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Search results: T.M. Saliy

Number of results: 18

Rigidity as a part of internet addiction

The article is devoted to theoretical aspects of the internet addiction as well as impact analysis of internet addiction on college students and study of rigidity. The variety of Internet addiction is studied in the article as well as the main features of its occurrence are highlighted. A study was conducted to identify internet addiction of students as well as the system presented recommendations for addiction prevention.

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The reasons of origins of deviant behavior in the teenage by examples of technical and professional education

The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the causes of deviant behavior in the formation and development of the individual student teenager in technical and vocational education, the authors offer recommendations for college’s psychologists. In this paper we study the causes of deviant behavior among adolescents identified the following socio -psychological factors stabilizing behavior: the role of the family, spiritual and moral traditions, the internal psychological state of a teenager, his attitude toward the world.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Social sciences

The problem of choice way creation WEB-site

In article made attempt to divide sites on groups in dependence from delivered problem. Proceeding from picked appearance site, circumscribed the ways of his creation. Considered the utilization of special systems management content, which independent generates programmable codes, not demands special knowledges and essential reduce the time of elaboration site

Year of release:
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Two strategies of interface implementation in the C# programming language

The article describes two strategies of interface implementation. The first one, additional object properties of a class are set. The class inheriting interface and implementing its methods can definitely fulfill them. The second strategy of implementation is in closing methods of interface (making them private), specified the method name by the interface name.

Author: T.M. Saliy,
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)

Using new generation e-books in high school educational process, including faculty of teachers’ development

The article describes that the effective management of the learning process new textbooks using need to create a model of teacher action. The created model explicitly takes into account the objectives, methods, learning outcomes. With its help solve the problem of the knowledge of the student. And the problem of managing the cognitive activity is settled.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)

Methods of increasing stress resistance among the listeners of the Training Center of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Pavlodar)

This article examines the psychological impact influence on the increasing of stress resistance. According to the authors, the psychological impact (socio - psychological training methods and active learning), organized by the Training Center will allow to increase the level of stress resistance. The article suggests some exercises of the "Stress resistance" comprehensive program to enable, create, improve and consolidate the ability to handle stress.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

Interpersonal relationships of college students as a condition of the formation of personality

In the article the author is dealt with, how the interpersonal relationships influence to the formation of personality. It is described what kind of relationships are dominated to others. It is shown that students of the college tend to cooperate, able to compromise in solving problems, enterprising, they want to be in the centre of attention, sociable, able to show compassion, but this can only be an external “mask”.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

Principles of creation of user interface

Principles of development of graphic user interface are considered in the article. Possibility of creation is described by comfortable and clear to the user of model of co-operating with software without the necessity of study of some special language. The authors, based on the analysis of development of user interface, pointed out a problem on bearableness of software on other operating systems, because a graphic interface essentially depends on the possibilities given by the operating system for his creation. The article is sanctified to the analysis of principles of creation of user interface. An attempt to identify factors that are a prerequisite for creating an effective user interface model was made.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

Formation of social-and-cultural competence in the process of learning of English language

This article discusses theoretical and practical bases of formation of sociocultural competence in the process of learning English. The structure and content of sociocultural competence are revealed, as well as the criteria for the selection of educational material for its formation in schoolchildren . The article proposes an analysis of the types of educational texts which form social-and-cultural competence among students, discusses the types of communication and their characteristics. The components of the verbal forms of social competence by using comparative analysis of the approaches of learning. Article defines the levels of interpersonal communication and their characteristics.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Development of mobile application "Bayan" for Android operating system

The article describes the advantages of mobile applications, which are actual means of providing information. The statistics of common mobile operating systems are given. The developed mobile application "Bayan"is described. The advantages of the developed application for the user are shown.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 4(68)

The impact of the psychological profile of a college graduate on learning objectives

Psychological profile of College graduates is a set of interrelated personal characteristics that contribute to professional and personal development and allow to predict the degree of adaptation of graduates to the conditions of professional activity. The problem of professional demand for College graduates necessitates the training of specialists showing social maturity, the ability to adapt to the labor market, readiness for professional development. The influence of the psychological profile of a College graduate on the goals of teaching depends on various factors not only of the education system, but also of society as a whole. In this process, the main role belongs to the educational environment of the College. Therefore, one of the main conditions for the successful professional and personal development of the student during the years of study is the creation of a favorable psychological environment in the College for the realization of their intellectual and personal potential.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 2(70)

Some aspects of developing an electronic textbook

The article describes the problems of preparing students using an electronic textbook. The article notes the special importance of the informatics course in the system of secondary vocational education in modern conditions. An attempt was made to analyze some aspects of the development of an electronic textbook. We consider the problem of methodological support, the need to use an electronic textbook in computer science lessons.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 1(73)
Heading: Social sciences

Electronic textbooks on Informatics in the current state of education

Currently, the system of secondary education is moving to the updated content of education, accompanied by a change of the state educational standards, standard curricula, educational and methodical complex. The article notes the special importance of the course of Informatics in the system of secondary education in modern conditions, an attempt is made to analyze the developed electronic applications in Informatics for students of 3, 6, 8 classes

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 1(73)
Heading: Social sciences

Research in the development of an adaptive and multifunctional online store

The article is available the problem of developing an online store. National statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018. The advantage of the developed online store "EComKZ" and client-server application "EComQazaqstan". Services from Google companies are described, NoSQL databases are reviewed, and tools for creating an online store are provided.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 1(73)

Development of web-site interface on WordPress platform

The article discusses the advantage of WordPress CMS platform for web site development. The development of the interface of the website of the online store and the software code related to the functional part of the site is described. It also shows the activation, installation and configuration of the plugin. The article analyzes the latest technologies for creating an online store based on the site and mobile application.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

Learned helplessness in people with disabilities

The article considers the concept of «learned helplessness» in relation to people with disabilities. One of the obstacles to the spread and coverage of a large number of people by inclusion is the inertia of people with disabilities themselves. Psychological living of constant helplessness, a sense of their otherness leads to changes in personal characteristics and the formation of a depressive state. In turn, this state affects all activities and all relationships. The article studies the features of helplessness, its structure and contains recommendations for overcoming the learned helplessness

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Social sciences

Family crises and ways to overcome them

The concept of resilience, the ability to withstand crises and adversities and recover from them, has valuable potential for research, intervention and preventive approaches aimed at strengthening the family. There are many paths to relationship resilience, varying depending on different forms of family, psychosocial problems, resources and constraints. Shared beliefs that promote alignment and cooperation are vital to overcoming adversity. Measures to increase the resilience of families are of timely importance to overcome the rapid social changes and uncertainties that families face today. According to research by sociologists and family consultants, each family goes through several stages of development, and the transition from one to another is usually accompanied by a crisis. It is generally believed that domestic difficulties lead to complications in family life, first of all. The purpose is to identify the types of problems and causes leading to crisis situations in marriage. In this regard, the methods such as analysis of literary sources on this topic, generalization, synthesis, psychological experiment, diagnosis of the psychology of family crisis by H.I. Olioirovia, T.A. Zinkevii-Kuzemkin, T.F. Velenta were used. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that stress is a part of life, and the slings and arrows of misfortune hit all families throughout their lives. The concept of family resilience confirms the reparative potential of all families and offers a valuable basis for research and clinical practice. Just as families face a variety of challenges, there are many ways to increase family resilience. By understanding key processes, clinicians can mobilize untapped resources, allowing families in distress to cope with difficulties more effectively and recover through their mutual support and cooperation. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the patterns of crisis situations and the socio-psychological causes of their occurrence.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)