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Search results: thermal protection

Number of results: 48

Rights and obligations of persons involved in civil proceedings: problems of legal regulation

The article describes in detail the civil proceedings, the General characteristics of the participants of the process, the classification of persons involved in the case, the order of their participation in the proceedings, as well as their rights and obligations. Civil procedure is a system of legal norms regulating civil procedural actions and legal relations formed between the court and other participants of the process in the administration of justice in civil cases. The main purpose of this production is restoration of the violated right and protection o f interests protected by the law. Procedural actions shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure and strict procedure established by law. On the basis of the procedure established by law at all stages of the process, civil procedural relations arise, develop and cease.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)
Heading: Law

State regulation of an ecological factor in agrarian and industrial complex

In article it is spoken about need increase of a role of the state in regulation of an ecological factor, elements of system of regulation of the ecological account are considered. The ecological policy is developed and recommendations for the successful solution of problems of protection of environment are made.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)

Social protection of lower-income strata in Кazakhstan and the way of its improvement

In this article described the social policy, given its characteristics, the analysis of social support of the state, and presents the main problems and the ways of improvement of the social support of socially vulnerable layers of the population.

Author: G.E Nurbayeva
Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)
Heading: Social sciences

Formation of effective policy in the sphere of food security

Problems of ensuring food security in modern conditions of economic management are considered in the article. To ensure food security in the region the strategy of state interests protection is necessary such as social stability, food needs satisfaction, independence from import, own food products production development, creation of reserve stocks to stabilize food supply.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:

The analysis of thermostability characteristics of refractory materials of aluminum electrolyzers

The article considers the methods of rationalizing the process of heating the refractory materials of aluminum electrolyzers up in relation to thermal stresses arising in the hearth lining. The functional goals of the refractory materials are listed. The operational characteristics of the refractory materials are presented. During thermal influence on a hearth lining, the physical effects called thermal expansion occur. The materials which save their properties under high temperature are known as refractory materials. The thermostability is described in more detail. The scientific test bench was used to investigate ultimate strength. The method of temperature and pressure measurement when conducting the experiments is cited. In order to choose the potlining it is necessary to know the peculiarities of refractory materials and actual industrial loadings as precisely as possible.

Author: A.A. Assainov
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)

Waste-heat recovery of turbine condenser water Method

One of the directions of energy saving is the application of heat pumps by means of which it is possible to use low-potential, usually waste heat. The question of the possibility of using heat pumps in thermal power plants is considered in the present article. Also a diagram of possible use in thermal power stations of low-grade waste heat with heat pump installation is presented in the article.

Author: А.P. Plevako
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)

Subject-object relations in the management of social work

Theoretical questions of subjective-objective relations in social work are studied and some basic concepts which are connected with social work are explained in this article,also there are the analysis of such concepts as “help”, “social protection”, “social security”, “social service”, “charity”, “social policy”.

Author: R.M. Nurzhanova
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)
Heading: Social sciences

The use of ash and slag waste CHP Pavlodar region

This article discusses the use of ash and slag waste such as ash or slag boilers and thermal power plants of Pavlodar region. We describe the main source of energy today. Produced by laboratory analysis of the composition of the ash. A basic installation for the processing of the ash. It presents the possibility of using fly ash in building materials industry.

Author: A.M. Kadyrbekov
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

Body heating automatic control system №1 Innovative University of Eurasia

The paper presents the thermal design of the building heating system of a four educational building № 1 Eurasian innovative university.Data are presented for the period from 1 December to 28 February for three seasons: 2013–2014, 2014–2015, 2015–2016 years. On the basis of the actual thermal design graphics and design of heat were built in the period from 1.12. at 28.02 for three seasons (2013-2014,2014-2015, 2015-2016 years). In these graphs clearly visible difference between the two values. According to calculation, the average difference was 13.02 % of the actual heat consumption.

Author: N.D. Khomarov
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

Foreign experience of transition to a "green" economy

With the purpose of transition of the world economy to a sustainable growth model, the principles of the "green" economy should be integrated into the currently implemented structural reforms. The four main directions that form the "green" economy are highlighted. Structural reform, which connected with directions, can serve as engines of economic growth. Particular attention in passing to the green economy is given to the formation of modern infrastructure, which has the key to ensuring sustainable development and modernization that is an important element of the structural reforms analyzed here. Worldwide, initiatives are emerging at the national level that show that countries are moving towards a "green" economy at their own pace and in the context of their national development goals and priorities. Most countries in the world have recently stepped up their environmental policies to move away from a traditional model in which environmental protection is considered a burden on the economy, to a model in which ecology is recognized as the engine of development, i.e. to the "green" economy.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

The modern state and analysis of forming of healthy way of life are in the Republic of Kazakhstan (a case of study of center of forming of healthy way of life of the Akmola region)

In this article, activity of national center of problems of forming of healthy way of life that is sent to forming and stimulation of healthy way of life of citizens and on development of prophylactic and restoration medicine are considered. The role of coordinating councils in process of health care at the level of government, that provide monitoring of realization of socio-economic development of country, including in area of health protection are distinguished in this article. For creation of the effective system of prophylaxis of sociallymeaningful diseases and forming of healthy way of life indicators are certain in a country. Some actions of centers of healthy way of life carry practical character, when specialists render a consultative and practical help to the population. Primary and general objective of the system of health protection of country and in particular in regions this strengthening of health of population, increase of their welfare, forming of the responsibility and skills, sent to maintenance and improvement of health, and also propaganda of healthy way of life.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Development of measures to increase the efficiency of flue gas cleaning on electrofilters of “EEC” JSC

This article considers the theoretical application of measures to increase the efficiency of electrofilters installed at the electric power plant of "EEC" JSC. The author has identified the reason for the inability to achieve the efficiency of electrofilters close to 100%. Methods for increasing the efficiency of electrofilters for equipment installed at the electric power plant of "EEC" JSC are considered.

Author: V.Е. Sidorenko
Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 2(66)

Behavioral safety audit as a tool for changing the work culture

The article presents new tools for managing labour safety to conduct behavioral safety audits, transforming meetings and labor protection councils into cascade committees, to implement technical and safety standards, and to use new assessment and motivation system and methods of internal incidents investigation.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 3(67)

Current issues of the system of organization and compliance with regulations in the field of labor protection at «Aluminum of Kazakhstan» JSC

The analysis of the current management system of labor protection at «Aluminum of Kazakhstan» JSC is provided. Services and departments providing production activities are presented. The basic principles of the management system of labor protectionare considered. The organization of work on labor protection and development of corrective and preventive actions are presented.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 4(68)

The review of national legal instruments dealing with chemicals management issues

This article considers chemical safety as a system of measures aimed at protecting vital human interests against adverse chemical effect from threats of processing, storing and destroying hazardous chemicals. Chemical safety is ensured by a complex of legal, organizational, financial, material and informational measures intended for prevention and elimination of real and potential security risk, mitigation of their consequences.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 4(68)

On some problems of social security in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The article deals with the issues of social protection of the population in the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present stage, the appointment of special state benefits to the population, including state social assistance to families with children. In addition, a comparative analysis of the distribution of benefits by type and size of benefits to families with many children in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad.

Author: Zh.Zh. Talipova
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 2(70)
Heading: Social sciences

Organization of psychological and pedagogical support of children in the rehabilitation center

This article deals with the problems of organizing psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities in a rehabilitation center. Currently, an extensive system of institutions of the Ministry of Вестник Инновационного Евразийского университета. 2018. № 2 ISSN 1729-536X 91 Education, Health, Labor and Social Protection has been established in our country, in which medical, social, psychological and pedagogical support is provided for the development of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The main task of maintenance is the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the full development and development of a socially successful person, the protection of the rights of the child to receive education and development in accordance with their potential in the real conditions of their existence. The leading principles of support for the development of the child in an educational institution are: the advisory nature of the accompaniment; priority of the interests of the child; an individual approach accompanied by the development of the child; maintenance continuity; integrated (multidisciplinary) approach, accompanied by development.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 2(70)

On some problems of social security in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The article deals with the issues of social protection of the population in the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present stage, the appointment of special state benefits to the population, including state social assistance to families with children. In addition, a comparative analysis of the distribution of benefits by type and size of benefits to families with many children in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad. Studying the current legislation

Author: Zh.Zh. Talipova
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

Problems of ensuring labor protection and safety at the enterprise

The article describes the relationship of man as a species with nature. It is shown that this relationship is determined by the conditions of existence, the quality of air and water, the necessary elements of nutrition. It is also pointed to the role of environmental conditions-optimal for the body, determining human health and life expectancy

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

Analysis of the labor market and employment, unemployment of the population in Pavlodar region

Unemployment appears as a clearly negative phenomenon. It is unprofitable to all – both employers, and employees, and the state. Unemployment – is primarily a loss of income of a person, deprivation of the usual way of life. The urgency of this problem is due primarily to the fact that it is one of the important factors affecting economic and socio-political security. The vital interests of society, the state and the individual are closely intertwined in it. In our society, unemployment becomes a chronic disease, the state is not able to overcome it, and people demand respect for their rights to work, free choice of their activities and professions, improvement of living and working conditions, and social protection from unemployment. The article studied both the labor market in the Pavlodar region, as a whole and its individual segments in the context of the regions, its place in the market infrastructure, the main causes of unemployment, the qualitative composition of the unemployed

Author: A.D.Kusmanova
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 4(72)

The influence of the poisonous substances from industrial plants to pregnancy in Aksu region

At the present stage of scientific and technological progress and rapid development of industrial production, the problem of environmental protection is becoming a problem. Air pollution has a serious impact on human health, global and regional climatic conditions. The main types of pollutants are gaseous substances. When fuel burns, carbon monoxide is released during traffic. This is a very toxic gas. Blood easily interacts with hemoglobin and continues to function; therefore, it is important to reduce emissions of toxic substances by vehicles and industrial facilities.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 4(72)
Heading: Natural sciences
Keywords: plant, ecology, human body

Constitutional-legal mechanisms of protection of citizens rights in economy and enterprise

The article analyzes not only the critical foundations of economic interests of the state, but also authorizes the economic security of the state and examines the most important areas of practical activity of the law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which provide legal protection of economic interests. The article deals with the issues related to the establishment of the status of law enforcement agencies that carry out the legal protection of the economic interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Some existing scientific research does not cover all issues related to the economic security of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The topic that is being explored here is often characterized by novelty, which is definitely actual.

Author: Zh.В. Amanbai
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)
Heading: Social sciences

Possibility of using of thermal pumps at thermal power plants and heat boiler stations

Different diagrams of thermal pumps operation at thermal power plants are considered in the article. Thus, installation diagrams are considered for thermal pump based on the use of low -grade heat of turbo-unit lubricating system oil and blow-down water of a steam generator.

Author: А.P. Plevako
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 2(74)

Criminalistic characteristics of trafficking in minors and substitution of a child

Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the individual is one of the main activities of the state. And the protection of human rights begins with respect for the rights of the child, who, because of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special care from the state and society. The transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the 1990s to a market economy, accompanied by a deep economic crisis, had a negative impact on the traditional spheres of social structure: work, family, education. As a result, at that time Kazakhstan and a number of other CIS countries turned into exporting countries of children, supplying them to foreign countries for adoption by foreign citizens. Numerous facts of adoption of children-citizens of the CIS countries by foreign citizens, which are essentially the sale of minors, often indicate a criminal and mercenary nature on the part of officials of guardianship and other state bodies.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 3(75)
Heading: Social sciences

Human trafficking with the purpose of labour exploitation and illegal labour migration in the Eurasian Economic Union countries: problem statement

Annotation. The research topic is directly connected with the solution of the nationwide issues of the social and labor policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, based on the globalization and regional processes in the world, the experience of its implementation in the regions and, first of all, in the Eurasian Economic Union member-states. Another important factor is the comparative consideration of social policy and labor potential of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan taking into account national and common interests. At the present stage, the issues of illegal labor migration and human trafficking in our country are given special attention. The main aim of the research is developing recommendations and proposals, aimed at further progress of the legal framework for cooperation in the social and labor sphere and the social protection of labor rights as a promising area of legal science and as an important line of social and integration policy. The research also aims at the research and examination of human trafficking and labor migration as a social phenomenon in the EAEU countries, the study of methods and techniques of combating it, and the development of recommendations for improving legislation and strategies to counteract this social phenomenon.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Law

Organization of activities for the treatment and disposal of industrial waste at the landfill

Environmental protection measures are based, among other things, on the rationalization of the organization of the production waste management process. Population growth and the race to industrialize pose a serious threat to the ecosystem. Currently, the average global waste generation per capita is 494 kg / year. A large number of industrial enterprises operate on the territory of Kazakhstan. The range of manufactured products is very wide: household items, transport, building materials, equipment and much more. Each type of production is inevitably a source of a large amount of industrial waste, annually at the enterprises of Kazakhstan up to 600 million tons of waste are generated, three percent of which are recycled. On the territory of Pavlodar region there are enterprises in the field of metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical industry, construction industry enterprises, light industry, about a hundred in total. In this connection, the problem of treatment and disposal of industrial waste in Pavlodar region is very relevant. The article discusses the system of waste management in order to reduce their impact on the environment, activities for the disposal, transportation, disposal of waste, as well as their disposal at the industrial waste landfill in Pavlodar. The landfill in question is intended for the reception, temporary storage and disposal of non-hazardous solid industrial waste of the «green» level: waste and scrap of chromium, cadmium, aluminum, copper, lead, zinc, manganese, plastic waste, polyethylene, abrasive, rubber waste, ash and ash and slag waste; and also «amber»: waste containing mercury, arsenic, lead, waste batteries, phosphoric slags, waste oils, oil sludge. The scheme of organizing waste storage works is considered. The volume of accepted and recycled waste, as well as those placed at the landfill and used for their own needs, was analyzed, including construction waste, waste sleepers, ash and slag and abrasive scrap. The solution to the problem of industrial waste disposal is associated with the need for innovation and the introduction of new technologies and equipment.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

Criminal law protection of personal freedom in Kazakhstan: grounds and principles of criminalization of encroachments

In this article, the author examines the grounds and principles of criminalization of encroachments against the personal freedom of a person and a citizen. The purpose of this study is to analyze the legal validity of criminalization of acts that infringe on personal freedom. The article emphasizes that the criminalization of socially dangerous acts taking place in society plays a leading role among the means of influencing crime. In the practice of developing criminal legislation, there are many examples when previously unpunished criminal acts were later recognized as a crime at the legislative level. The methodological basis of the research is based on traditional general scientific and special legal methods: system-structural, historical-legal and comparative-legal. The researcher notes that the need to criminalize crimes against personal freedom is primarily due to the following reasons: a high degree of public danger; negative dynamics of these acts; the existence of conditions for committing these crimes that cannot be eliminated without criminal liability; the need for a criminal law guarantee of protection of constitutional rights and legislative provisions; the existence of international legal obligations of the state to counteract the acts in question. Subsequently, the article makes a reasonable conclusion that in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in fact, there were and is currently objective grounds that prompted the legislator to criminalize attacks on personal freedom. The author refers to the principles of criminalization of acts against personal freedom: legal and criminological (the possibility of influencing socially dangerous acts through criminal law measures; the procedural feasibility of prosecution; the principle of proportionality of sanctions and economy of repression); socio-economic (the significant nature of the material and moral harm caused by the crime; the advantage of positive consequences over negative ones; the availability of material resources for the implementation of the criminal law ban; ); socio-psychological (sufficient level of public legal awareness and psychology; historical traditions). In the article, the author concludes that the Kazakh legislator really had every reason to criminalize acts against personal freedom. At the same time, it is emphasized that despite the relative regularity of criminal law acts that infringe on personal freedom, the legal regulation of criminal liability for them still requires further improvement.

Author: M.S. Akishev
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)
Heading: Law

Personal data in the Republic of Kazakhstan: problems of ensuring confidentiality in the context of digitalization

This article discusses the issues of ensuring the confidentiality of personal data in the context of the development of the information society. The purpose of the article is to study the problems of ensuring the confidentiality of personal data in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of digitalization of the economy and society. The methodological basis of this research is based on General scientific methods: philosophical, dialectical, synergetic, inductive, deductive, method of analysis and synthesis, formalization, analogy, materialistic and empirical methods that ensure the integrity and balance of research, as well as a formal legal method that allowed an adequate analysis of the content of the personal data protection system in foreign countries and Kazakhstan. The processes of globalization, information openness and digitalization have set a number of tasks aimed at solving the problems of ensuring information security while maintaining a balance of interests of the individual, society and the state. In this regard, the problems of ensuring the security of personal data turnover on the Internet, today, is relevant for science and law enforcement practice. The current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on personal data does not pay enough attention to issues related to the processing of personal data in information systems. Improving the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of ensuring the security of personal data processing on the Internet is relevant in the framework of implementing the provisions of the Cybersecurity concept («Cyber shield of Kazakhstan»). However, national legislation does not provide specific guarantees against unauthorized collection of personal data. The current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in this sphere of relations contains a number of legislative decisions, but there are legal errors that require timely adjustments, taking into account the borrowing of progressive experience of foreign countries. Special attention in this article is on the study of contemporary threats of violations of personal data, and provided ways to protect them. The authors conclude that, despite the fact that the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On personal data and their protection» sets requirements for the procedure for ensuring the confidentiality of personal data, at the same time they are general in nature and need further specification. In addition, there are a number of significant aspects that are directly related to ensuring the confidentiality of personal data, which have not yet received their proper legal regulation.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)
Heading: Law

Methods for reducing nitrogen oxide emissions in steam generators of thermal power plants

One of the agent modern tasks is to ensure the cleanliness of the air basin. To ensure this, it is necessary to clean the combustion products of the fuel removed from the boilers after their cooling into the atmosphere from harmful substances, including nitrogen oxide.

Author: А.P. Plevako
Year of release:
Number of the journal:

Method for hiding text data in an image

The main problem: The article deals with the issues of hiding text information in a graphic file. A formula for hiding text information in image pixels is proposed. A steganography scheme for embedding secret text in random image pixels has been developed. Random bytes are pre-embedded in each row of pixels in the source image. As a result of the operations performed, a key image is obtained. The text codes are embedded in random bytes of pixels of a given RGB channel. To form a secret message, the characters of the ASCII code table are used. Demo encryption and decryption programs have been developed in the Python 3.5.2 programming language. A graphic file is used as the decryption key. Purpose: To develop an algorithm for embedding text information in random pixels of an image. Methods: Among the methods of hiding information in graphic images, the LSB method of hiding information is widely used, in which the lower bits in the image bytes responsible for color encoding are replaced by the bits of the secret message. Analysis of methods of hiding information in graphic files and modeling of algorithms showed an increase in the level of protection of hidden information from detection. Results and their significance: Using the proposed steganography scheme and the algorithm for embedding bytes of a secret message in a graphic file, protection against detection of hidden information is significantly increased. The advantage of this steganography scheme is that for decryption, a key image is used, in which random bytes are pre-embedded. In addition, the entire pixel bits of the container image are used to display the color shades. It can also be noted that the developed steganography scheme allows not only to transmit secret information, but also to add digital fingerprints or hidden tags to the image.

Year of release:
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Development of a technology for producing organic fertilizers based on catalytic processes

The article is devoted to the development of a technology for obtaining organic fertilizers from poultry waste based on biocatalytic processes. Currently, many poultry farms have become sources of environmental pollution, thereby causing serious environmental problems and economic and social damage. The problem of reliable protection of the natural environment from pollution by bird droppings is currently relevant. In the area of operation of large poultry farms, air pollution by microorganisms, dust, foul-smelling organic compounds, which are decomposition products of organic waste, as well as nitrogen, sulfur, and carbon oxides, is possible. Bird droppings contain acids, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, heavy metals. The content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium changes dramatically depending on the quantity and quality of the feed. Humic substances isolated from brown coal have a sufficiently high sorption activity and are used as cheap sorbents for solving a number of environmental problems in industry. These studies are aimed at minimizing the main disadvantage of the anaerobic digestion process, the low reaction rate, which leads to the need to create large-volume bioreactors. On the basis of the research carried out, a technology has been developed for obtaining organic fertilizers from poultry waste by the method of anaerobic fermentation of chicken manure with humidity at a temperature of 27 °C - 50 °C with the addition of sodium humate. The resulting fertilizer is intended for use in agricultural production, horticulture, floriculture, forestry, municipalities, in household plots in order to increase the yield and quality of crop production. For the developed technology, an application has been submitted for obtaining a Patent for the invention of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Method for producing organic fertilizers» (priority No. 2021-22818, dated July 13, 2021). The invention allows to significantly reduce the time of fermentation, to enrich the product with organic and mineral products contained in sodium humate, to convert the salts of heavy metals into an insoluble state, to improve the environmental friendliness of the method.

Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 4(84)

Management in healthcare: domestic and foreign experience

The specifics of the management of healthcare institutions are due to the fact that healthcare is a special field of activity that differs significantly from other types of activities. One of the most important management tasks in the field of public health protection is the achievement of targets: improving the quality and accessibility of medical care through the effective use of limited financial, material, labor and other health resources in conditions of rapidly growing competition in the medical services market. The purpose - is to review and summarize the domestic and foreign experience of management in health care. The article emphasizes that the serious institutional transformations taking place in the domestic healthcare system in recent years are aimed at improving the quality of medical services in the implementation of the state guarantees program, at switching to a single-channel model of financing medical care, at introducing the principles of result-oriented budgeting into the activities of socially oriented organizations providing socially significant services. The practical implementation of the above innovations requires a revision of the concept of management in the field of healthcare, the priority areas of which correspond to the best world practice. The preservation of the health of the nation is a strategic guideline of state regulation in the field of healthcare, which determines the targets of state policy. When writing the article, traditional methods (comparison, description, measurement), general logical methods and research techniques (analysis, generalization, etc.) were used. The article discusses the main theoretical foundations and organizational and economic mechanisms of the healthcare management system in market conditions. The author notes that effective healthcare is a significant factor stabilizing the socio-political situation at all the above-mentioned early stages of the reform. Therefore, studies of economic relations in healthcare in the transition period, the role of innovation policy in the management of healthcare institutions are becoming relevant. At the same time, issues of the effectiveness of the functioning of healthcare institutions are of particular importance, which are ultimately determined by the creation of socio-economic, scientific, technical, organizational and economic prerequisites for the progressive development of productive forces using the achievements of scientific and technological progress, the latest medical technologies.

Author: Zh.N. Abdikadyr
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

The role of the tax passport in assessing the tax potential of the region

The tax system, as an integral area of the economic direction of state policy, urgently requires such construction and development that will be directly related to those main vectors of the state policy of socio-economic development, which will help ensure a sufficient amount of tax revenues to the budgets of different levels. In many countries around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant deterioration in the state of public finances. Containment measures, increased government spending, and reduced tax revenues have led to an increase in the budget deficit and public debt, which as a percentage of GDP has reached its highest level in several decades. Restoring public finances is a priority for all countries for many years to come. At present, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, it became necessary to develop a single document, the basis of which should be a system of indicators that determine the trends in the development of the macroeconomic situation in the region, as well as the influence of sectoral and regional factors of the current structure of financial flows on the state of the tax base and the prospects for its development. Purpose of the article is a substantiation of the role of the tax passport in assessing the tax potential of the region in modern conditions. The tax passport of the region should be considered as a document that allows assessing the existing tax base of the region, the level of the tax burden in the context of certain types of taxes in dynamics, by industry, as well as developing a forecast for the receipt of taxes and fees for the future, both under the current legislation and taking into account its possible change. When writing the article, the dialectical method of cognition, the methods of scientific generalization and classification, the method of systemic and comparative analysis were used. The introduction of tax passports will mean the beginning of a qualitatively new system of tax collection, corresponding to market conditions and the scale of the revival of the economy, that will contribute to a change in the tasks of the tax service (there is a need to predict the volume of tax revenues in the medium term, develop new concepts in the field of taxation that contribute to the development of business without prejudice social programs, substantiation of tax programs to ensure protectionist policy in the field of foreign economic activity).

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Foreign experience in the provision of social services

In the implementation of social policy, the most common practice in foreign countries is the payment of a part of the cost of the service by the recipients of social services. However, this decision raises some doubts. After all, these services are for members of the public who are unable to take care of themselves and generally cannot earn a living. On the other hand, when the state bears the costs, there is a risk of overconsumption. The decision on the extent to which a beneficiary of a social care service should share in the costs of social services depends on a variety of factors: criteria for social justice in the country and perceptions of social justice (for example, public opinion about whether unpaid social care services should be provided to all or only the poor), from a group of people in need of social care (social care services for children from social risk groups, especially for people with severe disabilities, are usually free of charge), from the economic ability of the state to provide free social services, etc. The purpose is to study the positive foreign experience in the provision of social services in modern conditions. Determine the role of the state as the dominant body in the implementation of social policy. The study is based on the principles of a systematic approach. Also, when writing the article, the dialectical method of cognition, the methods of scientific generalization and classification, the method of comparative analysis were used. Systematization and generalization of foreign experience in the provision of social services, taking into account the definition of its main goals and objectives, show that the changes taking place in the field of social protection in developed countries over the past two decades already indicate that the model of organizing social assistance, based on the dominance of market relations, operates in many countries. Under the hierarchical model, the organization of social services is based on a vertical division of responsibility and state functions, and the state has a monopoly on providing social care services and funding state or non-state care institutions. However, in recent decades, social assistance services have already been purchased from market participants and funded not by the state, but by the person in need of social assistance. However, such a market is not pure, since the state is involved in both the purchase and pricing of the service.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

The use of a heat pump at an industrial enterprise in the region

Main problem: The use of waste heat is most often solved by installing heat exchangers, but this is not effective when the temperature of this heat does not exceed 10-15 0 C, in which case this heat can be used using a heat pump. Where can I get this heat? Almost any enterprise needs cooling of any equipment elements or substances – working fluids; the heat received from them can be sent to a heat pump and used here at the enterprise. Purpose: Consideration of the possibility of using the heat of cooling water from the pump CNS 60-165 and the proposal of a new scheme with the installation of a heat pump that uses this heat. Methods: This is achieved due to the fact that it is proposed not to discard the heat, but after its use in the heat pump evaporator, transfer it to the heated medium - water, which is then sent to the shower cabins of the enterprise. Since the showers are located in the same room, the cost of transporting heat and losses will be minimal. Methods: In the course of the research, the possibility of using the waste heat of an industrial enterprise for using it here at the enterprise for the purposes of hot water supply was considered. For these purposes, it is proposed to install a heat pump, thanks to which the thermal potential increases, which makes it possible to fully use the received heat. Results and their significance: As the experience of foreign countries has shown, heat pumps can be widely used in many industrial enterprises, and in conditions of increased competitiveness, in order to reduce energy costs and the cost of manufactured products, install heat pumps to utilize excess heat, for example, process water, which is available in many production allows you to have a significant economic effect.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

Energy savings through the use of refractory masonry with a lower thermal conductivity

Main problem: recently, much attention has been paid to energy saving in production, especially when it comes to industrial units that burn fuel. There are several ways to maximize the use of the heat released during the combustion process, for example, to reduce the temperature of the flue gases at the outlet of the unit, by maximizing its use, both in the technological process itself and by installing additional heat-receiving units, for example, air heaters or other heaters. Another way to save money is to reduce heat losses through the lining of these high-temperature units. Metallurgical units that consume a large amount of energy and fuel require an analysis of their consumption, and ways to save their consumption based on the results of the analysis. Purpose: this article considers the possibility of replacing the existing inner insulation layer of the second and third sections of a high-temperature unit - a metallurgical furnace, with a new one with better technical and economic indicators. Methods: the possibility of replacing the existing inner insulation layer of the second and third sections of the high-temperature unit with a new one, with the best technical and economic indicators, was considered. The calculation of heat losses by thermal conductivity through the side surfaces and the roof with new insulation was performed, and the economic efficiency of the proposed solution was proved. Results and their significance: replacing the existing inner layer of insulation - refractory concrete PHLOCAST M30 (thermal conductivity coefficient from 1,4 to 1,45) with the proposed CERALIT GUN HK 70070 (thermal conductivity coefficient from 1,03 to 1,12) will reduce heat loss to the environment, and thus to reduce fuel consumption for the furnace.

Author: А.P. Plevako
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)

Environmental management systems: international models and experience of Kazakhstan

Significant air and water pollution, which is detrimental to the health of the citizens of Kazakhstan. Courts and regulatory authorities do not properly fulfill their obligations in the framework of environmental protection. Currently, government agencies are pursuing a policy aimed at protecting the environment and the rights of citizens. Purpose of the study is to analyze international models, practices, application of management systems for the legal protection of the environment and the health of citizens with application in Kazakhstan. The article discusses and explores a number of principles and methods of environmental management. Since these principles and practices contribute to the establishment of rational and effective environmental policy and management, it is proposed to take them into account when rethinking the current system in Kazakhstan. The article analyzes models and methods of legal protection of the environment and response to damage to the health of citizens, these tools can be part of an integrated system. Based on the study, it was found that in order for environmental management to reach its full potential, Kazakhstan also needs to undertake political reforms and involve ordinary citizens in the formation of policies and protection mechanisms. The studied strategies for collecting and taking into account the opinions of people when making managerial decisions on environmental protection can be used in Kazakhstani society.

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The right to education as a component of the effective development of legal culture

The main thesis of the proposed research is that in modern conditions of globalization, the realization of the right of citizens to education is an important and necessary condition for the development of society and the state. The right to education provides everyone with knowledge, skills, the development of creative abilities, guarantees the effective functioning of state and public institutions, national security, maintains stability in society and contributes to the development of a democratic, social rule of law state. The purpose of the study is to develop a holistic concept of constitutional and legal provision of the right to education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account international experience and developing proposals for improving domestic legislation regulating the right to education. The methodological basis is a system of philosophical and ideological approaches, principles, general scientific and special scientific methods that provided an objective analysis of the subject of research. The article substantiates that the state is also interested in ensuring the right to education for everyone, since it is education that creates qualified labor potential, provides training for professional specialists capable of effectively managing public affairs and performing its tasks. In turn, as a rule, an increase in the educational and qualification level of a person is the basis for salary growth, which affects the increase in tax deductions to the state budget, its filling, and therefore leads to economic growth of the state and society as a whole. The effective functioning of the education system in the state contributes to reducing unemployment (pupils, students belong to the category of the employed population), ensuring the vital activity of state institutions, national security, building a social state and establishing stability in society. Special attention in this article is paid to the implementation of scientific analysis of the right to education in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of modern international experience. The article makes a number of new theoretical conclusions and proposals, in particular: the signs of the right to education are classified into general (inherent in all categories of human and civil rights) and special (reveal the peculiarity of the right to education in the system of constitutional rights); the concept and content of the principles of the right to education are defined, what are the fundamental principles, ideas that determine its essence and the general direction of development.

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Heading: Law

Innovative methodological approach to the assessment of the qualification level of business entities

In the conditions of the ongoing formation of a country with a market organization of public relations, the search for means and methods of unambiguous assessment of the qualification level of subjects of both educational and professional activities is becoming more and more urgent. The problem is the inconsistency of the paradigm and methods of assessing the knowledge and abilities of subjects. Purpose of the article is to develop proposals and recommendations to overcome difficulties in the development and implementation of the National Qualification System of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The method of content-genetic logic of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, a speculative language of functional and schematic images of thought was used. A comparative analysis was carried out and contradictions were revealed in the approaches to the development of the National Qualification System of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Numerous semantic terminological "gluing", incorrect definitions in the developed qualification documents of such keywords as activity, employment, work, labor, profession, position, knowledge, abilities, qualifications, etc. have been established. In order to eliminate the conceptual confusion and ambiguity of the approved normative documents, it is recommended to articulate their names in the same type of task-qualification format. Relevant examples are given. A special role in ensuring a high qualification level of all subjects belongs to teaching staff. Therefore, it is recommended to improve their functional literacy, update the pedagogical paradigm and develop a system for assessing the qualification level of education workers. To ensure the unambiguity, the conceptual status of the terms used in the qualification procedures, it is recommended to use together an innovative method of content-genetic logic and a speculative language of functional schematic images that allow visualizing, checking and correcting the concepts being constructed according to the criteria of morality, logic and consistency. As an example, the scheme of logical derivation and differentiation of the concepts of position, role, profession, specialty, position, as well as a typical unit of professional activity is given.

Author: V.I. Tsoy
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The development of e-commerce in the information space and the need to protect consumer rights

The main thesis of the proposed research is that in modern conditions of globalization and the development of the information society, approaches in civil law turnover to goods and, accordingly, to the protection of human rights are radically changing. As part of the development of electronic commerce, information has also become a commodity, which causes many different disputes in science. Perhaps this is due to the fact that information is a relatively new object for the science of civil law, compared with objects of law that have been known for more than two thousand years, such as a thing and are considered classical. Information, confidential information (trade secrets and know-how) belong to the so-called objects of law, and civilists, relatively speaking, call them atypical, since they have become known to civil law not so long ago. The development of economic relations, as a rule, requires the development of a new, appropriate array of legal norms, which in the future may form a separate civil law institution that does not contradict the Constitution of the Republic. The purpose of the study is to develop its own conclusions based on a comprehensive civil law analysis of the legal nature of e-commerce relations, its essential features of civil law regulation of relations in the field of e-commerce and information; to provide suggestions and recommendations for improving legislation in this area. In addition, the article pays attention to the protection of the rights of consumers of e-commerce services. When conducting the research, the author was guided by the following methods: general scientific (historical, formal-logical, system-structural, system-comparative, etc.) and special legal (formal-legal, comparative-legal and others). The article substantiates that the evolution of the carrier of the written form does not lead to the emergence of a new form next to the written one: the peculiarity of the very fixation of the will in electronic data transmission means is not only the creation of a text document, but also the possibility of fixing the will with the help of sound, video files, graphic files. The doctrine of civil law has formulated a conceptual approach, according to which the possibility of the emergence and existence of the right of ownership of information is denied. In the civil sense, information as such cannot be exploited as a thing, or used as a result of intellectual, creative activity. The article concludes that the relations of an individual entrepreneur arising from contracts aimed at purchasing, ordering goods (works, services) for the purpose of satisfying personal, family, household, cultural and other personal household needs not related to the implementation of their entrepreneurial activities should be subject to legislation about consumer protection.

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Heading: Law

Attorney-client privilege in criminal proceedings: problems of ensuring and implementing

The bar as an institution of civil society ensures the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, guarantees fair justice. A lawyer has long been called a defender – who protects a person, his or her rights and legitimate interests. In the legal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, attorney-client privilege is considered as a moral and ethical problem at the level of self-governing structures of the bar. The lack of sufficient scientific and theoretical research on the problems of attorney-client privilege, the uncertainty of the status of the bar both in the system of the Institute of defense and justice itself lead to the unsettled legal status of attorney-client privilege, which also determines the relevance of the topic of scientific research. The purpose of the study is a historical and legal analysis of the content of "attorney-client privilege"; identification of gaps in the legal regulation of the concept, content and guarantees of attorney-client privilege, taking into account the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international legal acts in the field of human rights; identification of ways to solve problematic issues of ensuring attorney-client privilege. The methodological basis is a set of general scientific and philosophical methods that made it possible to disclose the subject of research and achieve the goal. The article substantiates a number of theses: attorney-client secrecy is considered on the basis of quantitative and qualitative methods of law analysis and a broad base of moral, ethical, historical and legal problems of protecting human and civil rights and freedoms; attorney-client secrecy and the problems of advocacy are considered in the system of social and, in particular, legal institutions as a process of institutionalization in general. In other words, the need for objective knowledge of public relations is actualized, the main element of which is legal relations, and a specific area is secrecy; the system of legal relations that arise in connection with the need to observe attorney-client confidentiality, the system of legal support of attorney-client confidentiality for the successful implementation of their activities by lawyers and to increase confidence in the lawyer in the state is analyzed.

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Heading: Law

Measures to improve the effectiveness of labor legislation in the aspect of labor rights protection

This study examines the problematic issues of improving labor legislation. At the present stage of development of market transformations in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as taking into account the entry of the Republic of Kazakhstan into the Eurasian Economic Union, the problems of reforming labor legislation are of crucial importance. This necessitated the emergence of new views on the legal regulation of public relations in the field of the realization of the right to work. In this regard, it becomes urgent to rethink many fundamental provisions of labor law, and among them, not the last place is occupied by the problems of improving labor legislation in various areas of labor relations in a market economy. At the present stage of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, labor legislation should guarantee the implementation of a wide range of not only labor, but also other socio-economic and personal rights and freedoms. Despite the relative research, the study of issues of further improvement of labor legislation does not lose its relevance, taking into account the fact that both the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in general and labor legislation in particular are constantly developing and need further development and improvement. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive study of the current state of the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the definition of the main directions of its improvement in the light of the protection of labor rights. The methodological basis of the research is based on modern methods of cognition: dialectical, formally logical, historical, comparative legal, analytical-synthetic, system-structural, logical-legal. The article substantiates the need for new theoretical and methodological approaches to the consideration of the main directions of improving the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in connection with which, there is an urgent need to study labor legislation, which is designed to ensure the labor rights of man and citizen, from the perspective of its further improvement. The concept of improving labor legislation is defined, which refers to the activities of the competent authorities of the state to support its qualitative state in accordance with the needs of the development of labor and closely related relations, which is aimed at ensuring the effectiveness of legal regulation of these relations.

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Heading: Law

Promising directions in the use of retort packaging for the production of canned food products in Kazakhstan

The article is devoted to the study of the main types of retort packaging, as well as polymer and combined materials used for its manufacture. The authors have compiled a classification of retort packaging presented on the modern market, investigated the technological properties of packaging materials, and also determined the requirements for modern retort packaging: resistance to sterilization at a temperature of at least 120°C, steam and moisture resistance, chemical inertia to canned products, tightness, low gas permeability. It has been established that in order to give the retort packaging the required properties, it is made of multilayer polymer or combined materials, each of the layers of which performs certain functions. It is determined that due to the barrier properties of polymer and combined materials with respect to oxygen, retort packaging provides shelf life of canned products up to 5 years, which allows the use of retort packaging made of polymer and combined materials as an alternative to glass and metal packaging. In experimental studies, the composition of the outer layers of modern retort packaging was analyzed and it was concluded that polypropylene or polyethylene terephthalate are most often used, since these polymer materials are thermally and chemically resistant, vapor- and moisture-proof. It is established that materials that are barriers to gases are used as the middle layer – aluminum foil, metallized films, ethylene vinyl alcohol, polyamide. It is proved that polymer co-extrusion, multilayer injection molding or lamination is used for the manufacture of such materials and packaging. The data obtained indicate the high barrier properties of combined packaging materials, therefore, the thermal and chemical stability of the polymer and combined materials used makes it possible to use retort packaging for packing almost all groups of canned products.

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Environmental management systems: international models, experience and application in Kazakhstan

Main problem: in Kazakhstan, the Government is reviewing its environmental and health management system to identify opportunities for improvement. Kazakhstan suffers from a high level of emissions into the environment and related health problems of the population. The link between environmental pollution and public health has been established for a long time. In Kazakhstan, air pollution, water pollution and soil and groundwater pollution are the main causes of widespread health problems and diseases, including, but not limited to, lung diseases and certain cancers. Recognizing these problems, the Kazakh Government is trying to strengthen environmental protection and environmental management system. Purpose: the purpose of the study was to analyze international models, practices, application of management systems for the legal protection of the environment and the health of citizens with application in Kazakhstan. Methods: the article discusses and explores a number of principles and methods of environmental management. Since these principles and practices contribute to the establishment of rational and effective environmental policy and management, it is proposed to take them into account when rethinking the current system in Kazakhstan. The article analyzes models and methods of legal protection of the environment and response to damage to the health of citizens, these tools can be part of an integrated system. Results and their significance: based on the study, it was found that in order for environmental management to reach its full potential, Kazakhstan also needs to undertake political reforms and involve ordinary citizens in the formation of policies and protection mechanisms. The studied strategies for collecting and taking into account the opinions of people when making managerial decisions on environmental protection can be used in Kazakhstani society.

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

Criminal Legal Characteristics of Subjects of Crimes Against Morality

The main problem is the relevance of the research topic. The history of the development of civilization shows that law and morality as components of the spiritual culture of society are organically linked to each other. The legal system of any state enshrines the moral requirements and moral principles that are vital for the whole society. When creating norms or improving them, the legislator must take into account the state of the public moral culture of the population so that the laws being developed are fair and perceived by members of society. Purpose: The purpose of the study is the further theoretical development of a set of criminal law issues related to determining the place of morality in the system of objects of criminal law protection, their role in the system of measures to combat crime, as well as the development on this basis of proposals and recommendations for improving criminal legislation regulating liability for attacks on public morality. Methods: Methodology and methodology of the study. The methodological basis of the study was made up of: generally recognized methods of scientific research of the phenomena of reality in their interrelation and interdependence both at the theoretical level (systemic, comparative legal, formal legal, historical methods of analysis, etc.) and at the empirical level (statistical analysis, questionnaires, research of documents, printed publications); the main provisions of the theory of criminal law, ethics, philosophy, psychology; rules of formal logic. The results and their significance: The stated circumstances, as well as the lack of elaboration and discussion of most of the provisions related to the modern legal regulation of crimes against public morality and their qualifications, determined the choice of the research topic. Crimes against morality are mostly committed intentionally. For example, involvement in prostitution, the organization of brothels for prostitution or maintenance, as well as other types of criminal acts directed against humanity (morality), are committed with direct intent. A person who organizes and maintains brothels for prostitution is aware that he is doing this for profit. Among the crimes committed against humanity (morality), animal abuse is committed mainly out of hooligan motives.

Author: S.T. Iksatova
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)
Heading: Law