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Search results: dietary fiber

Number of results: 7

Biotechnological approaches in making new meat products

This paper presents a biotechnological approach of making a meat product in order to create a new domestic product. As the result of the study, prescription composition of the meat product with a cereal component was developed. Components comprise raw materials of domestic production, which allows to increase the level of nutritional balance of the product. The prescription composition includes secondary raw materials, and that allows manufacturers of processing industries to use non-waste production. This characteristic has been achieved due to the know-how. Secondary raw materials have nutritional value, but because of its features (coarse fibers) they are poorly digest by the body. The developed know-how ensures that these fibers are transformed into easily digestible form, giving the product special characteristics, which are described based on the results of nutritional value of the newly developed type of product. The developed new product allows to expand the range of meat products on the market.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

The study of nutritional values and organoleptic properties of poly-grain extruded mixture

Among many environmental conditions that affect a person, the most important factor is nutrition. Today, there is no doubt that there is a direct link between nutrition, health and disease. Proper nutrition ensures normal growth and development of a person, contributes to the prevention of diseases, has a positive impact on life expectancy and creates conditions for adaptation to the environment. A very actual topic for public catering in the Republic of Kazakhstan, namely for fast food companies, is the development of new recipes and culinary products from relatively inexpensive vegetable raw materials, as well as qualitatively new food products with a purposefully changed chemical composition. One of the main ways of solving problems of expanding the production of products for quick service, as well as products for dietary and therapeutic and preventive nutrition is the use of sprouted grains and beans. In this article, poly-grain mixtures of sprouted wheat and extruded soy beans in different ratios are studied and considered. Poly-grain mixtures developed by us are balanced in nutrients, vitamins and amino acids. The research was carried out on the basis of the accredited testing laboratory of RUBICOM enterprise LLP and the scientific laboratory of the Innovative Eurasian University. The purpose of this work is to study a promising method for increasing the nutritional value of grain mixtures by extruding them at different temperature conditions. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were planned: – to study the grain of soy beans and sprouted wheat on the organolepti c characteristics and chemical composition of the poly-grain mixture; – examine the chemical composition of the poly-grain mixture before extrusion; – choose the optimal mode of the extrusion process; – study and analyze the chemical composition of poly-grain extruded mixture; It should be noted that we have developed for the first time the optimal technological mode of extrusion of poly-grain mixture from sprouted wheat and soy beans, and the physical and chemical composition of the poly-grain mixture was studied. The results of the research presented in this paper are the basis for the development of recipes and technologies for fast food products. The reliability and validity of scientific statements is confirmed by the choice of modern methods of chemical composition analysis.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Improving the technology of fruit and vegetable semi-finished products with natural aromatic and spicy additives

The sharp deterioration of the environmental situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, associated with human activity and the impact of harmful factors on the environment, affected the quality of food consumed by insufficient consumption of domestic fruit and vegetable products containing vitamins, minerals of an alkaline nature, carbohydrates, vegetable proteins, pectin substances and active fiber. The problem of improving the quality of growing and processing fruits and vegetables is one of the main tasks of the food independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Currently, the share of large vegetable farms in the Republic of Kazakhstan is only 10%. The volume of industrial processing of fruit and vegetable crops in Kazakhstan is insignificant. The demand for domestic fruit and vegetable products in the country is met only by 35-40%, most of it is imported from countries such as Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and China. There is a need for the development of organic vegetable growing in Kazakhstan and the creation of new types of domestic fruit and vegetable products containing a sufficient amount of useful and active substances that can bind and remove toxic substances and radioactive elements from the human body. The purpose of the work is to improve the technology of fruit and vegetable semi-finished products with natural spicy and aromatic additives, to develop a multi-component recipe for vegetable mixtures and a method for producing quick-frozen vegetable mixtures with high quality indicators. These studies were aimed at studying the chemical composition and functional and technological properties of vegetables and spicy - aromatic plants for the content of biogenic compounds: carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, essential oils, minerals and other substances. The structure of plant tissues was studied and the mass fraction of moisture, dry matter, fiber, mono - and disaccharides, pectin substances, vitamin C was determined, the formulation and production technology of Assorted vegetable mixtures were developed, and quality indicators were determined.

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Bone osteosynthesis in the treatment of femoral fractures in small domestic animals

Injuries among domestic animals account for 50-70 % of all non-communicable diseases. Fractures of bones, mainly limbs, occur in 44.5 % of cases. The main goal of fracture treatment is to restore normal function and movement of the limb, and the ways in which this is done are varied. Preference is given to methods that do not constrain the movement of the limb, allowing the animal to use it during the treatment period. Purpose: This article discusses the method of bone osteosynthesis, which has proven itself in the treatment of bone fractures, and is relevant today in veterinary medicine. The main study was conducted on the basis of the veterinary clinic "Shans" in Pavlodar. For osteosynthesis, plates for osteosynthesis and screws made of titanium alloy were used. This is due to the fact that when in contact with each other, the metal that fixes bone fragments can oxidize. Animals come to the clinic as a result of injuries that lead to fractures. The most common causes include falls from a height, motor vehicles, careless or rough handling of animals, and contact with other animals. When a fracture is established by obvious signs or if a fracture is suspected, such patients are preliminarily sent for x-rays. Upon receipt of an X-ray image and with the consent of the owner of the animal, osteosynthesis is performed. When accessing bone fragments, the incision was made along the muscle fibers. Osteosynthesis was performed according to the method described by V.M. Shapovalov (2009). The general condition of the animals after osteosynthesis was restored after 3-5 days. All animals, after bone osteosynthesis, completely relied on the limb. Contractures of adjacent joints and muscle atrophy were not determined. Plain osteosynthesis of the femur, in the presence of the necessary instrument and consumables, is not very difficult to perform. Performing bone osteosynthesis in the early stages makes it possible to include the limb in the locomotory act, as a result of which the animal actively uses the limb during the rehabilitation period.

Author: S.D. Tusupov
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Development of a new type of curd mass using a vegetable protein-containing component

It is known that the nutritional value of proteins is primarily characterized by the composition of essential amino acids and is determined by their accessibility. Not just proteins are necessary for the good functioning of the human body, but a certain amount of essential amino acids. Since the lack or absence of any of them causes serious health problems. The problem of protein malnutrition is global for many reasons and to solve it, it’s necessary to study the prospects for the possible use of non-traditional sources of dietary protein, namely vegetable protein. Considering this, the article presents the results of studies conducted over several years, the objects of which were dairy and vegetable products and protein hydrolyzate from chickpea flour. At the same time, the possibility of its use as a filler of plant origin to improve the physicochemical and structural-mechanical properties of a new type of finished product was determined. The purpose of these studies is to develop a recipe and determine the technological stages of production of a new type of product of dairy and vegetable origin, which has a functional focus, in which vegetable products are used together with dairy components. It should be noted that when selecting components, preference is given to raw materials grown in the local region. When developing the recipe, the optimal amount of chickpea protein hydrolyzate to be added was determined, which makes it possible to give the finished product not only attractive commercial characteristics, which the modern consumer primarily pays attention to, but also to obtain such product properties that will help strengthen the immune system and the resistance of the human body to adverse conditions environment, what is especially important for the younger generation. When developing the technology of a new dairy-vegetable curd mass, the optimal modes of each technological operation and the stage at which it is most expedient to apply a vegetable component are determined. Launching the developed product into production, the manufacturer will not face the problem of the lack of the necessary equipment and its expensive acquisition, since the production organized according to the proposed technology is maximally adapted to the equipment available at enterprises engaged in the production of cottage cheese and curd products.

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Technology for the preparation of a fermented milk product with the addition of watermelon juice

Main problem: the development of a new direction in the food industry – the so-called functional nutrition, which means the use of such products of natural origin, which, when systematically used, have a regulatory effect on the body as a whole or on its specific systems and organs, has been widely recognized all over the world: immunostimulants, biocorrectors for blood pressure, cholesterol levels, etc. When creating functional dairy products, ingredients of plant origin are increasingly included in recipes, which are sources of dietary fiber, vitamins and microelements, organic acids and other biologically active compounds, which can also serve as flavor fillers. Purpose: to develop a technology for the preparation of a fermented milk product with the addition of an extract from gourds. To do this, it was necessary: to select the amount (dose) of the yoghurt starter introduced into the prepared milk, and also to investigate the effect of temperature on the fermentation process of the drink; to investigate the amount (dose) of the vegetable filler introduced into the mixture and its effect on the organoleptic characteristics of the drink; to investigate the organoleptic properties of the drink with the melon culture extract added to it before fermentation and after fermentation; to investigate the effect of vegetable filler on the fermentation process; to investigate the effect of the dose of vegetable filler on the process of acid formation; conduct microbiological studies of milk and vegetable yogurt; to investigate the change in the acidity of milk and vegetable yogurt during storage; to investigate the effect of the freezing process on the chemical composition and biological value of the extract. Methods: when performing the practical part of the work, physicochemical, organoleptic and microbiological studies were used. Results and their significance: in the course of the study, it was concluded that by adding an extract of gourds to the technology for the preparation of fermented milk products, a new fermented milk product can be obtained that meets all physicochemical, organoleptic and microbiological requirements. As a result, an original method for the production of a fermented milk drink containing an extract from a melon culture was developed.

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Development of technological parameters for gluten-free pasta production

The article is devoted to the development of technological parameters for the production of gluten-free pasta, as well as to the study of the influence of physico-chemical factors on the formation of the structure and organoleptic parameters of gluten-free pasta. The authors studied modern approaches to the production of gluten-free food in Kazakhstan. During the study, the main types of raw materials used in the production of gluten-free pasta of functional orientation were identified. For the production of a new product, a reasonable choice of raw materials and functional ingredients was carried out, the formulation and production technology were developed, all temperature and time modes were described, physico-chemical, organoleptic parameters of the new product were studied, a production flowchart was developed. The purpose of the article is to develop the technology of gluten-free pasta enriched on the basis of corn, rice flour and meeting the requirements for specialized food products, with the addition of functional and flavoring ingredients to expand the range of gluten-free products in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In experimental studies, the formula of a new gluten-free paste based on rice and corn flour with the addition of flaxseed flour, soy protein isolate «EdimCo», xanthan gum, dietary fiber (psyllium), Supermak booster was developed. The complex results of organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters of whole-grain flour for the production of new gluten-free pasta are presented. The results of organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators, as well as safety indicators of finished gluten-free pasta are presented. The article presents the technological parameters and time modes of the production process of fresh pasta, including the following basic operations: preparation of raw materials at t = 10 0C, kneading pasta dough at t = 40-45 0C, vacuuming at 40-10 kPa, pressing (extrusion) at 7 min, 10-12 MPa, drying and stabilization at 10-12 MPa, cooling of dried products t = 20-25 0C 4 hours, packaging of finished products at t = 35 0C and relative humidity 70 %.

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)