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Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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Search results: smart food.

Number of results: 7

Digitalization of the health sector in Kazakhstan: the main stages, problems and prospects

The article discusses the development of digital health care in Kazakhstan, the pace of development of which allows us to predict with confidence the intensive development of smart medicine in the future. The main stages of digitalization of health care are considered, while the main trends characterizing the features and problems of its development at the present stage were highlighted.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 2(70)

The use of quality and safety management systems in dairy plants

Аt present, dairy enterprises use a system for analyzing and monitoring critical control points, as well as a quality management system, to produce high-quality and safe products. These systems take into account factors that may affect the production process and other components by identifying hazards from the procurement of raw materials to the consumption of products for food. The purpose of the article is to study the role and necessity of applying quality and safety management systems at dairy enterprises and reducing the risk at all levels of production

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

Opportunities for innovative approaches to the creation of molecular products in catering

This article discusses the innovative direction of molecular food technology. The processes of gelation and spherification of substances for the formation of hemispheres of gel-like meat product were studied.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 1(73)

Design of the designershoes with the use of innovative technologies

The article discusses methods for creating smart things, using the example of the use of innovative technologies in the field of materials for clothing and footwear. The factors of form formation are substantiated by the example of the preferences of an individual customer who forms its image through accessories and shoes. The author considers the factors of shaping, based on the special functional features of shoes in connection with ergonomic factors. The designer is able to foresee the factor of transformability in modern footwear, changes in functional qualities, appearance, and design features of new footwear. As a result, on the basis of these transformations, to get a new emotional image and a new form. The shape of the shoe becomes a factor for transformations at the request of the customer. The article discusses the functional tasks of this shoe, plastic characteristics, technical and design tasks. As research methods, the article proposes variants of experimental models with possible stages of transformation, presents preliminary technical data, conducts a comparative analysis with innovative footwear samples of famous world designers, and makes assumptions about the development of this model in the future. An experimental method was used during the study. A shoe shape was developed, which took into account the preferences of the age group of 12-16 years old, relying on this category of consumers, we were able to go beyond the rational understanding of shoes as a functional form and gave it the meaning of a fantastic image, which allowed us to consider the form in the semantic and artistic context dictated by this age group of consumers. In addition, investing in this model the concept of "smart shoes", we considered not only the ability of modification and transformation by rearranging replaceable parts, the possibility of designing and reincarnating from one form to another, combining the constituent elements of the shoe into one whole, but also the development of the creative potential of the consumer, who at its own discretion can rebuild the structure and, in fact, as a designer itself, form a new model. The article makes assumptions about its further development in various fields of activity. For example, medicine, sports, art, etc. Considering the introduction of new materials, we relied on discoveries in the field of nanotechnology and considered among the possible features of this model the change in color on the basis, the reaction of materials to light, temperature, etc. The project is aimed at creating such shoes that will be developed for a wide range of consumers thanks to the wide range of possibilities contained in the design of the form and the features of modern materials.

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Methodological aspects of the technology of developing electronic textbooks

The widespread introduction of information technologies makes significant changes in various spheres of human activity. The education sector is no exception. In this regard, in this article, the author considers the actual problem of developing electronic textbooks and is one of the most relevant and promising areas of informatization of the educational process. The analysis of the works of scientists A.A. Andreev, A.I. Bashmakov, T.I. Koval, V.M. Kukharenko, E.S. Polat, P.I. Serdyukov, S.S. Sysoeva, A.Yu. Uvarova was conducted. These works contain requirements for the development of electronic textbooks. Based on the results of the analysis, the author described the stages of developing electronic textbooks, the principles that they should correspond to, and also provided a list of modules that should make up an electronic textbook. From the existing variety of software packages, the author distinguishes CourseLab, Smart Builder, MOS Solo, Google Sites, iSpring Suite, TurboSite, Adobe Animate, HTML5. The development of electronic textbooks based on the technology presented by the author of the article and their subsequent application in the educational process will help to organize the educational and cognitive activities of students at a more effective level. Purpose is the description of the technology for the development of electronic textbooks, taking into account existing requirements. The article uses methods of analysis, synthesis and deduction. The analysis of requirements and principles of development of electronic textbooks is carried out on the basis of the descriptive-analytical method. The practical result of the proposed technology is the developed electronic textbook "Development of mobile applications". The results of the study, in addition to their theoretical significance, also have practical significance, which consists in the positive dynamics in resolving the contradiction between the continuously increasing flow of information and the limited opportunities of students to assimilate it. The conscious use of electronic textbooks in the educational process is one of the fundamental ways to improve the quality of education by changing the methods of teaching used in the direction of individualization and focus on the student.

Author: E.V. Prokopets
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Modern technologies as a way to solve innovative problems in interior design

The article examines modern technologies that contribute to the implementation of creative design ideas, based on the analysis of modern lighting technology and energy saving factors. It is hypothesized that the goal of modern design in this article is defined as the creation of new space and values, through the renewal of the human environment. The basis for confirming this hypothesis should be the justification for the use of lighting technology and electronicsin solving conceptual and artistic design problems. The scientific research is based on the methodology for making design decisions and ways to open new ways for the implementation of creative imagination and new conceptual solutions of the designer, on the example of designing the interior of a cafe. The author considers and substantiates such terms as intelligent space, interior as a process, integrated lighting systems, informatization of interior space, new methods of decoration, etc. Examples of analysis of design situations from are given the point of view of functional tasks, classification of requirements when making design decisions is substantiated. Lighting technologies in the interior are viewed as a tool that solves a whole range of tasks that combine aesthetic and technological principles of interior shaping. Modern technology is seen as a designer's tool that should be used to understand the role of design as a conduit of scientific advances and innovative technologies to the consumer environment.

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Methodische Aspekte der Technologie zur Entwicklung elektronischer Lehrmittel

Das Hauptproblem: die allgegenwärtige Einführung von Informationstechnologien führt zu erheblichen Veränderungen in verschiedenen Bereichen der menschlichen Tätigkeit. Auch der Bildungsbereich ist keine Ausnahme. In diesem Zusammenhang hat der Autor in diesem Artikel ein aktuelles Problem behandelt, das in der Entwicklung elektronischer Lehrmittel liegt und eine der aktuellen und vielversprechenden Richtungen der Informatisierung des Bildungsprozesses ist. Es wurden die Arbeiten von Wissenschaftlern S.S. Sysoeva, V.M. Kuharenko, A.I. Bashmakova, T.I. Koval, E.S. Polat, A.Y. Uvarova, P.I. Serdjukow, A.A. Andreev analysiert. Diese Arbeiten enthalten Anforderungen an die Entwicklung elektronischer Lehrmittel. Nach der Analyse beschrieb der Autor die Entwicklungsschritte von elektronischen Lernprogrammen, die Prinzipien, denen sie entsprechen sollten, und führte eine Liste der Module an, aus denen das elektronische Lernprogramm bestehen sollte. Aus der vorhandenen Vielfalt an Softwarekomplexen hebt der Autor CourseLab, Smart Builder, MOS Solo, Google Sites, iSpring Suite, TurboSite, Adobe Animate, HTML5 hervor. Die Entwicklung von elektronischen Lehrmitteln für die vom Autor des Artikels vorgestellte Technologie und deren anschließende Anwendung im Bildungsprozess wird dazu beitragen, die Lehr- und kognitive Aktivität der Lernenden auf einem effizienteren Niveau zu organisieren. Zweck: beschreibung der Technologie zur Entwicklung von elektronischen Lernprogrammen unter Berücksichtigung bestehender Anforderungen. Methoden: der Artikel verwendete Methoden zur Analyse, Synthese und Abzug. Die Analyse der Anforderungen und Prinzipien für die Entwicklung elektronischer Lernprogramme basiert auf einer deskriptiven und analytischen Methode. Ergebnisse und ihre Bedeutung: das praktische Ergebnis der vorgeschlagenen Technologie war das entwickelte elektronische Lernprogramm «Entwicklung mobiler Anwendungen». Die Ergebnisse der Studie haben neben der theoretischen Bedeutung auch eine praktische Bedeutung, die in einer positiven Dynamik liegt, um den Widerspruch zwischen dem ständig wachsenden Informationsfluss und der begrenzten Fähigkeit der Lernenden, ihn zu erlernen, zu lösen. Die bewusste Verwendung elektronischer Lehrmittel im Lernprozess ist eine grundlegende Möglichkeit, die Bildungsqualität zu verbessern, indem die verwendeten Unterrichtsmethoden und -techniken in Richtung Individualisierung und Fokussierung auf den Lernenden geändert werden.

Author: Е.W. Prokopets
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)