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Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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Search results: Belov A.I

Number of results: 7

Experience in the use of rating indicators of the region in the national economy of KR (on the example of the Pavlodar region)

In the given article there presented the ranking score of the regions of the republic based on the main socio-economic indicators. Besides, there made a ranking on a ratio basis of the regions in the gross regional product of the country. The comparative analysis of the rating positions let us determine the causes reducing the growth of competitiveness of the region.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

The features of arranging process of children-orphans in the family

The article is devoted to modern technologies of organization the process of psychological and pedagogical support of upbringing children-orphans and children left without parental care, foster families. Particularly, basic approaches, criteria and stage-by-stage maintenance of organization of this process are exposed in the article. Analysis of the types of psycho-pedagogical support of orphans are given in this article: guardianship (trusteeship), foster family; also there are the main directions of psycho- educational support of children-orphans in the family. The stages of prevention and rehabilitation work on socio-pedagogical and psychological support are considered by authors. The basic conditions of organization of the socio-pedagogical support of children-orphans and children left without parental care in foster families are also defined in this article.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

System of work of secondary school on preparation of pupils for subject olympiads

In the light of reforms in the field of education in Kazakhstan, it is necessary to revise approaches to meeting the cognitive needs of students, taking into account their abilities and motivation to learn.Special attention should be paid to children who have increased motivation to learn and pronounced abilities in certain school subjects. These are the so-called "Olympians". The article proposes a solution to the problem that arises in every secondary school, namely, how to teach such children to promote their optimal development. The authors of the article analyzed the work of secondary schools and, on its basis, identified positive and problematic aspects. To solve the identified problems, the system of work of the school in the direction of work with children with increased motivation for learning and gifted children was proposed: a cyclic plan of the school, recommendations on the organization of the school of the Olympic reserve, a strategy for training a selected group of children was proposed

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

Monitoring of drinking water in the water supply system of Ekibastuz city

On the basis of research on bacteriological indicators of the water supply system in the Ekibastuz region for the period 2016-2018 the 310 cases of detection of pathogenic microflora were identified. The chemical indicators are given the results of research to determine the content of toxic elements and heavy metals in the source and purified water, as well as in the distribution network of Ekibastuz. The largest number of pathogenic microflora cases and a high concentration of chemical elements are noted during the flood season. Sporadic pathogenic microflora and chemical elements are also recorded in the winter and summer periods.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 2(74)

Organization of the educational process on anti-doping support in a sports university

Main problem: the organization of anti-doping education of students assumes the presence of a specialized discipline "Fundamentals of anti-doping support" and the inclusion of anti-doping topics in classical disciplines. The formation of a number of competencies in the field of anti-doping education requires new interactive forms of organization of activities that take place in the development of both disciplines of the medical and biological cycle, as well as sports, pedagogical and social disciplines. A conscious perception of the industry problems associated with the use of doping in sports and the health of the nation provides knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, sports medicine. Purpose: study of the organization of the educational process for anti-doping support in a sports university. Methods: today, the main methodological innovations are associated with the use of interactive learning technologies. The learning process, based on the use of interactive teaching methods, is organized taking into account the inclusion of all participants in the learning process. An educational communication environment is created, which is characterized by openness, interaction of participants, equality of their arguments, accumulation of joint knowledge, and the possibility of mutual evaluation. The organization of the educational process on anti-doping support for InEU students assumes the presence in the educational program of a specialized discipline "Fundamentals of anti-doping Support" and the introduction of components of anti-doping education in already established disciplines. Results and their significance: the organization of the educational process on anti-doping support for InEU students assumes the presence of a specialized discipline "Fundamentals of anti-doping Support" in Educaional Program and the inclusion of components of anti-doping education in the formed disciplines.

Year of release:
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Methodological aspects of the technology of developing electronic textbooks

The widespread introduction of information technologies makes significant changes in various spheres of human activity. The education sector is no exception. In this regard, in this article, the author considers the actual problem of developing electronic textbooks and is one of the most relevant and promising areas of informatization of the educational process. The analysis of the works of scientists A.A. Andreev, A.I. Bashmakov, T.I. Koval, V.M. Kukharenko, E.S. Polat, P.I. Serdyukov, S.S. Sysoeva, A.Yu. Uvarova was conducted. These works contain requirements for the development of electronic textbooks. Based on the results of the analysis, the author described the stages of developing electronic textbooks, the principles that they should correspond to, and also provided a list of modules that should make up an electronic textbook. From the existing variety of software packages, the author distinguishes CourseLab, Smart Builder, MOS Solo, Google Sites, iSpring Suite, TurboSite, Adobe Animate, HTML5. The development of electronic textbooks based on the technology presented by the author of the article and their subsequent application in the educational process will help to organize the educational and cognitive activities of students at a more effective level. Purpose is the description of the technology for the development of electronic textbooks, taking into account existing requirements. The article uses methods of analysis, synthesis and deduction. The analysis of requirements and principles of development of electronic textbooks is carried out on the basis of the descriptive-analytical method. The practical result of the proposed technology is the developed electronic textbook "Development of mobile applications". The results of the study, in addition to their theoretical significance, also have practical significance, which consists in the positive dynamics in resolving the contradiction between the continuously increasing flow of information and the limited opportunities of students to assimilate it. The conscious use of electronic textbooks in the educational process is one of the fundamental ways to improve the quality of education by changing the methods of teaching used in the direction of individualization and focus on the student.

Author: E.V. Prokopets
Year of release:
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Methodische Aspekte der Technologie zur Entwicklung elektronischer Lehrmittel

Das Hauptproblem: die allgegenwärtige Einführung von Informationstechnologien führt zu erheblichen Veränderungen in verschiedenen Bereichen der menschlichen Tätigkeit. Auch der Bildungsbereich ist keine Ausnahme. In diesem Zusammenhang hat der Autor in diesem Artikel ein aktuelles Problem behandelt, das in der Entwicklung elektronischer Lehrmittel liegt und eine der aktuellen und vielversprechenden Richtungen der Informatisierung des Bildungsprozesses ist. Es wurden die Arbeiten von Wissenschaftlern S.S. Sysoeva, V.M. Kuharenko, A.I. Bashmakova, T.I. Koval, E.S. Polat, A.Y. Uvarova, P.I. Serdjukow, A.A. Andreev analysiert. Diese Arbeiten enthalten Anforderungen an die Entwicklung elektronischer Lehrmittel. Nach der Analyse beschrieb der Autor die Entwicklungsschritte von elektronischen Lernprogrammen, die Prinzipien, denen sie entsprechen sollten, und führte eine Liste der Module an, aus denen das elektronische Lernprogramm bestehen sollte. Aus der vorhandenen Vielfalt an Softwarekomplexen hebt der Autor CourseLab, Smart Builder, MOS Solo, Google Sites, iSpring Suite, TurboSite, Adobe Animate, HTML5 hervor. Die Entwicklung von elektronischen Lehrmitteln für die vom Autor des Artikels vorgestellte Technologie und deren anschließende Anwendung im Bildungsprozess wird dazu beitragen, die Lehr- und kognitive Aktivität der Lernenden auf einem effizienteren Niveau zu organisieren. Zweck: beschreibung der Technologie zur Entwicklung von elektronischen Lernprogrammen unter Berücksichtigung bestehender Anforderungen. Methoden: der Artikel verwendete Methoden zur Analyse, Synthese und Abzug. Die Analyse der Anforderungen und Prinzipien für die Entwicklung elektronischer Lernprogramme basiert auf einer deskriptiven und analytischen Methode. Ergebnisse und ihre Bedeutung: das praktische Ergebnis der vorgeschlagenen Technologie war das entwickelte elektronische Lernprogramm «Entwicklung mobiler Anwendungen». Die Ergebnisse der Studie haben neben der theoretischen Bedeutung auch eine praktische Bedeutung, die in einer positiven Dynamik liegt, um den Widerspruch zwischen dem ständig wachsenden Informationsfluss und der begrenzten Fähigkeit der Lernenden, ihn zu erlernen, zu lösen. Die bewusste Verwendung elektronischer Lehrmittel im Lernprozess ist eine grundlegende Möglichkeit, die Bildungsqualität zu verbessern, indem die verwendeten Unterrichtsmethoden und -techniken in Richtung Individualisierung und Fokussierung auf den Lernenden geändert werden.

Author: Е.W. Prokopets
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)