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Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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Search results: A.Sh. Khamzin

Number of results: 12

Some aspects of human resources management performance indicators at the enterprise

This article views the theoretical aspects of the evaluation of the forensic and expert activity as well as the analysis of experts’ tasks on the assignments of different law-enforcement authorities and individuals.

Author: S.Sh. Khamzina
Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Social sciences

Problems of the development of informal ecological education for realization of the conception of the Republic of Kazakhstan on transition to green economy

There are given the results of social research of ecological problems of the region and presented recommendations on formation of ecological culture among the population.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Social sciences

Analysis and Evaluation of Dynamic of Emergency Situations in Ekibastuz city

The paper analyzes dynamics of emergency situations in rural zone of Ekibastuz city. The main causes of emergencies of natural and anthropogenic nature are presented. The analysis was based on five-year experience of the Department of Emergency Situations in Ekibastuz city. The material damage from emergency incidents is in the order of several millions. Measures of a preventive and recommendatory nature aimed at preventing and eliminating emergencies are proposed.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 4(64)
Heading: Social sciences

The organization of management in conditions of emergency relief operations in the Pavlodar region

The work analyzes the emergency situations that occurred on the territory of the Pavlodar region. The main causes of emergencies of natural and man-made nature are presented. The article contains the results of the analysis of the effectiveness of management in a safety-related system in the Pavlodar region and recommendations for improving the safety-related system during the emergency relief operations.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 4(68)

Current issues of the system of organization and compliance with regulations in the field of labor protection at «Aluminum of Kazakhstan» JSC

The analysis of the current management system of labor protection at «Aluminum of Kazakhstan» JSC is provided. Services and departments providing production activities are presented. The basic principles of the management system of labor protectionare considered. The organization of work on labor protection and development of corrective and preventive actions are presented.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 4(68)

The review of national legal instruments dealing with chemicals management issues

This article considers chemical safety as a system of measures aimed at protecting vital human interests against adverse chemical effect from threats of processing, storing and destroying hazardous chemicals. Chemical safety is ensured by a complex of legal, organizational, financial, material and informational measures intended for prevention and elimination of real and potential security risk, mitigation of their consequences.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 4(68)

Problems of ensuring labor protection and safety at the enterprise

The article describes the relationship of man as a species with nature. It is shown that this relationship is determined by the conditions of existence, the quality of air and water, the necessary elements of nutrition. It is also pointed to the role of environmental conditions-optimal for the body, determining human health and life expectancy

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

Prevention of emergency situations and liquidation of their consequences in Pavlodar region

The analysis of the occurred emergency situations in the territory of Pavlodar is carried out. A set of preventive measures aimed at reducing the number of emergencies is proposed. The main causes of natural and man-made emergencies are presented

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

Organizational and technical measures to improve working conditions in the workplace on the example of JSC «Aluminum Kazakhstan»

The article describes the results of the analysis of the state of working conditions at the enterprise and at the site of JSC «Алюминий Казахстан». Deficiencies in the OSH management system have been identified. Measures are proposed to improve working conditions and prevent industrial injuries. These measures will help ensure safe working conditions in the workplace and reduce the risk of occupational diseases

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

Development and research of measures for the preparation of production personnel for action in emergency situations

In the work measures on preparation of production personnel for actions in the conditions of emergency situations are considered on the example of Neftekhim LTD LLP. The structure of the control system and its main components were studied, the regulatory legal framework used in industrial safety was described. The possible risks and dangers, as well as harmful substances used in the production of plant products and their effect on the body were studied; the current state of the control system in the field of emergency prevention was evaluated

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 4(72)

Development of technology for the purification of water from mercury pollution

The object of the study was water and bottom sediments of the lake Balkyldak of Pavlodar region, contaminated by mercury wastes.The purpose of the work is the creation of innovative cost-effective technologies for deep cleaning of aqueous media from mercury to the level of 1-10 parts per trillion, which will be tested for the cleaning of the lake Bylkyldak facilities in Pavlodar region.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

Labour migration and forced labour in the context of economic integration: new challenges and realities: statement of the problem Annotation

Annotation Main problem:The main idea of this study is the development of proposals for improving the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the regulatory framework of the Eurasian Economic Union, taking into account the experience of the EuropeanUnion countries (as the largest integration association), towards the further development of the legal framework for cooperation in the social-labor sphere, as well as improving the integration and migration policy of the Eurasian Economic Union countries in general, and the Republic of Kazakhstan, in particular. In addition, this study intends to develop practical recommendations aimed at improving the activities of the law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the EAEU countries, in the field of combating illegal migration and forced labor on the territory of this integration association. Moreover, this project suggests the legal promotion of the results obtained, both on the territory of the EAEU and beyond. Purpose: The aim of the study. To develop proposals for improving the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the EAEU countries in the field of legal regulation of labour migration and counteracting its negative consequences such as illegal migration, forced labour in the territory of this integration association. Methods: The methodological basis of the study is made up of traditional general scientific and special legal methods used in comparative jurisprudence: system-structural, historical-legal, social-legal and comparative-legal. Results and their significance:All of the above testifies to the relevance and necessity of research in the framework of this study, since its implementation, taking into account the expected results, will further improve the regulatory framework in the field of combating illegal migration, human trafficking and other illegal manifestations resulting from insufficient regulation of the labour migration sphere.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Law