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Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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Search results: architectural supervision

Number of results: 6

Quality control in construction

In this article the questions of quality assurance in modern construction, quality control of construction materials, methods of control testing of structures, and also the reasons of defects occurring during manufacture of works.

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Scientific bases of normalization and the organization of work are determined, the basic conditions of development of the technically substantiated norms of expenses of work with application of the basic kinds of normative supervision are considered.

Year of release: 2011
Number of the journal: 4(44)

Role of a proverb and saying in the Kazakh literature

Proverbs and sayings are the expressions taken from literary works used by people as well as well-aimed sayings which express deep and wise meaning. The authors present the analysis of proverbs and sayings and their role in the literature. Knowledge of people on the world around and household life is expressed in them as well as the short and emphatic result of long-term andsometimes centuries-old supervisions is given

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)
Heading: Humanities

Implementation of environmental measures in the study of pre-design situations on the example of a roadside service facility

When solving project tasks, it is necessary to take into account the maximum number of possible solutions that contribute to the efficiency of the object. When analyzing the activity of multifunctional objects, such solutions are all the more important, since they allow, taking into account the specific features of the object, to make the most rational design decision, especially if these solutions are associated with the ability to solve environmental and energy-efficient problems. The decisions made can take into account both the operation of the object itself and the infrastructure that provides the solution with the necessary engineering solutions. The most difficult thing in making project decisions is to systematize the studied situations and analyze informative sources. Systematization of methods of pre-project analysis, generalization of the experience of project work on the example of designing a roadside service object. Wepropose forms that facilitate the structuring of information sources, as well as logical tables that give an idea of the specifics of the choice of positions and directions that allows quickly come to an understanding of how to implement project tasks. Awareness of the methods that allow organizing the logic and sequence of design processes in design and architectural design allows the author to identify the most important problems from his point of view and fit them into the range of design tasks. The search for answers to these problems is formed by ways of structuring information and displaying it in pictorial structures, where the word takes on the meaning of a specific symbol, in a chain of connections that determine the understanding of the integral process of functioning of the future object, taking into account all aspects of its activity.

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Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other state authorities: problematic aspects of interaction

In the Republic of Kazakhstan a market economy, a democratic political system and a free civil society based on ideological, social and political pluralism are developing. This contributes to the development of constitutional norms and the diversity of new legal institutions that ensure the supremacy of the Constitution. These include the constitutional Council. In 2020, it's been twenty-five years from the date of adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the creation of the constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ensuring the supremacy of the Constitution throughout the territory of the Republic. The constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan is not part of any of the three branches of government and is subject only to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the law. The purpose of this article is a comprehensive analysis of theoretical and practical issues of interaction between the constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other institutions of state power. In this regard, the article contains the results of the analysis of the foundations of the constitutional system of the Republic; constitutional supervision of the prosecutor's office; the institution, functions and instruments of power of the President, mechanisms of interaction of the Constitutional Council as a constitutional supervisory body with the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A comprehensive study of the activities of the constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the constitutionalization of current legislation is one of the current theoretical and practical problems. It is determined by the scale and quality of the current legislation adopted during the period of fundamental social reforms, the need to «correct» and improve it. In this regard, a significant role is assigned to the Constitutional Council, whose activities are subject to scientific analysis and reflection. In addition, the authors studied and revealed the line of interaction of the constitutional Council and other government institutions are considered in the areas of initiation of constitutional proceedings in the Council, organisational, legal, information procedures, determine the composition of the constitutional Council, overcoming the objections of the President to the constitutional Council's decision. The institutional method used in the article made it possible to show the essence and significance of the constitutional Council in the system of state authorities

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Law

Study of international experience in the field of industrial safety

Currently, close attention is paid to industrial safety at hazardous production facilities. Compliance with industrial safety requirements is directly related to the risks of accidents that can lead to man-made disasters, negatively affect the health and life of the population. As in any other industry, there are problems in ensuring industrial safety. There are several reasons for this: the backlog of standards from scientific and technological progress, the exclusive competence of state authorized bodies, and the lack of a risk-based approach. After the collapse of the USSR, the requirements of industrial safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan have practically not changed: laws and statutory instruments (hereinafter-the LSI) are approved and put into effect, after which they are constantly changed and supplemented; the presence of national and international standards, which, in fact, are revised on the basis of the USSR standards, taking into account the influence of the realities of the time. It can be concluded that the current standards are not focused on the future, scientific and technological progress, innovation, so they are constantly undergoing changes, thereby adapting to the necessary requirements that dictate modernity. State regulation does not contribute to the effective development of industrial safety. This is due to the fact that the state performs exclusively supervisory functions (thus it is exclusively educational in nature), and there is no dialogue between authorized state bodies, expert organizations, scientific organizations, and testing laboratories. If we consider the experience of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety, then it makes no sense to accept even some experience, since: similar to the Kazakhstan’ LSI and regulatory and technical documentation (and their constant dynamics), the development of cooperation with the Russian Federation within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. Accordingly, it is advisable to consider the experience in the field of industrial safety in Europe and the United States of America because of the effectiveness of regulation and supervision than in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. This article provides information about international experience in the field of industrial safety in the United States and the European Union. The tasks of state regulation in the field of industrial safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, the United States, and the European Union are described in detail. The analysis of normative-legal acts and normative-technical documentation is carried out. Based on the analysis of international experience, solutions to problems in the field of industrial safety for the Republic of Kazakhstan are essentially presented. The purpose of this article is to reveal the problem in the field of industrial safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan and international experience that the Republic of Kazakhstan can borrow in order to effectively ensure industrial safety. Study of international experience (USA, EU countries, Russia) in the field of industrial safety in terms of: analysis of standards; regulation (control and supervisory functions) to ensure safety. The results of this article will reflect the problems that hinder the effective provision of industrial safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan and essentially suggest ways to solve them.

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