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Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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Research activity as one of the forms of professional self-realization of a teacher


This article discusses the issue of studying the research activities of teachers. The research activity of a teacher is one of the forms of professional self-realization of a teacher. At this time, schools need teachers of a new formation, in particular researchers who could master the methods of organizing and conducting experimental work in the school. And of course, there is a problem brewing here: how, in modern conditions, when the education system is constantly being reformed, it is possible to develop the professional self-realization of a teacher. The introduction of innovations in the educational process of the school also increases the requirements for the professionalism of the teacher. These requirements include the performance of research activities by schoolteachers. which, unfortunately, causes them some difficulties. One of them may be the lack of sufficient knowledge about research activities, in particular, the lack of necessary research skills and motivation. Therefore, we say that in order for a teacher to systematically engage in research activities, he needs motivation. However, as practice shows, motivation alone is not enough, the teacher must also possess research skills, methods of organizing research activities. In their professional activities, the teacher should understand that research is a way to self-realization. Research activities play a key role in the implementation of the topic of teacher self-education. In addition, the research activity of a modern schoolteacher is the main element of professional activity, the leading criterion of pedagogical creativity, a source of growth of teaching status, an indicator of responsibility, abilities and talent, a condition for the development, socialization and selfdetermination of students. The success of innovative transformations at school depends only on the teacher, his initiative, desire to engage in research and creativity. If the school lives in a development mode, then it is characterized by research, experimental work, and creative search. It is in the course of experimental and research activities that new experience is created, and optimal solutions to complex problems are born. The material presented in the article can be used by teachers of secondary schools when developing the topic of selfeducation and drawing up a teacher's portfolio.

Open article
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)