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Search results: cycle

Number of results: 13

Research of influence of RPAESTOL 650BC flocculant and sulfate of aluminium as the degree of recycle water coagulant

This article deals with the impact of chemicals on the degree of recycle water purification, the physical and chemical coagulation process is described and the results of tests that show the effectiveness of these reagents are presented.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)

Lime yield and roasting time using ferroalloy gas

Evaluation of the output of lime is made for three options for the use of Ferroalloy gas: when you use the physical heat of the gas; when using the chemical energy of the gas and the location of the reactor after scrubbing; when sharing of sensible heat and chemical energy of the gas. As a result of the calculation of the expected yield of lime, it was found that the use of Ferroalloy gas for the production of lime can fully provide or at least compensate for the deficit of lime in the production of steel. The technology of calcination of limestone with Ferroalloy gas is presented in the form of a cycle synchronized with the smelting of steel, including, in accordance with the gas outlet from the layer and their alternation with pauses of inter-blowing periods. The preliminary technological characteristics of firing obtained as a result of theoretical analysis are used for further experimental and theoretical studies.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 2(70)

Application of graph theory in the classical theory of the structure of substances

The study of the structure of matter is one of the main tasks of chemistry. The problem can be solved with the help of graph theory, which allowed us to find an unexpected way to solve our logical problem. Thus, the aim of our article was to master the theory of graphs for constructing the structural formulas of organic compounds. Prediction of chemical reactions, the possibility of systematization and study of the essence of basic chemical concepts, such as structure, configuration of atoms and molecules, confirmation, isomerism, and, undoubtedly, the quantum-mechanical basis of the interaction of molecules, all this is possible using chemical graphs. Graph theory allows a non-standard way to approach the problem of constructing the structural formulas of molecules of organic compounds.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 4(72)
Heading: Natural sciences

The detection of the virus of infectious rhinotracheitis in cattle by polymerase chain reaction

The article is devoted to the current problem of differential diagnosis of diseases of viral etiology in farm animals. Viral diseases are currently widespread, occupy a leading role in the infectious pathology of farm animals, causing enormous economic damage. Given the magnitude of animal vaccine prophylaxis, in order to increase the effectiveness of antiepizootic measures, the urgent issue i s the development of methods for the rapid and effective detection and differentiation of field and vaccine strains of the infectious rhinotracheitis virus in cattle. The possibility of using a polymerase chain reaction to identify and differentiate a vacc ine strain from epizootic strains and isolators of the cattle infectious rhinotracheitis virus is considered. In the process of research, a PCR-RFLP analysis method was developed to detect the IRT virus in the test material. The PCRRFLP analysis method was used to identify and differentiate the vaccine strain TK-A form epizootic strains and isolators of the cattle IRT virus. The principle of PCR, based on repeated repetition of DNA cycles, annealing and synthesis, which leads to an increase in the number of specific DNA fragments of the pathogen, allows you to take into account the results of PCR in an agarose gel. Analysis time is about 30 hours. The sensitivity of detecting viral DNA is 1-10 picograms (102 TCD). Due to characteristics such as relative simplicity and reaction rate, high sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility, PCR has recently become widespread in basic and applied research in various fields of biological science, including veterinary virology. The results obtained during the studies show that the use of PCR-RFLP allows to differentiate field and vaccine strains and isolates of the IRT virus with a high degree of reliability. The use of PCR -RFLP analysis increases the efficiency and informativeness of studies in the molecular epizootol ogy of cattle RTI, as it allows not only to identify the DNA of different virus strains regardless of their nature, but also to differentiate between them, including differentiating the strain TK-A used for the production of attenuated vaccines against epizootic strains and isolates of the virus.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Organization of activities for the treatment and disposal of industrial waste at the landfill

Environmental protection measures are based, among other things, on the rationalization of the organization of the production waste management process. Population growth and the race to industrialize pose a serious threat to the ecosystem. Currently, the average global waste generation per capita is 494 kg / year. A large number of industrial enterprises operate on the territory of Kazakhstan. The range of manufactured products is very wide: household items, transport, building materials, equipment and much more. Each type of production is inevitably a source of a large amount of industrial waste, annually at the enterprises of Kazakhstan up to 600 million tons of waste are generated, three percent of which are recycled. On the territory of Pavlodar region there are enterprises in the field of metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical industry, construction industry enterprises, light industry, about a hundred in total. In this connection, the problem of treatment and disposal of industrial waste in Pavlodar region is very relevant. The article discusses the system of waste management in order to reduce their impact on the environment, activities for the disposal, transportation, disposal of waste, as well as their disposal at the industrial waste landfill in Pavlodar. The landfill in question is intended for the reception, temporary storage and disposal of non-hazardous solid industrial waste of the «green» level: waste and scrap of chromium, cadmium, aluminum, copper, lead, zinc, manganese, plastic waste, polyethylene, abrasive, rubber waste, ash and ash and slag waste; and also «amber»: waste containing mercury, arsenic, lead, waste batteries, phosphoric slags, waste oils, oil sludge. The scheme of organizing waste storage works is considered. The volume of accepted and recycled waste, as well as those placed at the landfill and used for their own needs, was analyzed, including construction waste, waste sleepers, ash and slag and abrasive scrap. The solution to the problem of industrial waste disposal is associated with the need for innovation and the introduction of new technologies and equipment.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

Organization of the educational process on anti-doping support in a sports university

Main problem: the organization of anti-doping education of students assumes the presence of a specialized discipline "Fundamentals of anti-doping support" and the inclusion of anti-doping topics in classical disciplines. The formation of a number of competencies in the field of anti-doping education requires new interactive forms of organization of activities that take place in the development of both disciplines of the medical and biological cycle, as well as sports, pedagogical and social disciplines. A conscious perception of the industry problems associated with the use of doping in sports and the health of the nation provides knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, sports medicine. Purpose: study of the organization of the educational process for anti-doping support in a sports university. Methods: today, the main methodological innovations are associated with the use of interactive learning technologies. The learning process, based on the use of interactive teaching methods, is organized taking into account the inclusion of all participants in the learning process. An educational communication environment is created, which is characterized by openness, interaction of participants, equality of their arguments, accumulation of joint knowledge, and the possibility of mutual evaluation. The organization of the educational process on anti-doping support for InEU students assumes the presence in the educational program of a specialized discipline "Fundamentals of anti-doping Support" and the introduction of components of anti-doping education in already established disciplines. Results and their significance: the organization of the educational process on anti-doping support for InEU students assumes the presence of a specialized discipline "Fundamentals of anti-doping Support" in Educaional Program and the inclusion of components of anti-doping education in the formed disciplines.

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Ensuring quality control by implementing a quality management system at the enterprise

The article presents the results of implementing a quality management system at the enterprise. The study and analysis of the international standard ISO 9001:2015, as well as sanitary and epidemiological requirements for production control were carried out. The main requirements and rules for the implementation of input, operational and output control of products at enterprises at all stages of the product life cycle were identified and presented. In addition, it was determined what requirements must be met by enterprises to implement a quality management system. It is important to note that this work is necessary at the enterprise, as it has the following advantages: by improving product quality, product sales increase, the level of management of the enterprise and personnel increases, and cost savings are realized at the stages of development, production and operation. It follows that to implement a quality management system, it is necessary to set the following tasks: describe the company's processes, develop performance criteria and evaluate processes, develop the necessary documented information, implement documentation in all departments, familiarize them with the quality policy and goals, conduct timely internal audits for further SWOT analysis, and conduct an assessment by an external auditor in order to obtain a certificate of compliance. An important step in quality management is that the organization should not eliminate nonconforming results of processes, but should identify potential nonconformities, assess the risk with the preparation of a Protocol, plan and implement actions to reduce risks. Difficulties may arise: lack of understanding by the staff of the need to implement a quality management system, lack of a clear vision, mission, lack of complete information on processes, lack of quantitative and qualitative evaluation criteria, quality is defined as the quality of products, not as the quality of processes, resources, lack of monitoring of customer satisfaction. It is possible to overcome these difficulties only with the implementation of the quality management system according to ISO 9001, since the requirements prescribed in the international standard are a real tool for improving the efficiency of the enterprise, which will help bring the organization to a higher level of development.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Features of teaching physics in English in secondary school

This article reveals the essence of teaching the disciplines of the natural science cycle in English in high school. When preparing for the lesson, there is a need for careful selection of educational material, the teacher thinks out a specific algorithm for working with the text in a foreign language using subject terminology, while not forgetting the basic grammatical and syntactic models characteristic of the English language. In such a language environment, foreign speakers actively acquire solid knowledge, eliminating language difficulties in professionally-oriented lessons. Given this problem, we decided to create a methodological guide for teachers, which will contain tasks for formative assessment in physics lessons in English. Its lexical and grammatical material meets the requirements for mastering the English language (B1) in educational and cognitive activities. The presented progress tests also meet all the requirements of the corresponding stage of training of non-native speakers and help to consolidate the skills of professionally oriented communication. The purpose is to reveal some principles that should be taken into account when preparing assignments for physics lessons in English, as well as to provide a methodological guide for teachers. This article shows several principles that are most effective when conducting lessons. All the data of the article was confirmed by a computer survey of students, the answers were analyzed and collected for publication. Given the results we have presented, secondary school teachers can improve the quality of the material provided, as well as spend less time preparing for lessons. Physics is one of the fundamental sciences that can combine both the subject content and the language component. Here we present various methods of subject-language integration to improve communication skills. Thus, the preparation and conduct of physics lessons in English requires a strict and careful selection of educational material and takes into account the educational profile of secondary school students.

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деньги, учет, аудит, документ, ликвидность, отражение операций, информация.

The main problem is that money plays a huge role in a market economy. The market is impossible without the movement of money that carries out the turnover of goods and services. The movement of money serves the sale of goods, as well as the movement of the financial market. The cash resources of an industrial enterprise are an integral part of current assets. The money is needed for settlements with suppliers and contractors, for making payments to the budget, for issuing salaries, bonuses to employees, and for making other types of payments. The meaning of the organization of funds is to effectively manage the cash flows of an economic entity on the basis of data obtained from the results of the analysis of cash flows for a certain period of time and accounting data. Information support is a system of information and methods of its processing that allow us to assess the real state of an industrial enterprise and identify factors that contribute to improving the effectiveness of management decisions. In these conditions, it becomes inevitable to improve the information support for accounting and auditing of funds. The purpose of this study is to identify the problems of accounting and auditing of funds at industrial enterprises by improving information support. The implementation of the research goal is facilitated by the use of methods of comparative analysis, synthesis, graphical method for visualizing the results obtained. For any enterprise, it is necessary that there is enough money at the beginning of the production cycle, and at the end their growth is ensured. With such business management, a constant turnover of funds will be ensured, which will provide the enterprise with an influx of funds, and will make it possible to carry out activities in other areas (investment or financial) at the expense of the money generated by the main activity. In a market economy, it is necessary to proceed from the principle that the skillful use of funds brings additional income to the enterprise, and, therefore, the enterprise should constantly think about the rational investment of temporarily free funds to make a profit. The authors analyzed the cash flow by type of activity on the basis of financial statements, and developed recommendations for solving the problems of accounting and auditing of funds, which are aimed at improving cash flow management, which will allow an industrial enterprise to achieve its goals and plans as much as possible.

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Simulation of the working cycle of a diesel engine with a system of periodic shutdown of the cylinders

Combustion engines operate over a wide range of power and speed. To the greatest extent, this applies to automotive and tractor engines and diesel engines operating at fractional and idle loads for a significant part of the operating time. When designing engines, the choice of their main design and layout parameters is carried out in a comprehensive manner, taking into account the provision of the required power and efficiency in the modes of maximum torque and rated power. However, ensuring the economical operation of modern highly accelerated diesel engines at low loads and idling causes a whole range of problems related mainly to the organization of effective mixture formation and fuel burnout, as well as to ensuring stable fuel supply. Thus, the cycle dose of injected fuel in idle mode is 8–12 times less than the cycle dose in nominal mode, which determines increased requirements for fuel equipment and difficulties in ensuring high-quality mixture formation. At the same time, diesel engines operate in idle mode up to 50 % of the total operating time, consuming up to 15–20% of the fuel. For truck engines, the relative idle time is approximately 20–25 %. Thus, the development of measures to improve the efficiency of diesel engines at idle is relevant. The purpose is to perform a numerical analysis of the effect of switching off cycles in diesel engines for autotractor and diesel locomotive purposes on the working processes in the cylinder and the indicator parameters of the cycle in idle modes. When writing the article, traditional methods (comparison, description, and measurement), generallogical methods and research techniques (analysis, generalization, etc.) were used. A numerical analysis of the operating cycle of a diesel engine equipped with a cycle shutdown system was performed. The relationship between changes in fuel injection characteristics when cycles are turned off with indicator indicators of the engine operating cycle in idle load modes is disclosed. It has been established that the expediency of switching off cycles in a specific engine operation mode is determined primarily by the features of the injection, carburetion and fuel burnout processes.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

The analysis of the avermectin group drugs efficiency in the cattle dehelmentization

The variety of species and forms of parasites of agricultural animals and the features of their life cycles are the basic foundation for the production of different types and medical forms of antiparasite medicine. In the treatment of the parasitic diseases of agricultural animals, one of the main factors is that the veterinary doctors have the knowledge on the mechanics, efficiency and the safety for humans and environment of the medicine being used. Taking into account high pathogenicity and resistance of parasitic organisms and their ability to adapt to effect of medicine, it is crucial to permanently monitor the efficiency of the applied anthelmintic drugs, including the new drugs offered by veterinary services. This article will describe the results of the research on pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic parameters of «Ivermectinum», «Ivermec», «Aversect-1», «Аvrsect-2», «Аivin» drugs and their methods of application with the consideration of terms of maintenance and immune status of cattle herds in Mayconyr village (Irtysh district, Pavlodar region). A comparative analysis of efficiency of the above mentioned drugs in dehelmintization and treatment of cattle was conducted with the results provided. The recommendations and the restrictions on use of the drugs were determined considering the farm condition. The experimental research of the aforementioned broad-spectrum drugs was conducted strictly following the rules of asepsis and instructions on application. The total number of replacement heifers subjected to the dehelmintization under the method of analogues is 150 units. Anthelmintic treatment was conducted two times a year - in springtime (March-April) before pasturage, and fall time (September-October) before confining the cattle in the stable. Coprological study on intestinal helminthes of the examined cattle was conducted in Irtysh RVL of the Pavlodar regional branch of RVE RVL VCaSC MA RK by ovoscopical, flotation and larvoscopical methods. There is a comparative analysis on the efficiency of avermectin group antiparasitic drugs applied twice a year for cattle dehelmintization. The recommendations on the use of the aforementioned drugs for dehelmentization and prevention of parasitic diseases are provided and the requirements for the use were determined.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

About the use of CASE-technologies in the process of designing information systems

Main problem: Today electronic information is one of the important resources in the management system. Electronic information resources are not only means, but also control flows. For example, any instruction or instruction in the management system is actually a guide to action. At the same time, for example, data on the movement of an object (employees, goods, money, etc.) are information resources, the storage and accounting of which is the basis of the organizational process. Large flows of information require their structuring, and operations on them become time-consuming. One of the ways to solve this problem is the development and implementation of an information system. Purpose: To analyze and design an information system using specialized tools designed to optimize the implementation of the above stages of software system development, using the example of a real business process. Methods: The article discusses the methodologies of CASE tools designed to automate software development processes, namely, the first two stages of the life cycle: analysis and design of a software product. The analysis and design of the business process functionality is carried out using the IDEF0 functional modeling methodology. The design of the database structure of the information system was carried out using the methodology of semantic (information) modeling IDEF1X. Description of the scenario of the designed software for a real business process is carried out using the dynamic modeling methodology IDEF3. Results and their significance: The article substantiates the relevance of the use of modern CASE-technologies in the process of analyzing and designing a future information system, as well as for the purpose of possible optimization on the example of a real business process "Inventory accounting". As a result, a comprehensive business process model was built using tools based on CASE-methodologies. The resulting model, as well as the description of its construction, is a clear example of the use of CASE technologies for software developers, as well as system analysts and IT specialists.

Author: I.I. Lyashenko
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

Games of children of senior preschool age as early career guidance in activities

Early preparation of a child for the choice of a future profession is not a recognition of who the child should be, but an acquaintance of the child with various activities. This may make it easier to choose in the future. Therefore, acquaintance with the activities of adults should begin at preschool age, when children learn about various professions through accessible forms of knowledge. As a result, the child learns the values of labor, gets an idea about various professions, interests in certain types of professional activity begin to form in their mind. In order for a child to make a conscious choice in adult life, professional orientation should begin with a close environment, first of all, with the professions of parents. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to develop mechanisms for early professional orientation of preschoolers through play activities. For the study, methods of ascent from the abstract to the real were applied, the method of transforming real images of objects based on their abstract meaning. As a result of the study, conclusions were drawn that the personal potential of a person in relation to life and the world of activity is manifested in the positions of "individual", "child" and "subject"Confidence in thinking is given by the application of motion vectors to the known abstract, in the logic of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, as well as in their combinations. The cycle of revealing the potential of the individual and its transformation into the subject of educational activity is described. A sufficient prerequisite is the mastery of the subjects of reflexive-thinking abilities in accordance with self-determination, self-organization, self-regulation

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