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Search results: perinatal psychology

Number of results: 16

Current issues of psychological readiness for maternity

This article contains material on some issues of psychological readiness for maternity. The article highlights the main factors that determine the psychological readiness for maternity, need-motivational readiness for maternity, value-sense readiness for maternity.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)

Socialization of children brought up in special

This article deals with the theoretical aspects of socialization of children in the gardens, as well as analysis of the performance of the work. Children with development delays were conductive work. Which consists of two parts diagnosis and correction. The following procedures used in the diagnosis, they are study of children`s self-awareness and polo age identification. Study of graphic and emotional expressiveness of children speech. During the year, the correctional work was conducted. At the end of the school year indicators of socialization of children with developmental delays have shown good results.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Psychological features of readiness for motherhood

This article contains material about the peculiarities of psychological readiness for motherhood. The psychological readiness for motherhood as a specific personal education. We consider motherhood as a psychosocial phenomenon. Psychological factors are considered violations of motherhood.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Particularly effective support pregnant women in the prenatal period

The experience of psychological changes during the pregnancy period, which is manifested in the "syndrome of pregnancy " is described and analyzed carefully on the practical matter in this article. In the context of pregnancy, syndrome is a new psychogenic condition, limited to a certain period of time, beginning with the recognition of the woman of her new position and ending at the time of pygmalionism of the child, but birth.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

The problem of social adaptation of senior citizens

In this article the authors considers the emerging problem of social adaptation of senior citizens, important both for the modern psychology and pedagogy. In the article the analysis of socio-psychological literature on the social adaptation of elderly people, as well as an attempt to examine the degree of adaptation of the elderly people in the post labour period. There are the results of a study of social adaptation, which show that senior citizens are characterized by varying degrees of adaptation in the post labour period.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 1(65)

Methods and techniques of art therapy for the correction of hyperactivity of preschool age children

This article contains material about the features of working with pre-school children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. Psycho-corrective effects will be effective if the psychologist cooperates closely with parents and teachers. The choice of methods for correcting ADHD should be individual in nature, taking into account the degree of manifestation of the main manifestations of the syndrome and the presence of concomitant violations. ADHD correction is possible with a variety of therapies, such as art therapy, neuropsychology, game therapy, music therapy, bibliotherapy, sand therapy. The syndrome of hyperactivity influences, first of all, on the development of the emotional sphere of the child of preschool age, which is expressed in an increased sense of anxiety, the occurrence of a large number of fears and other types of emotional disorders.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 3(67)

Criminal law protection of personal freedom in Kazakhstan: grounds and principles of criminalization of encroachments

In this article, the author examines the grounds and principles of criminalization of encroachments against the personal freedom of a person and a citizen. The purpose of this study is to analyze the legal validity of criminalization of acts that infringe on personal freedom. The article emphasizes that the criminalization of socially dangerous acts taking place in society plays a leading role among the means of influencing crime. In the practice of developing criminal legislation, there are many examples when previously unpunished criminal acts were later recognized as a crime at the legislative level. The methodological basis of the research is based on traditional general scientific and special legal methods: system-structural, historical-legal and comparative-legal. The researcher notes that the need to criminalize crimes against personal freedom is primarily due to the following reasons: a high degree of public danger; negative dynamics of these acts; the existence of conditions for committing these crimes that cannot be eliminated without criminal liability; the need for a criminal law guarantee of protection of constitutional rights and legislative provisions; the existence of international legal obligations of the state to counteract the acts in question. Subsequently, the article makes a reasonable conclusion that in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in fact, there were and is currently objective grounds that prompted the legislator to criminalize attacks on personal freedom. The author refers to the principles of criminalization of acts against personal freedom: legal and criminological (the possibility of influencing socially dangerous acts through criminal law measures; the procedural feasibility of prosecution; the principle of proportionality of sanctions and economy of repression); socio-economic (the significant nature of the material and moral harm caused by the crime; the advantage of positive consequences over negative ones; the availability of material resources for the implementation of the criminal law ban; ); socio-psychological (sufficient level of public legal awareness and psychology; historical traditions). In the article, the author concludes that the Kazakh legislator really had every reason to criminalize acts against personal freedom. At the same time, it is emphasized that despite the relative regularity of criminal law acts that infringe on personal freedom, the legal regulation of criminal liability for them still requires further improvement.

Author: M.S. Akishev
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)
Heading: Law

Principles of using ornamental motifs to create a collection of modern youth clothing

The main problem of the article discusses the methods of developing a collection of casual clothing with elements of ethnic style, using the example of innovative technologies in the field of creating ornaments for clothing. Factors of formation of ornaments based on the structure of the human body are justified. The author considers the factors of shaping, based on special visual features of clothing in connection with ergonomic factors. Study of the specifics of ornamental motifs to transform them into a component of modern youth clothing. The authors of the article monitored the environmental approach, that is, the acquisition of knowledge about cultural values based on the selection of all the best that was created by the people, introduction to cultural folk traditions, dialogue between man and culture. When writing the article, we used author's and experimental research methods, fixing information in tables and author's sketches. The study of categories and definitions was carried out by the method of selecting and classifying information, as well as its analysis. Comparative analysis of forms of traditional and modern culture, study of bibliographies on architecture, art, philosophy, psychology; analysis of materials of scientific monographs, abstracts and dissertations, articles, creative essays of masters of architecture and art, from the point of view of the concepts, principles, conceptual and terminological formulations contained in them. In addition, private scientific methods are used: analysis of literary sources to identify current trends in the formation of art. Аs the results of the research, a collection has been developed that considers various types of clothing decoration, uses methods for including ornaments in the structural structure of the costume and provides models, calculations and drawings. The author's collection justifies the use of ornaments in connection with the selected artistic and figurative task of the collection, as well as in connection with its functional purpose. All these factors are formative. And the practical experience of this research shows the relevance of this topic in connection with the need not only to promote the historical achievements of Kazakhstan's culture to the masses and popularize them, but also as a method that helps to understand the possibilities of its translation into modern design objects. Keywords: ornament, youth, model, collection, Kazakhstan.

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Peculiarities of psychological training of military servants to actions in extreme situation

There are many examples of crises and catastrophes in the history of mankind. Almost the entire spectrum of natural disasters is possible in Kazakhstan. In particular, earthquakes, floods, fires in forests and steppes, snowstorms, and others. In all mountain and foothill zones, there is a danger of landslides, the threat of snow drift. In addition, there are situations that have arisen for man-made reasons. These catastrophes are the result of human activity. Such extreme situations require the concentration of all physical and psychological capabilities of a person. This is especially important for military personnel who often operate in extreme or critical conditions. Psychological readiness to solve such situations gives the individual confidence in the correctness of their own actions and, in the end, leads to a successful result. The purpose of this article is to present the results of research in the framework of a master's thesis. The main focus is on the analysis of the features of psychological training of military personnel to act in an extreme situation. The studied problem is revealed by the authors from the point of view of modern approaches to the psychological training of military personnel in a critical situation. The research methods used (analysis, generalization, experiment) allowed us to reveal the depth of the problem relevant to military psychology. The research is based on the results of modern research by Kazakh and foreign scientists. Approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the content of the concept "extreme situation" are considered, and the factors that determine the specifics of psychological training of military personnel to act in a crisis are highlighted. The concept of "psychological readiness of military personnel to work in critical (extreme) situations" is defined. Statistical results of the experiment are presented. The experimental activity carried out in the course of experimental work has a high practical significance, since it was successfully tested through the implementation of the work of the military unit 3176 "K" in Pavlodar and can be used in the psychological training of military personnel. The article is devoted to the actual problem of psychology. The results presented in the article may be useful for military psychologists.

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Revisiting Correlations between Real and Imaginary in Space of Surrealism

Main problem: this article deals with the research of surrealism which is not just one of ordinal modernism directions or one of many isms in the art of the 20th century, but which appears as a universal phenomenon in the culture of the epoch, reflecting its main features; surrealism has risen many issues substantive for culture modernity, and resolutions of which are worthy in-depth study. Purpose: to determine the meaning of the unconscious when building a surrealistic world picture and show the relationship and interinfluence of the arts and reality, real and imaginary within the frames defined by surrealism. Methods: the study is based on philosophical and art review of literary and art works performed by surrealists. In various manifestos and works made by surrealism figures it is traced the intention to penetrate into the depth of human psycho using dreams and different mental illnesses. It is known about the enormous impact that the discoveries made in the field of psychoanalysis had on the development of Surrealist philosophy. So, the method of free associations was popular, which was actively used by the Austrian scientist Z. Freud in his medical practice, talking with the patient and analyzing his dreams, the doctor with the help of key symbols revealed the cause of the neurosis, and the surrealists were attracted by the research of the Swiss psychiatrist C. Jung, devoted to the analysis of archetypes and symbols in the lives of various peoples. Results and their importance: practical significance of the study is related to the following circumstances: the necessity to make sense for the reasons of the crisis which encompasses the culture today, the search of possibilities and ways to recover it; u this work’s materials can be also used in research of creations of young Kazakhstan avant-garde artists. The research materials can also be used in the practice of teaching philosophy, cultural science, psychology, and other humanitarian disciplines and also in work of fine art experts and museum staff; based on the materials of this research, the special courses on culture philosophy, culturology, esthetics and theory of arts can be developed.

Year of release:
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Heading: Humanities

Methods of teaching conversational skills, their advantages, disadvantages and overcoming language barriers and anxiety when learning a foreign language

Globalization is an integral part of our life. Therefore, today the relevance of learning foreign languages, in particular English, is beyond doubt, as interest in foreign culture, education, travel, life and work abroad increases. It is known that English is the most widespread international means of communication (including information technology and web space), for most of the population it is the native or state language. This is due to historical, political and geographical prerequisites, as well as socio-economic and cultural development. Proficiency in English opens up great prospects for those who know, but not every person chooses a linguistic direction of study when entering a higher educational institution. Mastering English is a laborious process. In universities of non-linguistic areas, one of the main problems for students is the so-called language anxiety and psychological barriers, especially for those students for whom English is not a core subject or direction of future activity. Overcoming language anxiety and psychological barriers continues to be an urgent issue in pedagogical psychology and the educational process of higher educational institutions. Therefore, the task of the teacher is to create such conditions in his classes so that the student has a desire to learn, develop himself and improve himself. It is necessary to form motivation for conversational skills through psychologically thought-out techniques and methods. The task of the teacher is to direct the student from a conniving and indifferent attitude to study to a conscious and positive attitude. To implement the above, the teacher needs to form the old motives and stimulate new, positive ones. The encouragement of positive manifestations of emotions should be supported, stimulated and helped to realize these emotions by the teacher in the educational process. For example, simple tasks, but at the same time fascinating, the manifestation of sincere emotions in the classroom by the teacher himself and his personal examples inspire students to pronounce their state of mind and experiences. Encouraging and highlighting the activity of students also helps to increase the motivation of learning, especially if they have creative ideas that differ from other fellow students. The purpose of the article is to describe the methods of teaching conversational skills, their advantages and disadvantages and to consider in detail the overcoming of language barriers when learning a foreign language. The methodological basis of the research was the works of such authors as: H.F. Makaev, O.S. Zorkina, V.P. Ipatova, L.V. Barinkova, E.V. Zarubina, E.I. Kaputskaya, E.I. Passov, E.G. Asimov, A.N. Shchukin and others. Critical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the problem, study and generalization of positive experience of teachers; collection of empirical information, experiment, quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The results of the study can be used in the process of developing practical recommendations for psychological work with students in order to increase their motivation to learn a foreign language. In addition, these results can be used by teachers to correct and improve the effectiveness of the educational process.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

Family crises and ways to overcome them

The concept of resilience, the ability to withstand crises and adversities and recover from them, has valuable potential for research, intervention and preventive approaches aimed at strengthening the family. There are many paths to relationship resilience, varying depending on different forms of family, psychosocial problems, resources and constraints. Shared beliefs that promote alignment and cooperation are vital to overcoming adversity. Measures to increase the resilience of families are of timely importance to overcome the rapid social changes and uncertainties that families face today. According to research by sociologists and family consultants, each family goes through several stages of development, and the transition from one to another is usually accompanied by a crisis. It is generally believed that domestic difficulties lead to complications in family life, first of all. The purpose is to identify the types of problems and causes leading to crisis situations in marriage. In this regard, the methods such as analysis of literary sources on this topic, generalization, synthesis, psychological experiment, diagnosis of the psychology of family crisis by H.I. Olioirovia, T.A. Zinkevii-Kuzemkin, T.F. Velenta were used. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that stress is a part of life, and the slings and arrows of misfortune hit all families throughout their lives. The concept of family resilience confirms the reparative potential of all families and offers a valuable basis for research and clinical practice. Just as families face a variety of challenges, there are many ways to increase family resilience. By understanding key processes, clinicians can mobilize untapped resources, allowing families in distress to cope with difficulties more effectively and recover through their mutual support and cooperation. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the patterns of crisis situations and the socio-psychological causes of their occurrence.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)

Tolerance in pedagogical communication

In this article, the need to improve professional communication defines the tasks of improving the psychological and pedagogical qualifications of teachers of primary, secondary and higher education, their professional competence as an increase in interaction in the field of modern achievements in pedagogy, psychology, acmeology. In this regard, it is said about the more efficient use of modern private resources to build effective strategies for professional communication of teachers. The idea is revealed that acmeological design is used for individual work related to the strategy of life, the improvement of professional behavior or communication. It is proved that communication helps to plan and organize joint work; the goals of communication expand to gaining knowledge about the world, training and education, coordinating actions in joint activities, establishing personal and business relationships.

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Test as a Method of Psychology. Development History and Basic Requirements

Main problem: The article highlights the problem of tests as methods of psychology, the influence of validity and reliability on the results of psychological research. Purpose: Uncovering the significance of validity and reliability on psychological research results. Results and their significance: Testing is an important method in psychology, allowing measuring various aspects of the psyche and behavior of a person. The history of the development of tests in psychology goes back more than a century and began with the work of Francis Galton and Alfred Binet. Over time, the tests have become widely used in various fields such as education, personnel selection, clinical diagnosis and research. Basic requirements for tests include reliability (repeatability of results), validity (measurement accuracy), standardization (same test conditions) and objectivity (lack of subjectivity in assessment). Tests must be designed using psychometric principles to ensure accuracy and validity of results. Modern tests include a variety of measurement techniques, such as tests of personality, intelligence, aptitude, and professional skills. The use of tests in psychology requires professional training to correctly interpret the results and make valid conclusions. Testing as a method of psychology continues to evolve, and its role remains key in the study of the human psyche and behavior. Testing in psychology has a wide range of applications, including assessing personality traits, identifying psychological disorders, and predicting behavior and success in various areas of life. The development of computer-based tests and online platforms makes testing more efficient and convenient for researchers and participants. Modern tests increasingly take into account cultural differences and the diversity of individual characteristics, which contributes to more accurate and tailored assessments. It is important to remember that the use of tests requires ethics, confidentiality and compliance to ensure the reliability and validity of the data obtained.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

Criminal Legal Characteristics of Subjects of Crimes Against Morality

The main problem is the relevance of the research topic. The history of the development of civilization shows that law and morality as components of the spiritual culture of society are organically linked to each other. The legal system of any state enshrines the moral requirements and moral principles that are vital for the whole society. When creating norms or improving them, the legislator must take into account the state of the public moral culture of the population so that the laws being developed are fair and perceived by members of society. Purpose: The purpose of the study is the further theoretical development of a set of criminal law issues related to determining the place of morality in the system of objects of criminal law protection, their role in the system of measures to combat crime, as well as the development on this basis of proposals and recommendations for improving criminal legislation regulating liability for attacks on public morality. Methods: Methodology and methodology of the study. The methodological basis of the study was made up of: generally recognized methods of scientific research of the phenomena of reality in their interrelation and interdependence both at the theoretical level (systemic, comparative legal, formal legal, historical methods of analysis, etc.) and at the empirical level (statistical analysis, questionnaires, research of documents, printed publications); the main provisions of the theory of criminal law, ethics, philosophy, psychology; rules of formal logic. The results and their significance: The stated circumstances, as well as the lack of elaboration and discussion of most of the provisions related to the modern legal regulation of crimes against public morality and their qualifications, determined the choice of the research topic. Crimes against morality are mostly committed intentionally. For example, involvement in prostitution, the organization of brothels for prostitution or maintenance, as well as other types of criminal acts directed against humanity (morality), are committed with direct intent. A person who organizes and maintains brothels for prostitution is aware that he is doing this for profit. Among the crimes committed against humanity (morality), animal abuse is committed mainly out of hooligan motives.

Author: S.T. Iksatova
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)
Heading: Law

Legal Education Aspects Among the youth in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The main problem: The development of theoretical aspects of legal education, legal awareness. Organizational forms of legal education. Forms and methods of education of legal awareness, legal culture. Features of the formation of legal culture in the modern period. Problems of improving legal culture and legal education. Legal education forms a sense of confidence and independence in the legal sphere among the population of the state, thereby stimulating the legal activity of an individual, which presupposes voluntary, conscious, proactive, socially and morally responsible human behavior. Purpose: The article deals with the legal education of modern youth. The means of forming a legal culture are the promotion of law, the development of legal knowledge among citizens, the practical strengthening of the rule of law, the presence of a strong legal science, the improvement of the system of legal acts, which is achieved due to the presence in the state of a democratic, effective constitution and high legal and technical-legal quality of laws and by-laws. Methods: Methodology of the study. The methodological basis of the study was made up of: generally recognized methods of scientific research of the phenomena of reality in their interrelation and interdependence both at the theoretical level (systemic, comparative legal, formal legal, historical methods of analysis, etc.) and at the empirical level (statistical analysis, questionnaires, research of documents, printed publications); the main provisions of the theory of criminal law, ethics, philosophy, psychology; rules of formal logic. The results and their significance: In this regard, there is a need to create a Republican Center for Legal Education at the Institute of State and Law, which will provide scientific research on the problems of legal education and upbringing, the development of the content and methodology of legal education at all levels of continuing education of students.

Author: A.S. Satkenov
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)
Heading: Law