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Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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Search results: A.E. Rahimbekova

Number of results: 8

Judicial control over the execution of criminal sentences: state of mind and prospects for improvement

his article discusses the concept, essence and purpose of judicial control over the execution of criminal penalties , as a special type of state control, its independent and important role in public administration among the ways to ensure the rule of law.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)
Heading: Law

New features of the operating system Microsoft Windows 7 Professional

In the article the authors examine the main features, types, especially operating systems, their main objectives, main functions, rules and content requirements, aesthetic requirements, the main characteristic of components and elements are considered.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)

Рreconditions of the region’s innovative development

The article views the problems of innovative sphere development and the causes of their esistence, because innovative sphere’s dynamic development is one of the main components of innovative economy. Thus, high-technological economy supposes effective innovative system and creation of institutions supporting innovative processes.

Author: A.E. Zhamiyeva
Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)

Problems of the development of informal ecological education for realization of the conception of the Republic of Kazakhstan on transition to green economy

There are given the results of social research of ecological problems of the region and presented recommendations on formation of ecological culture among the population.

Year of release:
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Heading: Social sciences

National and transnational precedent phenomena in the English linguoculture

This article examines precedent phenomena which fixed values of English linguoculture. In the course of the research of precedent phenomenon of English linguoculture space national and transnational precedent phenomena were identified. The national precedent phenomena based on phenomenon of cultural life, literature, history, politics and language units. The transnational precedent phenomena based on phenomenon of antique mythology, world classical literature, religion.

Year of release:
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Heading: Humanities

Assessment of the situation with narcotic and controlled psychotropic substances in the Republic of Kazakhstan

In this article we have studied the actual problems of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of legal regulation and counteraction to trafficking and drug addiction. The aim of the study was to study the problems leading to modern drug situation and determine the possibilities of their solution. The annual decrease of the registered acts in this area, at decrease of the solved crimes is established. There is an increase in synthetic drugs among young people, which go through the Internet. The results of counteraction to the fight against drugs were the elimination of organized criminal groups, detection of smuggling and legalization of income from drug trafficking and a set of preventive measures of various directions. It is proposed to continue to improve the legislation to ensure effective social and state control over synthetic and other drugs. To develop a comprehensive program aimed at the prevention of modern forms of drug addiction and the fight

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)
Heading: Social sciences

Problems and prospects of using the Industrial certificate in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Kazakhstani manufacturer has repeatedly faced situations when pseudo-enterprises, disguising themselves as domestic producers of goods, works and services, received preferences and used government support measures, won government and other purchases, while not having enough equipment for production. The article is devoted to current problems and prospects for the application of the Industrial Certificate in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The dynamics of the development of the sphere of public procurement of the Republic of Kazakhstan is considered, depending on the specific requirements for certain areas of production of goods, works and services. The material in this article is important from the point of view of ensuring fair competition between competing enterprises in the same industry. The complex of transformations in the system of standardization, certification and quality management has been carried out since the first years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. These transformations have been observed over the years, vivid examples of which are: the application of the European model of technical regulation to the modern realities of the economic situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, accession to the Customs Union, the adoption of unified technical regulations of the Customs Union, the introduction of new regulations and legal acts defining the share of local content in products and services, as well as the potential of domestic industries. The results of these transformations have proved that the system of technical regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan is an effective tool for the development of the economy. The development of new Kazakhstani normative legal acts and normative documents introduced to support the domestic producer of goods and services will contribute to the transformation of the old system and the creation of a new one that is fundamentally different from the previous one. The article discusses problematic issues in the field of industrial certification, namely: a lack of qualified personnel; unregulated pricing system for work carried out in this area; the complexity of the industrial certification procedure; a lack of automation of processes of the industrial certification mechanism. Analyzing the practice of industrial certification, this article offers recommendations for solving the above problematic issues. New edition of amendments and additions to the «Rules for the formation and maintenance of the register of domestic manufacturers of goods, works and services, as well as the issuance of an Industrial certificate» approved by the decision of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Atameken» dated 28.12.2018. No. 28 is designed to reconstruct the process of obtaining the Industrial Certificate. The process should become more transparent, understandable and highly efficient. Also, with the introduction of changes, the problems that hindered the receipt of the Industrial certificate by individual enterprises should be resolved.

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Study of the biochemical properties of bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus and their identification

This article discusses the current data on the biochemical properties of bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus and their use in industry, particularly in dairy production and biotechnology. Microorganisms of the genus Lactobacillus have antagonistic activity against pathogenic microorganisms and perform an immunomodulatory function. The positive effect of lactobacilli on human health explains their active use in probiotics. The positive effects of normal intestinal microflora and probiotics are mainly due to bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. In probiotic therapy, various types of bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus are used, such as: L. acidophilus, L. rhamnosus, L. plantarum, L. fermentum, L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, L. casei, L. paracasei. In recent years, the biotechnology of probiotics has been intensively developing - drugs used for the correction and prevention of microecological disorders in the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals. An urgent issue is obtaining new data on the biological properties of lactobacilli, creating new probiotic preparations based on them using modified approaches to cultivation. The results of determining the species L. acidophilus L. casei, L. rhamnosus, L. paracasei, obtained by the classical biochemical identification method based on saccharolytic activity, complicating species identification, are comparable to the molecular genetic method. In the case of L. casei, L. rhamnosus, L. paracasei, it is necessary to carry out modern identification methods based on the polymerase chain reaction, since their biochemical properties are similar, which makes it difficult to carry out species identification. The molecular genetic method is a valuable addition to the intergeneric and species identification of lactobacilli, given the variability of the classical biochemical method.

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