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Search results: nutrition

Number of results: 23

Scientific substantiation and development of biotechnology of curd product for specialized (herodietic) nutrition

he article presents the scientific rationale for a promising trend - a product with a high protein content, enriched with functional ingredients for specialized (herodietic) nutrition. Based on the results of our own research, we determined the component composition of the fermented product and the main dairy raw material - buttermilk, characterized by high biological value. The new product contains an antioxidant complex and a herbal ingredient that expands the product range.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Тhe species composition and nutrition of dominant f

The results of analysis of catches with stationary nets made from 2010 to 2012 in the North Absheron Gulf of the Caspian Sea have been presented. 26 species of fish belonging to 8 families (16 marine species, 10 migratory and semi-migratory species ) is registered in the catches. There are data distribution and abundance of each species for all of the families are summarized. The tendency of expansion of areals of marine species (Alosa braschnikowi kisselewitschi, A.b.sarensis) to the north is registered.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)
Heading: Natural sciences

The role of healthy lifestyle in strengthening pupils` health – the basics of human life-sustaining activity

This article mainly deals with the role of healthy lifestyle in strengthening pupils` health. The relevance of the issue of healthy lifestyle modeling arises out of the fact that heath is one of the most significant life values of a person and a guarantee of his or her welfare longevity. Currently, due to the low life expectancy of people, it is crucial to foster the meaning of health as the main value in one`s life and importance and necessity of health preservation from the early childhood. Life preservation requires dedicated and persistent efforts from every person. Herewith, it is necessary to understand one fact: life preservation is a personal prerogative. If one is to always be healthy one must remember that it requires persistent, dedicated and considerable efforts. Therefore, it is crucial to have a long course of personal conduct that designates the general culture of our labour and rest management, rational combination of physical and mental workload, sensible nutrition, active leisure and good quality sleep, and, moreover, skills of safe conduct in different dangerous emergencies. All of it composes the system of healthy lifestyle.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

Biotechnological approaches in making new meat products

This paper presents a biotechnological approach of making a meat product in order to create a new domestic product. As the result of the study, prescription composition of the meat product with a cereal component was developed. Components comprise raw materials of domestic production, which allows to increase the level of nutritional balance of the product. The prescription composition includes secondary raw materials, and that allows manufacturers of processing industries to use non-waste production. This characteristic has been achieved due to the know-how. Secondary raw materials have nutritional value, but because of its features (coarse fibers) they are poorly digest by the body. The developed know-how ensures that these fibers are transformed into easily digestible form, giving the product special characteristics, which are described based on the results of nutritional value of the newly developed type of product. The developed new product allows to expand the range of meat products on the market.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

Research and selection of the main raw material for the functional drink

Consumer demand for functional foods in connection with the dynamic development of the trend of a healthy lifestyle increases from year to year. That is why the development of fundamentally new products with high nutritional and biological value, which heal and normalize the intestinal microflora, have a high antagonistic activity against a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms is relevant now.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)

Development of semi-finished products from cultured mushrooms «Oyster mushroom»

The aim of the article is to analyze the study of cultured mushroom «Oyster mushroom». On the basis of laboratory experiments on the grown mushroom recipes of meat semi-finished products with its use are developed. After passing laboratory tests, meat products were recommended for population nutrition. The healing properties and ease of growing a cultivated mushroom are noted.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)

Innovative technologies for enrichment of flour from wheat grain

The technogenic impact on the ecological environment led to a decrease in the amount of natural food consumed and a change in its qualitative composition. The article discusses the innovative direction – enrichment of food with micronutrients. New types of bread with functional properties for mass nutrition are developed.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)

Development of production technology of meat products with radioprotective properties

The article is devoted to the question of how to protect organisms with meat products as the main sources of protein nutrition. The purpose of this article is to study the technology of production of meat products and the identification of unresolved problems in connection with the direction of products. Developed proposals for the use of experimental data to improve the production technology of meat products using radioprotective properties.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)

Problems of ensuring labor protection and safety at the enterprise

The article describes the relationship of man as a species with nature. It is shown that this relationship is determined by the conditions of existence, the quality of air and water, the necessary elements of nutrition. It is also pointed to the role of environmental conditions-optimal for the body, determining human health and life expectancy

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

Development of a new kind of whey beverage with the introduction of sea Buckthorn juice for treatment and preventive nutrition

The article identifies and studies various fillers for fermented milk products with increased nutritional and biological value, presents methods of production of serum necessary for the development of a new therapeutic and prophylactic food product. The technical result is to improve the taste, increase the nutritional properties of the product, the introduction of the resulting whey drink fruit and berry additives in the form of syrup

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

Characteristics, composition, properties of the extract of plants and bauyrska

This article describes the history of Bauyrsak, their varieties and new types of national products, made on the basis of plant extracts, characteristic of the Kazakh and Turkic people, as well as the organoleptic properties of the product. The plant extract, which is added to baursaks, gives color, enriches with vitamins, increases the nutritional value of the product

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

Probiotics and prebiotics as the basis of functional nutrition

The article presents the rationale for the use of fermented milk products containing probiotics and prebiotics for the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. A method for preparing a functional fermented milk drink with prebiotics that helps normalize the intestinal microflora is also presented. The urgency is due to the wide spread gastrointestinal diseases among the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, due to lack of nutrients essential for development of normal intestinal flora, and also with the instability of some types of probiotics, which reduces the efficiency of their use.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 2(74)

The study of nutritional values and organoleptic properties of poly-grain extruded mixture

Among many environmental conditions that affect a person, the most important factor is nutrition. Today, there is no doubt that there is a direct link between nutrition, health and disease. Proper nutrition ensures normal growth and development of a person, contributes to the prevention of diseases, has a positive impact on life expectancy and creates conditions for adaptation to the environment. A very actual topic for public catering in the Republic of Kazakhstan, namely for fast food companies, is the development of new recipes and culinary products from relatively inexpensive vegetable raw materials, as well as qualitatively new food products with a purposefully changed chemical composition. One of the main ways of solving problems of expanding the production of products for quick service, as well as products for dietary and therapeutic and preventive nutrition is the use of sprouted grains and beans. In this article, poly-grain mixtures of sprouted wheat and extruded soy beans in different ratios are studied and considered. Poly-grain mixtures developed by us are balanced in nutrients, vitamins and amino acids. The research was carried out on the basis of the accredited testing laboratory of RUBICOM enterprise LLP and the scientific laboratory of the Innovative Eurasian University. The purpose of this work is to study a promising method for increasing the nutritional value of grain mixtures by extruding them at different temperature conditions. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were planned: – to study the grain of soy beans and sprouted wheat on the organolepti c characteristics and chemical composition of the poly-grain mixture; – examine the chemical composition of the poly-grain mixture before extrusion; – choose the optimal mode of the extrusion process; – study and analyze the chemical composition of poly-grain extruded mixture; It should be noted that we have developed for the first time the optimal technological mode of extrusion of poly-grain mixture from sprouted wheat and soy beans, and the physical and chemical composition of the poly-grain mixture was studied. The results of the research presented in this paper are the basis for the development of recipes and technologies for fast food products. The reliability and validity of scientific statements is confirmed by the choice of modern methods of chemical composition analysis.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Current state and prospects of fortified food production in Russia and Kazakhstan

Main problem: The article examines promising directions in the production of fortified food products in Kazakhstan and Russia. The authors carried out an analytical review of the current state of production of fortified bakery products on the territory of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Anemia has been described as one of the most common consequences of micronutrient deficiencies. The problems associated with anemia lead to serious complications for the health and well-being of people. Lack of folic acid and vitamins in the diet is the cause of cardiovascular disease, maternal and child mortality. Purpose: The article considers the problem of significant deviations in nutrition of almost all groups of the population of Russia and Kazakhstan, regardless of lifestyle, habits or income level, which have an extremely negative effect on the health of the nation: the average life expectancy decreases, the productivity of the working-age population and resistance to diseases decrease. Methods: Based on the studied domestic and foreign technical literature, patent information, an analytical review of the current state and prospects of the production of fortified food products in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out. Results and their significance: The authors have shown that food fortification is the practice of purposefully increasing the content of vitamins and microelements in food to improve the nutritional quality of food and have a positive effect on human health. The authors considered the question of how the problem of micronutrient deficiency, including iron, is currently being effectively solved in many countries by enriching food products of mass consumption with vitamins and minerals.

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Efficiency of using Artemia salina as part of a feed additive for chickens

Main problem: The development of the genetic potential of poultry, as well as the receipt of high-quality eggs for collection or further incubation, are possible only if rational and correct feeding of the broodstock and, more importantly, the young during its rearing period is observed. During this period, high-quality protein nutrition occupies an important place, which determines the level of productivity, stable growth, reproductive ability of the bird, as well as the state of health during the feeding period. Protein deficiency always remains an urgent problem for agricultural land, whose main activity is aimed at breeding dairy and meat animals. In this regard, research in the field of finding the use of non-traditional protein feed is of great need. If we summarize the modern achievements in the field of protein and aminoacid nutrition of poultry, we can find the most profitable way to obtain feed additives in industrial production. The studies, the results of which will be described in this article, are aimed at studying the possibility, experimental substantiation of the optimal dosage and the effectiveness of using the feed additive from crustaceans Artemia salina in the diets of chickens of the egg-meat direction of productivity [1]. Purpose: To study the possibility, experimental substantiation of the optimal dosage and the effectiveness of the use of the feed additive from crustaceans Artemia salina in the diet of chickens of the egg-meat direction of productivity. Methods: Analysis and generalization of theoretical information Results and their significance: This article presents the results of the analysis and generalization of theoretical material. The theoretical significance is determined by the fact that it is invested in scientific and practical problems related directly to solving urgent problems, increasing the efficiency, competitiveness and quality of domestic poultry products.

Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 4(84)

Development of technology for a new cottage cheese product with fruit and berry fillers

Main problem: The unfavorable conditions in which a significant part of the population of our country lives (living in conditions of harmful, stressful, physical, chemical and radiation effects), an imbalance in nutrition dictate the need to create a variety of functional products enriched with pro– and prebiotic factors. In the science of nutrition, a functional direction has been developed - this is nutrition, which provides for the consumption of such products of natural origin, which, when used daily, have a regulating effect on the body as a whole, its certain systems, organs, providing a drug-free positive correction of their function. Compared with traditional types of dairy products with high organoleptic and commodity characteristics, produced on the basis of classical technological techniques, dairy products of the new generation should have increased nutritional and biological value. The article is devoted to the research and development of the technology of a new cottage cheese product - cottage cheese paste produced with the addition of lactulose concentrate and fruit and berry fillers. This article discusses the steady trend towards the use of fermented milk products with functional properties in the diet of modern humans. Purpose: Study and development of technology of thermized cottage cheese paste enriched with prebiotic lactulose and fruit and berry fillers. Methods: Analysis and generalization of theoretical information, organoleptic evaluation, physicochemical methods of analysis, microbiological methods of evaluation of cottage cheese paste, quality control of the finished product. Results and their significance: The positive role of prebiotic substances in the vital activity of the macroorganism was studied. It is not for nothing that academician Andrei Georgievich Khramtsov once called lactulose "a miracle made of milk." Lactulose, being a strong bifidogenic factor, allows stabilizing the microflora of the stomach. Lactulose activates the growth of bifidobacteria, which take root well in the intestine and ferment lactulose to form lactic acid. Lactic acid suppresses the development of pathogenic and putrefactive bacteria. As a result of the conducted studies, it was determined that the cottage cheese paste enriched with lactulose had high quality indicators and retained its consumer properties during the entire storage period. The introduction of lactulose into the recipe of cottage cheese paste does not reduce the nutritional advantages of the finished product.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Experimental studies of the structural and rheological properties of processed cheeses in the selection of melting salts

As part of solving the priority tasks set in the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, a significant role is given to the development of the food industry, including dairy products. Big tasks are to be solved by branch science in the field of processing raw materials of plant and animal origin using the achievements of bio- and nanotechnologies to improve the quality, biological, nutritional value and food safety. New approaches are needed to organize the complex processing of plant and animal raw materials in order to improve the economic, social and environmental aspects of the production itself, as well as the life of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Despite the extensive range of processed cheeses, it is constantly updated. This is due to the need to meet the requirements of nutritional science, changing consumer demand, as well as the availability of raw materials and considerations of the profitability of a particular type of cheese. The working hypothesis of the research was the assumption that for the melting of raw materials it is possible to use reagents that affect the active acidity of the medium, stabilize the structure, bind moisture and improve the consistency and organoleptic characteristics of the finished product. The article is devoted to the issue of the process of melting rennet cheeses. The purpose of the article is to show that the melting process is closely related to different forms of raw material protein micelles. In this article, the influence of the type and amount of melting salt on the formation of the structure of processed cheese is considered, the rheological indicators of experimental products are determined in accordance with the scoring of processed cheeses. The indicator of water activity (аw) was established, the microbiological parameters of the experimental products were determined.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)

Fermented milk and vegetable "Products for live"

In the dairy market of Kazakhstan, the demand for mass-produced dairy products is decreasing and expanding to innovative fermented milk products for functional nutrition. The main feature of the new technology is multicomponent formulations, which include the main raw materials and biocorrectors, ensuring their high biological and nutritional value. New dessert products are prepared on a dairy or protein basis using vegetable ingredients, fermented with strains of dry starter cultures of direct application or immobilized starter culture Bifimm probio. The purpose is to apply immobilized living cells of pure cultures of lacto- and bifidobacteria as a biocatalyst for the fermentation of dairy-vegetable media. During the study, the method of immobilization of microbial cells in biopolymer gels was used. The most effective method is the inclusion of cells in an aqueous solution of biopolymers with a concentration of 25 %. For immobilization, pure cultures of lactic acid and bifidobacteria were selected in the gel as part of the concentrates "BK-Altai-LS Bifi", "Poleznaya Partiya", "Genesis", "Narine", "Bio-yogurt Vivo", and the main prescription ingredients were selected: milk with a mass fraction of fat of 1 %, 2.5 %, 3.2 %, natural grain additives, jams, juices, nuts. Formulations, technological schemes and production methods, prototypes were developed, quality and safety indicators were determined. Studies have shown the effectiveness of immobilized starter cultures in the formation of fermented dessert products. Out of 20 prototypes with the best indicators, 5 samples were selected, in which the optimal ratio of milk, probio Bifimm starter cultures and biocorrectors averaged 70:20:10. The quality and safety analysis showed that new fermented milk products using immobilized starter cultures have a positive effect of more than -70 % compared to direct-use starter cultures, have functional properties and can be used for healthy nutrition in Kazakhstan.

Author: T.A. Nazarenko
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Development of a new type of curd mass using a vegetable protein-containing component

It is known that the nutritional value of proteins is primarily characterized by the composition of essential amino acids and is determined by their accessibility. Not just proteins are necessary for the good functioning of the human body, but a certain amount of essential amino acids. Since the lack or absence of any of them causes serious health problems. The problem of protein malnutrition is global for many reasons and to solve it, it’s necessary to study the prospects for the possible use of non-traditional sources of dietary protein, namely vegetable protein. Considering this, the article presents the results of studies conducted over several years, the objects of which were dairy and vegetable products and protein hydrolyzate from chickpea flour. At the same time, the possibility of its use as a filler of plant origin to improve the physicochemical and structural-mechanical properties of a new type of finished product was determined. The purpose of these studies is to develop a recipe and determine the technological stages of production of a new type of product of dairy and vegetable origin, which has a functional focus, in which vegetable products are used together with dairy components. It should be noted that when selecting components, preference is given to raw materials grown in the local region. When developing the recipe, the optimal amount of chickpea protein hydrolyzate to be added was determined, which makes it possible to give the finished product not only attractive commercial characteristics, which the modern consumer primarily pays attention to, but also to obtain such product properties that will help strengthen the immune system and the resistance of the human body to adverse conditions environment, what is especially important for the younger generation. When developing the technology of a new dairy-vegetable curd mass, the optimal modes of each technological operation and the stage at which it is most expedient to apply a vegetable component are determined. Launching the developed product into production, the manufacturer will not face the problem of the lack of the necessary equipment and its expensive acquisition, since the production organized according to the proposed technology is maximally adapted to the equipment available at enterprises engaged in the production of cottage cheese and curd products.

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Technology for the preparation of a fermented milk product with the addition of watermelon juice

Main problem: the development of a new direction in the food industry – the so-called functional nutrition, which means the use of such products of natural origin, which, when systematically used, have a regulatory effect on the body as a whole or on its specific systems and organs, has been widely recognized all over the world: immunostimulants, biocorrectors for blood pressure, cholesterol levels, etc. When creating functional dairy products, ingredients of plant origin are increasingly included in recipes, which are sources of dietary fiber, vitamins and microelements, organic acids and other biologically active compounds, which can also serve as flavor fillers. Purpose: to develop a technology for the preparation of a fermented milk product with the addition of an extract from gourds. To do this, it was necessary: to select the amount (dose) of the yoghurt starter introduced into the prepared milk, and also to investigate the effect of temperature on the fermentation process of the drink; to investigate the amount (dose) of the vegetable filler introduced into the mixture and its effect on the organoleptic characteristics of the drink; to investigate the organoleptic properties of the drink with the melon culture extract added to it before fermentation and after fermentation; to investigate the effect of vegetable filler on the fermentation process; to investigate the effect of the dose of vegetable filler on the process of acid formation; conduct microbiological studies of milk and vegetable yogurt; to investigate the change in the acidity of milk and vegetable yogurt during storage; to investigate the effect of the freezing process on the chemical composition and biological value of the extract. Methods: when performing the practical part of the work, physicochemical, organoleptic and microbiological studies were used. Results and their significance: in the course of the study, it was concluded that by adding an extract of gourds to the technology for the preparation of fermented milk products, a new fermented milk product can be obtained that meets all physicochemical, organoleptic and microbiological requirements. As a result, an original method for the production of a fermented milk drink containing an extract from a melon culture was developed.

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An innovative approach to the development of biotechnology of specialized products for the nutrition of athletes

Main problem: the article substantiates the relevance of the development and production of specialized food products for athletes and the population involved in sports, fitness as part of a healthy lifestyle. Purpose: development of specialized food products with a general health-improving character, intended for the population involved in sports, fitness and experiencing increased physical exertion. Methods: the obtained results were statistically processed using the methods of correlation and regression analysis and standard software packages "Statistica 6.0". Measurements of chemical, microbiological, organoleptic parameters were carried out using standard methods and modern instruments: an analyzer, an analytical analyzer electrophoresis cell, a high-performance liquid chromatograph, and others. Results and their significance: a scientific concept for the creation of fermented specialized milk-based food products for sports nutrition was formulated; biotechnologies for specialized food products for athletes were developed. For the practical implementation of the results of analytical and experimental studies, packages of regulatory and technical documentation for the production of new products have been developed, which have been tested in the production conditions of existing enterprises in the dairy industry.

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Experimental determination of an effective fermented milk-protein food system as the basis of a fortified (enriched) curd product

The article contains the results of a research work devoted to an important problem - the development, production and delivery to the consumer of fermented dairy products of a healthy diet fortified (enriched) with milk protein, a vitamin-mineral complex, and probiotics and prebiotics. Purpose is based on mathematical modeling of experimental data, to determine an effective fermented food system for use as the basis of a fortified (enriched) curd product for a healthy specialized diet; to develop a recipe and technology for its production; to study the nutritional, biological and energy value of a new product. Modern technologies and equipment were used in experimental studies: ultrafiltration, fortification, etc. The studies were carried out by standard physicochemical, microbiological methods in three to five repetitions. Mathematical and statistical processing of experimental data was carried out using the program "Statistica-6.0". A recipe and technology for the production of a curd product for a healthy specialized diet has been developed. Its nutritional, biological and energy value has been studied. The developed recipe and biotechnological parameters for the production of the curd product were tested in the industrial conditions of the leading enterprise JSC "Lyubinskiy MKK". The quality and safety of the curd product was studied in the laboratory of techno-chemical control of FGANU "VNIMI" (Moscow).

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Development of Technology for the Production of Meat Products of the "Halal" Category for Functional Nutrition

The article is devoted to the development of technology for meat products of the "Halal" category. The authors consider the main problems of the meat industry in the field of the development of meat products of the "Halal" category in accordance with the National Program "Development of meat farming for 2018-2027", as well as the peculiarities of the production of meat products of the "Halal" category in Kazakhstan. A technology for the production of sausages for frying of the "Halal" category based on minced turkey and beef meat for functional nutrition has been developed, organoleptic, physico-chemical parameters of the new product have been studied. The mass fraction of protein is 8 %, the mass fraction of fat is 7 %. The authors of the article have developed a technological scheme for the production of a new product of the "Halal" category, which includes: acceptance of raw materials, cutting, deboning, veining, grinding to 2-3 mm of meat raw materials. At the next stage, meat is cooked at t 2-4 0C for 12 hours, minced meat is prepared (adding jerusalem artichoke 3 %, adding vitamin premix "Rovifarin" in an amount of 1.0 %, as well as spices and garlic according to the developed recipe). At the next stage, the minced meat is stuffed into natural shells with a diameter of (32-44) mm, cooled at t (4 + 2) 0C, stored at t (4 + 2) 0C for 36 hours. During the microstructural study of a sample of boiled and smoked sausage produced using traditional technology, it was found that the mass of the sample was formed from large fragments of muscle, fat and connective tissue (0.7-1.4) microns. The layout of the structural elements of the minced meat is dense, vacuoles and microcapillaries are rounded in shape, sometimes without clear boundaries, merged, with a size of (60-300) microns.

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