging to a particul ar society. Attention is paid to the distinction between the concept sphere and the semantic space of the language. According to the authors’opinions, the concept sphere presupposes the existence of a mental sphere. The mental sphere consists of concepts that exist in the form of concepts, diagrams, gestalts, mental pictures, frames, scenarios. The semantic space of a language is that part of the concept sphere that is expressed by means of language signs. The semantic space of language is the subject of co gnitive linguistics research due to the fact that most of the conceptosphere of the human ethnos is represented within the semantic space of language.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Humanities

Development of the student entrepreneurial community at universities
(experience of InEU and ODU)

The main problem: In modern conditions, the development of the student entrepreneurial community, the formation of entrepreneurial skills, support and promotion of start-up projects and ideas increase the competitiveness of future graduates and give them the opportunity to realize their creative and entrepreneurial potential. According to the authors, the implementation of policies in the field of entrepreneurial education, the development of an entrepreneurial ecosystem and entrepreneurial thinking requires the exchange of experience and the study of new approaches and methods of working with students. Therefore, the article discusses the main areas of activity of the Innovative University of Eurasia and the Old Dominion University (USA) for the development of the entrepreneurial community. Purpose: To consider the process of organizing training in the direction of "Entrepreneurship" and to present the opinions of the authors in this direction. Methods: The work used theoretical, experimental, methodological, descriptive and analytical research methods. Results and their significance: The authors conclude that the educational trajectory in the direction of "Entrepreneurship" contributes to the formation of graduates of a new formation, with an active life position, which affects the development of human potential. The role of universities in the development of the entrepreneurial community lies in the implementation of educational activities with an emphasis on developing students' entrepreneurial skills in the process of their education, in improving the quality of education, and developing new forms and methods. Participation in joint projects to build an entrepreneurial community expands the boundaries of internationalization of higher education. Therefore, in this article, the authors try to convey their approaches and methods of work on the formation of the student entrepreneurial community as an important component of the system of entrepreneurial education.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

Unit economics in the youth entrepreneurship sector: principles, methods of implementation

Basic problem: the Republic of Kazakhstan is a platform for implementing innovative projects in all spheres of the economy, providing the younger generation with resource centers, technological parks, agricultural equipment, industrial technologies and scientific and educational complexes. The main goal of such actions is to activate scientific research, increase the technological potential of the industrial sectors of the national economy, and stimulate the development of innovative activities in the field of research and development. The problems of developing an entrepreneurial culture are a cornerstone issue that combines a combination of motivational principles for generating and promoting ideas, activating youth entrepreneurship as the flagship of the future economy, and a complex epidemiological situation in the world that hinders not only the development of entrepreneurship, but also the course of all socio-economic processes in society. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the problems of youth entrepreneurship and find ways to solve them in accordance with the principles and methods of implementation, including the unit economics. Methods: the research Area focuses on economic modeling techniques that are successfully used in international practice to determine the profitability of business models, taking into account the effect of the production of a unit of goods / services or a single client / customer. The implementation of this approach is facilitated by the use of traditional methods of scientific research, such as analysis, comparison, and a graphical method for visualizing the results obtained; quantification method and parametric method as an evaluation tool that allows formalizing the procedure for evaluating the performance of unit economics models. Results and their significance: when considering business models in relation to youth entrepreneurship, attention is paid to the skills and competencies that students who study the disciplines of the entrepreneurial block in higher education receive. The proposed methods of unit economics are actively used in the development and promotion of startups, as an integral part of business plans. It is concluded that youth business has started to play a crucial role in solving socio-economic problems, such as creating new jobs and reducing the unemployment rate, and training qualified personnel. The set of proposed measures provides additional opportunities and increases the influence of youth entrepreneurship, which becomes the basis for unlocking its potential.

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The problem of reason in the philosophy of the Arabic- speaking middle ages. Historical and philosophical aspect

The authors, based on analysis of the philosophy of the Eastern peripatetics, have shown that in the philosophical worldview of the middle ages Arabic magazynowanie there are aspects, which indicate that more needs to trace the Genesis of the problem of reason in Arabic philosophy of the middle ages. The article notes that the world of the XXI century is the world of post-industrial, information society, which constantly raises logical and epistemological problems in the field of science and philosophy. Therefore, there is a need for a critical study of the history of this problem, its Genesis and development to identify positive potential and progressive ideas. In this context, the analysis and study of the problem of reason and logic, the epistemological ideas of al-Kindi, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd of the Arabic-speaking middle ages is not only of historical and philosophical interest, but also of actual significance. In this article, the authors consider the problem of reason in the worldview of representatives of Eastern peripatetism of the medieval Arabic-language philosophy of al-Kindi, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, based on the ideas of Aristotle. The paper presents the historical and philosophical aspect of the problem of reason inherent in the Arabic-speaking middle ages. The cognitive interest of representatives of Eastern peripatetism is connected with philosophy, questions of logic, and the doctrine of reason. Arabic-speaking philosophers in the middle ages were engaged in understanding the epistemological abilities of man, al-Kindi, being the founder of Arabic-speaking philosophy, put forward the idea of types of mind and stages of knowledge. Al-Kindi's positive philosophical ideas were further developed in al-Farabi's worldview. The thinker considered the priority of rational knowledge to be indisputable, in addition, al-Farabi showed an interest in logic, the theory of knowledge and human cognitive abilities. Al-Farabi's philosophy had a significant influence on Ibn Sina's philosophical views. The rationalism of Ibn Sina was also manifested in a very high assessment of logic, the thinker considered logic an introduction to philosophical knowledge. Ibn Rushd in his work developed along the same peripatetic path as his predecessors al-Kindi, al-Farabi, and Ibn Sina. The authors attempt to show that the problem of reason in philosophy and science has its Genesis, associated with the teachings of Eastern peripatetics of the Arabic-speaking middle ages. The teaching of the Arabic-speaking philosophers of the middle ages about the cognitive power of reason, despite the theological context and logical-epistemological limitations, had a progressive role in the history of philosophyd

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Humanities

Modern technologies as a way to solve innovative problems in interior design

The article examines modern technologies that contribute to the implementation of creative design ideas, based on the analysis of modern lighting technology and energy saving factors. It is hypothesized that the goal of modern design in this article is defined as the creation of new space and values, through the renewal of the human environment. The basis for confirming this hypothesis should be the justification for the use of lighting technology and electronicsin solving conceptual and artistic design problems. The scientific research is based on the methodology for making design decisions and ways to open new ways for the implementation of creative imagination and new conceptual solutions of the designer, on the example of designing the interior of a cafe. The author considers and substantiates such terms as intelligent space, interior as a process, integrated lighting systems, informatization of interior space, new methods of decoration, etc. Examples of analysis of design situations from are given the point of view of functional tasks, classification of requirements when making design decisions is substantiated. Lighting technologies in the interior are viewed as a tool that solves a whole range of tasks that combine aesthetic and technological principles of interior shaping. Modern technology is seen as a designer's tool that should be used to understand the role of design as a conduit of scientific advances and innovative technologies to the consumer environment.

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Introducing studentsto the system of national values

The preservation and enhancement of national values – this is the main goal of the work on the implementation of the program"Rukhanizhangyru". Program "Rukhanizhangyru" is a new stage in thehistorical development of modern Kazakhstan. Modernization of the public consciousness of each individual involves the revision of young people's attitude to themselves in order to achieve success in professional activities and consolidate their competitiveness. At the same time, it is important to preserve all the positive experience that has accumulated over the centuries, the characteristics of the people and the country, and education plays a system-forming role in this process. Today, in Kazakhstan and Russia, there is an acute issue of promoting values in the student environment, developing a sense of belonging to the present and past of the Motherland, responsibility for its future, but the potential of the educational space in the implementation of this process is not fully revealed. In the conditions of the changed educational space of these States, the process of forming a new generation of socially active, responsible for the development and preservation of spiritual values of young citizens who have all the values put forward by the States is relevant. The Purpose of this article is to study, analyze and generalize domestic and foreign experiences in the issues of introducing students to the system of national values, revealing the potential of the educational environment in promoting values in the youth environment and strengthening its competitiveness. Methods: methods such as analysis, generalization,and comparison are used, they allowed to reveal the depth and relevance of the problem within the educational space. Results and their significance: domestic and foreign experience in introducing students to the system of national values is Studied and generalized. Educational resources are considered as a guarantee of formation of values of youth, self-determination of each citizen in the conditions of modernization of consciousness.

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Methods of teaching conversational skills, their advantages, disadvantages and overcoming language barriers and anxiety when learning a foreign language

Globalization is an integral part of our life. Therefore, today the relevance of learning foreign languages, in particular English, is beyond doubt, as interest in foreign culture, education, travel, life and work abroad increases. It is known that English is the most widespread international means of communication (including information technology and web space), for most of the population it is the native or state language. This is due to historical, political and geographical prerequisites, as well as socio-economic and cultural development. Proficiency in English opens up great prospects for those who know, but not every person chooses a linguistic direction of study when entering a higher educational institution. Mastering English is a laborious process. In universities of non-linguistic areas, one of the main problems for students is the so-called language anxiety and psychological barriers, especially for those students for whom English is not a core subject or direction of future activity. Overcoming language anxiety and psychological barriers continues to be an urgent issue in pedagogical psychology and the educational process of higher educational institutions. Therefore, the task of the teacher is to create such conditions in his classes so that the student has a desire to learn, develop himself and improve himself. It is necessary to form motivation for conversational skills through psychologically thought-out techniques and methods. The task of the teacher is to direct the student from a conniving and indifferent attitude to study to a conscious and positive attitude. To implement the above, the teacher needs to form the old motives and stimulate new, positive ones. The encouragement of positive manifestations of emotions should be supported, stimulated and helped to realize these emotions by the teacher in the educational process. For example, simple tasks, but at the same time fascinating, the manifestation of sincere emotions in the classroom by the teacher himself and his personal examples inspire students to pronounce their state of mind and experiences. Encouraging and highlighting the activity of students also helps to increase the motivation of learning, especially if they have creative ideas that differ from other fellow students. The purpose of the article is to describe the methods of teaching conversational skills, their advantages and disadvantages and to consider in detail the overcoming of language barriers when learning a foreign language. The methodological basis of the research was the works of such authors as: H.F. Makaev, O.S. Zorkina, V.P. Ipatova, L.V. Barinkova, E.V. Zarubina, E.I. Kaputskaya, E.I. Passov, E.G. Asimov, A.N. Shchukin and others. Critical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the problem, study and generalization of positive experience of teachers; collection of empirical information, experiment, quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The results of the study can be used in the process of developing practical recommendations for psychological work with students in order to increase their motivation to learn a foreign language. In addition, these results can be used by teachers to correct and improve the effectiveness of the educational process.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

The right to education as a component of the effective development of legal culture

The main thesis of the proposed research is that in modern conditions of globalization, the realization of the right of citizens to education is an important and necessary condition for the development of society and the state. The right to education provides everyone with knowledge, skills, the development of creative abilities, guarantees the effective functioning of state and public institutions, national security, maintains stability in society and contributes to the development of a democratic, social rule of law state. The purpose of the study is to develop a holistic concept of constitutional and legal provision of the right to education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account international experience and developing proposals for improving domestic legislation regulating the right to education. The methodological basis is a system of philosophical and ideological approaches, principles, general scientific and special scientific methods that provided an objective analysis of the subject of research. The article substantiates that the state is also interested in ensuring the right to education for everyone, since it is education that creates qualified labor potential, provides training for professional specialists capable of effectively managing public affairs and performing its tasks. In turn, as a rule, an increase in the educational and qualification level of a person is the basis for salary growth, which affects the increase in tax deductions to the state budget, its filling, and therefore leads to economic growth of the state and society as a whole. The effective functioning of the education system in the state contributes to reducing unemployment (pupils, students belong to the category of the employed population), ensuring the vital activity of state institutions, national security, building a social state and establishing stability in society. Special attention in this article is paid to the implementation of scientific analysis of the right to education in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of modern international experience. The article makes a number of new theoretical conclusions and proposals, in particular: the signs of the right to education are classified into general (inherent in all categories of human and civil rights) and special (reveal the peculiarity of the right to education in the system of constitutional rights); the concept and content of the principles of the right to education are defined, what are the fundamental principles, ideas that determine its essence and the general direction of development.

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Heading: Law

The place and role of the teacher in the system of activities

The ideas of accelerated disclosure of the spiritual, intellectual and professional potential of a person have always been occupied by scientists and teachers (Ya.A. Komensky, K.D. Ushinsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, Ya. Korchak, A.S. Makarenko, A. Kunanbayev, Y. Altynsarin and others). Modern innovative teachers are guided by a personality-oriented approach, the ideas of subject-subject relations, and generational cooperation. Georgian teacher Sh. A. Amonashvili wrote: «humanitarian pedagogy perceives the child by his nature. He sees the infinity of the child, understands his cosmic quality and prepares him for the service of humanity throughout his life. It establishes the personality of the child through the determination of his will and builds pedagogical systems, the procedural of which predetermines love, optimism and high spiritual morality. Humanitarian pedagogical thinking seeks to take on something enormous, and this is the power of educational systems and processes that have arisen in its bowels». In order to realize the value of self-disclosure of innovative abilities of students, ensuring the role of a teacher, it is necessary to recognize the intellectual reflexive mechanism of a person as the main subject of Education. The purpose of the article is to identify innovative methods and models of pedagogical activity for the cultivation of innovative abilities of students, which determine the development of the country. The study used methods such as analysis, generalization, synthesis, modeling of scientific sources.

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Information communications in organization management: key aspects and effective strategies

In the modern world, information communications play a crucial role in the management of organizations. The rapid development of information technologies and the availability of broadband Internet create new opportunities for effective information exchange and communication both within the organization and with the external environment. This article discusses the key aspects of information communications in the management of an organization and presents effective strategies and tools for their successful implementation. The purpose of this article is to consider and explain the role and importance of information technologies in the management of organizations, to familiarize with various types of information technologies, their advantages and opportunities in the context of organization management. The main objective of the article is to emphasize how information technologies can improve efficiency, communication efficiency and management decision-making, as well as optimize business processes and create competitive advantages for the organization. When writing this article, the following methods and approaches were used. A review of academic and practical sources related to the use of information technology in the management of organizations was conducted. The study of relevant studies, articles and books allowed us to obtain extensive information about the topic and to back up the statements in the article with factual data and authoritative sources. Various aspects of the use of information technologies in the management of organizations were analyzed, including their advantages, key aspects of implementation and methods of optimizing business processes. As a result of the analytical approach, the main points for inclusion in the article were identified and their significance was substantiated. The information and ideas obtained from the literary analysis and analytical approach were synthesized and combined into a single article. Various aspects of information technology in the management of organizations have been organized into a logical structure to ensure clarity and consistency of presentation. The article highlights the key aspects of information technology implementation, including the need for employee training, strategic communications planning, information flow management and the use of data analytics. Examples of successful application of information technologies in various industries and organizations are given.

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)