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Search results: speech genre

Number of results: 17

Тraining of monological speech at english lessons

In the present article govoreniye process from the point of view of its main aspects, mechanisms and components, the demands made to training in the monological statement is considered. The main attention is paid to studying of a technique of training of monological speech on the basis of superphrase unity at an average step of training of English taking into account characteristic features of the monological statement, definition of its theoretical and practical bases.

Author: G.I Bekniyazova
Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)
Heading: Humanities

Сommunication as the main development aspect of the child

This article discusses the special role of communication in the harmonious development of the child of preschool age. The article analyzes the characteristic of the content of the following concepts: communication, communication. Considerable attention is given to the process of communication, as a necessary condition for social and personal development of the child, as well as the development of its communication activities.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)
Heading: Humanities

Тransformation of russian color view of the world under bilingual conditions in Кazakhstan

This article covers a Russian color view of the world enriched with additional associations and getting a new symbolic interpretation in the Russian-Kazakh bilingualism. The author tried to follow up the manner in which speech practice of using color naming in Kazakh language affects color concepts in Russian language.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)
Heading: Humanities

Preschoolchildren speech development through the theatrical activities

Theoretical aspects of preschool children speech development by means of theatricalization are highlighted in the article which is understood by the authors as purposeful pedagogical activity providing effective learning of mother tongue vocabulary. A number of games classifications are analyzed that make up the theatrical activity. Emphasizing that the theatrical activities can be organized in different areas of work with children of preschool age the authors reveal issues of these areas.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:

Gossips are as object of language consciousness in Russian and English linguistic cultures

Article is devoted to questions of studying of gossip is as a speech genre in Russian and English linguistic cultures. Speech genres as well as works on linguistic consciousness, theory and classification of rumours and gossips proposed by linguists and psychologists have been studied. Gossips published in newspaper columns “It is rumoured that…” and “Gossip! Gossip! Gossip!” were used as study materials. Specific parameters of rumours genre have been identified.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Humanities


The article is devoted to the analysis of exercises on the development of verbal thinking of junior schoolchildren as the method of improving oral and written speech of children with hearing disorder.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 3(47)

Socialization of children brought up in special

This article deals with the theoretical aspects of socialization of children in the gardens, as well as analysis of the performance of the work. Children with development delays were conductive work. Which consists of two parts diagnosis and correction. The following procedures used in the diagnosis, they are study of children`s self-awareness and polo age identification. Study of graphic and emotional expressiveness of children speech. During the year, the correctional work was conducted. At the end of the school year indicators of socialization of children with developmental delays have shown good results.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Development of language in preschool children through fiction

The article considers methods and techniques of speech development in preschool children by means of fiction.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 3(67)

Scientific theories of discourse

The article shows the diverse interest of researchers in the notion of "discourse" in connection with the relevance of developing linguistic theories for studying the Internet, cognitive categories, variability and hypertextuality as internal features of discourse.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 4(68)
Heading: Humanities

The detective as a special literary genre

The article deals with topical issues of literary studies related to the definition of the genre specificity of detective literature, which is unique and has an extraordinary prevalence of «mass literature»; the processes of transformation of the genre of detective novel is taken into account. It acquires in the second decade of the XXI century «hybrid forms», which emphasizes the novelty of the material presented in the article. The author raises questions of the history of the genre, analyzes its morphology, conducts research of contact and typological convergence, gives a detailed definition of «genre», which is the subject of study not only literary studies, but also linguistics and «detective». The article describes the ways of development of the modern detective, its main genre-forming features, structural, compositional and plot features.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 2(70)
Heading: Humanities

Methodological features of teaching children with hearing and speech impairments multimedia technologies

In accordance with the law on education, the Republic of Kazakhstan guarantees the equality of the rights of all to receive a quality education, taking into account the intellectual development, psychophysiological and individual characteristics of each. The article is devoted to the analysis of the development of inclusive education, the problems on the path of introducing inclusive education are considered, the analysis of the experience of conducting an IT school in the framework of inclusive education is given. An attempt was made to identify factors contributing to the successful implementation of inclusive education methods.

Author: E.V. Prokopets
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

Kazakh literature in the period of independence

The author explores the main trends of development of modern literary process in Kazakhstan and overviews the research, reflecting the artistic features of the modern epic genres: novel, story, story. The works published in the period of Independence are analyzed in the article. The author researches the philosophical horizons, genre transformation, the archetypal characters of modern Kazakh literature. This article examines how the ethnic identity, national world are reflected in the works of Kazakh writers. The author reviews modern literary criticism and defines the features of theme, genre "tribal thinking", typology, context of historical prose. The author explains the phenomenon of the popularity of the historical novel, reflecting the metaphysics of the national spirit. Modern writers are revising the wrong official theories of national history, which separate the literature from national existence.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 3(75)
Heading: Humanities

Functional and semantic role of metatext units in the annals

The article is devoted to one of the unproved questions of the syntax of the Russian language – the functioning of egocentric elements in the monuments of ancient Russian writing of the XI-XIV centuries, in the chronicle genre in particular. It is the diachronic research that will help shed light on the nature, functional and semantic features of egocentric units in modern Russia. The article considers the main features of metatextual units, which, in the author's opinion, clarify the «semantic pattern» of the main text, connect, strengthen and fasten its various elements, and also manifests their role as a kind of explicators of the speaker's position in Old Russian chronicle texts. The presence of metatextual units in the chronicle text confirms the scientific position about the presence of the author's beginning in the works of Old Russian literature, which allows us to identify the author's attitude to the language code of his utterance (speech work). In general, metatextual interpretation is aimed at simplifying the understanding of an object and finding a new element base for its description.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Humanities

Ethnolinguistic significance of comparing human character with nature in Kazakh and English

Main problem: It is well known that the development of language in society, the development of speech, the formation of personality largely depends on the interaction of people. Therefore, they develop depending on the specifics of each nation and are one of the values that people have accumulated over the centuries. Comparison of human behavior with nature in English and Kazakh languages describes the spiritual life of each nation. It defines the national feelings, national behavior, national customs and traditions. Purpose: Comparative analysis of the values of the Kazakh and English peoples occupies a special place in the culture and language, the essence and content of which are indelible. This is a fount of cultural and historical life of the people, the spiritual value of the nation, such qualities as prudence and kindness. Methods: This article describes the ethnolinguistic foundations for comparing human character and nature in English and Kazakh. In cultural linguistics and cognitive linguistics, the concept of behavior is studied as an image of the world formed in the consciousness of an ethnic group. Based on the definition of the concept of behavior, the authors describe the manifestations of behavior in the national consciousness, the system of national thinking, beliefs, attitudes. It is noted that the formation of the behavior of unrelated Kazakhs and Englishmen depends on their geographic environment, nomadic lifestyle and behavior. Results and their significance: The phraseological units of the two languages used in this study clearly to show the characteristics of each nation. It is shown that forecasting natural phenomena for both peoples is closely related to their life, economy, occupation and plays an important role in people's lives.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Humanities

Ways to improve the skills and abilities of oral speech of primary schoolchildren using interactive cognitive strategies

The article discusses ways to improve the oral and speech skills of primary school students, where the primary role is given to interactive strategies aimed at organizing the optimal interaction of students with other subjects of the educational process in a communicative educational environment. Currently, the main criteria and indicators of the methodology for the development of foreign language communicative competence of schoolchildren have changed, the basic basis of the system of techniques and methods of teaching English to primary schoolchildren based on the use of interactive cognitive strategies. The authors call a complex of exercises of a receptive, productive and productive-creative nature, which is consistently implemented at all stages of the corresponding technology: motivational-stimulating, informational, analytical, actualization, productive, creative, analytical and evaluative. The article describes their influence on the development of language competencies and creative abilities of primary schoolchildren. The authors note that the motivational-stimulating, informational, analytical stages, the stage of actualization, as well as the productive, creative, analytical-evaluative stages, provide for the involvement of students in joint activities to master the content of cognitive problems in English, it presupposes the interiorization of communicative skills by younger students in accordance with with the accepted norms of interaction, the organization of the development of oral speech in English lessons in the lower grades based on the use of interactive cognitive strategies in accordance with the level of their linguistic and sociocultural knowledge, skills and abilities. To study various approaches in the development of oral and speech skills in lower grades based on interactive cognitive strategies, analysis of a set of tasks and exercises at different stages of the formation of oral and speech competence in lower grades using interactive cognitive strategies, goals and objectives of the practical application of interactive cognitive strategies when teaching foreign language communication, the contradictions between social expectations and the objective need for educational practice in the creation and implementation of a special methodology for the development of oral speech in primary grades based on the use of interactive cognitive strategies. Methods: during the study, a descriptive method, methods of systematization, analysis, interpretation were used. The authors of the article note that the integration of communicative activity in a foreign language with project, research, musical, visual, subject, literary and creative is of great importance for the comprehensive development of the skills and abilities of oral speech of primary school students when using interactive cognitive strategies. The developed training model for the development of oral and speech skills in the lower grades on the basis of interactive cognitive strategies (goal, objectives, approaches, principles, content, technology, means, performance criteria, conditions for implementation) contributes to the development of communication skills and linguistic competencies in the process of mastering foreign language students of elementary grades.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Means of expressing information in complex sentences with elliptical shapes

There have been different approaches to the phenomenon of ellipsis in both world and modern Azerbaijani linguistics. Although ellipsis is widely studied between the sides of compound sentences, but we believe that taking the wider and more diverse evolutionary processes in composite sentences, especially in complex sentences into consideration the fact of ellipsis in these constructions needs to be studied more deeply. The article provides detailed information on the characteristics of the formation of elliptical shapes of subordinate compound sentences. As you know, a subordinate compound sentence consists of two components: a main and a subordinate sentence. The ellipsis observed in a subordinate compound sentence does not manifest itself in the form of omission of any part of a sentence as in a simple sentence, but in the context of omission of the whole mai or subordinate sentence. Although the phenomenon of ellipsis can manifest itself in both components, the article deals with the ellipse observed in the main sentence. The article also notes that the phenomenon of ellipsis is naturally more characteristic of dialogic speech. Because this event occurs not as a deliberate, pre-planned form, but as a result of the natural regularity of language. It is clear that the basis of dialogic speech is question and answer sentences. Some of the question and answer sentences, in turn, form the components of a subordinate compound sentence, forming a dialogue unit. In some dialogues with such a construction, the phenomenon of elliptism manifests itself in the question sentence and in others in the answer sentence. It also provides detailed information on the role of many factors in the emergence of this language fact, in particular, the tendency of the language to save. The article also reflects and compares the views of world linguists on the phenomenon of ellipsis. The fact of the language which is dealt with is substantiated by concrete examples.

Author: N.G. Aliev
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)
Heading: Humanities

Methodological Aspects of Inclusive Education in the Field of IT Technologies

The main problem: Today, the introduction of inclusive education is becoming one of the priorities of the state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the system of modern education. In accordance with the law on Education, equal access to quality education for citizens is guaranteed, taking into account their intellectual development, psychophysiological and individual characteristics. The article is devoted to the analysis of the development of inclusive education. The author considers the problems on the way to the introduction of inclusive education, provides an analysis of the experience of conducting an IT school within the framework of inclusive education. An attempt has been made to identify the factors contributing to the successful implementation of inclusive education methods in the modern educational space. Objective: To consider the issues of the development of inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. To present the methodology of teaching children with special educational needs, to suggest possible ways to solve problems on the way of introducing inclusive education into the domestic education system. Methods: The methods of analysis, synthesis and deduction were used in the article. Results and their significance: Based on the results of the work carried out aimed at identifying the main problems hindering the process of implementing inclusive education, as well as based on the results of the analysis and the identified main aspects in the cognitive activity of children with hearing and speech disorders, the author of the article proposes a methodology for teaching children multimedia technologies. In addition, the author clearly substantiates the need to prepare a teacher for the use of inclusive education methods, due to the lack of willingness of some teachers to teach in a class (group) in which people with disabilities study, fearing to get into a situation of psychological and professional discomfort.

Author: Prokopets E.V.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)