The scientific journal

Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

Submit an article for review by the editorial board

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Peer review

Manuscripts submitted to the editorial office undergo a technical examination, the results of which are admitted for review. Technical expertise is carried out by the section editor and includes:

  • initial editorial assessment, during which the subject is determined by the direction of the Journal; checked for compliance with execution requirements;
  • checking for uniqueness of the text in the system «Anti-Plagiarism. Ru» ( The results of the check are reflected in the certificate of uniqueness of the text, which is generated automatically in the Anti-Plagiarism system. The degree of uniqueness of the text of the manuscript of the article should be at least 70 percent, excluding citation.

The articles are examined by blind peer review using scientists who have recognized authority in the relevant field of knowledge, as well as the Hirsch index in the international databases Web of Science or Scopus.

Each manuscript must be evaluated by two experts who are not members of the editorial board.  The examination period should not exceed 4 weeks from the day the editorial office adopted the article. Reviews should contain an objective assessment of the strengths and shortcomings of the manuscript, a conclusion on the possibility of publication.

Evaluation options:

  1. Relevance of the topic
  2. Originality of the author’s position in the manuscript
  3. Results novelty
  4. Inner unity of manuscript text
  5. Reliability of the findings
  6. Scientific character of statement
  7. The presence of the described research methodology, providing the ability to reproduce the results, indicating the origin of equipment and materials – for articles of a technical and natural sciences
  8. Compliance of the manuscript execution with the requirements of the journal

The expert (reviewer) must adhere to the following assessment logic:

  • if the manuscript of the article meets all the parameters, it is recommended for publication in its current form;
  • if the manuscript of the article contains violations of technical requirements, principles of a scientific style, insufficient illustration of theoretical research, it can be recommended for publication after correction of shortcomings;
  • if the manuscript of the article receives a negative rating according to parameters No. 1-7, then it cannot be published.

The section editor sends the article manuscript and expert opinions to the members of the editorial board in order to make a general decision on the possibility of publication. Taking into account the views of all members of the editorial board, the section editor imposes a resolution.

Possible decision logic:

  • if experts (reviewers) evaluate the article positively, the editorial board may allow it to be published;
  • if all experts (reviewers) evaluate the article manuscript negatively, the editorial board may refuse to publish it or, if there is a difference of opinion of the members of the reactionary board, appoint other experts to re-evaluate the article;
  • if the assessments of experts (reviewers) do not coincide, the opinions of the members of the editorial board are different, the final decision on publication is made by the chief editor or its deputy.

The editor is obliged to familiarize the author of the manuscript with the results of the examination by providing the author with a copy or a scanned version of the “Expert’s report”.

The author has the right, within 7 working days, to contact the editorial office in writing with a refutation of the shortcomings put forward by the expert (reviewer) and request a re-examination. If the author agrees to finalize the article, the editors establish specific deadlines that do not exceed 3 months from the date of notification. An article that is not submitted to the editor within the prescribed time period is automatically excluded from the publishing portfolio.

The final decision to publish an article is made at a meeting of the editorial board. Notification of the decision of the editorial board is sent to the author by e-mail. The manuscript approved for publication undergoes editorial and publishing processing, receives DOI and is published as planned.

The manuscript can be sent for revision at the stage of proofreading if the text does not meet the requirements of the scientific style or contains signs of all-out translation using an automated system. The editorial office does not store and does not return manuscripts that were not accepted for publication, and also provides storage of reviews and minutes of meetings of the editorial board for 5 years, and may provide copies of them upon request to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.