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Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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Search results: N.М. Zaytseva

Number of results: 6

Сreation of a modern web-resource of educational subdivision of institution

In the article is considered the necessity of presence of web-resource of educational subdivision of institution. The basic requirements are certain to the web-resource. Description over of the worked out web-site and applied toolset is brought.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)

Аctuality of forming’s image in the internet

In the article are the concept of image and his basic descriptions. The analys is produced by modern mass medias of forming’s image of higher educational establishment. Advantages of the internet are certain for the achievement of aims of forming of image of institution of higher learning

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)
Heading: Social sciences

The theoretical basis for the use of Petri nets in the simulation of enterprise logistics system

The paper is devoted to solving logistics problems based on information technologies. Petri net-based modeling is proposed as a solution method. The paper describes solution of the problem of supply chain management based on the Petri net.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

Building an optimization model energy-efficient mode of functioning energy-intensive production based on a fuzzy genetic algorithm

The article is devoted to solving the optimization problem of finding an energy-efficient mode operation of one of the types of energy-intensive industries with the properties nonlinearity, inertia, and isolation. An optimization model based on a genetic algorithm is considered as a solution method. Moreover, the calculation of the fitness function for the selection of chromosomes is proposed to be calculated on the basis of fuzzy logic

Author: N.М. Zaytseva
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

Automation of determining the electrical safety level of electro technical complexes using fuzzy logic

The article is devoted to the task of automating the assessment of the electrical safety level of electrical installations based on the determination of the electrical resistivity of soil layers ρ in specific climatic conditions. The soil ρ value depends on many factors, which can vary significantly during the year. Therefore, the decision was made using modeling based on one of the areas of artificial intelligence: fuzzy logic.

Author: N.M. Zaytseva
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 3(75)

Simulation of property management using the example of filling station chain

When managing a filling station chain, it is necessary to solve the following tasks in dynamics: determining the volume of purchases by types of oil products sold and redistributing the available volume of various types of oil products to filling station chain. The peculiarity of this control task is that the replenishment of the storage of oil products is carried out centrally, and the sale of each type of fuel is carried out at separate filling stations of the network, that is, in many points. At the same time, the volume of each type of fuel sold by each station of the network should be taken into account separately, taking into account the seasonal demand for a specific oil product. In addition to modeling demand, information is needed on the volume of petroleum products that can be purchased from suppliers with the possibility of increasing or decreasing the volume of purchases due to demand. To solve this problem, a list of suppliers of a specific type of oil product with a possible range of supply volumes must be determined. In the proposed model, an attempt is made to solve the above problems. To solve them, a management model was developed, which was implemented using the Visual Studio C # programming environment and MS SQLServer DBMS. When developing the structure of the database tables, the task of managing a network of filling stations based on the Petri net was taken into account: that is, the database tables provided for storing information on the volumes of supplies of petroleum products, the volume of sales of each type of petroleum product, as well as the time of deliveries and sales. To solve the problem of centralized procurement for all types of fuel, the database provided tables with information about suppliers and possible volumes of supplies by them of various types of petroleum products. To solve the problems of forecasting demand, the model includes algorithms for predicting the volume of sales of petroleum products based on the accumulated time series of data for each type of fuel separately. The forecasting was carried out in order to assess the required volumes of purchases of oil products for the coming period. The prediction algorithms are implemented using two methods: linear approximation and exponential smoothing. Both algorithms take into account the seasonality of demand.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)