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Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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Psуchological and pedagogical bases of the spirituall and moral education of preschool children


In the article questions of spiritual and moral education of children of younger age and necessity of activization of personality formation of the preschool child in this direction are considered. The author notes the interaction between the preschool institution and familу. Not only the teachers of kindergartens, but parents themselves should remember the importance of developing spirituality. In the spiritual and moral education the primary role is played by the example of relatives, specific facts from the life of family members. Attention is focused on the fact that children should have good examples to follow, because children act in different situations in the same way as the older members of their family do. Emphasizes the importance of arranging life in a family in such a way to fill the needs of both the material and spiritual and moral needs.

Open article
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 4(64)