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Number of results: 44

To the study of essence of foreign language training of students

Article is devoted to studying the issues of foreign language education and the main approaches to realizing its structure. In this regard the scientific polemic about development of foreign language education and methods of teaching languages is analyzed. Authors recognize the fact that the strategic objective of foreign languages training consists in development of "secondary language personality" properties of the students. In this context the communication of the concept "secondary language personality" with two types of competences that is foreign language and cross-cultural and communicative ones is proved.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

New features of the operating system Microsoft Windows 7 Professional

In the article the authors examine the main features, types, especially operating systems, their main objectives, main functions, rules and content requirements, aesthetic requirements, the main characteristic of components and elements are considered.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)

Тhe main objectives and criteria for socio-economic development of the region

In this work the purposes and criteria of social and economic development of the region are studied. In work long-term and short-term objectives and criteria of economic development of the country corresponding to them are allocated.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)

Deposit policy second-tier banks

This article deals with the deposit policy banks. Determined that the savings accounts are the most diverse and the basis for their classification is the criteria of the sources of contributions, their intended use, the degree of profitability. The focus is on the definition of criteria, goals and objectives. This article can be viewed as the formulation stage for further research in the master's thesis.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)

Students as members of educational quality assurance of the university

This article focuses on identifying the challenges of quality management of the educational process in the university survey conducted by students of the 2nd year of academies Innovation Eurasian University in 2011-2012. The results showed that students are full and objective evaluators of quality of the education. Also, thanks to the survey was to qualitatively improve the educational process.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)
Heading: Humanities

Test gauges as a means of assessing learning achievements of students

The main purpose of the new test materials: tests, test items is an objective assessment of the level of mastery of knowledge , skills and abilities , relevant state general education standards in mathematics and the ability to apply them in real life ( in extracurricular life situations ). The article deals with technology making control gauges in mathematics at the secondary school, is an example of the development of such a meter

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Social sciences

The author’s image in the publicistic text

In this article categories of the author’s image in the modern publicistic text on a material of the regional press are considered in which various methods of author's self-expression are described. The special attention is paid on the main and facultative mechanisms of creation of author's "I" formation in the publicistic text.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Humanities

Main directions, goals and objectives of the industrial policy of Pavlodar region

The main aspects of the industrial policy of Pavlodar region are considered in the article. The principles and prerequisites for the implementation of industrial policy in the region are presented in the article. To accelerate development of the regional economy based on introduction of innovative technologies, problems solution and directions of industrial policy improvement are offered.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)
Heading: Social sciences

Using new generation e-books in high school educational process, including faculty of teachers’ development

The article describes that the effective management of the learning process new textbooks using need to create a model of teacher action. The created model explicitly takes into account the objectives, methods, learning outcomes. With its help solve the problem of the knowledge of the student. And the problem of managing the cognitive activity is settled.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)

Subject-object relations in the management of social work

Theoretical questions of subjective-objective relations in social work are studied and some basic concepts which are connected with social work are explained in this article,also there are the analysis of such concepts as “help”, “social protection”, “social security”, “social service”, “charity”, “social policy”.

Author: R.M. Nurzhanova
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)
Heading: Social sciences

Social advertising as a fragment of social and cultural life of the community

The scientific article gives definitions of such terms as “public service advertising”, “discourse of public service advertising”. It also includes their descriptions, peculiarities and the sphere of their application. The article defines the goals and objectives of public service advertising, analyzes the classification of social advertising. The scientific article analyzes some scientific works of scholars who studied social advertising as communicative phenomenon, as well as the characteristics of social advertising that reflects society’s culture and its life.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)
Heading: Humanities

Differentiate test control at primary school

Education is one of the priority directions in the development of our state. It is impossible to talk about modernization of education without monitoring its quality. The article considers a differentiated approach to learning, the conditions under which this approach can be applied. Two main criteria of the differentiated approach are singled out: level of training and learning ability. The article gives recommendations on the phased implementation of differentiation. Positive and negative parties of different types of control of education quality are also presented. Most objective is the differentiated test control. The article reveals its characteristics, the possibilities of using it in lessons in primary school.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

The modern state and analysis of forming of healthy way of life are in the Republic of Kazakhstan (a case of study of center of forming of healthy way of life of the Akmola region)

In this article, activity of national center of problems of forming of healthy way of life that is sent to forming and stimulation of healthy way of life of citizens and on development of prophylactic and restoration medicine are considered. The role of coordinating councils in process of health care at the level of government, that provide monitoring of realization of socio-economic development of country, including in area of health protection are distinguished in this article. For creation of the effective system of prophylaxis of sociallymeaningful diseases and forming of healthy way of life indicators are certain in a country. Some actions of centers of healthy way of life carry practical character, when specialists render a consultative and practical help to the population. Primary and general objective of the system of health protection of country and in particular in regions this strengthening of health of population, increase of their welfare, forming of the responsibility and skills, sent to maintenance and improvement of health, and also propaganda of healthy way of life.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Demographic processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan and their peculiarities

The presented article examines the demographic processes taking place in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which characterize the demographic situation in Kazakhstan. And also the objectives and tasks of the state, the main of which is the management of demographic processes and development of the effective type of population reproduction are considered. The population policy covers a wide range of problems of reproductivity, the creation of the composition and structure of labor resources and their effective application. In a narrow sense, the demographic policy should be understood as the impact on the reproductivity by means of socio-economic activities that affect the demographic processes. The dramatically limited resources make it impossible to solve the government control problems of socio-demographic processes, employment, and unemployment in the required degree.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)
Heading: Social sciences

Formation and development of the educational system in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The article deals with the basic concepts of the formation and development of higher education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As well as the policies of redistribution of responsibilities of management in higher education system and its gradual decentralization that will not only distribute power and responsibility, but also introduce a more democratic form of government. Expand the autonomy institutions of higher education and ensure active public participation in the management of higher education institutions and the quality of its educational programs. One of the fundamental factors is to attract students to identify the competencies of employers, academic communities, graduates. Learning objectives at the same time should be determined in accordance with the professional requirements of the labor market.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)
Heading: Social sciences

The impact of the psychological profile of a college graduate on learning objectives

Psychological profile of College graduates is a set of interrelated personal characteristics that contribute to professional and personal development and allow to predict the degree of adaptation of graduates to the conditions of professional activity. The problem of professional demand for College graduates necessitates the training of specialists showing social maturity, the ability to adapt to the labor market, readiness for professional development. The influence of the psychological profile of a College graduate on the goals of teaching depends on various factors not only of the education system, but also of society as a whole. In this process, the main role belongs to the educational environment of the College. Therefore, one of the main conditions for the successful professional and personal development of the student during the years of study is the creation of a favorable psychological environment in the College for the realization of their intellectual and personal potential.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 2(70)

The essence of tax policy and its role in government regulation of the economy

Tax policy is an integral part of the socio-economic policy of the state, which is focused on strengthening the economic situation of the country and regions, economic development, harmonization of the interests of the economy and society. The article summarizes the approaches to the definition of the essence of tax policy, its role in the state regulation of the economy, as well as the goals, objectives and methods of tax policy at the current stage

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

Didactic aspects purpose in teaching natural knowledge

The article proposes a solution to the problem of goal-setting from the standpoint of activity and competency-based approaches. Concrete formulations of the goals and objectives of the academic disciplines "Methodology of Teaching Natural Sciences" and the school course "Natural Sciences" are given. The choice of these disciplines to illustrate examples of the formulation of the learning goal is determined by their specificity. Since in the course of “Natural Sciences”, students should learn the initial concepts of natural sciences (biology, geography, ecology, human physiology, history of society, etc.), the proposed examples of the wording of the goals and objectives of science lessons will help, according to the authors, teachers and other specialists in the field of education to formulate, by analogy, the goals of disciplines from other areas of science. The specificity of the school course "Natural Sciences" determines the specifics of the theory and technology of teaching this discipline. The wordings of the goals and objectives of the course “Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences” proposed by the authors are developed in accordance with the goals and objectives of the school discipline “Natural Sciences” in compliance with the logic of presentation, a sufficient degree of validity and convincing conclusions, as well as taking into account the specifics of the subject and the didactic principle of continuity.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

Extraction of non-ferrous metals from dusts of converter steel-melting production

In the article presents the results of studies on the effect of temperature and pressure on the chloride sublimation of zinc and lead from converter dusts of steel production. Currently, an objective necessity is the development of dust utilization technologies for converter steel production, with its further use in production and production of by-products. The use of dust allows not only to save natural raw materials, but also increases production efficiency and improves the environmental situation. The content of non-ferrous metals in dusts makes it difficult to process and use them in agglomeration or in blast furnace production, while the iron content in converter dusts (sludges) makes it possible to use them as promising metallurgical raw materials. Therefore, for a more complete processing of dusts, extraction of non-ferrous metals from them is proposed. The purpose of this work was to determine the possibility of extracting zinc and lead from sludges of the converter production by the method of chloride sublimation. We used dust containing: 86,3 % Fe2O3, 3,5 % FeO, 0,9 % Al2O3, 1,6 % CaO, 0,9 % MgO, 1,1 % MnO, 0,8 % SiO2, 4,4 % ZnO, 0,5 % PbO. The study was conducted in the temperature range 200-1600 degrees C and pressures of 0,01; 0,1 and 1 bar based on a complete thermodynamic analysis using the HSC – 5.1 software package. Finnish metallurgical company Outokumpu, based on the principle of minimum Gibbs energy. According to the results of the studies, it was found that, at normal pressure, lead chloride sublimationbegins at a temperature of 600 degrees С, and zinc - at 900 degrees С: a decrease in pressure to 0,01 bar reduces the temperature to 500 degrees С and 700 degrees С, respectively; lead chloride sublimation under equal conditions is more complete than zinc; To achieve zinc chloride distillation at the level of 90-96 %, the process must be carried out at 1145-1200 degrees С and pressure from logP = -2 to 1,2 bar, while the degree of lead chloride distillation is 99,8-100 %.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Mathematical modeling of the results of experimental studies of the influence of the type and dose of cheese melting salt on the qualitative indicators of melted cheeses

The article is devoted to the mathematical modulation of a complex of experimental data obtained in the process of experimental studies of processed cheese products, processed by mathematical methods. The purpose of this study is to establish the type and amount of the melting salt that promotes the formation of the plastic structure of the processed cheese product. The analysis of scientific research in the field of food technologies showed that mathematical modeling is used in the following areas: clarification of the modes of technological processes, design of recipes and assessment of the quality of finished products, as well as forecasting the shelf life of new products when they are put into production. The most relevant in describing the processes of food production are models of multivariate variance-regression analysis using methods of mathematical planning of the experiment. The authors carried out mathematical modeling and established graphical dependencies characterizing the degree of influence of the regulated factors X1 and X2 on the controlled ones that determine the quality and safety of processed cheese products. It is important that the mathematical analysis of the graphical dependences of the rheological parameters on the adjustable factors indicates the reliability of the data obtained. It is concluded that an increase in the melting salt dose leads to an increase in the – limit shear stress, which reflects the nature and state of the consistency of the processed cheese product. The process of normalization of the controlled factors by the maximum value was carried out. Graphical dependencies were built and regression analysis was performed, the results of which allow an objective assessment of the degree of influence of the type and dose of the melting salt on the chemical and organoleptic characteristics of the test products. The authors have proven that the optimal efficiency of transforming the structure of the constituent components of the recipe into a plastic structure of a processed cheese product that is stable during storage is provided by a combination of adjustable factors X1 (Solva 85) and X2 (Solva 120) taken in a ratio of 1: 1, with a total amount of 1,2 mas.%. At the same time, the quality indicators of the experimental products are characterized by the following values of the controlled factors: У1 – 1280 Pa; У2 – 9 points, У3 – 9,301 (2,0-2,2109 colony forming units /g).

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

Criminal law protection of personal freedom in Kazakhstan: grounds and principles of criminalization of encroachments

In this article, the author examines the grounds and principles of criminalization of encroachments against the personal freedom of a person and a citizen. The purpose of this study is to analyze the legal validity of criminalization of acts that infringe on personal freedom. The article emphasizes that the criminalization of socially dangerous acts taking place in society plays a leading role among the means of influencing crime. In the practice of developing criminal legislation, there are many examples when previously unpunished criminal acts were later recognized as a crime at the legislative level. The methodological basis of the research is based on traditional general scientific and special legal methods: system-structural, historical-legal and comparative-legal. The researcher notes that the need to criminalize crimes against personal freedom is primarily due to the following reasons: a high degree of public danger; negative dynamics of these acts; the existence of conditions for committing these crimes that cannot be eliminated without criminal liability; the need for a criminal law guarantee of protection of constitutional rights and legislative provisions; the existence of international legal obligations of the state to counteract the acts in question. Subsequently, the article makes a reasonable conclusion that in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in fact, there were and is currently objective grounds that prompted the legislator to criminalize attacks on personal freedom. The author refers to the principles of criminalization of acts against personal freedom: legal and criminological (the possibility of influencing socially dangerous acts through criminal law measures; the procedural feasibility of prosecution; the principle of proportionality of sanctions and economy of repression); socio-economic (the significant nature of the material and moral harm caused by the crime; the advantage of positive consequences over negative ones; the availability of material resources for the implementation of the criminal law ban; ); socio-psychological (sufficient level of public legal awareness and psychology; historical traditions). In the article, the author concludes that the Kazakh legislator really had every reason to criminalize acts against personal freedom. At the same time, it is emphasized that despite the relative regularity of criminal law acts that infringe on personal freedom, the legal regulation of criminal liability for them still requires further improvement.

Author: M.S. Akishev
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)
Heading: Law

Modern lexicography: trends and directions of development

The article examines the state and directions of development of modern Kazakh lexicography. The goals, objectives and possibilities of modern branches of lexicography are determined; the scientific-theoretical and practical foundations of compiling dictionaries are described. The development of the theory and practice of lexicography is due to such needs as the recognition of lexicography as a separate area of linguistics, the development of a theoretical basis for the creation of dictionaries, a general typology of dictionaries, the definition of the macro - and microstructure of dictionaries. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to summarize the experience of Kazakh lexicography, to identify its general theoretical problems, directions of development, to show its place in linguistic science. The study used a descriptive method, analysis and synthesis methods. A brief overview of scientific works is made, which study general theoretical and practical problems of Kazakh lexicography, research on the history of Kazakh lexicography, as well as works that consider the experience and scientific foundations of compiling dictionaries. The authors note the importance of the theory of lexicography in creating dictionaries, improving their quality, choosing the basic principles when sorting vocabulary units in a dictionary, the peculiarities of their functioning, the quantitative and qualitative composition of linguistic units to be included in the corresponding type of dictionary according to the subject of research, denote the theoretical and practical problems of Kazakh lexicography, scientific and theoretical foundations for creating dictionaries of the Kazakh language, determine the scientific, theoretical and practically applied aspects of modern lexicography as a science of language. Pointing to the importance of studying the scientific foundations of compiling dictionaries, their composition and structural features, both from a purely scientific point of view, and from the point of view of the implementation of state programs aimed at the development of the Kazakh language, the authors of the article conclude that the patterns and quality of compiling dictionaries directly depend on the basic functions of the language in modern society. The state of affairs in modern lexicography makes it possible to talk about the allocation of general lexicography, which studies the properties inherent in any dictionary, and particular sections of lexicography (educational, terminological, onomastic, etc.). General lexicography should establish common (or statistically dominant) features of all dictionaries using typology, as well as explore the general patterns of functioning and use of dictionaries. Private lexicography should contain sections that study the internal structure of this type of dictionary and methods for its creation; history of this type of dictionary; purpose and addressee of this type of dictionary. Therefore, experts in the field of lexicography believe that the prospects for the further development of lexicography are seen in the improvement of existing and creation of new types of dictionaries, the emergence of complex dictionaries and the computerization of lexicographic activities.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Humanities

The main directions of economic development of the region through the prism of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has brought about a new economic reality, to which every economic entity must adapt, regardless of the scale: within a region, a country, or the whole world. The article examines the regional economic mechanism in the context of the pandemic in the context of the interaction of the market mechanism of self-development and the control influence of the regional authorities. The destabilization of the economic situation in the regions as a result of the pandemic and related restrictions poses the problem of revising the main directions of regional policy To achieve the set goals and objectives, the general methods of empirical and theoretical research were used: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalization, description. Three spheres play a key role in the economy of Pavlodar region: industry, trade and transport. Just how to remain positive dynamics in terms of industrial production and maintained the services will depend on the development of the region, the main indicators which are discussed in this article through the prism of the events in the context of the pandemic. The necessary health measures taken in response to the pandemic have led to a severe reduction in mobility and are accompanied by high economic costs. The quarantine measures have had a direct impact on businesses, especially microbusinesses. To support this sector, tax incentives were provided, lending was expanded, and measures were taken to further facilitate the business environment. The article reflects only a small list of issues that required changes in the economic mechanism in the context of the pandemic and the introduction of restrictive measures, as well as the strengthening of the influence of external control on the economy. At the same time, the state as whole and individual regions, taking into account their potential and the actual situation in the economy, need to find an optimal balance between the prohibitions and restrictions imposed to ensure the safety of human health and the preservation of the economy in a functional mode, work and income of employees. This problem of finding a balance between prohibitive and permissive measures requires further analysis. At the same time, the state needs to develop and apply tools of a systematic nature, focused on the long term.

Author: Z.A. Arynova
Year of release:
Number of the journal:

Some aspects of justification of acceptable risk levels in oil refineries

Currently, the problems of environmental safety are facing society. The industry develops every year. In this critical economic situation, the oil industry is a stimulant for the economic sector in Azerbaijan. The level of development of this industry is also relevant due to other reasons: sociological, technological and features of the economy of Azerbaijan. The production activity of oil processing, concentrating harmful substances and energy, is a source of man-made danger and pollution of the natural environment. The risk management process mainly consists of three stages - risk safety analysis, risk assessment, which is carried out in comparison of calculated and actual risk levels, the so-called acceptable risk levels and the adoption of appropriate regulations and management decisions. One of the factors that should be taken into account when assessing risk and safety is to determine the necessary costs. Since these costs are paid directly to the company, they try to minimize them as much as possible, which reduce the accuracy of risk assessment. One of the objectives of the study is to determine the optimal value of the necessary costs. It is established that the less reliable the method, the lower is the cost of its implementation. The methodological basis of the work was scientific works on these problems of scientists-economists, mathematicians on safety and risk assessment at industrial enterprises. When developing the presented methodology, computational algorithms developed by Dow Chemical were used. This company has collected a large volume of material on accident statistics, taking into account damages. Based on the obtained and experimentally verified data, a system of indices has been developed, an assessment of various indicators for qualitative and quantitative risk assessment of oil refineries. The analysis of the technogenic danger of oil refineries makes it possible to determine ecological and economic losses and choose rational possibilities of acceptable risk. The required costs, depending on the level of risk, are determined based on an increase in the accuracy of calculating the probability of occurrence of the cause of risks. The article examines the relationship between the expected level of risk and economic losses during oil refining in separate technological units, which allow determining the required level of risk and the expected economic damage.

Author: Kh.B. Gulieva
Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 4(84)

Key factors for ensuring sustainable development of rural regions of Kazakhstan

Main problem: Currently, there are various socio-economic and environmental problems in the development of rural regions, among the key ones: access to basic services, lack of transport connectivity, inadequate social, housing infrastructure, and others. Achieving sustainable development of the territory is one of the important priorities, which is of great importance for any state. Sustainable development is understood as harmonious development from the perspective of the economy, social sphere and ecology. At the same time, the sustainable development of socio-economic and natural systems is not possible if many factors and conditions are not taken into account that can directly affect the current state and long-term sustainability of their functioning and interference is not created on these processes within the framework of the implementation of various policies by the state. Purpose: In this regard, the purpose of this study is to identify and study the key factors that determine and contribute to the balanced development of rural regions of the country in the context of sustainable development goals and objectives. Methods: Empirical methods of economic cognition, methods of induction and deduction, synthesis, as well as logical methods were used in the framework of scientific research. Results and their significance: When classifying significant factors that influence the formation of sustainable rural development, it is necessary to take into account an essential feature of sustainable development – a harmonious combination of economic, social and environmental components of social development. Taking into account the logic of this study, based on the variety of factors contributing to the sustainable development of rural a reas, their systematization has been carried out.

Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 4(84)

Ways to improve the skills and abilities of oral speech of primary schoolchildren using interactive cognitive strategies

The article discusses ways to improve the oral and speech skills of primary school students, where the primary role is given to interactive strategies aimed at organizing the optimal interaction of students with other subjects of the educational process in a communicative educational environment. Currently, the main criteria and indicators of the methodology for the development of foreign language communicative competence of schoolchildren have changed, the basic basis of the system of techniques and methods of teaching English to primary schoolchildren based on the use of interactive cognitive strategies. The authors call a complex of exercises of a receptive, productive and productive-creative nature, which is consistently implemented at all stages of the corresponding technology: motivational-stimulating, informational, analytical, actualization, productive, creative, analytical and evaluative. The article describes their influence on the development of language competencies and creative abilities of primary schoolchildren. The authors note that the motivational-stimulating, informational, analytical stages, the stage of actualization, as well as the productive, creative, analytical-evaluative stages, provide for the involvement of students in joint activities to master the content of cognitive problems in English, it presupposes the interiorization of communicative skills by younger students in accordance with with the accepted norms of interaction, the organization of the development of oral speech in English lessons in the lower grades based on the use of interactive cognitive strategies in accordance with the level of their linguistic and sociocultural knowledge, skills and abilities. To study various approaches in the development of oral and speech skills in lower grades based on interactive cognitive strategies, analysis of a set of tasks and exercises at different stages of the formation of oral and speech competence in lower grades using interactive cognitive strategies, goals and objectives of the practical application of interactive cognitive strategies when teaching foreign language communication, the contradictions between social expectations and the objective need for educational practice in the creation and implementation of a special methodology for the development of oral speech in primary grades based on the use of interactive cognitive strategies. Methods: during the study, a descriptive method, methods of systematization, analysis, interpretation were used. The authors of the article note that the integration of communicative activity in a foreign language with project, research, musical, visual, subject, literary and creative is of great importance for the comprehensive development of the skills and abilities of oral speech of primary school students when using interactive cognitive strategies. The developed training model for the development of oral and speech skills in the lower grades on the basis of interactive cognitive strategies (goal, objectives, approaches, principles, content, technology, means, performance criteria, conditions for implementation) contributes to the development of communication skills and linguistic competencies in the process of mastering foreign language students of elementary grades.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Foreign experience in the provision of social services

In the implementation of social policy, the most common practice in foreign countries is the payment of a part of the cost of the service by the recipients of social services. However, this decision raises some doubts. After all, these services are for members of the public who are unable to take care of themselves and generally cannot earn a living. On the other hand, when the state bears the costs, there is a risk of overconsumption. The decision on the extent to which a beneficiary of a social care service should share in the costs of social services depends on a variety of factors: criteria for social justice in the country and perceptions of social justice (for example, public opinion about whether unpaid social care services should be provided to all or only the poor), from a group of people in need of social care (social care services for children from social risk groups, especially for people with severe disabilities, are usually free of charge), from the economic ability of the state to provide free social services, etc. The purpose is to study the positive foreign experience in the provision of social services in modern conditions. Determine the role of the state as the dominant body in the implementation of social policy. The study is based on the principles of a systematic approach. Also, when writing the article, the dialectical method of cognition, the methods of scientific generalization and classification, the method of comparative analysis were used. Systematization and generalization of foreign experience in the provision of social services, taking into account the definition of its main goals and objectives, show that the changes taking place in the field of social protection in developed countries over the past two decades already indicate that the model of organizing social assistance, based on the dominance of market relations, operates in many countries. Under the hierarchical model, the organization of social services is based on a vertical division of responsibility and state functions, and the state has a monopoly on providing social care services and funding state or non-state care institutions. However, in recent decades, social assistance services have already been purchased from market participants and funded not by the state, but by the person in need of social assistance. However, such a market is not pure, since the state is involved in both the purchase and pricing of the service.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

HR Strategy and HR Policy as a management system tool based on Kazakhstan companies’ experience

One of the management concerns of the progressive development of a modern organization is the efficiency of its HR potential. This concern is often resolved to quality issues of training graduates, inefficient labor market regulation, both at public level and regional one. These factors, external to the organization, positively impact the effectiveness of its activities, but today the government and business environment have already formed the tools to address this problem. However, there are also a number of inner concerns in HR management based on non-exact coordination and balanced HR Strategy, its orientation, goals and objectives and the company’s strategy. But only in this situation, both HR Strategy and HR Policy, more specifically, can become an effective tool for HR management as part of the company’s strategic development objectives. The purpose is to study and make a comparative analysis for supporting HR Policy of a number of major Kazakhstan companies, to analyze the relationship and coordination of companies’ HR Policy with their general strategy. We used classic methods, such as analysis, comparison, description, generalization, justification, etc., while preparing the paper and rationalizing the problem studied in it. As to this paper, based on materials of major companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the authors study and identify the content of HR Strategy and HR Policy as the main factors of domestic employers’ approach to HR management issues. The analysis proves the multi-vector approaches of Kazakhstan organizations to the formation and HR development. It seems also obvious that HR Policy of Kazakhstan companies has been and remains highly situational manner providing rationale to solve some or other HR problems related to dynamics of market situations and dynamics of goals and objectives for their development. The authors emphasize that the effectiveness of HR management and the HR Policy one of the organization requires a clear comprehension of the position and relevance of HR in organization. Honestly, this comprehension will be mainly governed by such factors as ownership, industry aspects, productivity levels, buoyancy rate of technologies used and the market of products or services sold by the organization. It is highly important that this comprehension is embodied properly in HR Strategy and HR Policy of the organization and is balanced with its market development strategy.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Problematic issues on the formation and use of the budget of the Pavlodar region and ways to solve them

The sustainable socio-economic development of the regions is determined by a number of factors, including the implementation of an effective budget policy, which plays a special role for the performance of social functions, regulating Inter-level organizational relations, strengthening the economic and financial independence of the regions.Effective management of budget policy makes it possible to purposefully use the mechanisms of budget regulation at all levels of management. At the same time, it involves the implementation of a number of functions, of which the control function is the most important. In the system of economic relations, it is assigned to a specialized financial body – the Treasury. Topical tasks are: regulation of budget flows in the region, strengthening control over the receipt and targeted use of budget funds; improving inter-budgetary relations; increase the revenue base of budgets by increasing their collection; etc. In the process of solving these tasks, a number of managerial, organizational and methodological problems arise, the solution of which contributes to improving the effectiveness of the budget policy of the region and, as a result, its economic development. Objective - to study the regional specifics of the implementation of budget policy in terms of the formation and execution of local budgets on the example of the Pavlodar budget, identify the existing problems in the region and determine the directions for improving the budget process. The methodological basis of the study is formed by general scientific and special methods of cognition: analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, historical, logical, structural-functional and comparative analysis, as well as individual scientific methods: statistical-economic and computational-analytical. The formation of the local budget is carried out through the application of a single methodology, a single budget legislation and orientation to the Strategic Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025, developed for the implementation of the main document of the state planning system for the medium – term period-the long-term development strategy of Kazakhstan until 2050. The implementation of all the tasks set out in the strategic development plans of the Republic will begin at the level of local budgets. The solution of State tasks is guaranteed, first of all, to meet the needs of the population at the local level. The role of regions in the entire process of reproduction cannot be overestimated, so the independence, flexibility and high degree of efficiency of using budget funds at the local level is the key to the successful development of society, production and business in any territory.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

Optimization of the distribution of spent stages to the fall zones of launch vehicles of the Baikonur Cosmodrome

An analysis of the mechanical, chemical and pyrogenic impact of the Baikonur Cosmodrome on the environment showed the presence of man-made impacts of the first stages (FS) used on the ecosystems of the impact zones (IZ). This article presents the concept of a controlled landing of spent launch vehicles with liquid rocket engines (LRE) in the expected zones of damage to the ecosystems of the area while maintaining the energy-optimal launch scenario of the launch vehicle. Purpose of the article - development of effective technologies for reducing the anthropogenic impact during launches of promising rockets from the Baikonur Cosmodrome based on theoretical and experimental studies of innovative technologies: reducing the area of impact of parts from launch vehicles; fire and explosion safety, no danger of rocket launchers; controlled descent of used first stages; To solve the problem, it is proposed to create an additional IASM, which will be included in the environmental management system of the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Possible design solutions are proposed based on the evaporation of untreated liquid waste from the tanks of separated parts, their fire and explosion safety, and the use of the obtained vapor-gas mixtures for controlled unloading of separated parts while moving along the landing trajectory to the optimal area. The authors of the article have developed evaluation criteria that characterize the main environmental indicators of the studied areas: fire hazard, soil cover and impact on vegetation are studied for inclusion in the IASM. There are objective requirements and basic rules for the creation of HIASM, which is an integral part of the environmental management system of the cosmodrome.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

The right to education as a component of the effective development of legal culture

The main thesis of the proposed research is that in modern conditions of globalization, the realization of the right of citizens to education is an important and necessary condition for the development of society and the state. The right to education provides everyone with knowledge, skills, the development of creative abilities, guarantees the effective functioning of state and public institutions, national security, maintains stability in society and contributes to the development of a democratic, social rule of law state. The purpose of the study is to develop a holistic concept of constitutional and legal provision of the right to education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account international experience and developing proposals for improving domestic legislation regulating the right to education. The methodological basis is a system of philosophical and ideological approaches, principles, general scientific and special scientific methods that provided an objective analysis of the subject of research. The article substantiates that the state is also interested in ensuring the right to education for everyone, since it is education that creates qualified labor potential, provides training for professional specialists capable of effectively managing public affairs and performing its tasks. In turn, as a rule, an increase in the educational and qualification level of a person is the basis for salary growth, which affects the increase in tax deductions to the state budget, its filling, and therefore leads to economic growth of the state and society as a whole. The effective functioning of the education system in the state contributes to reducing unemployment (pupils, students belong to the category of the employed population), ensuring the vital activity of state institutions, national security, building a social state and establishing stability in society. Special attention in this article is paid to the implementation of scientific analysis of the right to education in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of modern international experience. The article makes a number of new theoretical conclusions and proposals, in particular: the signs of the right to education are classified into general (inherent in all categories of human and civil rights) and special (reveal the peculiarity of the right to education in the system of constitutional rights); the concept and content of the principles of the right to education are defined, what are the fundamental principles, ideas that determine its essence and the general direction of development.

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Heading: Law

Mathematical modeling of experimental data in the design of formulas for dairy products

Main problem: the article is devoted to the issue of designing basic recipes for dairy products using mathematical modeling methods. The author analyzed the problems in the field of food technology and concluded that mathematical modeling is used in the following areas: clarification of technological process modes, designing recipes and assessing the quality of finished products, as well as predicting the shelf life of new products when they are put into production. The use of dihydroquercetin as a drug that prevents the oxidation of milk fat in the design of dairy products is substantiated. Mathematical modeling was carried out on the basis of experimental and analytical material obtained in laboratory and production conditions. Based on the maximum value of the objective functions, the optimal normalized mixtures and the maximum allowable concentration of dihydroquercetin were selected. The analysis of the received mathematical dependences and models is carried out, the system of linear equations is made. Purpose: to study the effect of natural bioflavonoid antioxidant on the oxidative processes of milk fat and the viability of lactic acid cultures and their associations by mathematical modeling in order to use it in the technology of a new product; conduct an analysis of mathematical dependencies and models, compose a system of linear equations. Methods: the article uses the method of mathematical analysis and the matrix method. Results and their significance: a mathematical model was developed for the dependence of the viability of probiotic cultures on the mass fraction of dihydroquercetin when designing recipes for a creamy-protein curd product, a matrix of the chemical composition of dairy ingredients was presented, and a system of linear equations for basic recipes was compiled. In the course of the study, the spatial configurations of dihydroquercetin, as well as its effect on the oxidative processes of milk fat, were studied. Mathematical modeling of experimental data on the study of the effect of dihydroquercetin on the viability of microorganisms with probiotic properties was carried out. The normalization of the complex of obtained results on the study of the influence of the mass fraction of dihydroquercetin on the fermentation process was studied. Controlled factors characterizing the process of fermentation of model media with dihydroquercetin have been determined. A rationing of the dihydroquercetin complex of more than 0.50% was established; the target function decreases to its minimum value of 0.53 with a mass fraction of dihydroquercetin of 1.00%.

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The ways of sustainable development of supporting rural areas

Main problem: achievement of socio-economic sustainability in each locality depends on coordinated actions of executive and representative authorities, which should be focused on creating appropriate conditions for ensuring social standards and improving quality of life of rural population, as well as the development of main economic basis – agricultural production. In this context, in today’s reality, the urgent problem of sustainable development of rural settlements is provision of appropriate industrial and social infrastructure, because systemic development of rural regions depends on this rural infrastructure, which acts as an element of territorial socio-economic subsystem. Purpose: identification and studying of key factors that determines and contributes to balanced development of industrial and social infrastructure of rural regions of country in context of sustainable development goals and objectives. According to the results of the study, the main distinctive features of sustainable development of rural areas are determined due to the provision of industrial and social infrastructure of rural regions, which has a correlation with the level and quality of life of the rural population, as well as the final results of agricultural production. Methods: general methodological principles, systematic approach and empirical methods of economic cognition act as methodological basis for implementation of this study: economic and statistical models, forecasting and modeling, methods of induction and deduction, synthesis, and also logical methods. Results and their significance: results of research can be used as a practical basis in activity of local executive bodies and local self-government bodies. Their use is possible for scientific substantiation of development and implementation of comprehensive plans for development of industrial and social infrastructure of rural areas of region within framework of Regional Development Plan, focused on qualitative improvement of economic basis of villages and the well-being of all segments of rural population.

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Features of voluntary refusal depending on the construction of the corpus delicti

In recent years, the Republic of Kazakhstan has maintained an ambiguous criminal situation, and there is an increase in certain types of crimes, against the background of the overall positive dynamics of decline. Special attention of criminologists has recently been attracted to the study of crimes in the family and household sphere, and crimes committed in the sphere of religious and spiritual relations, since both of these types are showing increasing prevalence. Therefore, considering such an important institution as a «voluntary refusal», it would be advisable to consider them from the perspective of the offenses we have named, especially since countering them is one of the main directions of state criminal policy. In general, the study of the institution of voluntary refusal to commit an offense is based not only on coercive measures, but also on incentive measures, which means the opportunity to correct the behavior of the offender until the end of the illegal act. The purpose of this scientific article is to study the features of voluntary refusal to commit a criminal offense in crimes committed in the sphere of religious, spiritual and family-household relations, taking into account practice and making recommendations for improving regulations of a criminal nature. The leading methodological tools of the scientific article are dialectical, phenomenological, synergetic and systematic approaches of scientific cognition. Before proceeding to the analysis of the concept of voluntary refusal, it should be noted that the norms about it are far from perfect. There is no unambiguous understanding of the signs of voluntary refusal among scientists, which complicates law enforcement practice. One of the most important tasks of any scientific research is the development of scientific concepts. The consolidation of such concepts in legislation is an effective way to establish a uniform understanding of the norms, a clear idea of their content and, as a result, an increase in the effectiveness of the impact of criminal law in the process of legal regulation. However, these concepts themselves do not reflect reality like contemplation or representation, they are closer to the essence of the phenomenon. The article concludes that the essential features of the concept itself somewhat narrow the objective reality. But, at the same time, the correct identification of the main features in the concept is an important task of scientific research.

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Heading: Law

Attorney-client privilege in criminal proceedings: problems of ensuring and implementing

The bar as an institution of civil society ensures the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, guarantees fair justice. A lawyer has long been called a defender – who protects a person, his or her rights and legitimate interests. In the legal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, attorney-client privilege is considered as a moral and ethical problem at the level of self-governing structures of the bar. The lack of sufficient scientific and theoretical research on the problems of attorney-client privilege, the uncertainty of the status of the bar both in the system of the Institute of defense and justice itself lead to the unsettled legal status of attorney-client privilege, which also determines the relevance of the topic of scientific research. The purpose of the study is a historical and legal analysis of the content of "attorney-client privilege"; identification of gaps in the legal regulation of the concept, content and guarantees of attorney-client privilege, taking into account the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international legal acts in the field of human rights; identification of ways to solve problematic issues of ensuring attorney-client privilege. The methodological basis is a set of general scientific and philosophical methods that made it possible to disclose the subject of research and achieve the goal. The article substantiates a number of theses: attorney-client secrecy is considered on the basis of quantitative and qualitative methods of law analysis and a broad base of moral, ethical, historical and legal problems of protecting human and civil rights and freedoms; attorney-client secrecy and the problems of advocacy are considered in the system of social and, in particular, legal institutions as a process of institutionalization in general. In other words, the need for objective knowledge of public relations is actualized, the main element of which is legal relations, and a specific area is secrecy; the system of legal relations that arise in connection with the need to observe attorney-client confidentiality, the system of legal support of attorney-client confidentiality for the successful implementation of their activities by lawyers and to increase confidence in the lawyer in the state is analyzed.

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Heading: Law

Information communications in organization management: key aspects and effective strategies

In the modern world, information communications play a crucial role in the management of organizations. The rapid development of information technologies and the availability of broadband Internet create new opportunities for effective information exchange and communication both within the organization and with the external environment. This article discusses the key aspects of information communications in the management of an organization and presents effective strategies and tools for their successful implementation. The purpose of this article is to consider and explain the role and importance of information technologies in the management of organizations, to familiarize with various types of information technologies, their advantages and opportunities in the context of organization management. The main objective of the article is to emphasize how information technologies can improve efficiency, communication efficiency and management decision-making, as well as optimize business processes and create competitive advantages for the organization. When writing this article, the following methods and approaches were used. A review of academic and practical sources related to the use of information technology in the management of organizations was conducted. The study of relevant studies, articles and books allowed us to obtain extensive information about the topic and to back up the statements in the article with factual data and authoritative sources. Various aspects of the use of information technologies in the management of organizations were analyzed, including their advantages, key aspects of implementation and methods of optimizing business processes. As a result of the analytical approach, the main points for inclusion in the article were identified and their significance was substantiated. The information and ideas obtained from the literary analysis and analytical approach were synthesized and combined into a single article. Various aspects of information technology in the management of organizations have been organized into a logical structure to ensure clarity and consistency of presentation. The article highlights the key aspects of information technology implementation, including the need for employee training, strategic communications planning, information flow management and the use of data analytics. Examples of successful application of information technologies in various industries and organizations are given.

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

Research competence as one of the components of the system of key competencies

The main problem is that the study of research competence does not lose its relevance nowadays, but on the contrary, requires special attention of teachers of secondary schools. The main subject of the study is teaching students research skills to the most effective methods of mastering key competencies. Objective: the role of research competence in the learning process of students. Methods: analysis, synthesis and comparative analysis are the main research methods. Results and their significance: as a result, the concept of "research competence" was studied. Various views on this idea are considered. In the last ten years, the program of socio-economic development of Kazakhstan has determined the main directions of the development of the system of education of students. The research has both theoretical and practical significance, since its results can be used in the development of programs and methods for the development of research competence in biology lessons.

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Digitalization of accounting and its impact on the activities of small and medium-sized businesses

Main problem: For several years, the state has been trying to reduce bureaucratic processes with entrepreneurs, make accounting transparent, reliable and with less labor costs. At the moment, without digitalization in accounting, it is impossible to predict the further development of trade and economic relations in general, since it significantly affects the sale, movement and shipment of goods. The gradual transition of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the path of digitalization can be considered the most important condition for the development of both the country’s economy and the Eurasian Economic Union. Digital inspection is the process of monitoring goods using digital systems, which helps reduce the risk of human error. In the context of digitalization, work with documentation should be structured in such a way that access to them is ensured throughout the entire limitation period, thereby facilitating the taxpayer in making the right economic decisions. The purpose of this article is to consider the gradual integration of digitalization into the field of accounting for both small and medium-sized businesses, and also to consider its impact on the business processes of organizations. The main objective of the article is to consider the introduction of digitalization into business processes and possible problems during its integration, as well as to identify ways to eliminate them without losses for both the state and small and medium-sized businesses. Methods: In the course of writing this article, a dialectical approach was mainly used, which made it possible to examine in detail the process of reflecting and controlling document flow when moving goods in the context of digitalization. Approaching the issue theoretically and summarizing practical experience, it was possible to identify the positive and negative aspects of accounting and control of the movement of goods on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and beyond its borders in the conditions of rapidly developing digitalization. Results and their significance: This article reflects the main directions of modernization of accounting and operational accounting in Kazakhstan in the context of the progressive digitalization of the economy. The necessity of creating an information environment for managing economic processes and optimizing the operational activities of an enterprise is substantiated, and the positive and negative aspects of the integration of various information systems and modules for maintaining accounting and operational records at an enterprise are considered

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Expansion of Communication Contact Between the State, Business and Society in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Main problem: digital transformation of Kazakhstan’s society leads to emergence of new communication business models, including the so-called proactive data-based service, which implies expansion of communication contact between the state, business and society. Digital transformation of economic sectors and the service sector has objectively caused discussion of issues related to various aspects of its implementation. These include digitalization of society spheres within framework of public administration [1], problems of interaction between business and government [2], mechanisms of interaction between subjects in the private-public partnership model of government and business [3], description of communication models of business types, government and public sector [4], history of emergence of electronic trade, its forms and types of goods delivery to a consumer [5], organizational and managerial relations and processes arising in enterprises, working in field of online marketing and e-commerce [6]. In Kazakhstan, digitalization of spheres and the economy sectors is one of strategic priorities of its development. Use of information and communication technologies in the service sector creates additional impulses to its dynamics, therefore, has impact on improving population’s life quality. In this regard, it is necessary to identify trends and patterns of communication interaction between the state, business and society, to consider and clarify their content. The purpose: the research of state and trends in the development of Kazakhstan service sector under the influence of digital solutions and expansion of communicative contact between the state, business and society. Methods: the performed analysis in the research is based on the materials of the statistical reviews and their analysis using the methods of grouping, generalization, logical analysis, system description and interpretation. Results and their value: a range of the key problems of communication interaction between the state, business and society is investigated and determined. Recommendations are proposed to accelerate the development of e-commerce in Kazakhstan as a tool for communication interaction between business and society and improving population’s life quality.

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Methodological Aspects of Inclusive Education in the Field of IT Technologies

The main problem: Today, the introduction of inclusive education is becoming one of the priorities of the state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the system of modern education. In accordance with the law on Education, equal access to quality education for citizens is guaranteed, taking into account their intellectual development, psychophysiological and individual characteristics. The article is devoted to the analysis of the development of inclusive education. The author considers the problems on the way to the introduction of inclusive education, provides an analysis of the experience of conducting an IT school within the framework of inclusive education. An attempt has been made to identify the factors contributing to the successful implementation of inclusive education methods in the modern educational space. Objective: To consider the issues of the development of inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. To present the methodology of teaching children with special educational needs, to suggest possible ways to solve problems on the way of introducing inclusive education into the domestic education system. Methods: The methods of analysis, synthesis and deduction were used in the article. Results and their significance: Based on the results of the work carried out aimed at identifying the main problems hindering the process of implementing inclusive education, as well as based on the results of the analysis and the identified main aspects in the cognitive activity of children with hearing and speech disorders, the author of the article proposes a methodology for teaching children multimedia technologies. In addition, the author clearly substantiates the need to prepare a teacher for the use of inclusive education methods, due to the lack of willingness of some teachers to teach in a class (group) in which people with disabilities study, fearing to get into a situation of psychological and professional discomfort.

Author: Prokopets E.V.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

Issues of Interaction Between Operational and Strategic Management of an Enterprise in a Market Environment

Main problem: One of the priority directions for improving the management system at the enterprise is the organization of effective interaction between strategic and operational management through the formation of a mechanism for their interaction, orienting operational management to achieve strategic goals and objectives. In market conditions, issues of interaction between strategic and operational production management are particularly relevant, allowing solving complex economic problems of the enterprise related to the rational use of resources involved in production, reducing production costs, improving the quality of products, optimizing production potential in order to increase the efficiency of the entire enterprise as a whole and its structural divisions. The role of the mechanism of interaction between strategic and operational production management also lies in the possibility of coordinating those final strategic goals that the enterprise strives for with the actual internal production capabilities. The purpose of this article is to study the issues of interaction between operational and strategic management of an enterprise in a market environment. The theory and modern practice of production management in a competitive environment show that the implementation of operational production management is a natural stage in the implementation of strategic management, therefore, there is a close relationship between them, which manifests itself in their interaction. Methods: The methods of analysis and generalization, the method of systematic and comparative analysis, structural and functional method, economic and mathematical methods, graphical and tabular method were used in the work. Results and their significance: the authors consider the theoretical aspects of the relationship between strategic and operational production management at an enterprise in a competitive environment. There is a low level of compliance of operational tasks of production with the strategic goals of development of domestic enterprises and the special role of information systems designed to link operational and strategic management tasks together. Accordingly, the key aspects of information technology implementation are investigated, including the need for employee training, strategic communications planning, information flow management and the use of data analytics. Examples of successful application of information technologies in various industries and organizations are given.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)