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Number of results: 38

Scientific substantiation and development of biotechnology of curd product for specialized (herodietic) nutrition

he article presents the scientific rationale for a promising trend - a product with a high protein content, enriched with functional ingredients for specialized (herodietic) nutrition. Based on the results of our own research, we determined the component composition of the fermented product and the main dairy raw material - buttermilk, characterized by high biological value. The new product contains an antioxidant complex and a herbal ingredient that expands the product range.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Тhe species composition and nutrition of dominant f

The results of analysis of catches with stationary nets made from 2010 to 2012 in the North Absheron Gulf of the Caspian Sea have been presented. 26 species of fish belonging to 8 families (16 marine species, 10 migratory and semi-migratory species ) is registered in the catches. There are data distribution and abundance of each species for all of the families are summarized. The tendency of expansion of areals of marine species (Alosa braschnikowi kisselewitschi, A.b.sarensis) to the north is registered.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)
Heading: Natural sciences

The estimation of consumer properties of bee honey represented in the retail trade network

This article views the research methods allowing by the organoleptic and physical and chemical indicators to estimate the honey naturality and approximately determine its origin due to the results of the analyses. The factors influencing the quality of the produced honey have been considered and the chemical Вестник Инновационного Евразийского университета. 2015. №3 ISSN 1729-536X 167 composition of the useful components of honey has been studied. It is shown that Kazakhstani honey can be rather competitive at the world market and the main task is the increase the honey production without changing its quality.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

The use of ash and slag waste CHP Pavlodar region

This article discusses the use of ash and slag waste such as ash or slag boilers and thermal power plants of Pavlodar region. We describe the main source of energy today. Produced by laboratory analysis of the composition of the ash. A basic installation for the processing of the ash. It presents the possibility of using fly ash in building materials industry.

Author: A.M. Kadyrbekov
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

Biotechnological approaches in making new meat products

This paper presents a biotechnological approach of making a meat product in order to create a new domestic product. As the result of the study, prescription composition of the meat product with a cereal component was developed. Components comprise raw materials of domestic production, which allows to increase the level of nutritional balance of the product. The prescription composition includes secondary raw materials, and that allows manufacturers of processing industries to use non-waste production. This characteristic has been achieved due to the know-how. Secondary raw materials have nutritional value, but because of its features (coarse fibers) they are poorly digest by the body. The developed know-how ensures that these fibers are transformed into easily digestible form, giving the product special characteristics, which are described based on the results of nutritional value of the newly developed type of product. The developed new product allows to expand the range of meat products on the market.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

Demographic processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan and their peculiarities

The presented article examines the demographic processes taking place in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which characterize the demographic situation in Kazakhstan. And also the objectives and tasks of the state, the main of which is the management of demographic processes and development of the effective type of population reproduction are considered. The population policy covers a wide range of problems of reproductivity, the creation of the composition and structure of labor resources and their effective application. In a narrow sense, the demographic policy should be understood as the impact on the reproductivity by means of socio-economic activities that affect the demographic processes. The dramatically limited resources make it impossible to solve the government control problems of socio-demographic processes, employment, and unemployment in the required degree.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)
Heading: Social sciences

An example of making a mixture for keeping the soil balance of agricultural crops

To improve soil water regime and moisture supply of plants, moisture-swelling polymeric materials are used in the form of hydrogels, which, upon contact with water, rapidly absorb and retain it for a long time in its volume. However, widespread of such hydrogels used in plant growing is currently limited by its high cost. In this connection, from the economic point of view, the use of composite materials as soil conditioners is of great importance, including inexpensive natural raw materials in its composition while maintaining high rates of moisture sorption and water retention. The task is to improve the mixture to maintain the soil balance of various agricultural crops by changing the quantitative ratio of components, significantly cheaper the composition, improving its quality indicators. The purpose of the scientific article is the mixture for maintaining the soil balance of various agricultural crops, which contains an active product based on a granulated hydrogel and a targeted additive.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

The application of combinatorics to the solution of certain tasks

This article reveals the possibility of solving life situations with combinatorial coefficients and shows the practicality of applying formulas on the theory of probability and mathematical statistics. The solution of tasks with combinatorial coefficients consists mainly in the decomposition of these coefficients by the basic formulas and their manipulations.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 1(65)
Heading: Natural sciences

Innovative technologies for enrichment of flour from wheat grain

The technogenic impact on the ecological environment led to a decrease in the amount of natural food consumed and a change in its qualitative composition. The article discusses the innovative direction – enrichment of food with micronutrients. New types of bread with functional properties for mass nutrition are developed.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)

Characteristics of the composition, properties of delicious-spicy plants

The article presents the characteristics of the main types of delicious-spicy plants and organoleptic properties of spices, which are of great importance in the modern world. The mechanisms of influence of tastyspicy plants on the body with therapeutic and preventive purposes, proven in the research work of foreign and domestic scientists, increase the effectiveness of their use in various fields of production, especially as food additives.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 2(70)

The detective as a special literary genre

The article deals with topical issues of literary studies related to the definition of the genre specificity of detective literature, which is unique and has an extraordinary prevalence of «mass literature»; the processes of transformation of the genre of detective novel is taken into account. It acquires in the second decade of the XXI century «hybrid forms», which emphasizes the novelty of the material presented in the article. The author raises questions of the history of the genre, analyzes its morphology, conducts research of contact and typological convergence, gives a detailed definition of «genre», which is the subject of study not only literary studies, but also linguistics and «detective». The article describes the ways of development of the modern detective, its main genre-forming features, structural, compositional and plot features.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 2(70)
Heading: Humanities

Optimization of the biological value of secondary raw materials of the agro-industrial complex

An important role in solving protein deficiency is the rational use of secondary raw materials in the food industry. The authors found the optimal combination of proteins of dairy, meat and vegetable origin. The balance coefficient of amino acid composition was chosen as the optimization criterion

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

Characteristics, composition, properties of the extract of plants and bauyrska

This article describes the history of Bauyrsak, their varieties and new types of national products, made on the basis of plant extracts, characteristic of the Kazakh and Turkic people, as well as the organoleptic properties of the product. The plant extract, which is added to baursaks, gives color, enriches with vitamins, increases the nutritional value of the product

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

Analysis of the labor market and employment, unemployment of the population in Pavlodar region

Unemployment appears as a clearly negative phenomenon. It is unprofitable to all – both employers, and employees, and the state. Unemployment – is primarily a loss of income of a person, deprivation of the usual way of life. The urgency of this problem is due primarily to the fact that it is one of the important factors affecting economic and socio-political security. The vital interests of society, the state and the individual are closely intertwined in it. In our society, unemployment becomes a chronic disease, the state is not able to overcome it, and people demand respect for their rights to work, free choice of their activities and professions, improvement of living and working conditions, and social protection from unemployment. The article studied both the labor market in the Pavlodar region, as a whole and its individual segments in the context of the regions, its place in the market infrastructure, the main causes of unemployment, the qualitative composition of the unemployed

Author: A.D.Kusmanova
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 4(72)

Optimization of the nutrient medium for cultivation of the lactic acid bacteria lactobacillus casei bm-4/17 b-rkm 0746 in a bioreactor

This article presents a comparative analysis of nutrient media for the cultivation of lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus casei BM-4/17 B-RKM 0746 in a bioreactor. The main criteria for identifying the effectiveness of the nutrient medium were the accumulation of the highest biomass of lactic acid bacteria cells and the amount of nutrient medium components in relation to the biomass obtained.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 1(73)

Influence of ultrasonic treatment on the efficiency of biogas production

This paper presents the results of the influence of ultrasonic treatment in the cofermentation of the cattle manure mixture (cattle) with the leaven from the rumen of ruminants on the process of biogas production. Anaerobic digestion was carried out in matinence periodic operation at the mesophilic temperature of 38 C ̊. As a substrate, a mixture with a content of 70 % cattle manure and 10 % leaven from rumen of ruminants was used. Treatment with ultrasound of the mixture was carried out at an intensity of 10 W/cm2 and an amount of input energy of 9350 kJ/kg of dry matter (DM), which completely eliminated the processes of stratification and sedimentation. Decomposition of organic matter (OM) in the periodic regime with the enzyme and ultrasound treatment occurred within 8 days, the usual substrate during this time OM decomposed 3.0 times less (only 14 %). The process of fermentation of methane in continuous and periodic modes treated with ultrasound, as at other temperatures, was stable, as can be judged by the values of volatile fatty acids (VFA) Volatile fatty acids (VFAs), alkalinity, pH, and biogas. The energetical efficiency of methane fermentation is estimated by comparing the volume of fuel (biogas) and heat consumption for technological needs. As shown by the comparison of efficiency of different regime, the largest amount of commercial energy in the form of biogas was obtained in the mode of joint fermentation of a mixture of cattle manure (cattle) with a ferment from the rumen of ruminants treated with ultrasound – 3 times more than without treatment (space).

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Diagnostic value of hematological studies in ichthyopathology

The article presents studies on the morphological picture of the blood of fish in a comparative aspect, depending on age and species. In recent years, the influence of anthropogenic factors on the ecosystem of water bodies has intensified. In this regard, the main direction of solving the problems of ichthy -epizootological situations is new areas in veterinary medicine, in particular, hematological recognition of shaped elements in the blood of fish. To identify and understand the state of the fish organism, which they reflect, the researcher must first of all correctly determine these forms of cells in the blood, especially this applies to white blood cells. Our review is brief and does not pretend to be completely complete literature data on this issue. All this together gives a complex morphological picture of the blood of fish, which is difficult to typify. Unlike higher vertebrates, fish lack bone marrow and lymph nodes, hematopoiesis occurs both in organs, which include reticular syncytium (gill apparatus, kidneys, lymphoid organ), and vascular endothelium of the gill apparatus and heart and spleen and, in some cases, intestinal mucosa. In bone fish, the anterior part of the kidneys is the main organ of hematopoiesis; hematopoiesis also occurs in the lymphoid organs and in the spleen. The purpose of this research is to study the morphological picture of the blood of fish in a comparative aspect, depending on age and species. 3-7 animals from each age group of fish were examined on average. To study the morphological composition of blood from fish, blood was taken from gill vessels and from the heart cavity. In the process of research, it was found that the peculiarity of fish is the presence in the blood of both mature and young red blood cells, red blood cells have nuclei. Bony fish have four types of myeloid cells at all stages of development, known in the hematology of higher vertebrates and humans. A distinctive feature of fish granulocytes is the ability to observe leukocytes in all successive stages of filling the cytoplasm with granules, and the nucleus of th ese cells is very rarely lobed. Unlike fish, in mammals it is very difficult to distinguish between the stages of development of basophils and eosinophils (myelocytes, juvenile, stab and segmented), since the segmentation of the nucleus is weakly expressed , and the number of granules does not increase as the cells mature. It can be noted that the studies initiated can contribute to determining the choice of hematological studies. Given the above factors, a detailed epidemiological classification of hematolo gical studies will be obtained. The research results make certain additions to the procedures of veterinary-hematological studies in the field of ichthyopathology. In the future, research will continue in the direction of hematological diagnosis of fish di seases and prerequisites will be created for a detailed epidemiological classification of hematological studies.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

The study of nutritional values and organoleptic properties of poly-grain extruded mixture

Among many environmental conditions that affect a person, the most important factor is nutrition. Today, there is no doubt that there is a direct link between nutrition, health and disease. Proper nutrition ensures normal growth and development of a person, contributes to the prevention of diseases, has a positive impact on life expectancy and creates conditions for adaptation to the environment. A very actual topic for public catering in the Republic of Kazakhstan, namely for fast food companies, is the development of new recipes and culinary products from relatively inexpensive vegetable raw materials, as well as qualitatively new food products with a purposefully changed chemical composition. One of the main ways of solving problems of expanding the production of products for quick service, as well as products for dietary and therapeutic and preventive nutrition is the use of sprouted grains and beans. In this article, poly-grain mixtures of sprouted wheat and extruded soy beans in different ratios are studied and considered. Poly-grain mixtures developed by us are balanced in nutrients, vitamins and amino acids. The research was carried out on the basis of the accredited testing laboratory of RUBICOM enterprise LLP and the scientific laboratory of the Innovative Eurasian University. The purpose of this work is to study a promising method for increasing the nutritional value of grain mixtures by extruding them at different temperature conditions. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were planned: – to study the grain of soy beans and sprouted wheat on the organolepti c characteristics and chemical composition of the poly-grain mixture; – examine the chemical composition of the poly-grain mixture before extrusion; – choose the optimal mode of the extrusion process; – study and analyze the chemical composition of poly-grain extruded mixture; It should be noted that we have developed for the first time the optimal technological mode of extrusion of poly-grain mixture from sprouted wheat and soy beans, and the physical and chemical composition of the poly-grain mixture was studied. The results of the research presented in this paper are the basis for the development of recipes and technologies for fast food products. The reliability and validity of scientific statements is confirmed by the choice of modern methods of chemical composition analysis.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Development of the technology of cream bioadditive for enrichment of processed cheese product of functional orientation

The article is devoted to comprehensive research and development of the technology of cream supplements for the enrichment of processed cheese products. This article discusses the steady trend towards the use of dairy products with probiotic properties in the diet of modern people. The authors justify the requirements for the chemical composition and properties of a new type of processed cheese product: the mass fraction of dry processed cheese product must be at least 45 wt.%, the amount of probiotic microflora at least 107 CFU/g, to adjust the fatty acid composition of the product, the use of milk fat substitutes. As a result of the research, the composition and technological parameters of the production of a cream Supplement intended for enriching a new processed cheese product were determined. Skimmed milk powder concentrate with a mass fraction of dry substances (48.0±0.5) %was selected to increase protein (nitrogenous substances) in the nutrient medium for microorganisms. To activate the growth of bifidobacteria, the prebiotic No. 1 – lactulose was studied. The main content of the study is the analysis of the effect of increasing the amount of SOM concentrate on the chemical composition of the compositions of experimental products. The bacterial concentrates Bifilact-B and Bifilact-u were selected as the source of probiotic cultures. In fermented products, microbiological indicators were determined: the total number of lactic acid cultures and bifidobacteria. The article analyzes the dynamics of acidity of experimental products fermented with bifilact-B bacterial concentrate and bifilact-u bacterial concentrate. It was found that in experimental products with a high level of acid formation, the growth of bifidobacteria decreases, this is due to the fact that at low pH values, the growth of bifidobacteria slows down, and at a pH below 4.5 – stops. There was a significant increase in the number of bifidobacteria in the presence of a prebiotic – lactulose concentrate. The authors proved that the fermentation process with the formation of a clot in experimental products with bifilact-B bacterial concentrate is completed within 9-10 hours, taking into account the time of compaction of the consistency. In experimental products fermented with bifilact-U bacterial concentrate, the fermentation process ends within 7-8 hours, that is, by (2.0±0.5) hours faster.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

Residual chemical analysis of amines used as corrosion inhibitors

Main problem: Presence of acidic chemicals such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide, composition of production fluids triggers corrosion. Corrosion in oil and gas industry leads to deterioration of equipment since most of equipment is made of metal alloys. Application of inhibitors is one of the corrosion mitigation methods that needs to be controlled because it is important to identify optimal concentration of the chemicals in production fluids.Residual chemical analysis plays an important rolein identifying the appropriate dosage of corrosion inhibitors and its correction. It is imperative to find the most optimal concentration of amines due to the fact that both overdose and underdose could lead to equipment deterioration. The chemical analysis is hindered by complexity of mixtures that are applied in petroleum industry. Purpose: The main purpose of this article is to find out the most effective method of residual chemical analysis for inhibitors used against sweet and sour corrosion by studying and analyzing corresponding literature review. The analysis should be carried out with robust, sensitive, and accurate instrumentation. Methods :Theoretical study of composition and mechanism of amines used in oil and gas industry as corrosion inhibitors and selection of appropriate instrumental analytical techniques for the residual analysis. Results and their importance: After careful studying and consideration of modern instrumental analytical techniques the most optimal and efficient method in terms of robustness, time saving and cost was selected. Ion chromatography is an adequate method to carry out residual chemical analysis for amines that are used as inhibitors in oil and gas industry to prevent sweet and sour corrosion.

Author: Zh.S. Kassenova
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Modern lexicography: trends and directions of development

The article examines the state and directions of development of modern Kazakh lexicography. The goals, objectives and possibilities of modern branches of lexicography are determined; the scientific-theoretical and practical foundations of compiling dictionaries are described. The development of the theory and practice of lexicography is due to such needs as the recognition of lexicography as a separate area of linguistics, the development of a theoretical basis for the creation of dictionaries, a general typology of dictionaries, the definition of the macro - and microstructure of dictionaries. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to summarize the experience of Kazakh lexicography, to identify its general theoretical problems, directions of development, to show its place in linguistic science. The study used a descriptive method, analysis and synthesis methods. A brief overview of scientific works is made, which study general theoretical and practical problems of Kazakh lexicography, research on the history of Kazakh lexicography, as well as works that consider the experience and scientific foundations of compiling dictionaries. The authors note the importance of the theory of lexicography in creating dictionaries, improving their quality, choosing the basic principles when sorting vocabulary units in a dictionary, the peculiarities of their functioning, the quantitative and qualitative composition of linguistic units to be included in the corresponding type of dictionary according to the subject of research, denote the theoretical and practical problems of Kazakh lexicography, scientific and theoretical foundations for creating dictionaries of the Kazakh language, determine the scientific, theoretical and practically applied aspects of modern lexicography as a science of language. Pointing to the importance of studying the scientific foundations of compiling dictionaries, their composition and structural features, both from a purely scientific point of view, and from the point of view of the implementation of state programs aimed at the development of the Kazakh language, the authors of the article conclude that the patterns and quality of compiling dictionaries directly depend on the basic functions of the language in modern society. The state of affairs in modern lexicography makes it possible to talk about the allocation of general lexicography, which studies the properties inherent in any dictionary, and particular sections of lexicography (educational, terminological, onomastic, etc.). General lexicography should establish common (or statistically dominant) features of all dictionaries using typology, as well as explore the general patterns of functioning and use of dictionaries. Private lexicography should contain sections that study the internal structure of this type of dictionary and methods for its creation; history of this type of dictionary; purpose and addressee of this type of dictionary. Therefore, experts in the field of lexicography believe that the prospects for the further development of lexicography are seen in the improvement of existing and creation of new types of dictionaries, the emergence of complex dictionaries and the computerization of lexicographic activities.

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Heading: Humanities

Research of fungal diseases of herbaceous plants exposed from Aksu Ferroalloy Plant

Main problem: Technogenic "metamorphosis" of vegetation near such large industrial facilities as Pavlodar is considered to be the result of various active chemical and mechanical factors provoked by economic activities associated with the influence of emissions from industrial companies. The effect of anthropogenic impacts on vegetation in all regions of Kazakhstan varies and is largely dependent on the economic development of the territory, but in any case, the end result of this impact is the change in the vegetation, causing violations of with structure, reduced vodorazdelnaya flora and productivity of communities. This, in turn, can cause infection of herbaceous plants with pathogenic fungi, which then carry with them: a decrease in the intensity of plant growth, a deterioration in their decorative qualities, a decrease in the survival of the biological species. Purpose: to study the types of fungi-pathogens of phytopathogenic diseases and to determine the degree of modification of the plant component, which is under intense negative technogenic influence from the Aksu Ferroalloy Plant (AFР). Мethods: For the experimental study, species of plants such as: Artemisia dracunculus L; Artemesia vulgaris L; Atriplex fera L; Atriplex patula L; Artemisia annua L were selected for the content of fungipathogens of phytopathogenic diseases. Results and their significance: This experimental study was aimed at the presence of fungi-pathogens of herbaceous plants as a result of human impact, occurring near the industrial zone "AFР". The composition of fungi-pathogens of herbaceous plants collected in this industrial zone was considered and studied. According to the results of an experimental laboratory study, phytopathogenic fungi of herbaceous plants belonging to 1 ordo, 1 familia, and 4 species were found.

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Prospects for the use of natural food additives in the production of sausage products

Today, there is a full development of the food industry. It is characterized by the widest mechanization and automation of production and transport processes, the use of artificial cold and vacuum technology, the latest physical methods, chemical and biological preparations to accelerate technological processes. There are a huge variety of new products. New ways of long-term preservation of products in hermetic airtight packaging are promising. Now it is possible to deliver products from almost any industry to anywhere in the world. But the main problem for the modern consumer is that today's food industry is moving by leaps and bounds in the application and addition of chemical food additives: preservatives, flavors, dyes, stabilizers, antioxidants and substitutes for raw materials. To correctly answer the question of how to treat the use of food with food additives, it is necessary to understand and weigh the main disadvantages and advantages of using them. Advantages are that the product is better preserved, has an attractive appearance. Disadvantages are that the human body wears out, processing various chemicals, it is harmful to health. And with certain doses of use it becomes dangerous. Everyone has their own attitude to their health and their own priorities in life. Many people have come to terms with the daily use of products with additives, but others consciously refuse almost everything in the store. But the fact that no one wants to be poisoned from an overdose of various chemicals or starve to death. Therefore, the main advice is to carefully study the composition indicated on the label of food products and know the measure of their consumption. It is also impossible to believe blindly that the label was written with the truth. Manufacturers often use additives literally visually, which can lead to the production of a product with a dangerously higher concentration. It also happens that the manufacturer intentionally exceeds the norm in order to hide the shortcomings of the product (stale, poor quality of raw materials) and increase the yield of the finished product. The food additives added to many foods (usually designated by the code E) are predominantly harmful to the body. With moderate consumption, the use of products with E-supplements is not too harmful to the body (for example, several times a month). The situation is dangerous when a person consumes products with a large number of food additives daily or even several times a day when using various products. Nowadays, there are several hundred food additives with the code E (from E100 to E1521).

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Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other state authorities: problematic aspects of interaction

In the Republic of Kazakhstan a market economy, a democratic political system and a free civil society based on ideological, social and political pluralism are developing. This contributes to the development of constitutional norms and the diversity of new legal institutions that ensure the supremacy of the Constitution. These include the constitutional Council. In 2020, it's been twenty-five years from the date of adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the creation of the constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ensuring the supremacy of the Constitution throughout the territory of the Republic. The constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan is not part of any of the three branches of government and is subject only to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the law. The purpose of this article is a comprehensive analysis of theoretical and practical issues of interaction between the constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other institutions of state power. In this regard, the article contains the results of the analysis of the foundations of the constitutional system of the Republic; constitutional supervision of the prosecutor's office; the institution, functions and instruments of power of the President, mechanisms of interaction of the Constitutional Council as a constitutional supervisory body with the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A comprehensive study of the activities of the constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the constitutionalization of current legislation is one of the current theoretical and practical problems. It is determined by the scale and quality of the current legislation adopted during the period of fundamental social reforms, the need to «correct» and improve it. In this regard, a significant role is assigned to the Constitutional Council, whose activities are subject to scientific analysis and reflection. In addition, the authors studied and revealed the line of interaction of the constitutional Council and other government institutions are considered in the areas of initiation of constitutional proceedings in the Council, organisational, legal, information procedures, determine the composition of the constitutional Council, overcoming the objections of the President to the constitutional Council's decision. The institutional method used in the article made it possible to show the essence and significance of the constitutional Council in the system of state authorities

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Law

Improving the technology of fruit and vegetable semi-finished products with natural aromatic and spicy additives

The sharp deterioration of the environmental situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, associated with human activity and the impact of harmful factors on the environment, affected the quality of food consumed by insufficient consumption of domestic fruit and vegetable products containing vitamins, minerals of an alkaline nature, carbohydrates, vegetable proteins, pectin substances and active fiber. The problem of improving the quality of growing and processing fruits and vegetables is one of the main tasks of the food independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Currently, the share of large vegetable farms in the Republic of Kazakhstan is only 10%. The volume of industrial processing of fruit and vegetable crops in Kazakhstan is insignificant. The demand for domestic fruit and vegetable products in the country is met only by 35-40%, most of it is imported from countries such as Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and China. There is a need for the development of organic vegetable growing in Kazakhstan and the creation of new types of domestic fruit and vegetable products containing a sufficient amount of useful and active substances that can bind and remove toxic substances and radioactive elements from the human body. The purpose of the work is to improve the technology of fruit and vegetable semi-finished products with natural spicy and aromatic additives, to develop a multi-component recipe for vegetable mixtures and a method for producing quick-frozen vegetable mixtures with high quality indicators. These studies were aimed at studying the chemical composition and functional and technological properties of vegetables and spicy - aromatic plants for the content of biogenic compounds: carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, essential oils, minerals and other substances. The structure of plant tissues was studied and the mass fraction of moisture, dry matter, fiber, mono - and disaccharides, pectin substances, vitamin C was determined, the formulation and production technology of Assorted vegetable mixtures were developed, and quality indicators were determined.

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General characteristics and taxonomic composition of epiphytic microflora of plants

Main problem: Microbial-plant relationships, including epiphytic microflora, are the subject of attention of many scientists. Numerous works confirm the high interest of researchers and the relevance of studying this topic. Despite many years of research, some questions concerning the characteristics of the epiphytic microflora still remain open. It is already a well-known fact that the epiphytic microflora is directly related to the physiological development of the plant, including yield. This is due to the close interaction of the plant with the microorganisms living on its surface throughout the entire growing season. It is also proved that epiphytic microflora has the ability to change characteristics under the influence of environmental factors (temperature, humidity, soil contamination, sunlight, etc.). In this regard, the study of this topic is one of the important areas of biological and agricultural sciences and is of high importance. It should be noted that a significant role in the development of agriculture in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Pavlodar region is played by representatives of vegetable crops, including tomatoes and potatoes belonging to the Solanaceae family, which indicates the high importance of the plants selected for the study. The combination of the above arguments determines the need to study the epiphytic microflora of plants and establish the regularities of its influence on the adaptive properties of the studied plants of the Solanaceae family, as well as on their productivity. In turn, the study of epiphytic microflora can also contribute to the search for new ways to increase the yield of plants and their resistance to various diseases. Purpose: The article is devoted to the study of the properties and characteristics of the epiphytic microflora of the surface of various organs of plants of the Solanaceae family (on the example of tomato and potato). The variability of the composition and number of epiphytic microorganisms in seasonal dynamics is shown. Methods: bacterioscopic method, fingerprint method, flushing method, Gram staining method. Results and their significance: The characteristics and properties of representatives of epiphytic microorganisms of aboveground (leaf, fruit, flower) and underground (potato fruit) plant organs were studied. The role of the influence of environmental factors on the variability of epiphytic microflora is determined on the example of plants Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. (common tomato) and Solanum tuberosum L. (tuberous nightshade). The differences in the microflora of different plant organs in different periods of vegetation are shown.

Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 2(82)

Investigation of the dependences of the rheology of calcium alginate solutions on concentration, temperature and shear rate

The main problem: The rheological properties of calcium salts are of theoretical and practical interest for a modern researcher. The theoretical interest is primarily related to the search for general patterns and manifestations of the rheological properties of solutions of calcium salts. The practical component is based on the search for patterns and dependencies of the properties of solutions on the structure and composition of the object of study. Such chemicals as calcium salts are of particular practical interest, they are widely used in various fields, such as the food, chemical and pharmacological industries. Hydrophilic high-molecular solutions of alginates, namely calcium alginate, are actively used in the preparation of soft dosage forms, the manufacture of jelly masses in confectionery, act as thickeners in the food industry. They are characterized by a fairly high percentage of viscosity at low concentrations, bioavailability, prolonging effect, absence of irritating properties, biocompatibility with many polymers, which is especially important in the pharmaceutical industry and medicine. The use of calcium salts for these purposes is currently very promising, since these organic salts have a number of unique properties associated with gelation. Purpose: This paper contains the results of studying the features of the rheology of calcium alginate solutions. A concentration range of 0.1-0.7 % was chosen for the studies, which is sufficient to avoid gelation at room temperature. The dependence of viscosity on concentration, temperature (in the range of 25-45 °C) and shear rate were studied. Methods: Analysis of theoretical sources, observation, comparison of results. The rheological characteristics of the obtained substances were studied using a capillary viscometer. The measurements were carried out in the temperature range of 25-45°C. Results and their significance: it was found that there is a significant dependence of viscosity on concentration and temperature. For concentrations of 0.3 – 0.7 %, a similar type of dependence is observed, in contrast to solutions with a concentration of 0.1 % . Explanations of these dependencies were proposed.

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Ingularly perturbed equations in critical cases

Singularly perturbed partial differential equations with small parameters with higher derivatives deserve special attention, which often arise in a variety of applied problems and are used in describing mathematical models of diffusion processes, absorption taking into account small diffusion, filtration of liquids in porous media, chemical kinetics, chromatography, heat and mass transfer, hydrodynamics and many other fields. It is necessary to consider the creation of an asymptotic classification of solutions of singularly perturbed equations using a well-known approach to solving the boundary value problem. In this case, the singular problem is understood as the problem of constructing the asymptotics of the solution of the Cauchy problem for a system of ordinary differential equations with a small parameter with a large derivative. The asymptotics of the solution in all cases is based on the last time interval or the construction of a boundary value problem for a system with a weak clot in an asymptotically large time interval. Purpose - to construct and substantiate the asymptotics of solving a singular initial problem for a system of two nonlinear ordinary differential equations with a small parameter; To date, a number of methods have been developed for constructing asymptotic expansions of solutions to various problems. This is the method of boundary functions developed in the works of A.B. Vasilyeva, M.I. Vishik, L.A. Lusternik, V.F. Butuzov; the regularization method of S. A. Lomov, methods of averaging, VKB, splicing of asymptotic decompositions of A.M. Ilyin and others. All the above methods allow us to obtain asymptotic expansions of solutions for wide classes of equations. At the same time, such singularly perturbed problems often arise, to which ready-made methods are not applicable or do not allow to obtain an effective result. Therefore, the development of methods for solving equations remains a very urgent problem. As a result of the study, an algorithm for constructing an asymptotic classification of the initial solution of the problem with a singular perturbation is given, and approaches to estimating the residual term are also shown.

Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 4(84)

Development of a technology for producing organic fertilizers based on catalytic processes

The article is devoted to the development of a technology for obtaining organic fertilizers from poultry waste based on biocatalytic processes. Currently, many poultry farms have become sources of environmental pollution, thereby causing serious environmental problems and economic and social damage. The problem of reliable protection of the natural environment from pollution by bird droppings is currently relevant. In the area of operation of large poultry farms, air pollution by microorganisms, dust, foul-smelling organic compounds, which are decomposition products of organic waste, as well as nitrogen, sulfur, and carbon oxides, is possible. Bird droppings contain acids, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, heavy metals. The content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium changes dramatically depending on the quantity and quality of the feed. Humic substances isolated from brown coal have a sufficiently high sorption activity and are used as cheap sorbents for solving a number of environmental problems in industry. These studies are aimed at minimizing the main disadvantage of the anaerobic digestion process, the low reaction rate, which leads to the need to create large-volume bioreactors. On the basis of the research carried out, a technology has been developed for obtaining organic fertilizers from poultry waste by the method of anaerobic fermentation of chicken manure with humidity at a temperature of 27 °C - 50 °C with the addition of sodium humate. The resulting fertilizer is intended for use in agricultural production, horticulture, floriculture, forestry, municipalities, in household plots in order to increase the yield and quality of crop production. For the developed technology, an application has been submitted for obtaining a Patent for the invention of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Method for producing organic fertilizers» (priority No. 2021-22818, dated July 13, 2021). The invention allows to significantly reduce the time of fermentation, to enrich the product with organic and mineral products contained in sodium humate, to convert the salts of heavy metals into an insoluble state, to improve the environmental friendliness of the method.

Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 4(84)

Improving the means and methods for the prevention and treatment of postpartum paresis of cows

In modern conditions, the problem of the incidence of cows with high productivity in the postpartum period is relevant. It is these animals that are more susceptible to various diseases, primarily due to violations of the technology of keeping and feeding, weak body resistance, heavy loads during fruiting and milk production. It is known that as a result of various metabolic disorders, calving of cows in farms proceeds with various deviations. The lack of calcium in the blood due to hormonal disorders leads to hypocalcemia and paresis after calving, which is often the cause of death of animals. Therefore, the improvement of prevention schemes and treatment of puerperal paresis in cows is very relevant. Purpose of the article – Improvement of preventive and therapeutic measures for postpartum paresis in cows on the basis of the Tassu farm in Akmola district. The work was carried out under production conditions on a livestock farm in the Akmola region, in the farm "Tassu" in the spring and summer. The object of the study were black-motley cows with a pregnancy period of 250-260 days. 22 animals were selected in the experimental group, 12 animals in the control group. The average weight of animals is 567 ± 34.5 kg, age 5-6 years. The cows of the experimental group received injections of the drug Karsulen, which included: 2 % Cardus marianus D3, 1 % Sulfur D6 and 1 % Arsenycum album D6. Karsulen was administered to cows intramuscularly or subcutaneously at the rate of 1 ml per 100 kg of animal weight, the dose volume should not be less than 5 ml per animal. In the postpartum period, in the complex therapy of postpartum paresis in cows, Karsulen is used intramuscularly or subcutaneously 1-2 times a day. The use of the drug Karsulen with the composition: 1 % Cardus marianus D3, 1 % Sulfur D6 and 1 % Arsenycum album D6 has a regulatory effect on protein, carbohydrate, fat metabolism, restores impaired function of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

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Automated sprayer for processing agricultural crops

In order to successfully conduct agricultural work and obtain a competitive harvest, it is mandatory to carry out spraying operations of crops that require highly qualified personnel, expensive equipment and suitable weather conditions. The use of tractors for spraying fields is the most common solution available at the moment, has disadvantages: high cost, risk of damage to the crop by "hitting", "hooking" or otherwise; environmental damage; due to exhaust gases, the demolition of the solution increases with increasing speed. Using a device designed specifically for spraying equipment is an ideal solution. The purpose of the article is to develop a working model of an automated sprayer for processing agricultural crops. The methods used are: technical justification of a controlled device for processing agricultural crops. Calculation of functional capabilities, algorithms of operation of the proposed automated device: selection of the type of sprayer, engine, chassis, controller, battery, as well as justification of the possibilities of using alternative energy sources (wind energy, solar energy); development of a 3D model of an automation device for anti-weed processing of agricultural crops, printing of parts, assembly of mechanical and electronic parts. Making a prototype using 3D printing; development of the wiring diagram of electronics, software (firmware of the microcontroller; application that controls the settings), testing of the prototype, assembly of the current model; rationale for the optimal use of Arduino and Raspberry Pi boards in this device in a pair: Raspberry Pi will allow you to control processes on the Arduino and easily interact with the Internet when the Arduino itself will perform simple operations such as interacting with electronics and reading sensor readings. The manufactured operating model showed compliance with the goals, a high degree of controllability, environmental friendliness, reduction of energy consumed, labor resources and can be used to scale this device. The developed model of the automation device for anti-weed treatment of agricultural crops can be used not only in agricultural pollination, but also as a mechanism for studying soil parameters: humidity, mineralogical composition and chemical content in the ground, using electronic sensors, as well as an automated mobile platform for any purpose requiring accurate navigation through the territory.

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Factors of using modern synthetic materials to create design objects

The process of creating new forms is the key to choosing the combination of different textures for a unique aesthetic effect. Currently, various elements of the interior, including furniture and other decorative additions, are the basis for obtaining emotional balance, which is achieved between the functional purpose of the interior and its artistic and figurative concept. The main task in creating such objects is to create the most comfortable and harmonious atmosphere in the interior, regulating the mental processes of a person, which would cause exceptionally positive emotions and stimulate the creative development of users. The purpose is to consider the features of the use of epoxy resin in the design of interior objects and to study the importance of synthetic resins as a modern material for new ways of shaping in interior design and decoration. The methods used are: the use of formaldehyde resins as a modern, affordable, multifunctional material, the combination of resin with coloring and the use of various textures. Expansion of the range of interior elements in the manufacture of which epoxy resin is used. In this regard, it should be noted that the use of various resin compositions when creating design objects meets consumer requirements and complies with modern and latest trends. In this article, a brief study of such a polymeric material as epoxy resin was carried out. The properties of epoxy resin and how they affect the compositional solution, methods of its modification, and functional aspects of design from the point of view of manufacturing interior elements are described. The technologies for manufacturing modern products for decorative and applied purposes coated with epoxy resin are considered. In the process of researching technologies, a series of experiments are carried out to determine the structure of possible sequential actions, within which a technology will be studied and designed to ensure the safety of a new design product made of synthetic materials, then a constructive logic will be provided in which not only the functional properties of the object will not suffer, but also acquire valuable innovative value

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Mathematical modeling of experimental data in the design of formulas for dairy products

Main problem: the article is devoted to the issue of designing basic recipes for dairy products using mathematical modeling methods. The author analyzed the problems in the field of food technology and concluded that mathematical modeling is used in the following areas: clarification of technological process modes, designing recipes and assessing the quality of finished products, as well as predicting the shelf life of new products when they are put into production. The use of dihydroquercetin as a drug that prevents the oxidation of milk fat in the design of dairy products is substantiated. Mathematical modeling was carried out on the basis of experimental and analytical material obtained in laboratory and production conditions. Based on the maximum value of the objective functions, the optimal normalized mixtures and the maximum allowable concentration of dihydroquercetin were selected. The analysis of the received mathematical dependences and models is carried out, the system of linear equations is made. Purpose: to study the effect of natural bioflavonoid antioxidant on the oxidative processes of milk fat and the viability of lactic acid cultures and their associations by mathematical modeling in order to use it in the technology of a new product; conduct an analysis of mathematical dependencies and models, compose a system of linear equations. Methods: the article uses the method of mathematical analysis and the matrix method. Results and their significance: a mathematical model was developed for the dependence of the viability of probiotic cultures on the mass fraction of dihydroquercetin when designing recipes for a creamy-protein curd product, a matrix of the chemical composition of dairy ingredients was presented, and a system of linear equations for basic recipes was compiled. In the course of the study, the spatial configurations of dihydroquercetin, as well as its effect on the oxidative processes of milk fat, were studied. Mathematical modeling of experimental data on the study of the effect of dihydroquercetin on the viability of microorganisms with probiotic properties was carried out. The normalization of the complex of obtained results on the study of the influence of the mass fraction of dihydroquercetin on the fermentation process was studied. Controlled factors characterizing the process of fermentation of model media with dihydroquercetin have been determined. A rationing of the dihydroquercetin complex of more than 0.50% was established; the target function decreases to its minimum value of 0.53 with a mass fraction of dihydroquercetin of 1.00%.

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Development of a new type of curd mass using a vegetable protein-containing component

It is known that the nutritional value of proteins is primarily characterized by the composition of essential amino acids and is determined by their accessibility. Not just proteins are necessary for the good functioning of the human body, but a certain amount of essential amino acids. Since the lack or absence of any of them causes serious health problems. The problem of protein malnutrition is global for many reasons and to solve it, it’s necessary to study the prospects for the possible use of non-traditional sources of dietary protein, namely vegetable protein. Considering this, the article presents the results of studies conducted over several years, the objects of which were dairy and vegetable products and protein hydrolyzate from chickpea flour. At the same time, the possibility of its use as a filler of plant origin to improve the physicochemical and structural-mechanical properties of a new type of finished product was determined. The purpose of these studies is to develop a recipe and determine the technological stages of production of a new type of product of dairy and vegetable origin, which has a functional focus, in which vegetable products are used together with dairy components. It should be noted that when selecting components, preference is given to raw materials grown in the local region. When developing the recipe, the optimal amount of chickpea protein hydrolyzate to be added was determined, which makes it possible to give the finished product not only attractive commercial characteristics, which the modern consumer primarily pays attention to, but also to obtain such product properties that will help strengthen the immune system and the resistance of the human body to adverse conditions environment, what is especially important for the younger generation. When developing the technology of a new dairy-vegetable curd mass, the optimal modes of each technological operation and the stage at which it is most expedient to apply a vegetable component are determined. Launching the developed product into production, the manufacturer will not face the problem of the lack of the necessary equipment and its expensive acquisition, since the production organized according to the proposed technology is maximally adapted to the equipment available at enterprises engaged in the production of cottage cheese and curd products.

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Technology for the preparation of a fermented milk product with the addition of watermelon juice

Main problem: the development of a new direction in the food industry – the so-called functional nutrition, which means the use of such products of natural origin, which, when systematically used, have a regulatory effect on the body as a whole or on its specific systems and organs, has been widely recognized all over the world: immunostimulants, biocorrectors for blood pressure, cholesterol levels, etc. When creating functional dairy products, ingredients of plant origin are increasingly included in recipes, which are sources of dietary fiber, vitamins and microelements, organic acids and other biologically active compounds, which can also serve as flavor fillers. Purpose: to develop a technology for the preparation of a fermented milk product with the addition of an extract from gourds. To do this, it was necessary: to select the amount (dose) of the yoghurt starter introduced into the prepared milk, and also to investigate the effect of temperature on the fermentation process of the drink; to investigate the amount (dose) of the vegetable filler introduced into the mixture and its effect on the organoleptic characteristics of the drink; to investigate the organoleptic properties of the drink with the melon culture extract added to it before fermentation and after fermentation; to investigate the effect of vegetable filler on the fermentation process; to investigate the effect of the dose of vegetable filler on the process of acid formation; conduct microbiological studies of milk and vegetable yogurt; to investigate the change in the acidity of milk and vegetable yogurt during storage; to investigate the effect of the freezing process on the chemical composition and biological value of the extract. Methods: when performing the practical part of the work, physicochemical, organoleptic and microbiological studies were used. Results and their significance: in the course of the study, it was concluded that by adding an extract of gourds to the technology for the preparation of fermented milk products, a new fermented milk product can be obtained that meets all physicochemical, organoleptic and microbiological requirements. As a result, an original method for the production of a fermented milk drink containing an extract from a melon culture was developed.

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Creating an intelligent management environment for a powerful load node on the example of the Pavlodar region

The present stage of development of power systems is characterized by the need to increase their intelligence, that is, the formation of an environment capable of solving the problems of effective management of all components included in the power system. One of the features of modern energy systems is an active consumer, that is, a consumer who has the opportunity to optimize the schedule of loading their capacities, planning energy consumption, intellectualization of energy consumption. In addition to the fact that there are digital systems for collecting, processing and presenting information, as well as transmitting this information via the Internet, to solve the most difficult task of managing power systems, it is necessary to develop a large number of models adequate to real processes that can describe the processes taking place in the power system under consideration. The purpose is to develop models capable of adequately describing the interrelated processes occurring in the considered elements of the power system, as well as in the aggregate of related elements; development of methods that allow solving problems of effective control of elements of energy systems on the basis of the proposed intelligent models. To solve the problem of increasing the intelligence of the power system, nonlinear adaptive models of electrical complexes of an energy-intensive enterprise included in the power system were developed on the basis of balance equations and artificial intelligence methods. The production of alumina with the properties of inertia, nonlinearity and closure is chosen as the production under consideration. This type of production was chosen as the most difficult to predict due to the unpredictability of changes in energy consumption during the transition to other modes of its operation, associated, for example, with the receipt of raw materials with a different chemical composition for processing. Static and dynamic models of energy consumption of electrotechnical complexes with continuous inertial nonlinear closed production based on artificial intelligence methods have been developed, which makes it possible to eliminate the need to use long time series of retrospective data. For the considered type of continuous energy-intensive production, dynamic characteristics of energy consumption and technological processes are obtained from the main controlled parameters, which make it possible to predict emergency situations and partly man-made disasters. On the basis of a genetic algorithm, a multiparametric optimization problem of energy management of continuous production has been solved, taking into account technological parameters and cost factors.

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Promising directions in the use of retort packaging for the production of canned food products in Kazakhstan

The article is devoted to the study of the main types of retort packaging, as well as polymer and combined materials used for its manufacture. The authors have compiled a classification of retort packaging presented on the modern market, investigated the technological properties of packaging materials, and also determined the requirements for modern retort packaging: resistance to sterilization at a temperature of at least 120°C, steam and moisture resistance, chemical inertia to canned products, tightness, low gas permeability. It has been established that in order to give the retort packaging the required properties, it is made of multilayer polymer or combined materials, each of the layers of which performs certain functions. It is determined that due to the barrier properties of polymer and combined materials with respect to oxygen, retort packaging provides shelf life of canned products up to 5 years, which allows the use of retort packaging made of polymer and combined materials as an alternative to glass and metal packaging. In experimental studies, the composition of the outer layers of modern retort packaging was analyzed and it was concluded that polypropylene or polyethylene terephthalate are most often used, since these polymer materials are thermally and chemically resistant, vapor- and moisture-proof. It is established that materials that are barriers to gases are used as the middle layer – aluminum foil, metallized films, ethylene vinyl alcohol, polyamide. It is proved that polymer co-extrusion, multilayer injection molding or lamination is used for the manufacture of such materials and packaging. The data obtained indicate the high barrier properties of combined packaging materials, therefore, the thermal and chemical stability of the polymer and combined materials used makes it possible to use retort packaging for packing almost all groups of canned products.

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Productivity of remote pastures depending on the season in conditions of vertical soil regionality

The development, grovth and productivity of livestock depend primarily on providing it with a variety of nutritious feeds. Daily feeds should consist of microbiologically synthesized protein, as well as a variety of seeds, mineral and vitamin supplements of animal and vegetable origin. Indeed, the maximum disclosure of the genetic potential of livestock largely depends on both the quantity and quality of feed. One of the stages of feed quality assessment is the measurement of their chemical composition. The chemical composition is not always constant and depends on many factors, including the species composition of plants, fertilizer application rates, climatic conditions and storage methods. The least accumulation of moisture in the soil was observed in areas where pasture grasses were regularly treated with wormwood. Pacture productivity was also the lowest in the control plots, where the average phyto-chemical composition over three years showed that the dynamics of protein content was the same in all pastures – the protein content reached a maximum at the beginning of the growing sea son and decreased from spring to autumn, while the lowest content of crude protein during harvesting in summer was in control plants of varieties

Author: Zh. Issayeva
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