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Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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Biotechnological aspects of the development of a functional jelly product


This article discusses the idea of developing a functional product that exhibits biologically active, bifidogenic properties and a strong antioxidant effect. The authors propose the formulation of sea buckthorn marmalade with the addition of immobilized probiotics. The jelly-fruit marmalade formulation is used as a control sample; apple puree is replaced with sea buckthorn concentrate, sugar and molasses with fructose. In experimental samples, various methods of introducing probiotics are used and their viability in the finished product is further evaluated. According to the organoleptic characteristics, the samples have a pleasant taste, smell, original color, gelatinous consistency. The best viability was shown by microorgan isms immobilized by incorporation into the gel.

Open article
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 3(75)