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The detection of the virus of infectious rhinotracheitis in cattle by polymerase chain reaction
Annotation: The article is devoted to the current problem of differential diagnosis of diseases of viral etiology in farm animals. Viral diseases are currently widespread, occupy a leading role in the infectious pathology of farm animals, causing enormous economic damage. Given the magnitude of animal vaccine prophylaxis, in order to increase the effectiveness of antiepizootic measures, the urgent issue i s the development of methods for the rapid and effective detection and differentiation of field and vaccine strains of the infectious rhinotracheitis virus in cattle. The possibility of using a polymerase chain reaction to identify and differentiate a vacc ine strain from epizootic strains and isolators of the cattle infectious rhinotracheitis virus is considered. In the process of research, a PCR-RFLP analysis method was developed to detect the IRT virus in the test material. The PCRRFLP analysis method was used to identify and differentiate the vaccine strain TK-A form epizootic strains and isolators of the cattle IRT virus. The principle of PCR, based on repeated repetition of DNA cycles, annealing and synthesis, which leads to an increase in the number of specific DNA fragments of the pathogen, allows you to take into account the results of PCR in an agarose gel. Analysis time is about 30 hours. The sensitivity of detecting viral DNA is 1-10 picograms (102 TCD). Due to characteristics such as relative simplicity and reaction rate, high sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility, PCR has recently become widespread in basic and applied research in various fields of biological science, including veterinary virology. The results obtained during the studies show that the use of PCR-RFLP allows to differentiate field and vaccine strains and isolates of the IRT virus with a high degree of reliability. The use of PCR -RFLP analysis increases the efficiency and informativeness of studies in the molecular epizootol ogy of cattle RTI, as it allows not only to identify the DNA of different virus strains regardless of their nature, but also to differentiate between them, including differentiating the strain TK-A used for the production of attenuated vaccines against epizootic strains and isolates of the virus.
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

The study of nutritional values and organoleptic properties of poly-grain extruded mixture
Annotation: Among many environmental conditions that affect a person, the most important factor is nutrition. Today, there is no doubt that there is a direct link between nutrition, health and disease. Proper nutrition ensures normal growth and development of a person, contributes to the prevention of diseases, has a positive impact on life expectancy and creates conditions for adaptation to the environment. A very actual topic for public catering in the Republic of Kazakhstan, namely for fast food companies, is the development of new recipes and culinary products from relatively inexpensive vegetable raw materials, as well as qualitatively new food products with a purposefully changed chemical composition. One of the main ways of solving problems of expanding the production of products for quick service, as well as products for dietary and therapeutic and preventive nutrition is the use of sprouted grains and beans. In this article, poly-grain mixtures of sprouted wheat and extruded soy beans in different ratios are studied and considered. Poly-grain mixtures developed by us are balanced in nutrients, vitamins and amino acids. The research was carried out on the basis of the accredited testing laboratory of RUBICOM enterprise LLP and the scientific laboratory of the Innovative Eurasian University. The purpose of this work is to study a promising method for increasing the nutritional value of grain mixtures by extruding them at different temperature conditions. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were planned: – to study the grain of soy beans and sprouted wheat on the organolepti c characteristics and chemical composition of the poly-grain mixture; – examine the chemical composition of the poly-grain mixture before extrusion; – choose the optimal mode of the extrusion process; – study and analyze the chemical composition of poly-grain extruded mixture; It should be noted that we have developed for the first time the optimal technological mode of extrusion of poly-grain mixture from sprouted wheat and soy beans, and the physical and chemical composition of the poly-grain mixture was studied. The results of the research presented in this paper are the basis for the development of recipes and technologies for fast food products. The reliability and validity of scientific statements is confirmed by the choice of modern methods of chemical composition analysis.
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Diagnostic value of hematological studies in ichthyopathology
Annotation: The article presents studies on the morphological picture of the blood of fish in a comparative aspect, depending on age and species. In recent years, the influence of anthropogenic factors on the ecosystem of water bodies has intensified. In this regard, the main direction of solving the problems of ichthy -epizootological situations is new areas in veterinary medicine, in particular, hematological recognition of shaped elements in the blood of fish. To identify and understand the state of the fish organism, which they reflect, the researcher must first of all correctly determine these forms of cells in the blood, especially this applies to white blood cells. Our review is brief and does not pretend to be completely complete literature data on this issue. All this together gives a complex morphological picture of the blood of fish, which is difficult to typify. Unlike higher vertebrates, fish lack bone marrow and lymph nodes, hematopoiesis occurs both in organs, which include reticular syncytium (gill apparatus, kidneys, lymphoid organ), and vascular endothelium of the gill apparatus and heart and spleen and, in some cases, intestinal mucosa. In bone fish, the anterior part of the kidneys is the main organ of hematopoiesis; hematopoiesis also occurs in the lymphoid organs and in the spleen. The purpose of this research is to study the morphological picture of the blood of fish in a comparative aspect, depending on age and species. 3-7 animals from each age group of fish were examined on average. To study the morphological composition of blood from fish, blood was taken from gill vessels and from the heart cavity. In the process of research, it was found that the peculiarity of fish is the presence in the blood of both mature and young red blood cells, red blood cells have nuclei. Bony fish have four types of myeloid cells at all stages of development, known in the hematology of higher vertebrates and humans. A distinctive feature of fish granulocytes is the ability to observe leukocytes in all successive stages of filling the cytoplasm with granules, and the nucleus of th ese cells is very rarely lobed. Unlike fish, in mammals it is very difficult to distinguish between the stages of development of basophils and eosinophils (myelocytes, juvenile, stab and segmented), since the segmentation of the nucleus is weakly expressed , and the number of granules does not increase as the cells mature. It can be noted that the studies initiated can contribute to determining the choice of hematological studies. Given the above factors, a detailed epidemiological classification of hematolo gical studies will be obtained. The research results make certain additions to the procedures of veterinary-hematological studies in the field of ichthyopathology. In the future, research will continue in the direction of hematological diagnosis of fish di seases and prerequisites will be created for a detailed epidemiological classification of hematological studies.
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)