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Search results: cultural linguistics

Number of results: 56

History of formation and priorities of contemporary development of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of Karaganda region

The article considers the stages of formation and development of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of the Karaganda region. The practical activity of various structural units of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan are shown on concrete examples, the priorities of its development at the present stage are identified.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)
Heading: Humanities

To the study of essence of foreign language training of students

Article is devoted to studying the issues of foreign language education and the main approaches to realizing its structure. In this regard the scientific polemic about development of foreign language education and methods of teaching languages is analyzed. Authors recognize the fact that the strategic objective of foreign languages training consists in development of "secondary language personality" properties of the students. In this context the communication of the concept "secondary language personality" with two types of competences that is foreign language and cross-cultural and communicative ones is proved.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Foreign experience of development of agrarian and industrial complex

The article consideres foreign experience of the state support of agricultural production. The authors analysed innovative processes (use of bioresources), occurring in the agrarian and industrial complex and defined the main directions of financial support in agriculture area.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)

About the research of the Azerbaijani consonants questions

The study consonants in Azerbaijani linguistics began in the first half of the 20 century, many issues related to the statistical physiologically-acoustic, phonological analysis of consonants have been solved. In this regard, of particular importance are studies of B.Chobanzade, F.Kazymova, A.Demirchizade, A.Kurbanova and especially of A. Akhundov. After analyzing the work on phonetics and phonology of the Azerbaijani language, the author came to the conclusion that more questions were studied concerning phonetics of consonants.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)
Heading: Humanities

Study of the concept essential characteristics

The article discusses the key characteristics of the concept - the basic unit of the ethnic picture of the world. In this paper, an analytical description of the «content» of multidimentional lingvomentional formation which is marked by the cultural specificity.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)
Heading: Humanities

Сreating innovative technologies in agricultural production in the contemporary economy

The paper analyzes innovation processes in Agro-Industrial Complex of Kazakhstan and gives the main directions of further development of agribusiness. The widespread use of innovation is the most efficient and effective means of solving the socio-economic tasks of Agro-Industrial Complex to provide food, increase the efficiency of agricultural production and protect the environment.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)

Formation of effective policy in the sphere of food security

Problems of ensuring food security in modern conditions of economic management are considered in the article. To ensure food security in the region the strategy of state interests protection is necessary such as social stability, food needs satisfaction, independence from import, own food products production development, creation of reserve stocks to stabilize food supply.

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Priority directions and prospects of social sphere and infrastructure complex development in Pavlodar city

The results of social and Pavlodar economic capacity analytical assessment are considered in the article. The social sphere and its development is a main direction of economy state regulation. Its state is mainly determined by processes of labor resources, their quantity and quality, level of productive power scientific and technical development, cultural and spiritual life of society.

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Development of the agrarian market in the conditions of the international integration

In article problems of development of the agrarian market of Kazakhstan in the conditions of the Customs Union are considered. The main conditions of achievement of a sustainable development of production of agricultural production are: internal support of agrarian production, strengthening of the international integration in the agrarian and industrial complex sphere, innovative development, development of information infrastructure, diversification of sales markets, creation of optimum transport routes.

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National and transnational precedent phenomena in the English linguoculture

This article examines precedent phenomena which fixed values of English linguoculture. In the course of the research of precedent phenomenon of English linguoculture space national and transnational precedent phenomena were identified. The national precedent phenomena based on phenomenon of cultural life, literature, history, politics and language units. The transnational precedent phenomena based on phenomenon of antique mythology, world classical literature, religion.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Humanities

Development and condition of the marketing and information system in the agroindustrial complex in the Republic of Kazakhstan

In this article the creation and development of information and marketing system in the economy of agriculture of Kazakhstan is described. The analysis of the activity of JSC “Kazagromarketing” is given; new ways on the improvement of the agricultural information and consultancy centers and the development of the widespread regional network are also suggested.

Author: M.A. Amirova
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)

Imagotype of a Jew: from Walter Scott to Nikolay Gogol

Using the latest methods of one of comparative literature branches, i.e. imagology, the author investigates historical, cultural, sociological and psychological aspects of imagotype of a Jew in W. Scott’s novel “Ivanhoe” and N.Gogol’s novel “Taras Bulba”.

Author: T. Levytska
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)
Heading: Humanities

Urbanization impact on ethnical and cultural processes

In the article the traditional social and cultural values under urbanization are discussed, the trends in the development of ethno-cultural processes are characterized. On the basis of the sociological study the conservation of traditional rituals is especially analyzed, ethno cultural orientation and knowledge level of certain elements of national culture is identified. In our view, it is interesting to consider the transition of anthroponomy and other proper names in the category of urbanoniums. It is the process of the reflecting the historical, social, political and cultural transformation. It describes a certain historical period and helps to follow up the history of the city. Also urbanonims base the main source of linguistic and regional geographic research. So, some examples of urbanonims in Kazakh, Russian and English languages are given.

Author: N. Seitova
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)
Heading: Humanities

Development of agricultural biotechnology in Kazakhstan

In the article the main issues and trends of agricultural biotechnology development in Kazakhstan, prospects of biotechnology application in the production of agro-industrial complex of the country have been considered. Data has been presented on: what researches are being carried out by scientific organizations in the field of agricultural biotechnology with attraction of leading foreign scientists and scientific organizations; what recommendations for technologies have been developed and what new biotechnological products have been created in all branches. Promising technologies in the field of biotechnologies in AIC for Kazakhstan as well as keys to the success in the development of science and technologies in AIC have been indicated.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Linguocultural characteristics of the types of weapons used in the epics «Er Kokshe», «Er Kosai»

The article deals with peculiarities of military lexis, types of weapons and using of them in Kazakh eposes such as “Er Kokshe”, “Er Kosay”. It gives a detailed analysis of edgy weapons such as nayza, kylysh, sungi, zulpukar, semser and weapons for shooting – sadak, that exist in lyrics. Aims of comprehensive interpretation of Batyr’s character sketch are defined. It is analyzed some scientists works, who explored military lexis in Kazakh epos. In this scientific article etymology, lexis and morphological structures of types of weapons in eposes “Er Kokshe”, “Er kosay” are analyzed. It is specially noted to archaisms such as nayza, kylysh, sungi, zulpukar, semser which are exist in heroically eposes.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)
Heading: Humanities

Urbanization impact on the ethno-cultural processes

In the article the traditional socio-cultural values in terms of urbanization are discussed, the trends in the development of ethno-cultural processes are characterized. On the basis of the sociological study the conservation of traditionalrituals is especially analyzed, ethno cultural orientation and level of knowledge of certain elements of national culture is identified.In our view, it’s interesting to consider the transition of anthroponomy and other proper names in the category of urbanoniums. It is the process of the reflecting the historical, social, political and cultural transformation. It describes a certain historical period and helps with it to follow up the history of the city. Alsourbanonims base the main source of linguistic and regional geographic research. So, there are some examples of rise of urbanonims in Kazakh, Russian and English languages are given.

Author: N.S. Seitova
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)
Heading: Humanities

Social advertising as a fragment of social and cultural life of the community

The scientific article gives definitions of such terms as “public service advertising”, “discourse of public service advertising”. It also includes their descriptions, peculiarities and the sphere of their application. The article defines the goals and objectives of public service advertising, analyzes the classification of social advertising. The scientific article analyzes some scientific works of scholars who studied social advertising as communicative phenomenon, as well as the characteristics of social advertising that reflects society’s culture and its life.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)
Heading: Humanities

Socio-cultural factors influencing learning motivation of students admission to the University

In this article the process of socialization of the young generation is examined in the new system of market relations, taking into account his adaptation in a sociocultural environment. Development of social motivation based on the increasing of pursuance of receiving higher education taking into account new market tendencies in social and educational sphere has special relevance. Increasing of interest in the problems of students leads to accumulation of empiric and theoretical material about learning activity motivation, motivational preferences and system of values of the students, social status of the students of higher educational institutions, about attitude to higher education system and quality of teaching in higher educational institutions.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)
Heading: Social sciences

Socio-cultural adaptation of students to study abroad

This article describes the general issues and the relevance of socio-cultural and linguistic adaptation of Kazakh students traveling to study abroad, as well as certain aspects of the adaptation of students to a foreign culture. The process of learning is seen not only as a procedure of the acquisition of educational knowledge, but also as receiving concomitant life values and skills.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

National character and its place in intercultural communication

Each people has a certain identity. It is not only the national language, traditions and clothing. This is a way of thinking, a national character inherent in this people. Examining the mentioned above in this paper, we have determined the role of the national character in intercultural communication.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)
Heading: Humanities

Formation of social-and-cultural competence in the process of learning of English language

This article discusses theoretical and practical bases of formation of sociocultural competence in the process of learning English. The structure and content of sociocultural competence are revealed, as well as the criteria for the selection of educational material for its formation in schoolchildren . The article proposes an analysis of the types of educational texts which form social-and-cultural competence among students, discusses the types of communication and their characteristics. The components of the verbal forms of social competence by using comparative analysis of the approaches of learning. Article defines the levels of interpersonal communication and their characteristics.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Interaction of ethnicity and language on the example of the concept of "smell" In Russian lingvoculture

The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of "smell" in Russian linguoculture. Each culture has its own specific smells, which are dominant for the bearers of a particular culture and become the identification marks of the ethnos, helping to convey the beauty and depth of the language. The article deals with phraseological units expressing the attitude of different cultures to smells, characterizing through the smell the personality of a person, its behavior, actions, age, state of health. The author of the article notes that smells have culturally relevant values.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)
Heading: Humanities

An example of making a mixture for keeping the soil balance of agricultural crops

To improve soil water regime and moisture supply of plants, moisture-swelling polymeric materials are used in the form of hydrogels, which, upon contact with water, rapidly absorb and retain it for a long time in its volume. However, widespread of such hydrogels used in plant growing is currently limited by its high cost. In this connection, from the economic point of view, the use of composite materials as soil conditioners is of great importance, including inexpensive natural raw materials in its composition while maintaining high rates of moisture sorption and water retention. The task is to improve the mixture to maintain the soil balance of various agricultural crops by changing the quantitative ratio of components, significantly cheaper the composition, improving its quality indicators. The purpose of the scientific article is the mixture for maintaining the soil balance of various agricultural crops, which contains an active product based on a granulated hydrogel and a targeted additive.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Improvement of Kazakh horses of zhabe type by breeding by lines

The article emphasizes the importance of carrying out breeding work with Kazakh horses of the zhabe type, which are of great importance for the productive horse breeding industry. The results of selection experiments on improving breeding and productive qualities are presented on the example of the Kazakh zhabe horses of Seletiinsky factory type at a stud farm "Altai Karpik Saydaly-Sartoka" of the Irtysh district of the Pavlodar region.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 3(67)

Ways of global interpersonal communication in the XXI century

The present article deals with the multivariate methods of interpersonal communication in the context of the global informatization of society through the means of Internet communication. Also, the article notes the associated processes of social and cultural changes in society, the trend towards the diffusion of values, the commercialization of all links of mass information transmitted via the Internet.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 3(67)
Heading: Humanities

Scientific theories of discourse

The article shows the diverse interest of researchers in the notion of "discourse" in connection with the relevance of developing linguistic theories for studying the Internet, cognitive categories, variability and hypertextuality as internal features of discourse.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 4(68)
Heading: Humanities

Different approaches to the definition and study of concepts

Different approaches to the definition and study of concepts are analyzed in the article. It is noted that at the present time the most common are linguistic, linguocognitive, linguocultural, psycholinguistic approaches that consider the concept from the point of view of certain invariant features. The relevance of conceptual research led to the emergence of a new direction of linguistics - linguo-conceptology, dealing with the study of objectified in the language of cultural concepts. Within the framework of this direction, it becomes possible to compare the concepts of one linguistic culture with some other one.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 4(68)
Heading: Humanities

The detective as a special literary genre

The article deals with topical issues of literary studies related to the definition of the genre specificity of detective literature, which is unique and has an extraordinary prevalence of «mass literature»; the processes of transformation of the genre of detective novel is taken into account. It acquires in the second decade of the XXI century «hybrid forms», which emphasizes the novelty of the material presented in the article. The author raises questions of the history of the genre, analyzes its morphology, conducts research of contact and typological convergence, gives a detailed definition of «genre», which is the subject of study not only literary studies, but also linguistics and «detective». The article describes the ways of development of the modern detective, its main genre-forming features, structural, compositional and plot features.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 2(70)
Heading: Humanities

Transformation of traditional values in a globalizing world

The article is devoted to the problem of transformation of traditional values of modern Kazakhstan society. With the advent of globalization the question of preserving the linguistic and cultural identity and identity of the traditional culture of the Kazakh and other peoples of Kazakhstan becomes relevant.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Social sciences

Conceptual sphere in the structure of consciousness

he article presents the results of research on the idea of «conceptosphere» in modern science. The main emphasis is placed on the semantic spheres represented by the meanings of words in the language. The authors conclude how much is the culture of a nation, its folklore, literature, science, fine art, historical experience, and religion is rich, so the concept sphere of the people is richer. In addition, the concept sphere of a person is a field of knowledge made up of concepts as its units. There are reflected the sources of the conceptual unit of ideas from which the world view of the language speaker is formed. The article analyzes the main trends of concepts that form the concept sphere, which enter into correlating relationships, hierarchies with other concepts by their individual characteristics.The specific nature of the system relations of concepts requires research, but the General principle of systematicity undoubtedly applies to the national conceptual sphere, as thinking itself presupposes the categorization of thought objects, and categorization presupposes the ordering of its objects.The article summarizes the conceptual system, which should be considered in terms of mental representations, mental lexicon, and the language of thought that are part of it. The term «cognitive space» also defines an individual cognitive space – a structured set of knowledge and ideas that has any lingual person, every speaker. In their work, the authors highlight the collective cognitive space, represented by a structured set of knowledge and ideas that must be possessed by all individuals belonging to a particul ar society. Attention is paid to the distinction between the concept sphere and the semantic space of the language. According to the authors’opinions, the concept sphere presupposes the existence of a mental sphere. The mental sphere consists of concepts that exist in the form of concepts, diagrams, gestalts, mental pictures, frames, scenarios. The semantic space of a language is that part of the concept sphere that is expressed by means of language signs. The semantic space of language is the subject of co gnitive linguistics research due to the fact that most of the conceptosphere of the human ethnos is represented within the semantic space of language.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Humanities

Linguistic landscape as an object of sociolinguistic studies of a city

The study of the linguistic landscape of cities is currently one of the actively developing areas of modern linguistics. The linguistic landscape is considered in the article as an object of sociolinguistic research; the subject of these studies is the language of the city, its representation in the public communicative environment in the form of signs, inscriptions, advertising billboards and other visual forms of written language demonstration. The main methods of studying the language of the city are observation and analysis; the purpose of the study is to identify the means and ways of personal expression, and as a result, their recording in the linguistic space of the city. Self-expression of a person in the communicative environment of the city happens with the use of more and more non-trivial ways and linguistic and extralinguistic means in order to attract the attention of a certain target audience, a potential consumer of a product or service. The study of the linguistic landscapes of the city pursues the goal of understanding public multilingualism from the standpoint of the choice of a language, languages hierarchy, the phenomenon of language contacts, and the regulation of the written recording of languages. The linguistic landscape is, therefore, a kind of indicator of the language policy of society in relation to the languages of the peoples living in a given territory. The authors conclude that it is the linguistic landscape that is the most expressive and convincing indicator of linguistic diversity in a particular area. It is symbolic and can serve as a certain indicator of the mood of certain groups in society and regions. The degree and density of the presence of the particular language in the linguistic landscape is always an indicator of the significance, strength, and relevance of a language in society.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)
Heading: Humanities

Comparative analysis of set expressions with the zoonymic component of "dog" in English and Kazakh languages

ing the image of a dog. The purpose of this study is to consider the national and cultural specifics, reflected in the stable expressions of the English and Kazakh languages with the "dog" component. The article provides a brief overview of works related to the issues of phraseology in English and Kazakh. The work was based on general scientific methods: induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis. The work with the collected card index of stable expressions was carried out by the method of continuous sampling, using the descriptive-analytical method. An important place in the work with the material was given to the Вестник Инновационного Евразийского университета. 2020. № 4 ISSN 1729-536X 17 methods of definitional, contextual and typological analysis. Using the comparative-comparative method, national-specific and universal features of zoonyms in English and Kazakh languages were determined. The material of the research was a card index of phraseological units of the English and Kazakh languages (more than 160 units) which were selected using the method of continuous sampling from phraseological dictionaries of the English and Kazakh languages. When analyzing the authors of the article relied on materials from phraseological dictionaries in English and Kazakh languages. In the course of the analysis, groups of phraseological units were identified and their differences and similarities in the compared languages were identified, as well as their national and cultural specificity, based on the action of universal cultural codes; the national and cultural specificity of zoonyms is determined by a number of extralinguistic factors: the location of the country, the living conditions of the people, their customs and traditions, history, religion and socio-political structure. All this secures national-specific connotation to zoonyms and determines their productivity. The results of the study showed that through the prism of axiology, an analysis of English and Kazakh stable combinations with the "dog" component, reflecting the paradigm of values (general cultural and national-cultural) and anti-values of the corresponding ethnic communities, was presented, as well as universal values representing at the intercultural level. The results of the study showed that through the prism of axiology, the analysis reflects the paradigm of values (general cultural and national-cultural) and anti-values of the corresponding ethnic communities. The research results have both theoretical and practical significance; it will be additional material for elective courses on the subject of "Lexicology" taught at the faculties of philology and foreign languages in higher educational institutions.

Year of release:
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Heading: Humanities

Unit economics in the youth entrepreneurship sector: principles, methods of implementation

Basic problem: the Republic of Kazakhstan is a platform for implementing innovative projects in all spheres of the economy, providing the younger generation with resource centers, technological parks, agricultural equipment, industrial technologies and scientific and educational complexes. The main goal of such actions is to activate scientific research, increase the technological potential of the industrial sectors of the national economy, and stimulate the development of innovative activities in the field of research and development. The problems of developing an entrepreneurial culture are a cornerstone issue that combines a combination of motivational principles for generating and promoting ideas, activating youth entrepreneurship as the flagship of the future economy, and a complex epidemiological situation in the world that hinders not only the development of entrepreneurship, but also the course of all socio-economic processes in society. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the problems of youth entrepreneurship and find ways to solve them in accordance with the principles and methods of implementation, including the unit economics. Methods: the research Area focuses on economic modeling techniques that are successfully used in international practice to determine the profitability of business models, taking into account the effect of the production of a unit of goods / services or a single client / customer. The implementation of this approach is facilitated by the use of traditional methods of scientific research, such as analysis, comparison, and a graphical method for visualizing the results obtained; quantification method and parametric method as an evaluation tool that allows formalizing the procedure for evaluating the performance of unit economics models. Results and their significance: when considering business models in relation to youth entrepreneurship, attention is paid to the skills and competencies that students who study the disciplines of the entrepreneurial block in higher education receive. The proposed methods of unit economics are actively used in the development and promotion of startups, as an integral part of business plans. It is concluded that youth business has started to play a crucial role in solving socio-economic problems, such as creating new jobs and reducing the unemployment rate, and training qualified personnel. The set of proposed measures provides additional opportunities and increases the influence of youth entrepreneurship, which becomes the basis for unlocking its potential.

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Modern lexicography: trends and directions of development

The article examines the state and directions of development of modern Kazakh lexicography. The goals, objectives and possibilities of modern branches of lexicography are determined; the scientific-theoretical and practical foundations of compiling dictionaries are described. The development of the theory and practice of lexicography is due to such needs as the recognition of lexicography as a separate area of linguistics, the development of a theoretical basis for the creation of dictionaries, a general typology of dictionaries, the definition of the macro - and microstructure of dictionaries. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to summarize the experience of Kazakh lexicography, to identify its general theoretical problems, directions of development, to show its place in linguistic science. The study used a descriptive method, analysis and synthesis methods. A brief overview of scientific works is made, which study general theoretical and practical problems of Kazakh lexicography, research on the history of Kazakh lexicography, as well as works that consider the experience and scientific foundations of compiling dictionaries. The authors note the importance of the theory of lexicography in creating dictionaries, improving their quality, choosing the basic principles when sorting vocabulary units in a dictionary, the peculiarities of their functioning, the quantitative and qualitative composition of linguistic units to be included in the corresponding type of dictionary according to the subject of research, denote the theoretical and practical problems of Kazakh lexicography, scientific and theoretical foundations for creating dictionaries of the Kazakh language, determine the scientific, theoretical and practically applied aspects of modern lexicography as a science of language. Pointing to the importance of studying the scientific foundations of compiling dictionaries, their composition and structural features, both from a purely scientific point of view, and from the point of view of the implementation of state programs aimed at the development of the Kazakh language, the authors of the article conclude that the patterns and quality of compiling dictionaries directly depend on the basic functions of the language in modern society. The state of affairs in modern lexicography makes it possible to talk about the allocation of general lexicography, which studies the properties inherent in any dictionary, and particular sections of lexicography (educational, terminological, onomastic, etc.). General lexicography should establish common (or statistically dominant) features of all dictionaries using typology, as well as explore the general patterns of functioning and use of dictionaries. Private lexicography should contain sections that study the internal structure of this type of dictionary and methods for its creation; history of this type of dictionary; purpose and addressee of this type of dictionary. Therefore, experts in the field of lexicography believe that the prospects for the further development of lexicography are seen in the improvement of existing and creation of new types of dictionaries, the emergence of complex dictionaries and the computerization of lexicographic activities.

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Heading: Humanities

Modern pedagogical technologies in teaching a foreign language in primary school

The article describes modern pedagogical technologies of teaching a foreign language in primary school and examines their impact on the development of various competencies of primary school students. The authors emphasize that information and communication pedagogical technologies help to implement a student-centered approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of younger students, their level of education. And also modern pedagogical technologies as a systemic holistic means of restructuring activities make it possible to improve the quality of the educational process, to solve the problems of personality development. Purpose – analysis of modern educational technologies used in English lessons. The current system of training primary school teachers requires a revision of its structure, organization, relationship with school practice and innovative processes in the education system. Therefore, the article proves that an important part of the educational process should be the use of new pedagogical technologies in improving the quality of training of specialists at the university, providing the possibility of self-development of the teacher's personality, increasing his creative abilities and improving the educational process. The study used a descriptive method, analysis and synthesis methods. The authors of the article call the development of the student's personality (moral and cognitive) and the complex of abilities for successful interaction with the polycultural and multilingual world around him as the goal of foreign language education in primary grades. Therefore, it is important that the future primary school teacher, in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard, has formed the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the application of modern pedagogical technologies. At the present time, when a new education system was created, focused on the world educational space, changes in the educational process changed the paradigm of education, updated the content of education, formed a new approach, new relationships. Keywords: technologies, competencies, multicultural, multilingual, English, modern education.

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Principles of using ornamental motifs to create a collection of modern youth clothing

The main problem of the article discusses the methods of developing a collection of casual clothing with elements of ethnic style, using the example of innovative technologies in the field of creating ornaments for clothing. Factors of formation of ornaments based on the structure of the human body are justified. The author considers the factors of shaping, based on special visual features of clothing in connection with ergonomic factors. Study of the specifics of ornamental motifs to transform them into a component of modern youth clothing. The authors of the article monitored the environmental approach, that is, the acquisition of knowledge about cultural values based on the selection of all the best that was created by the people, introduction to cultural folk traditions, dialogue between man and culture. When writing the article, we used author's and experimental research methods, fixing information in tables and author's sketches. The study of categories and definitions was carried out by the method of selecting and classifying information, as well as its analysis. Comparative analysis of forms of traditional and modern culture, study of bibliographies on architecture, art, philosophy, psychology; analysis of materials of scientific monographs, abstracts and dissertations, articles, creative essays of masters of architecture and art, from the point of view of the concepts, principles, conceptual and terminological formulations contained in them. In addition, private scientific methods are used: analysis of literary sources to identify current trends in the formation of art. Аs the results of the research, a collection has been developed that considers various types of clothing decoration, uses methods for including ornaments in the structural structure of the costume and provides models, calculations and drawings. The author's collection justifies the use of ornaments in connection with the selected artistic and figurative task of the collection, as well as in connection with its functional purpose. All these factors are formative. And the practical experience of this research shows the relevance of this topic in connection with the need not only to promote the historical achievements of Kazakhstan's culture to the masses and popularize them, but also as a method that helps to understand the possibilities of its translation into modern design objects. Keywords: ornament, youth, model, collection, Kazakhstan.

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Ethnolinguistic significance of comparing human character with nature in Kazakh and English

Main problem: It is well known that the development of language in society, the development of speech, the formation of personality largely depends on the interaction of people. Therefore, they develop depending on the specifics of each nation and are one of the values that people have accumulated over the centuries. Comparison of human behavior with nature in English and Kazakh languages describes the spiritual life of each nation. It defines the national feelings, national behavior, national customs and traditions. Purpose: Comparative analysis of the values of the Kazakh and English peoples occupies a special place in the culture and language, the essence and content of which are indelible. This is a fount of cultural and historical life of the people, the spiritual value of the nation, such qualities as prudence and kindness. Methods: This article describes the ethnolinguistic foundations for comparing human character and nature in English and Kazakh. In cultural linguistics and cognitive linguistics, the concept of behavior is studied as an image of the world formed in the consciousness of an ethnic group. Based on the definition of the concept of behavior, the authors describe the manifestations of behavior in the national consciousness, the system of national thinking, beliefs, attitudes. It is noted that the formation of the behavior of unrelated Kazakhs and Englishmen depends on their geographic environment, nomadic lifestyle and behavior. Results and their significance: The phraseological units of the two languages used in this study clearly to show the characteristics of each nation. It is shown that forecasting natural phenomena for both peoples is closely related to their life, economy, occupation and plays an important role in people's lives.

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Number of the journal:
Heading: Humanities

Revisiting Correlations between Real and Imaginary in Space of Surrealism

Main problem: this article deals with the research of surrealism which is not just one of ordinal modernism directions or one of many isms in the art of the 20th century, but which appears as a universal phenomenon in the culture of the epoch, reflecting its main features; surrealism has risen many issues substantive for culture modernity, and resolutions of which are worthy in-depth study. Purpose: to determine the meaning of the unconscious when building a surrealistic world picture and show the relationship and interinfluence of the arts and reality, real and imaginary within the frames defined by surrealism. Methods: the study is based on philosophical and art review of literary and art works performed by surrealists. In various manifestos and works made by surrealism figures it is traced the intention to penetrate into the depth of human psycho using dreams and different mental illnesses. It is known about the enormous impact that the discoveries made in the field of psychoanalysis had on the development of Surrealist philosophy. So, the method of free associations was popular, which was actively used by the Austrian scientist Z. Freud in his medical practice, talking with the patient and analyzing his dreams, the doctor with the help of key symbols revealed the cause of the neurosis, and the surrealists were attracted by the research of the Swiss psychiatrist C. Jung, devoted to the analysis of archetypes and symbols in the lives of various peoples. Results and their importance: practical significance of the study is related to the following circumstances: the necessity to make sense for the reasons of the crisis which encompasses the culture today, the search of possibilities and ways to recover it; u this work’s materials can be also used in research of creations of young Kazakhstan avant-garde artists. The research materials can also be used in the practice of teaching philosophy, cultural science, psychology, and other humanitarian disciplines and also in work of fine art experts and museum staff; based on the materials of this research, the special courses on culture philosophy, culturology, esthetics and theory of arts can be developed.

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Number of the journal:
Heading: Humanities

General characteristics and taxonomic composition of epiphytic microflora of plants

Main problem: Microbial-plant relationships, including epiphytic microflora, are the subject of attention of many scientists. Numerous works confirm the high interest of researchers and the relevance of studying this topic. Despite many years of research, some questions concerning the characteristics of the epiphytic microflora still remain open. It is already a well-known fact that the epiphytic microflora is directly related to the physiological development of the plant, including yield. This is due to the close interaction of the plant with the microorganisms living on its surface throughout the entire growing season. It is also proved that epiphytic microflora has the ability to change characteristics under the influence of environmental factors (temperature, humidity, soil contamination, sunlight, etc.). In this regard, the study of this topic is one of the important areas of biological and agricultural sciences and is of high importance. It should be noted that a significant role in the development of agriculture in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Pavlodar region is played by representatives of vegetable crops, including tomatoes and potatoes belonging to the Solanaceae family, which indicates the high importance of the plants selected for the study. The combination of the above arguments determines the need to study the epiphytic microflora of plants and establish the regularities of its influence on the adaptive properties of the studied plants of the Solanaceae family, as well as on their productivity. In turn, the study of epiphytic microflora can also contribute to the search for new ways to increase the yield of plants and their resistance to various diseases. Purpose: The article is devoted to the study of the properties and characteristics of the epiphytic microflora of the surface of various organs of plants of the Solanaceae family (on the example of tomato and potato). The variability of the composition and number of epiphytic microorganisms in seasonal dynamics is shown. Methods: bacterioscopic method, fingerprint method, flushing method, Gram staining method. Results and their significance: The characteristics and properties of representatives of epiphytic microorganisms of aboveground (leaf, fruit, flower) and underground (potato fruit) plant organs were studied. The role of the influence of environmental factors on the variability of epiphytic microflora is determined on the example of plants Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. (common tomato) and Solanum tuberosum L. (tuberous nightshade). The differences in the microflora of different plant organs in different periods of vegetation are shown.

Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 2(82)

Development of a technology for producing organic fertilizers based on catalytic processes

The article is devoted to the development of a technology for obtaining organic fertilizers from poultry waste based on biocatalytic processes. Currently, many poultry farms have become sources of environmental pollution, thereby causing serious environmental problems and economic and social damage. The problem of reliable protection of the natural environment from pollution by bird droppings is currently relevant. In the area of operation of large poultry farms, air pollution by microorganisms, dust, foul-smelling organic compounds, which are decomposition products of organic waste, as well as nitrogen, sulfur, and carbon oxides, is possible. Bird droppings contain acids, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, heavy metals. The content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium changes dramatically depending on the quantity and quality of the feed. Humic substances isolated from brown coal have a sufficiently high sorption activity and are used as cheap sorbents for solving a number of environmental problems in industry. These studies are aimed at minimizing the main disadvantage of the anaerobic digestion process, the low reaction rate, which leads to the need to create large-volume bioreactors. On the basis of the research carried out, a technology has been developed for obtaining organic fertilizers from poultry waste by the method of anaerobic fermentation of chicken manure with humidity at a temperature of 27 °C - 50 °C with the addition of sodium humate. The resulting fertilizer is intended for use in agricultural production, horticulture, floriculture, forestry, municipalities, in household plots in order to increase the yield and quality of crop production. For the developed technology, an application has been submitted for obtaining a Patent for the invention of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Method for producing organic fertilizers» (priority No. 2021-22818, dated July 13, 2021). The invention allows to significantly reduce the time of fermentation, to enrich the product with organic and mineral products contained in sodium humate, to convert the salts of heavy metals into an insoluble state, to improve the environmental friendliness of the method.

Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 4(84)

Efficiency of using Artemia salina as part of a feed additive for chickens

Main problem: The development of the genetic potential of poultry, as well as the receipt of high-quality eggs for collection or further incubation, are possible only if rational and correct feeding of the broodstock and, more importantly, the young during its rearing period is observed. During this period, high-quality protein nutrition occupies an important place, which determines the level of productivity, stable growth, reproductive ability of the bird, as well as the state of health during the feeding period. Protein deficiency always remains an urgent problem for agricultural land, whose main activity is aimed at breeding dairy and meat animals. In this regard, research in the field of finding the use of non-traditional protein feed is of great need. If we summarize the modern achievements in the field of protein and aminoacid nutrition of poultry, we can find the most profitable way to obtain feed additives in industrial production. The studies, the results of which will be described in this article, are aimed at studying the possibility, experimental substantiation of the optimal dosage and the effectiveness of using the feed additive from crustaceans Artemia salina in the diets of chickens of the egg-meat direction of productivity [1]. Purpose: To study the possibility, experimental substantiation of the optimal dosage and the effectiveness of the use of the feed additive from crustaceans Artemia salina in the diet of chickens of the egg-meat direction of productivity. Methods: Analysis and generalization of theoretical information Results and their significance: This article presents the results of the analysis and generalization of theoretical material. The theoretical significance is determined by the fact that it is invested in scientific and practical problems related directly to solving urgent problems, increasing the efficiency, competitiveness and quality of domestic poultry products.

Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 4(84)

Ways to improve the skills and abilities of oral speech of primary schoolchildren using interactive cognitive strategies

The article discusses ways to improve the oral and speech skills of primary school students, where the primary role is given to interactive strategies aimed at organizing the optimal interaction of students with other subjects of the educational process in a communicative educational environment. Currently, the main criteria and indicators of the methodology for the development of foreign language communicative competence of schoolchildren have changed, the basic basis of the system of techniques and methods of teaching English to primary schoolchildren based on the use of interactive cognitive strategies. The authors call a complex of exercises of a receptive, productive and productive-creative nature, which is consistently implemented at all stages of the corresponding technology: motivational-stimulating, informational, analytical, actualization, productive, creative, analytical and evaluative. The article describes their influence on the development of language competencies and creative abilities of primary schoolchildren. The authors note that the motivational-stimulating, informational, analytical stages, the stage of actualization, as well as the productive, creative, analytical-evaluative stages, provide for the involvement of students in joint activities to master the content of cognitive problems in English, it presupposes the interiorization of communicative skills by younger students in accordance with with the accepted norms of interaction, the organization of the development of oral speech in English lessons in the lower grades based on the use of interactive cognitive strategies in accordance with the level of their linguistic and sociocultural knowledge, skills and abilities. To study various approaches in the development of oral and speech skills in lower grades based on interactive cognitive strategies, analysis of a set of tasks and exercises at different stages of the formation of oral and speech competence in lower grades using interactive cognitive strategies, goals and objectives of the practical application of interactive cognitive strategies when teaching foreign language communication, the contradictions between social expectations and the objective need for educational practice in the creation and implementation of a special methodology for the development of oral speech in primary grades based on the use of interactive cognitive strategies. Methods: during the study, a descriptive method, methods of systematization, analysis, interpretation were used. The authors of the article note that the integration of communicative activity in a foreign language with project, research, musical, visual, subject, literary and creative is of great importance for the comprehensive development of the skills and abilities of oral speech of primary school students when using interactive cognitive strategies. The developed training model for the development of oral and speech skills in the lower grades on the basis of interactive cognitive strategies (goal, objectives, approaches, principles, content, technology, means, performance criteria, conditions for implementation) contributes to the development of communication skills and linguistic competencies in the process of mastering foreign language students of elementary grades.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

The analysis of the avermectin group drugs efficiency in the cattle dehelmentization

The variety of species and forms of parasites of agricultural animals and the features of their life cycles are the basic foundation for the production of different types and medical forms of antiparasite medicine. In the treatment of the parasitic diseases of agricultural animals, one of the main factors is that the veterinary doctors have the knowledge on the mechanics, efficiency and the safety for humans and environment of the medicine being used. Taking into account high pathogenicity and resistance of parasitic organisms and their ability to adapt to effect of medicine, it is crucial to permanently monitor the efficiency of the applied anthelmintic drugs, including the new drugs offered by veterinary services. This article will describe the results of the research on pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic parameters of «Ivermectinum», «Ivermec», «Aversect-1», «Аvrsect-2», «Аivin» drugs and their methods of application with the consideration of terms of maintenance and immune status of cattle herds in Mayconyr village (Irtysh district, Pavlodar region). A comparative analysis of efficiency of the above mentioned drugs in dehelmintization and treatment of cattle was conducted with the results provided. The recommendations and the restrictions on use of the drugs were determined considering the farm condition. The experimental research of the aforementioned broad-spectrum drugs was conducted strictly following the rules of asepsis and instructions on application. The total number of replacement heifers subjected to the dehelmintization under the method of analogues is 150 units. Anthelmintic treatment was conducted two times a year - in springtime (March-April) before pasturage, and fall time (September-October) before confining the cattle in the stable. Coprological study on intestinal helminthes of the examined cattle was conducted in Irtysh RVL of the Pavlodar regional branch of RVE RVL VCaSC MA RK by ovoscopical, flotation and larvoscopical methods. There is a comparative analysis on the efficiency of avermectin group antiparasitic drugs applied twice a year for cattle dehelmintization. The recommendations on the use of the aforementioned drugs for dehelmentization and prevention of parasitic diseases are provided and the requirements for the use were determined.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Means of expressing information in complex sentences with elliptical shapes

There have been different approaches to the phenomenon of ellipsis in both world and modern Azerbaijani linguistics. Although ellipsis is widely studied between the sides of compound sentences, but we believe that taking the wider and more diverse evolutionary processes in composite sentences, especially in complex sentences into consideration the fact of ellipsis in these constructions needs to be studied more deeply. The article provides detailed information on the characteristics of the formation of elliptical shapes of subordinate compound sentences. As you know, a subordinate compound sentence consists of two components: a main and a subordinate sentence. The ellipsis observed in a subordinate compound sentence does not manifest itself in the form of omission of any part of a sentence as in a simple sentence, but in the context of omission of the whole mai or subordinate sentence. Although the phenomenon of ellipsis can manifest itself in both components, the article deals with the ellipse observed in the main sentence. The article also notes that the phenomenon of ellipsis is naturally more characteristic of dialogic speech. Because this event occurs not as a deliberate, pre-planned form, but as a result of the natural regularity of language. It is clear that the basis of dialogic speech is question and answer sentences. Some of the question and answer sentences, in turn, form the components of a subordinate compound sentence, forming a dialogue unit. In some dialogues with such a construction, the phenomenon of elliptism manifests itself in the question sentence and in others in the answer sentence. It also provides detailed information on the role of many factors in the emergence of this language fact, in particular, the tendency of the language to save. The article also reflects and compares the views of world linguists on the phenomenon of ellipsis. The fact of the language which is dealt with is substantiated by concrete examples.

Author: N.G. Aliev
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)
Heading: Humanities

Methods of teaching conversational skills, their advantages, disadvantages and overcoming language barriers and anxiety when learning a foreign language

Globalization is an integral part of our life. Therefore, today the relevance of learning foreign languages, in particular English, is beyond doubt, as interest in foreign culture, education, travel, life and work abroad increases. It is known that English is the most widespread international means of communication (including information technology and web space), for most of the population it is the native or state language. This is due to historical, political and geographical prerequisites, as well as socio-economic and cultural development. Proficiency in English opens up great prospects for those who know, but not every person chooses a linguistic direction of study when entering a higher educational institution. Mastering English is a laborious process. In universities of non-linguistic areas, one of the main problems for students is the so-called language anxiety and psychological barriers, especially for those students for whom English is not a core subject or direction of future activity. Overcoming language anxiety and psychological barriers continues to be an urgent issue in pedagogical psychology and the educational process of higher educational institutions. Therefore, the task of the teacher is to create such conditions in his classes so that the student has a desire to learn, develop himself and improve himself. It is necessary to form motivation for conversational skills through psychologically thought-out techniques and methods. The task of the teacher is to direct the student from a conniving and indifferent attitude to study to a conscious and positive attitude. To implement the above, the teacher needs to form the old motives and stimulate new, positive ones. The encouragement of positive manifestations of emotions should be supported, stimulated and helped to realize these emotions by the teacher in the educational process. For example, simple tasks, but at the same time fascinating, the manifestation of sincere emotions in the classroom by the teacher himself and his personal examples inspire students to pronounce their state of mind and experiences. Encouraging and highlighting the activity of students also helps to increase the motivation of learning, especially if they have creative ideas that differ from other fellow students. The purpose of the article is to describe the methods of teaching conversational skills, their advantages and disadvantages and to consider in detail the overcoming of language barriers when learning a foreign language. The methodological basis of the research was the works of such authors as: H.F. Makaev, O.S. Zorkina, V.P. Ipatova, L.V. Barinkova, E.V. Zarubina, E.I. Kaputskaya, E.I. Passov, E.G. Asimov, A.N. Shchukin and others. Critical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the problem, study and generalization of positive experience of teachers; collection of empirical information, experiment, quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The results of the study can be used in the process of developing practical recommendations for psychological work with students in order to increase their motivation to learn a foreign language. In addition, these results can be used by teachers to correct and improve the effectiveness of the educational process.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

The role and place of local self-government in modern society

Local self-government bodies are an integral mechanism of the foundation of a democratic state. In the modern system of public relations, one of the most important places is occupied by general economic relations, namely local self-government. Without a developed system of local self-government, legislative and real opportunities, it is very difficult to independently create market-democratic structures to solve economic, social, domestic, cultural and other issues at the local level. Local self-government bodies are a special level of government, which combines two principles: public and state. In the practice of Constitutional and administrative law, it is important to determine the place and nature of local self-government and to establish balanced relations between State authorities and self-government bodies, on the one hand, with local representative offices and structures. The purpose of the article isto study the role and place of local self-government in modern society, to develop practical recommendations on the formation and prospects for the development of local authorities in Kazakhstan. When writing an article, the following methods are used: description, analysis and synthesis, justification, logical modeling, system analysis, etc. When studying the formation of local self-government, as well as the functional management system, the method of structural and analytical analysis was used. The conclusions and recommendations obtained as a result of the conducted research can be used: in the practical activities of maslikhats and akimats of the Republic of Kazakhstan, civil servants; in the process of studying at courses in higher educational institutions, as well as for further general theoretical and applied research.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

Tolerance in pedagogical communication

In this article, the need to improve professional communication defines the tasks of improving the psychological and pedagogical qualifications of teachers of primary, secondary and higher education, their professional competence as an increase in interaction in the field of modern achievements in pedagogy, psychology, acmeology. In this regard, it is said about the more efficient use of modern private resources to build effective strategies for professional communication of teachers. The idea is revealed that acmeological design is used for individual work related to the strategy of life, the improvement of professional behavior or communication. It is proved that communication helps to plan and organize joint work; the goals of communication expand to gaining knowledge about the world, training and education, coordinating actions in joint activities, establishing personal and business relationships.

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Economic processes and foreign languages: results of interaction

Language is the main vector of communication, in turn, communication develops languages throughout the history of mankind. The natural need of people is communication in their native language, the most convenient means of self-expression and understanding of others. However, modernity has changed the global paradigm of communication, indicating a reassessment of the role of languages by both official and informal communities, including native speakers of various languages. Moreover, the choice of a common communication language is influenced not only by the context, but also by the social, cultural, and economic characteristics of the communicants. In an intercultural context, there is a problem of adaptation of communication participants, closely related to the mastery of the language of the receiving party, ignorance of which is a barrier to successful communication. To develop the skills of tolerant communicative behavior, it is necessary to create special programs equipped with the necessary teaching materials available in international communication languages. Some of these workshops are offered in the presented article. Purpose of the article is to determine the influence of language on the development of economic processes that unite people of different linguistic and socio-cultural backgrounds, as well as to describe the influence of interacting languages on various aspects of professional activity and the role of education in introducing new generations into an intercultural context. To achieve the purpose, the following tasks were put forward: presentation of the main provisions of the economic theory of language; highlighting the controversial role of translators when working with companies in an intercultural environment; identification of problems and the role of teaching foreign languages to students for their successful adaptation in an intercultural professional context. The theoretical and methodological basis was the concepts, hypotheses and theories presented in the works of domestic and foreign researchers. The methodology is based on a systematic approach, in which methods of comparative, structural-functional, and statistical analysis were applied. To obtain empirical data, the methods of questioning and interviewing respondents included in the system of intercultural communication were used. Based on the results obtained, it can be said that, as a rule, in most cases, preference is given to the common language of communication, which is either one of the international languages or the language of the titular nation. Ethnic ties, trust and tolerance are often associated with the possession of a common language of communication.

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Automated sprayer for processing agricultural crops

In order to successfully conduct agricultural work and obtain a competitive harvest, it is mandatory to carry out spraying operations of crops that require highly qualified personnel, expensive equipment and suitable weather conditions. The use of tractors for spraying fields is the most common solution available at the moment, has disadvantages: high cost, risk of damage to the crop by "hitting", "hooking" or otherwise; environmental damage; due to exhaust gases, the demolition of the solution increases with increasing speed. Using a device designed specifically for spraying equipment is an ideal solution. The purpose of the article is to develop a working model of an automated sprayer for processing agricultural crops. The methods used are: technical justification of a controlled device for processing agricultural crops. Calculation of functional capabilities, algorithms of operation of the proposed automated device: selection of the type of sprayer, engine, chassis, controller, battery, as well as justification of the possibilities of using alternative energy sources (wind energy, solar energy); development of a 3D model of an automation device for anti-weed processing of agricultural crops, printing of parts, assembly of mechanical and electronic parts. Making a prototype using 3D printing; development of the wiring diagram of electronics, software (firmware of the microcontroller; application that controls the settings), testing of the prototype, assembly of the current model; rationale for the optimal use of Arduino and Raspberry Pi boards in this device in a pair: Raspberry Pi will allow you to control processes on the Arduino and easily interact with the Internet when the Arduino itself will perform simple operations such as interacting with electronics and reading sensor readings. The manufactured operating model showed compliance with the goals, a high degree of controllability, environmental friendliness, reduction of energy consumed, labor resources and can be used to scale this device. The developed model of the automation device for anti-weed treatment of agricultural crops can be used not only in agricultural pollination, but also as a mechanism for studying soil parameters: humidity, mineralogical composition and chemical content in the ground, using electronic sensors, as well as an automated mobile platform for any purpose requiring accurate navigation through the territory.

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The ways of sustainable development of supporting rural areas

Main problem: achievement of socio-economic sustainability in each locality depends on coordinated actions of executive and representative authorities, which should be focused on creating appropriate conditions for ensuring social standards and improving quality of life of rural population, as well as the development of main economic basis – agricultural production. In this context, in today’s reality, the urgent problem of sustainable development of rural settlements is provision of appropriate industrial and social infrastructure, because systemic development of rural regions depends on this rural infrastructure, which acts as an element of territorial socio-economic subsystem. Purpose: identification and studying of key factors that determines and contributes to balanced development of industrial and social infrastructure of rural regions of country in context of sustainable development goals and objectives. According to the results of the study, the main distinctive features of sustainable development of rural areas are determined due to the provision of industrial and social infrastructure of rural regions, which has a correlation with the level and quality of life of the rural population, as well as the final results of agricultural production. Methods: general methodological principles, systematic approach and empirical methods of economic cognition act as methodological basis for implementation of this study: economic and statistical models, forecasting and modeling, methods of induction and deduction, synthesis, and also logical methods. Results and their significance: results of research can be used as a practical basis in activity of local executive bodies and local self-government bodies. Their use is possible for scientific substantiation of development and implementation of comprehensive plans for development of industrial and social infrastructure of rural areas of region within framework of Regional Development Plan, focused on qualitative improvement of economic basis of villages and the well-being of all segments of rural population.

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The development of e-commerce in the information space and the need to protect consumer rights

The main thesis of the proposed research is that in modern conditions of globalization and the development of the information society, approaches in civil law turnover to goods and, accordingly, to the protection of human rights are radically changing. As part of the development of electronic commerce, information has also become a commodity, which causes many different disputes in science. Perhaps this is due to the fact that information is a relatively new object for the science of civil law, compared with objects of law that have been known for more than two thousand years, such as a thing and are considered classical. Information, confidential information (trade secrets and know-how) belong to the so-called objects of law, and civilists, relatively speaking, call them atypical, since they have become known to civil law not so long ago. The development of economic relations, as a rule, requires the development of a new, appropriate array of legal norms, which in the future may form a separate civil law institution that does not contradict the Constitution of the Republic. The purpose of the study is to develop its own conclusions based on a comprehensive civil law analysis of the legal nature of e-commerce relations, its essential features of civil law regulation of relations in the field of e-commerce and information; to provide suggestions and recommendations for improving legislation in this area. In addition, the article pays attention to the protection of the rights of consumers of e-commerce services. When conducting the research, the author was guided by the following methods: general scientific (historical, formal-logical, system-structural, system-comparative, etc.) and special legal (formal-legal, comparative-legal and others). The article substantiates that the evolution of the carrier of the written form does not lead to the emergence of a new form next to the written one: the peculiarity of the very fixation of the will in electronic data transmission means is not only the creation of a text document, but also the possibility of fixing the will with the help of sound, video files, graphic files. The doctrine of civil law has formulated a conceptual approach, according to which the possibility of the emergence and existence of the right of ownership of information is denied. In the civil sense, information as such cannot be exploited as a thing, or used as a result of intellectual, creative activity. The article concludes that the relations of an individual entrepreneur arising from contracts aimed at purchasing, ordering goods (works, services) for the purpose of satisfying personal, family, household, cultural and other personal household needs not related to the implementation of their entrepreneurial activities should be subject to legislation about consumer protection.

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Heading: Law

Pedagogical Conditions for Creative Self-realisation of Students in Fine Arts

Main problem: the issue of self-actualisation of schoolchildren is one of the most urgent problems of pedagogical science, aimed at investigating and comprehending the contradictory processes of development, training and education of schoolchildren’s personality in modern socio-cultural conditions. Thus, one of the tasks of the secondary school and the teacher is to create optimal conditions for the development of adolescents’ personality abilities for self-realisation. Purpose: is to reveal the optimal pedagogical conditions that promote the process of development of teenagers’ personality abilities to self-realization. Methods: the task of the research cintains the study and experimental verification of a certain set of conditions which contribute to the self-realisation of students in the process of fine arts lessons at a comprehensive school. Results and their significance: organizational forms of conducting classes for the formation of abilities to creative self-actualisation are defined. It is shown that the most important pedagogical conditions for the self-realization of the teenagers’ personality are the combination of individual and collective organization of learning at the fine arts lessons and the wide use of the problem-based method of teaching.

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

The role and place of local self-government in modern society

Main problem: local self-government bodies are an integral mechanism of the foundation of a democratic state. In the modern system of public relations, one of the most important places is occupied by general economic relations, namely local self-government. Without a developed system of local self-government, legislative and real opportunities, it is very difficult to independently create market-democratic structures to solve economic, social, domestic, cultural and other issues at the local level. Local self-government bodies are a special level of government, which combines two principles: public and state. In the practice of Constitutional and administrative law, it is important to determine the place and nature of local self-government and to establish balanced relations between State authorities and self-government bodies, on the one hand, with local representative offices and structures. Purpose: to study the role and place of local self-government in modern society, to develop practical recommendations on the formation and prospects for the development of local authorities in Kazakhstan. Methods: when writing an article, the following methods are used: description, analysis and synthesis, justification, logical modeling, system analysis, etc. When studying the formation of local self-government, as well as the functional management system, the method of structural and analytical analysis was used. The results and their significance: the conclusions and recommendations obtained as a result of the conducted research can be used: in the practical activities of maslikhats and akimats of the Republic of Kazakhstan, civil servants; in the process of studying at courses in higher educational institutions, as well as for further general theoretical and applied research.

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

Test as a Method of Psychology. Development History and Basic Requirements

Main problem: The article highlights the problem of tests as methods of psychology, the influence of validity and reliability on the results of psychological research. Purpose: Uncovering the significance of validity and reliability on psychological research results. Results and their significance: Testing is an important method in psychology, allowing measuring various aspects of the psyche and behavior of a person. The history of the development of tests in psychology goes back more than a century and began with the work of Francis Galton and Alfred Binet. Over time, the tests have become widely used in various fields such as education, personnel selection, clinical diagnosis and research. Basic requirements for tests include reliability (repeatability of results), validity (measurement accuracy), standardization (same test conditions) and objectivity (lack of subjectivity in assessment). Tests must be designed using psychometric principles to ensure accuracy and validity of results. Modern tests include a variety of measurement techniques, such as tests of personality, intelligence, aptitude, and professional skills. The use of tests in psychology requires professional training to correctly interpret the results and make valid conclusions. Testing as a method of psychology continues to evolve, and its role remains key in the study of the human psyche and behavior. Testing in psychology has a wide range of applications, including assessing personality traits, identifying psychological disorders, and predicting behavior and success in various areas of life. The development of computer-based tests and online platforms makes testing more efficient and convenient for researchers and participants. Modern tests increasingly take into account cultural differences and the diversity of individual characteristics, which contributes to more accurate and tailored assessments. It is important to remember that the use of tests requires ethics, confidentiality and compliance to ensure the reliability and validity of the data obtained.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)