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Number of results: 9

The estimation of consumer properties of bee honey represented in the retail trade network

This article views the research methods allowing by the organoleptic and physical and chemical indicators to estimate the honey naturality and approximately determine its origin due to the results of the analyses. The factors influencing the quality of the produced honey have been considered and the chemical Вестник Инновационного Евразийского университета. 2015. №3 ISSN 1729-536X 167 composition of the useful components of honey has been studied. It is shown that Kazakhstani honey can be rather competitive at the world market and the main task is the increase the honey production without changing its quality.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Algorithm of suppression of electromagnetic disturbances

The article considers various methods of suppressing electromagnetic disturbances encountered in the electric power system. Detailed descriptions of methods of suppression, as well as classification of electromagnetic interference on the basis of the source of their occurrence are given. Illustrative diagrams of the 106 Вестник Инновационного Евразийского университета. 2017. № 1 ISSN 1729-536X three methods are shown. Based on the analysis, recommendations were made on improving the noise-proof feature of power equipment.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 1(65)

Teaching a foreign language in primary school in the context of updating the content of education

Changes in the education system have influenced the content of education in primary school. Working with younger students requires teachers to use modern methods. Determining the leading principles of teaching, the priority strategies of learning and the organization of an English lesson is what contributes to the 36 Вестник Инновационного Евразийского университета. 2018. № 1 ISSN 1729-536X effectiveness of teaching. The article is devoted to the analysis of the characteristics of teaching English in elementary school in the context of updated educational content. The authors reviewed the elements of the lesson, methods and techniques of organizing the educational process in primary school, described the factors affecting the effectiveness of training. The authors also tried to uncover a number of problems and give recommendations that arise in connection with the tendency to learn English in primary school.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)

The influence of trade organizers on the market: the role and functionality

At present, the role of trade organizers in the conditions of a rapidly changing economic situation, global financial crises, and the rapid development of market relations is very important and significant. First of all, in the support of entrepreneurship, the development of trade relations, the promotion of local goods inside the country and abroad, the creation of conditions for the organization and development of trade in general. In this publication, the author analyzes the trade turnover of the Soviet and current periods, as a result of which the 30 Вестник Инновационного Евразийского университета. 2018. № 2 ISSN 1729-536X conclusion follows that, in addition to the state, other subjects of commodity circulation are also needed to create conditions for the development of trade. They were the organizers of trade. However, in the publication a significant place is given to the legal personality of special subjects of trade, the characteristics of the main types and functions of each of them, tasks and goals, as well as the problems of organizers of trade.

Author: D.A. Kuanova
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 2(70)

Organization of psychological and pedagogical support of children in the rehabilitation center

This article deals with the problems of organizing psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities in a rehabilitation center. Currently, an extensive system of institutions of the Ministry of Вестник Инновационного Евразийского университета. 2018. № 2 ISSN 1729-536X 91 Education, Health, Labor and Social Protection has been established in our country, in which medical, social, psychological and pedagogical support is provided for the development of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The main task of maintenance is the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the full development and development of a socially successful person, the protection of the rights of the child to receive education and development in accordance with their potential in the real conditions of their existence. The leading principles of support for the development of the child in an educational institution are: the advisory nature of the accompaniment; priority of the interests of the child; an individual approach accompanied by the development of the child; maintenance continuity; integrated (multidisciplinary) approach, accompanied by development.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 2(70)

Digitalization of Kazakhstan’s auto industry, transport and logistics: organizational and legal aspects

The present article analyzes the problematic issues of digitalization of the automotive industry, motor transport and logistics in the Republic of Kazakh stan. The main emphasis is made on the consideration of positive results for the economy and society, which is the digitalization of the automotive industry, transport and logistics, the analysis of the tasks and content of digitalization in these sectors, the analytical study of the prospects of legal regulation of the automotive industry, motor transport and road logistics in the form of domestic legislative and international legal means to improve digitalization in these areas. The names and substantiation of 7 draft laws of Kazakhstan, which could be adopted in the near future by the Kazakh legislator, Вестник Инновационного Евразийского университета. 2019. № 2 ISSN 1729-536X 35 are proposed. The most important and priority bills include: «On state management of digital (creative) economy», «On the development of intelligent transport system in production and operation», «On the introduction of digitalization in the activities of companies, enterprises and institutions », «On the improvement of logistics based on digital technology along all the Kazakhstan roads».

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Social sciences

The forensic characteristics of criminal offenses

The research explores the scientific approach to the concept and essence of the forensic characteristics of crimes, the concept’s formation history, and also draws attention to the role and place of this scientific category in the theory of modern forensic science. The article emphasizes that the forensic characteristic, which is an independent element of a private forensic methodology for investigating crimes, is one of the basic concepts of forensic theory and practice. The author notes that the phrase “forensic characteristics of crimes” should be understood as an ordinary data system on the elements of certain types of crimes and their mechanisms. Concerning specific crimes, it is necessary to consider the issue of the forensic information system for a specific offence, which is reduced to the subject of the investigation. The article emphasizes the importance of the category of “forensic characteristics of a crime” for countering novel criminal offences, among which the author highlights cybercrime. There is no doubt that this concept of the forensic characteristics of crimes is capable of investigating the main practical goals, including new elements of criminal offences, along with the solution of scientific tasks for the disclosure, investigation and prevention of crimes. As a result, the author concludes that it is precisely the concept of the forensic characteristics of crimes formulated in the article that, along with the solution of scientific tasks for the disclosure, investigation and prevention of crimes, is capable of Вестник Инновационного Евразийского университета. 2020. № 2 ISSN 1729-536X 67 implementing tasks related to the main practical goals of the investigation, including new elements of criminal offences.

Author: A.O. Shakenov
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Law

Comparative analysis of set expressions with the zoonymic component of "dog" in English and Kazakh languages

ing the image of a dog. The purpose of this study is to consider the national and cultural specifics, reflected in the stable expressions of the English and Kazakh languages with the "dog" component. The article provides a brief overview of works related to the issues of phraseology in English and Kazakh. The work was based on general scientific methods: induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis. The work with the collected card index of stable expressions was carried out by the method of continuous sampling, using the descriptive-analytical method. An important place in the work with the material was given to the Вестник Инновационного Евразийского университета. 2020. № 4 ISSN 1729-536X 17 methods of definitional, contextual and typological analysis. Using the comparative-comparative method, national-specific and universal features of zoonyms in English and Kazakh languages were determined. The material of the research was a card index of phraseological units of the English and Kazakh languages (more than 160 units) which were selected using the method of continuous sampling from phraseological dictionaries of the English and Kazakh languages. When analyzing the authors of the article relied on materials from phraseological dictionaries in English and Kazakh languages. In the course of the analysis, groups of phraseological units were identified and their differences and similarities in the compared languages were identified, as well as their national and cultural specificity, based on the action of universal cultural codes; the national and cultural specificity of zoonyms is determined by a number of extralinguistic factors: the location of the country, the living conditions of the people, their customs and traditions, history, religion and socio-political structure. All this secures national-specific connotation to zoonyms and determines their productivity. The results of the study showed that through the prism of axiology, an analysis of English and Kazakh stable combinations with the "dog" component, reflecting the paradigm of values (general cultural and national-cultural) and anti-values of the corresponding ethnic communities, was presented, as well as universal values representing at the intercultural level. The results of the study showed that through the prism of axiology, the analysis reflects the paradigm of values (general cultural and national-cultural) and anti-values of the corresponding ethnic communities. The research results have both theoretical and practical significance; it will be additional material for elective courses on the subject of "Lexicology" taught at the faculties of philology and foreign languages in higher educational institutions.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Humanities

The Relevance of Information and Communication Technologies in Modern Educational Practice

Modern education faces the need for constant updating and adaptation to new realities. One of the key problems is to improve the efficiency of the educational process Тo assess the impact of information and communication technologies on the quality of education in a comprehensive school. Research methods to achieve this goal, a comprehensive analysis of scientific literature was conducted, as well as practical research within the educational process: a survey of teachers and students, action research to compare the results of lessons conducted using digital technologies and with traditional teaching methods. Вестник Инновационного Евразийского университета. 2024. № 3 ISSN 2709-3077 29 Results and their significance the study showed that the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process allows: to increase student motivation, individualize learning - information and communication technologies allow you to create personalized learning trajectories for each student, taking into account their pace and characteristics of information perception. Another important result is the ability to develop digital competencies necessary for a successful life in modern society. Finally, the use of information and communication technologies allows for a more in-depth and comprehensive study of educational material, and also provides feedback between teacher and student, which leads to an improvement in the quality of education.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 3(95)