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Search results: government regulator

Number of results: 59

Carrying out the repair work at petroleum refineries

The development of the oil refinery is directly related to the peculiarities of the socioeconomic environment, which is determined largely by the favorable conditions of activity of all branches of economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a stable regulatory processes of all normative -legal framework of implementation of market reforms and efficiency of making management and innovative solutions in the oil refining industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Currently, a lot of efforts are being made to scale modernization of all production processes, as well as modernization of equipment of the oil refining complex of the country

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Public services: current state and prospects of development

The aspects of delivery system development of the public services submission to the population in the Republic of Kazakhstan are observed in this article on the basis of monitoring results.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)

Innovations: classification and worldwide experience

Classification of innovations, main tendencies of government support for innovative activity, and purposes of innovative policy of Kazakhstan are examined in this article. This work demonstrates an attempt to ascertain by what the necessity of public administration in the field of innovative process is determined.

Author: A.A. Ruban
Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)

Some aspects of the civil service system in the Republic of Kazakhstan and international experience in effective government machinery creation

This article describes the features and principles of the civil service system in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as international experience to create an effective state apparatus by the example of South Korea.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)
Heading: Social sciences

Аluminium cluster of the pavlodar region of the republic of kazakhstan as most perspective pole of growth

Productive functioning of market mechanisms needs in creation of according needed conditions by government for provision of own’s rights, contract’s observance, improvement of legal base in the sphere of innovations, provision of favourable financial-economic conditions, attraction of investments for innovative infastructure’s development. Thus significant meaning plays rational combination of government regulatio and market mechnisms activity, and also direct and nondirect methods of inovative activity maintenance.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)

Regional policy of providing the steady development of the rural areas

The article proves that transition to a sustainable development of the rural regions assumes introduction of the mechanism of management by a sustainable development of the region, improvement of business processes and institutes of the civil society, particularly, the models of local self-government.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)

Improvement of the institutional regularitites of address social help for families with children

The article is devoted to the changes in the normative legal base to optimize benefit system. On the basis of social assistance system research there revealed the reduction of recipients and children contingent growth in getting governmental social selective assistance, resulted from the growth of population income level and accumulation of deviation between the real subsistence level and statistically calculated for SASA payments.

Author: Zh.E. Kaidarova
Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)
Heading: Social sciences

Issues of a state institution expenses financing and ways of their solution

The main issues of a state institution expenses financing are considered in the paper. The disadvantages of the existing system of planning and implementing the budget programs have been studied. The major ways on solving the issues in the field of state institutions expenses financing are offered.

Author: A.A. Kurmanova
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)

Interaction between the government and local authorities in addressing socio-economic issues (foreign experience)

This article describes the experience of interaction between government and local authorities in foreign countries, factors and conditions necessary for the effective social and economic development, as well as a discusses the impact of local government on social and economic development. A comparative analysis of the Pavlodar region.

Author: A. Denden
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Interaction of government bodies and mass-media: the problems and the ways of decision

In the article it is considered the questions of mechanisms’ effectiveness of interation of mass-media and government bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main problems of these sphere are introduction of information in mass-media through the system of state purchases, directed on the prices; the lack of the system of indicators on the estimation of mass-media services quality in the process of state purchase and the problem of control, censure and self-censure caused by state purchases conditions. The study makes it clear that the introduction of the system of public procurement has expanded the practice of self-censorship of publications. In conclusion, the author suggests ways to address the problems in the interaction of state bodies with the media.

Author: A.S. Gazizov
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)
Heading: Social sciences

The demographic policy of Kazakhstan

This article deals with the theoretical aspects of demographic policy of Kazakhstan, as well as analysis of the problem and the demographic situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Also it studies target of demographic policy and government measures to improve the demographic situation in the country. There is another reserve; it is those people who live in other countries are similar in many respects to the Kazakh people, and who want to live in Kazakhstan. Today it is especially important to make the new apartments available to the population and reduce the cost of their cost. In connection with the transformation of the republic into a huge construction site of the construction industry should be developed intensively

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)
Heading: Social sciences

Non-governmental organizations as an institution of civil society

The development of nongovernmental sector of Kazakhstan at the present stage is one of the basic criteria of a functioning civil society, promote the country on the path of sustainable democratic development, building a secular, legal and social state. In this article the basic tasks of non-governmental organizations in the development of civil society. Considered the stages of formation and development of nongovernmental sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Noted the basic positions of the President in relation to civil society and non-governmental organizations.

Author: К.T. Shushaeva
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)
Heading: Social sciences

Activation of educational activity of schoolchildren of 6–7 classes by means of application of informatively-communicative technologies (evidence from history lessons)

In this article the question connected with the activation of cognitive activity of students. It one of issues of the day on the modern stage of development of pedagogical theory and practice. An author exposes development of activity, independence, initiativeness, creative approach to the thing, these are the requirements of life, qualificatory that direction in that it is necessary to perfect an educational process in a great deal. Searches of ways of development of schoolchildren’s activation of cognitive activity, developing their cognitive flairs and independence is a task that teachers are called to decide. The use of ICТ, that allows to activate thinking, ability to offer the variants of vision of problem, question, themes in the narrow and wide understanding and participating in the discussion are examined in the article. It helps to improve quality education, forms a culture, aesthetic skills of students, develop attention, memory. All this has a practical orientation in different areas and spheres of activity of student. Information technologies, examined in this scientific article as a process of the use of totality of facilities, methods of collection, treatment and communication of data - assists working off at the methods of students of actions, helps forming of processes of self-government of personality, will transform an effectively-practical sphere and carries out the emotionally-semantic going near the study of questions, that discussions, professional orientation.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

State policy in the sphere of physical culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The article considers the most important principles of government control in the field of physical culture and sports. The analysis of the main aspects of the implementation of the state policy in the field of physical culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan is given.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 4(64)
Heading: Social sciences

The modern state and analysis of forming of healthy way of life are in the Republic of Kazakhstan (a case of study of center of forming of healthy way of life of the Akmola region)

In this article, activity of national center of problems of forming of healthy way of life that is sent to forming and stimulation of healthy way of life of citizens and on development of prophylactic and restoration medicine are considered. The role of coordinating councils in process of health care at the level of government, that provide monitoring of realization of socio-economic development of country, including in area of health protection are distinguished in this article. For creation of the effective system of prophylaxis of sociallymeaningful diseases and forming of healthy way of life indicators are certain in a country. Some actions of centers of healthy way of life carry practical character, when specialists render a consultative and practical help to the population. Primary and general objective of the system of health protection of country and in particular in regions this strengthening of health of population, increase of their welfare, forming of the responsibility and skills, sent to maintenance and improvement of health, and also propaganda of healthy way of life.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

The main directions and measures of state support of monotowns in Kazakhstan

In this article, the main directions and measures of the state support of monotowns in Kazakhstan aimed at providing their sustainable development are considered. The urgency of the topic is substantiated by the fact that there is intensification of negative socioeconomic tendencies in the majority of monotowns. Authors have specified concept of the monotown, their classification and typological characteristics are considered. Consider the statement by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan single-industry towns development program, its basic concepts and elements. Also consider tools monocities diversification of the economy, the use of them in order to create conditions for the achievement of a stable socio-economic situation.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)
Heading: Social sciences

Demographic processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan and their peculiarities

The presented article examines the demographic processes taking place in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which characterize the demographic situation in Kazakhstan. And also the objectives and tasks of the state, the main of which is the management of demographic processes and development of the effective type of population reproduction are considered. The population policy covers a wide range of problems of reproductivity, the creation of the composition and structure of labor resources and their effective application. In a narrow sense, the demographic policy should be understood as the impact on the reproductivity by means of socio-economic activities that affect the demographic processes. The dramatically limited resources make it impossible to solve the government control problems of socio-demographic processes, employment, and unemployment in the required degree.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)
Heading: Social sciences

The effectiveness of the budget management at the local level (as exemplified by Zhelezinskiy district)

This article describes the mechanism of budget management. The tools to improve the efficiency of budget revenue have been identified. The material is presented as exemplified by the budget of Zhelezinskiy district. The transition from budgeting based on the principle of "cost control" to the formation according to the principle "management by results" is justified. In this regard, in the financial sector a new concept – result-oriented budgeting (ROB). The tree of problems of the state financial control and the ways of their solution are offered. The article has practical importance, since the problems described in a currently particularly relevant.

Author: Z. Ussembayeva
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)
Heading: Social sciences

Formation and development of the educational system in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The article deals with the basic concepts of the formation and development of higher education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As well as the policies of redistribution of responsibilities of management in higher education system and its gradual decentralization that will not only distribute power and responsibility, but also introduce a more democratic form of government. Expand the autonomy institutions of higher education and ensure active public participation in the management of higher education institutions and the quality of its educational programs. One of the fundamental factors is to attract students to identify the competencies of employers, academic communities, graduates. Learning objectives at the same time should be determined in accordance with the professional requirements of the labor market.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)
Heading: Social sciences

Trends in the development of gender education in higher education in countries of post-Soviet Central Asia

This article identifies the leading development trends of gender education at higher school of the post- Soviet Central Asian countries. Ones relate, firstly, to the legal and regulatory framework for the implementation of gender ideas at higher education. Secondly, trends are related to the conditions for organizing gender training. Thirdly, trends are manifested in scientific activity on gender studies at the universities of the CA countries.

Author: S.N. Grishak
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)

Analysis of the structure and functions of the service, carrying out training and retraining of local government personnel (on materials of Pavlodar region)

The article considers the analysis of the selection and promotion of personnel, ensuring the professionalism and transparency of the state apparatus. It is noted that the modern civil service, ensuring the execution of the powers of state authorities, is a complex, dynamic social system. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the professional development of government personnel should be carried out using a competency-based approach, which is declared as the most optimal way, the starting point of all personnel management work

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

The essence of tax policy and its role in government regulation of the economy

Tax policy is an integral part of the socio-economic policy of the state, which is focused on strengthening the economic situation of the country and regions, economic development, harmonization of the interests of the economy and society. The article summarizes the approaches to the definition of the essence of tax policy, its role in the state regulation of the economy, as well as the goals, objectives and methods of tax policy at the current stage

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

Assessment of the effectiveness of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan

This article discusses the methodology for assessing the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan using international tools and government programs that are currently in operation, as well as the causes and consequences of measures aimed at improving the indicators and results of the transformation of the education system. The mechanisms of creating an independent education system as a public institution are considered

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

Assuring the NGOs’ services quality through standardization

Non-governmental organizations cover a large part of the educational services market. Great demand for the educational services improvement and meeting the target groups’ special needs is calling for the regulating documents for NGOs to be developed. Regulating documents are to serve for the establishment of the consistent approach to the papers content and design, and to manage the independent education services quality evaluation routine.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 4(72)
Heading: Social sciences

Development and research of measures for the preparation of production personnel for action in emergency situations

In the work measures on preparation of production personnel for actions in the conditions of emergency situations are considered on the example of Neftekhim LTD LLP. The structure of the control system and its main components were studied, the regulatory legal framework used in industrial safety was described. The possible risks and dangers, as well as harmful substances used in the production of plant products and their effect on the body were studied; the current state of the control system in the field of emergency prevention was evaluated

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 4(72)

Current Issues of Probation Application in the Kyrgyz Republic

In this article, the author explores the current problems of using the probation Institute in the Kyrgyz Republic. The author of the article emphasizes that the activity of the probation service involves close interdepartmental interaction of state bodies, local self-government bodies and local state administrations with penal institutions and probation clients. In addition, the article notes that at the present stage in Kyrgyzstan, the probation Institute is not developed enough in comparison with foreign countries, despite its effectiveness and social demand.

Author: A.K. Ermatova
Year of release:
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Heading: Social sciences

Harmonization of the tax system of the Eurasian Economic Union member states in the context of economic integration

This article discusses the main possible directions for coordinating the tax policy of member countries of economic and monetary unions. The regulatory role of tax instruments in regional integration associations is assessed. The relevance of the article is due to the fact that with the accelera tion of integration processes in various regions of the world, fiscal policy becomes particularly important. Therefore, the research of representatives of various scientific schools pays much attention to the analysis of the impact of the fiscal component on the economies of the member countries of the associations. At the same time, approaches to the organization of taxation within economic unions differ significantly. The activation of integration processes in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) necessitates the convergence of the legislation of the member States in the field of taxation. At the same time, the harmonization and unification of legislation on indirect taxes is particularly relevant, since these taxes have a significant impact on price formatio n and provide a significant part of budget revenues. According to the authors of the article, in the conditions of deepening integration in the EEU, a well-thought-out distribution of powers in the field of tax regulation between state and supranational bodies that ensure a consistent convergence of the tax systems of the participating countries, taking into account the economic situation and the interests of all members of the Association, becomes particularly relevant. Measures to ensure the elimination of double taxation within the Union are proposed. The authors conclude that it is necessary to harmonize the tax policies of the member States of the Eurasian Union. At the same time, the harmonization of taxation in the countries of the Union should become a condition for the formation of a currency zone on the territory of the EAEU.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

New format of relations in public procurement of the Republic of Kazakhstan in connection with the pandemic COVID-19

In this article, the author examines the problems of legal regulation of public procurement in a state of emergency and quarantine measures. The purpose of this article is to study the changes that have appeared in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in connection with the introduction of the state of emergency and quarantine in the country. The author provides a legal assessment and analyzes the new norms of Kazakhstani legislation regulating public relations in the field of organizing public procurement. The closure of state borders, the violation of the usual, accumulated over the years, economic ties led to disruptions in the economic activities of state bodies. With all the disadvantages that took place, the positive factor was that the demand for the goods of Kazakhstani producers on the market increased. The introduced new method of public procurement using framework agreements made it possible, in turn, to ensure the guaranteed sale of products of Kazakhstani commodity producers, and also made it possible to apply import substitution of frequently purchased goods. In this article, the author, on the basis of a study of the current practice in this area, demonstrates the features of legal regulation of the sphere of public procurement in completely social new conditions with the help of novelties in legislation, and also reveals the features of the operation of legal norms regulating the sphere of public procurement of goods, works and services in conditions of a state of emergency and quarantine measures. The adoption of special measures by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan made it possible to transfer financial and economic relations in the state to a new format – "customer-supplier". The measures taken by the government have now been extended until the end of 2020. These measures on the part of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan made it possible to introduce a sparing legal regime for regulating this area for representatives of medium and small businesses, in order to minimize the losses of the latter arising against the background of the introduction of a state of emergency and quarantine measures. Taking into account the analysis of judicial practice in the consideration of cases on public procurement, the author emphasizes that in conditions of quarantine measures in Kazakhstan, as a rule, there are violations of the same type, both on the part of customers and on the part of suppliers.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)
Heading: Law

Labour migration and forced labour in the context of economic integration: new challenges and realities: statement of the problem Annotation

Annotation Main problem:The main idea of this study is the development of proposals for improving the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the regulatory framework of the Eurasian Economic Union, taking into account the experience of the EuropeanUnion countries (as the largest integration association), towards the further development of the legal framework for cooperation in the social-labor sphere, as well as improving the integration and migration policy of the Eurasian Economic Union countries in general, and the Republic of Kazakhstan, in particular. In addition, this study intends to develop practical recommendations aimed at improving the activities of the law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the EAEU countries, in the field of combating illegal migration and forced labor on the territory of this integration association. Moreover, this project suggests the legal promotion of the results obtained, both on the territory of the EAEU and beyond. Purpose: The aim of the study. To develop proposals for improving the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the EAEU countries in the field of legal regulation of labour migration and counteracting its negative consequences such as illegal migration, forced labour in the territory of this integration association. Methods: The methodological basis of the study is made up of traditional general scientific and special legal methods used in comparative jurisprudence: system-structural, historical-legal, social-legal and comparative-legal. Results and their significance:All of the above testifies to the relevance and necessity of research in the framework of this study, since its implementation, taking into account the expected results, will further improve the regulatory framework in the field of combating illegal migration, human trafficking and other illegal manifestations resulting from insufficient regulation of the labour migration sphere.

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Heading: Law

On the question of forms and types of property rights in civil law

The right of ownership, like property itself, occupies one of the mainplaces in public life. Statutory regulation of property relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan existed throughout the entire period of statehood formation. Today, property relations are regulated by the norms of various branches of law. But civil law regulation occupies one of the most important places in the system of regulatory regulation. This article deals with a comprehensive analysis of the main legal concepts, such as property, owner, subject of property rights, as well as forms and types of property, the grounds for the emergence and termination of property rights and ways to protect and protect the absolute right of the owner. A certain thing may belong to several persons as common property. In this case, the right of ownership is distributed among several owners (co-owners). The totality of legal norms on common property forms the institution of common property law. The purpose of this work is a comprehensive analysis of the main legal concepts, such as property, owner and subject of property rights, as well as forms and types of property, the basis for the emergence and termination of property rights and the definition of ways to protect and protect the absolute right of the owner. The means of achieving this goal is the study of the works of Kazakh legal scholars, the study of the analysis of practical materials. The article uses the following methods: comparative-legal, system-structural, formal-logical, as well as the method of system analysis. The legislation of Kazakhstan provides for two subjects of State property that have the right to act on their own behalf: the Republic of Kazakhstan as a whole (in respect of property constituting republican property) and the administrative – territorial unit (in respect of property constituting municipal property). That is, in civil circulation, data are carriers of state property rights. Depending on the tasks performed, the State exercises the powers of the owner on behalf of one of the specified entities. The Republic of Kazakhstan and the administrative-territorial unit are not legal entities. However, unless otherwise provided by legislative acts, they are subject to the rules governing the participation of legal entities in relations regulated by civil law. The state and administrative-territorial unit, as special subjects, have all the rights ofsubjects of civil legal relations and are limited in legal personality only by the current legislation.

Author: Zh.Zh. Talipova
Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Law

Development of entrepreneurial activity in Pavlodar region: analysis of the state and problems

Main problem: Small and medium-sized businesses, as an important component of modern production, largely contributes to maintaining a competitive tone in the economy, creates a natural social support for a social structure organized on the principles of the market, and also forms a new social stratum of entrepreneurs. Since the establishment of independent Kazakhstan, the sphere of entrepreneurship has always been in the center of attention of the state, and the Strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050": the new political course of the established state, comprehensive support of entrepreneurship as the leading force of the national economy has been identified among its priority tasks. At the present stage of development, the system of state support for small and medium- sized businesses in the Republic of Kazakhstan includes a number of institutions and state programs designed to provide comprehensive support to this sector of the economy. Despite the measures taken by the state to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the development of this area in the regions and the Republic of Kazakhstan, in general, faces a number of serious problems, including those of a systemic nature, which involves researching the state, identifying problems and determining prospects for the development of small and medium- sized businesses. Purpose: to study the state, trends and prospects of development of SMEs in Pavlodar region, to identify and describe the problems of organizing the activities of entrepreneurs in the region. Methods: the state of entrepreneurial activity in the region is analyzed in the context of the main socially significant indicators of its development, the main trends and patterns of development of the SME sphere are identified and the reasons that form them are substantiated. As one of the tools for identifying and substantiating the reasons hindering the development of entrepreneurial activity, the study conducted a survey of entrepreneurs to identify the problems of SMEs in the region. Results and their significance: Based on the results of the study, a range of priority problems of SMEs in the region was determined, an assessment of their correlation with similar problems of the SME sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan was given, and a range of basic expectations of entrepreneurs in the context of government measures to support their development was outlined.

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Bacteriological studies of pathogenic microflora in respiratory diseases

The main task of microbiological study of pulmonary patients is to identify the etiology of acute and exacerbation of chronic disease in order to determine therapy and control its effectiveness. Classical methods of microbiological research consist in isolating a pure culture of the causative agent of the disease with its identification by biochemical, antigenic and other characteristics. Such studies are multistage; they impose rather strict requirements on the quality of the source material, the timing and conditions of its transportation, laboratory equipment and the precise execution of the research methodology for at least 3-5 days. Isolation of the culture of a number of pathogens (atypical intracellular microflora, anaerobic bacteria, mycobacterium tuberculosis) requires even more lengthy studies using special media and equipment. This article presents the results of a bacteriological study of pathogenic microflora in diseases of the respiratory system of the population of the Shcherbakty district of Pavlodar region for 2017-2019, including the following sequence: microscopy of native and Gram stained smears; inoculation of biological material on nutrient media for isolation and identification of the pathogen; determination of the sensitivity of the isolated microorganism to antibiotics; immunological (serological) research methods aimed at determining antigens of microbiological origin, as well as antibodies to them in the patient's body. It has been shown that conducting bacteriological studies in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents allows obtaining reliable and comparable results necessary both for the optimal treatment of patients and for collecting and analyzing data on monitoring the emergence and spread of diseases of the respiratory system caused by pathogenic microflora.

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Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other state authorities: problematic aspects of interaction

In the Republic of Kazakhstan a market economy, a democratic political system and a free civil society based on ideological, social and political pluralism are developing. This contributes to the development of constitutional norms and the diversity of new legal institutions that ensure the supremacy of the Constitution. These include the constitutional Council. In 2020, it's been twenty-five years from the date of adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the creation of the constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ensuring the supremacy of the Constitution throughout the territory of the Republic. The constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan is not part of any of the three branches of government and is subject only to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the law. The purpose of this article is a comprehensive analysis of theoretical and practical issues of interaction between the constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other institutions of state power. In this regard, the article contains the results of the analysis of the foundations of the constitutional system of the Republic; constitutional supervision of the prosecutor's office; the institution, functions and instruments of power of the President, mechanisms of interaction of the Constitutional Council as a constitutional supervisory body with the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A comprehensive study of the activities of the constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the constitutionalization of current legislation is one of the current theoretical and practical problems. It is determined by the scale and quality of the current legislation adopted during the period of fundamental social reforms, the need to «correct» and improve it. In this regard, a significant role is assigned to the Constitutional Council, whose activities are subject to scientific analysis and reflection. In addition, the authors studied and revealed the line of interaction of the constitutional Council and other government institutions are considered in the areas of initiation of constitutional proceedings in the Council, organisational, legal, information procedures, determine the composition of the constitutional Council, overcoming the objections of the President to the constitutional Council's decision. The institutional method used in the article made it possible to show the essence and significance of the constitutional Council in the system of state authorities

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Law

Factors of economic space and business network in improving the economic security of business

In the conditions of modern economy, factors that affect the security of the business, but relate to external resources in relation to the company or opportunities, become significant. These resources and opportunities in economics have traditionally been identified with macro-economic (economic growth, inflation, exchange rates, government support) and institutional parameters (regulatory framework, transaction costs). The influence of the quality of economic space on economic security of business through the evaluation of opportunities that are tied to the specifics of the economic space is the least researched, including in our country. In this case, according to the latest research in the field of economic geography, economic space acts as a structure-forming platform that can form local markets, with intensive interaction of business agents. The purpose of this study is ensuring of economic security by building business networks in a single economic space. The research area focuses on indicators that characterize economic space, which are successfully used in international practice to determine the quality of economic space. The realization of this approach requires the use of traditional methods of scientific research, such as analysis, comparison, graphical method for visualizing obtained results, which allows determining the agglomeration zone and the space of business networks in it. When considering economic space in relation to building a business network in improving business security, main focus is on the quality of economic space that the region has. The proposed methods of evaluating the quality of economic space are actively used to determine the possibility of building business networks in this space. The authors conclude that business networks play a crucial role in improving the economic security of business in a particular economic space. The set of proposed measures provides additional opportunities and increases the influence of economic space on business security and creates the zone of maximum external security

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Problems and prospects of using the Industrial certificate in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Kazakhstani manufacturer has repeatedly faced situations when pseudo-enterprises, disguising themselves as domestic producers of goods, works and services, received preferences and used government support measures, won government and other purchases, while not having enough equipment for production. The article is devoted to current problems and prospects for the application of the Industrial Certificate in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The dynamics of the development of the sphere of public procurement of the Republic of Kazakhstan is considered, depending on the specific requirements for certain areas of production of goods, works and services. The material in this article is important from the point of view of ensuring fair competition between competing enterprises in the same industry. The complex of transformations in the system of standardization, certification and quality management has been carried out since the first years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. These transformations have been observed over the years, vivid examples of which are: the application of the European model of technical regulation to the modern realities of the economic situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, accession to the Customs Union, the adoption of unified technical regulations of the Customs Union, the introduction of new regulations and legal acts defining the share of local content in products and services, as well as the potential of domestic industries. The results of these transformations have proved that the system of technical regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan is an effective tool for the development of the economy. The development of new Kazakhstani normative legal acts and normative documents introduced to support the domestic producer of goods and services will contribute to the transformation of the old system and the creation of a new one that is fundamentally different from the previous one. The article discusses problematic issues in the field of industrial certification, namely: a lack of qualified personnel; unregulated pricing system for work carried out in this area; the complexity of the industrial certification procedure; a lack of automation of processes of the industrial certification mechanism. Analyzing the practice of industrial certification, this article offers recommendations for solving the above problematic issues. New edition of amendments and additions to the «Rules for the formation and maintenance of the register of domestic manufacturers of goods, works and services, as well as the issuance of an Industrial certificate» approved by the decision of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Atameken» dated 28.12.2018. No. 28 is designed to reconstruct the process of obtaining the Industrial Certificate. The process should become more transparent, understandable and highly efficient. Also, with the introduction of changes, the problems that hindered the receipt of the Industrial certificate by individual enterprises should be resolved.

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Socialization of children with special educational needs in inclusive educational system

Main problem: Today, the opinion about inclusion as the most progressive (in comparison with integration) approach is being strengthened among the society, which allows any child, regardless of the type and severity of the disorder, to learn with their normatively developing peers. The introduction of inclusive approaches into school practice can be called one of the top priorities of the state educational policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Inclusive education will help to resolve the contradiction between the legally guaranteed rights of children with disabilities to equal access to quality education and the de facto inequality in its implementation. Inclusion must be systematic and focused, not spontaneous. Therefore, it is optimal to teach a child with disabilities within the framework of the system of continuous general education. The creation and effective functioning of this system is impossible without a trained teacher, who is a key figure in the implementation of inclusive education. Purpose: Substantiation and disclosure of the contradiction between the guaranteed right of children with IAD and equal access to quality education for the socialization of children with special educational needs in inclusive education. Methods: in the course of the research, descriptive, systematization and analytical methods were used in the application of theoretical concepts, government programs, and legislative acts in inclusive education. Results and their importance: The implementation of the research goal is facilitated by the use of an alternative to the classroom-based organization of the educational process for the progressive development of children with IAD, which allows them to study harmoniously, regardless of the type and severity of the violation, together with their normatively developing peers. The given pedagogical observation is the obtained practical result of this study. The development of the system of class-based organization of the educational process for children with IAD in educational institutions is aimed at forming an effective system for ensuring the comprehensive development of inclusive education.

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The education system in the era of the fourth industrial revolution: developing skills and thinking for learning

Main problem: Computer systems and technologies are changing our society significantly. These changes are interconnected with both social and production spheres. Innovative digital technologies have a huge impact on the labor market and professional activity, contributing to their transfer to the electronic environment. Using digital technologies, modern people set new goals and solve problems with an increasing speed of problem solving, capitalizing on the possibilities of collaborative distributed actions within networks. In this regard, new competencies of specialists are in demand. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to establish the impact of the fourth industrial revolution on the education system and the development of skills and thinking for learning. Methods: When conducting scientific research, economic and statistical methods were used. These methods were also used in comparative analysis, as well as in assessing data and indicators of the higher education system, taking into account the impact of the fourth industrial revolution. The analytical method was used to consider the characteristics and factors influencing the development of skills and thinking for learning in modern conditions. The abstract-logical method is used to identify problems affecting the development of the labor market under the influence of digital technologies. Results and their value: The result of the study is that conclusions are drawn about the upcoming changes. Automation and digitalization are likely to lead to significant unemployment in most countries, so adaptation innovation policies are needed to help offset unemployment due to digitalization. Governments need to invest heavily in higher education as an economic development tool for their citizens. Lifelong learning should be identified as a critical element of success in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. Curricula should develop digital skills and address workforce disruptions due to automation.

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Study of international experience in the field of industrial safety

Currently, close attention is paid to industrial safety at hazardous production facilities. Compliance with industrial safety requirements is directly related to the risks of accidents that can lead to man-made disasters, negatively affect the health and life of the population. As in any other industry, there are problems in ensuring industrial safety. There are several reasons for this: the backlog of standards from scientific and technological progress, the exclusive competence of state authorized bodies, and the lack of a risk-based approach. After the collapse of the USSR, the requirements of industrial safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan have practically not changed: laws and statutory instruments (hereinafter-the LSI) are approved and put into effect, after which they are constantly changed and supplemented; the presence of national and international standards, which, in fact, are revised on the basis of the USSR standards, taking into account the influence of the realities of the time. It can be concluded that the current standards are not focused on the future, scientific and technological progress, innovation, so they are constantly undergoing changes, thereby adapting to the necessary requirements that dictate modernity. State regulation does not contribute to the effective development of industrial safety. This is due to the fact that the state performs exclusively supervisory functions (thus it is exclusively educational in nature), and there is no dialogue between authorized state bodies, expert organizations, scientific organizations, and testing laboratories. If we consider the experience of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety, then it makes no sense to accept even some experience, since: similar to the Kazakhstan’ LSI and regulatory and technical documentation (and their constant dynamics), the development of cooperation with the Russian Federation within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. Accordingly, it is advisable to consider the experience in the field of industrial safety in Europe and the United States of America because of the effectiveness of regulation and supervision than in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. This article provides information about international experience in the field of industrial safety in the United States and the European Union. The tasks of state regulation in the field of industrial safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, the United States, and the European Union are described in detail. The analysis of normative-legal acts and normative-technical documentation is carried out. Based on the analysis of international experience, solutions to problems in the field of industrial safety for the Republic of Kazakhstan are essentially presented. The purpose of this article is to reveal the problem in the field of industrial safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan and international experience that the Republic of Kazakhstan can borrow in order to effectively ensure industrial safety. Study of international experience (USA, EU countries, Russia) in the field of industrial safety in terms of: analysis of standards; regulation (control and supervisory functions) to ensure safety. The results of this article will reflect the problems that hinder the effective provision of industrial safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan and essentially suggest ways to solve them.

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Main trends in the development of the Kazakh securities market

The securities market is the most important instrument for financing and developing the economy of any state, including Kazakhstan. The main problem is to attract investments for enterprises in all sectors of the economy, as well as to ensure that enterprises have access to cheaper equity than bank loans. Purpose to identify the main trends in the development of the domestic securities market, to assess the level of its profitability. The article emphasizes the role of the securities market as the most important mechanism for the redistribution of funds between sectors of the economy. The securities market, as an integral part of the financial market, is gaining especially growing importance in the economy of Kazakhstan, as well as in the economy of the entire world community. When writing the article, traditional methods (comparison, description, and measurement), general logical methods and research techniques (analysis, generalization, etc.) were used. The article discusses the main theoretical approaches to determining the essence of the analyzed concept, attempts are made to formulate the main problems in the securities market, presents the results of the analysis of data characterizing the current state of the stock market of Kazakhstan. In essence, the securities market is a macroeconomic regulator of the state, through which opportunities are created to attract foreign and domestic capital. Thus, the securities market as an effective tool for attracting capital contributes to solving socio-economic problems. The author notes that the main theories about the state of the stock market are characterized by a superficial approach, as evidenced by the fact that none of them considers the internal structure of the stock market, which is the main tool for determining the patterns of changes in the value of financial instruments. It should also be noted that the choice of theory depends entirely on the perception and opinion of the relevant analyst. Singling out one theory as the only and most acceptable one would be wrong.

Author: Z.A. Arynova
Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 4(84)

International experience in automating public services in the system of land relations

The article considers international experience in automating the system of land relations, aimed at improving the quality and reducing the time for the provision of services by state bodies to citizens and organizations, providing access to information databases, which positively affects the development of effective government decisions for the effective use of land resources, and also improves social welfare. In Kazakhstan, the transfer of land cadastral information to electronic media continues, and the automated information system of the land cadastre is being improved. The task of creating a unified mechanism for state cadastral registration of land plots according to uniform rules and technologies for all, identification and individualization of land plots and objects of immovable property firmly associated with them, for subsequent state registration of rights to land plots and transfer of information to the territorial bodies of the State Revenue Committee, remains relevant. To study the experience of developed countries in the provision of public services in the system of land relations through the development of official land information systems. The article used general scientific methods from general to concrete one, synthesis, theoretical generalization, induction, deduction, and system analysis. Based on the studied experience of developed countries, relevant conclusions and proposals were made: information technology is a useful tool and can help overcome bureaucracy, backwardness, isolation, monopolistic practices, and inefficiency in the public and private sectors; the use of state bodies for effective regulation of geographic information (GIS) systems that allow solving a wide range of tasks, as well as the use of modern information technologies, contributes to the transition of the activities of state bodies to a qualitatively new level of state control, which allows for full transparency of information about the land fund and objects real estate of the country, as well as its availability to the population. The provision of public services in the field of land relations using information and communication technologies reduces entry barriers and transaction costs in business, increases competition, and improves mechanisms in this area.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

The role of the tax passport in assessing the tax potential of the region

The tax system, as an integral area of the economic direction of state policy, urgently requires such construction and development that will be directly related to those main vectors of the state policy of socio-economic development, which will help ensure a sufficient amount of tax revenues to the budgets of different levels. In many countries around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant deterioration in the state of public finances. Containment measures, increased government spending, and reduced tax revenues have led to an increase in the budget deficit and public debt, which as a percentage of GDP has reached its highest level in several decades. Restoring public finances is a priority for all countries for many years to come. At present, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, it became necessary to develop a single document, the basis of which should be a system of indicators that determine the trends in the development of the macroeconomic situation in the region, as well as the influence of sectoral and regional factors of the current structure of financial flows on the state of the tax base and the prospects for its development. Purpose of the article is a substantiation of the role of the tax passport in assessing the tax potential of the region in modern conditions. The tax passport of the region should be considered as a document that allows assessing the existing tax base of the region, the level of the tax burden in the context of certain types of taxes in dynamics, by industry, as well as developing a forecast for the receipt of taxes and fees for the future, both under the current legislation and taking into account its possible change. When writing the article, the dialectical method of cognition, the methods of scientific generalization and classification, the method of systemic and comparative analysis were used. The introduction of tax passports will mean the beginning of a qualitatively new system of tax collection, corresponding to market conditions and the scale of the revival of the economy, that will contribute to a change in the tasks of the tax service (there is a need to predict the volume of tax revenues in the medium term, develop new concepts in the field of taxation that contribute to the development of business without prejudice social programs, substantiation of tax programs to ensure protectionist policy in the field of foreign economic activity).

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

HR Strategy and HR Policy as a management system tool based on Kazakhstan companies’ experience

One of the management concerns of the progressive development of a modern organization is the efficiency of its HR potential. This concern is often resolved to quality issues of training graduates, inefficient labor market regulation, both at public level and regional one. These factors, external to the organization, positively impact the effectiveness of its activities, but today the government and business environment have already formed the tools to address this problem. However, there are also a number of inner concerns in HR management based on non-exact coordination and balanced HR Strategy, its orientation, goals and objectives and the company’s strategy. But only in this situation, both HR Strategy and HR Policy, more specifically, can become an effective tool for HR management as part of the company’s strategic development objectives. The purpose is to study and make a comparative analysis for supporting HR Policy of a number of major Kazakhstan companies, to analyze the relationship and coordination of companies’ HR Policy with their general strategy. We used classic methods, such as analysis, comparison, description, generalization, justification, etc., while preparing the paper and rationalizing the problem studied in it. As to this paper, based on materials of major companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the authors study and identify the content of HR Strategy and HR Policy as the main factors of domestic employers’ approach to HR management issues. The analysis proves the multi-vector approaches of Kazakhstan organizations to the formation and HR development. It seems also obvious that HR Policy of Kazakhstan companies has been and remains highly situational manner providing rationale to solve some or other HR problems related to dynamics of market situations and dynamics of goals and objectives for their development. The authors emphasize that the effectiveness of HR management and the HR Policy one of the organization requires a clear comprehension of the position and relevance of HR in organization. Honestly, this comprehension will be mainly governed by such factors as ownership, industry aspects, productivity levels, buoyancy rate of technologies used and the market of products or services sold by the organization. It is highly important that this comprehension is embodied properly in HR Strategy and HR Policy of the organization and is balanced with its market development strategy.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

The role and place of local self-government in modern society

Local self-government bodies are an integral mechanism of the foundation of a democratic state. In the modern system of public relations, one of the most important places is occupied by general economic relations, namely local self-government. Without a developed system of local self-government, legislative and real opportunities, it is very difficult to independently create market-democratic structures to solve economic, social, domestic, cultural and other issues at the local level. Local self-government bodies are a special level of government, which combines two principles: public and state. In the practice of Constitutional and administrative law, it is important to determine the place and nature of local self-government and to establish balanced relations between State authorities and self-government bodies, on the one hand, with local representative offices and structures. The purpose of the article isto study the role and place of local self-government in modern society, to develop practical recommendations on the formation and prospects for the development of local authorities in Kazakhstan. When writing an article, the following methods are used: description, analysis and synthesis, justification, logical modeling, system analysis, etc. When studying the formation of local self-government, as well as the functional management system, the method of structural and analytical analysis was used. The conclusions and recommendations obtained as a result of the conducted research can be used: in the practical activities of maslikhats and akimats of the Republic of Kazakhstan, civil servants; in the process of studying at courses in higher educational institutions, as well as for further general theoretical and applied research.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

Problems and prospects for the development of the banking system of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The banking system is one of the most important components of the economy of any state, ensuring the functioning of the economy. The researchers study the functioning of individual banks and the banking system as a whole, because it is the banking system being an intermediary in the market system of relationships that allows financing of all spheres and branches of the national economy and the organization of their interaction. In modern conditions of aggravation of the economic crisis, pandemic, the role and importance of second-tier banks is changing. Banks, being one of the most dynamic and «flexible» spheres of economic activity, not only organize the functioning of economic entities, but also face a number of «newly created» problems that were not discussed until recently: cybercrime, data leakage, various modified fraudulent schemes and much more. An important distinguishing feature of the banking system is its dynamism, the ability to quickly respond to changes in the economy, the challenges of globalization. The domestic banking system copes quite well with the challenges of globalization, which is highlighted in this study. The purpose of the article is to consider the changes taking place in the banking system of Kazakhstan in modern conditions. When writing the article, methods of comparison, analysis, synthesis, aggregation, etc. were used. The result is the identification of the main problems related to the current state of the banking system, as well as their impact on the future configuration, improvement of the banking system, can be useful to bank employees dealing with the management of the banking system.

Author: A.T. Kaidarova
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Results of mathematical analysis of experimental data fermentation of skimmed milk to produce a fermented milk product

The main problem: Modern research in the development of fermented milk products is focused on increasing the bioavailability of milk components, as well as the use of bacterial components of sourdough, which increase health properties. The use of the fermentation process of skimmed milk with a combined starter consisting of traditional for cottage cheese and starter cultures of probiotic cultures immobilized in a gel of biopolymers is very important. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal amount of starter, consisting of an association of probiotic cultures immobilized in a gel of biopolymers (membranes) to be added to fermented skimmed milk in order to enrich it with functional ingredients. Methods: A one-factor experiment was used. The culture association Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. was used as a regulatory factor. Shermanii, Bifidobacterium lactis and Streptococcus thermophilus, immobilized in a biopolymer gel, added to skimmed milk in the form of membranes (determined as a percentage of the mass of fermented milk). Controlled factors are the main indicators characterizing the efficiency of the skim milk fermentation process; these are active acidity, the logarithm of the number of viable cells of bifidobacteria, the logarithm of the number of viable cells of propionic acid bacteria, and organoleptic evaluation. Results and their significance: Based on the results of a mathematical analysis of the totality of values of controlled factors depending on the amount of starter cultures of probiotic cultures, mathematical models were built to determine the degree of influence of the starter on the quality indicators of the product, using the Table Curve 3D-v4 mathematical computer program.

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Improving the means and methods for the prevention and treatment of postpartum paresis of cows

In modern conditions, the problem of the incidence of cows with high productivity in the postpartum period is relevant. It is these animals that are more susceptible to various diseases, primarily due to violations of the technology of keeping and feeding, weak body resistance, heavy loads during fruiting and milk production. It is known that as a result of various metabolic disorders, calving of cows in farms proceeds with various deviations. The lack of calcium in the blood due to hormonal disorders leads to hypocalcemia and paresis after calving, which is often the cause of death of animals. Therefore, the improvement of prevention schemes and treatment of puerperal paresis in cows is very relevant. Purpose of the article – Improvement of preventive and therapeutic measures for postpartum paresis in cows on the basis of the Tassu farm in Akmola district. The work was carried out under production conditions on a livestock farm in the Akmola region, in the farm "Tassu" in the spring and summer. The object of the study were black-motley cows with a pregnancy period of 250-260 days. 22 animals were selected in the experimental group, 12 animals in the control group. The average weight of animals is 567 ± 34.5 kg, age 5-6 years. The cows of the experimental group received injections of the drug Karsulen, which included: 2 % Cardus marianus D3, 1 % Sulfur D6 and 1 % Arsenycum album D6. Karsulen was administered to cows intramuscularly or subcutaneously at the rate of 1 ml per 100 kg of animal weight, the dose volume should not be less than 5 ml per animal. In the postpartum period, in the complex therapy of postpartum paresis in cows, Karsulen is used intramuscularly or subcutaneously 1-2 times a day. The use of the drug Karsulen with the composition: 1 % Cardus marianus D3, 1 % Sulfur D6 and 1 % Arsenycum album D6 has a regulatory effect on protein, carbohydrate, fat metabolism, restores impaired function of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

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From the history of public administration in Kazakhstan during the period of "war communism"

The article examines the emergence and functioning of the Soviet institutions of power in Kazakhstan during the period of "war communism". On the basis of archival materials and published works, the author analyzes the activities of Soviets and revolutionary committees. The purpose of the article is to study the main trends and features of the development of local government in Kazakhstan in 1918-1921. The study is based on the principles of historical, scientific objectivity and systemic structural-functional analysis. For this reason, the author used such methods as the method of historical reconstruction for the reorganization of the administration of Soviet, party and other local bodies; the method of isolation for the study of local (regional) features in relation to local phenomena and processes in the energy sector; the method of typology, which made it possible to identify and describe different types of local authorities. The authors come to the conclusion that in 1918-1921, during the period of civil resistance, "war communism" and the beginning of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, bodies of the new Soviet power appeared and operated in Kazakhstan. They are characterized as having an anti-democratic character; strict social orientation; alienation of indigenous peoples; immanent nature for creating conflict situations; choosing non-optimal ways and means of solving a problem situation; unification of party and state. As a result, an overgrown and clumsy class of party classification was formed, which was not provided for by the Constitution of the USSR.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)
Heading: Humanities

Features of correctional work to improve academic performance in younger students

Education, as known, is the foundation on which a strong and healthy government is built and maintained. In elementary school, the foundation of the system of knowledge is laid, which is replenished during all educational activities. At the same time, many younger students poorly learn the program material, which leads to failure in subsequent studies. There are also students who, receiving satisfactory grades, could study better. Therefore, difficulties that appear in children in primary classes prevent them from mastering the compulsory school curriculum. The important task of the teacher is to provide timely help to avoid difficulties in education. For this, it is necessary to know their causes in the educational activity, the ability of the teacher to establish which of them are effective in a specific case with the help of diagnostics, to be able to eliminate them in time or correct the consequences. Thus, timely corrective work aimed at improving the performance of younger schoolchildren is necessary.Today, the organization of correctional work to improve the performance of younger schoolchildren is one of the most pressing problems of modern schools. The study of the features of correctional work aimed at improving the performance of younger schoolchildren will contribute to increasing the efficiency of the educational process. Purpose of the article is increasing the effectiveness of correctional work of underachieving students in primary classes. Descriptive method, methods of systematization, analysis and interpretation, synthesis were used during the research. The problem of school failure is very complex, its research involves many different approaches, but all of them are grouped around two main aspects of the problem: how the teacher teaches, how the student learns and how their development is carried out. Recommendations on the construction of correctional work taking into account its features in primary school will help to increase the efficiency of the educational process and reduce the level of failure in the primary level of secondary general education school.

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Foreign and domestic practice of implementing the principles of socially responsible business

Main problem: in Kazakhstan, it is urgent to develop measures aimed at introduction and promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at all levels of Kazakh society, in order to strengthen sustainability of socio-economic development, active participation of business in social modernization and human capital development. In this regard, there is problem of forming effective mechanism of social responsibility, as well as the implementation of principles of corporate social responsibility in management practice of domestic companies. Purpose: this study aims to determine the main stages of the development of CSR in business in Kazakhstan in the specific context the domestic business sector. Methods: methods of systematic, comparative and statistical analysis and of expert assessments were used. Expert survey, document analysis, secondary analysis of sociological research, case study method were used as empirical research methods. The analysis of documents was performed to study the legislative and regulatory frameworks that determine practices of implementing interaction between business and government in modern states. To identify and characterize models of CSR implementation, method of secondary data from a number of foreign comparative studies was applied. Case study method allowed identifying empirical cases of effective implementation of mechanisms of social public-private partnership in field of social investments by domestic business structures. Results and their significance: in the article, based on study of domestic and foreign experience, mechanism of interaction between business and government in solving problems of regional economic systems was considered. Main stages of evolution of CSR practices in Kazakhstan were identified and characterized, structural (subjects, institutions) and regulatory (legislation, strategies, programs, standards) components of interaction between business and government in solving problems of region in modern conditions are established. In addition, main differences between domestic CSR system and European model are considered, general characteristics of which are given in article.

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Environmental management systems: international models and experience of Kazakhstan

Significant air and water pollution, which is detrimental to the health of the citizens of Kazakhstan. Courts and regulatory authorities do not properly fulfill their obligations in the framework of environmental protection. Currently, government agencies are pursuing a policy aimed at protecting the environment and the rights of citizens. Purpose of the study is to analyze international models, practices, application of management systems for the legal protection of the environment and the health of citizens with application in Kazakhstan. The article discusses and explores a number of principles and methods of environmental management. Since these principles and practices contribute to the establishment of rational and effective environmental policy and management, it is proposed to take them into account when rethinking the current system in Kazakhstan. The article analyzes models and methods of legal protection of the environment and response to damage to the health of citizens, these tools can be part of an integrated system. Based on the study, it was found that in order for environmental management to reach its full potential, Kazakhstan also needs to undertake political reforms and involve ordinary citizens in the formation of policies and protection mechanisms. The studied strategies for collecting and taking into account the opinions of people when making managerial decisions on environmental protection can be used in Kazakhstani society.

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The essence of innovation and the innovation process in retrospect and in modern conditions: international aspect

Main problem: in conditions of increasing competition, when characterizing commercial structures, a fundamental role is given to innovations, which occupy important place in economic life of the organization. Accordingly, the study of their essence and content is of particular importance for growth of competitiveness of organizations, which determines the relevance of study. Purpose: to investigate essence of innovation and innovation process in retrospect and in modern conditions as main prerequisite for improving competitiveness of commercial organizations. Achieving this purpose required solving following research tasks: to reveal the content of theoretical approaches to the study of the main aspects of interaction between business and government in modern science; the differences between the concepts of “novelty”, “know-how”, “innovation” are investigated; the relationship of the triad of concepts “novelty”, “know-how”, “innovation” is determined; concept of “innovation” has been studied in retrospect; concept of “innovation” in market economy is studied (foreign experience); approaches to definition of concept of "innovation" in international innovation theory and practice are defined; content of innovation process is presented, as well as author’s alternative scheme of innovation process; authorэs view on interpretation of concepts of “innovation”, “innovation process” in modern conditions is presented. Methods: theoretical and methodological basis was concepts, hypotheses and theories presented in works of domestic and foreign researchers. The methodology is based on systematic approach, within which methods of comparative, factorial, subject-object, structural-functional, statistical analysis and extrapolation have been applied. Results and their significance: article examines concepts of “innovation”, “innovation process” in retrospect and in modern aspect. Approaches to concept of "innovation" are systematized, an alternative scheme of innovation process is proposed. It is proved that in modern conditions innovation should be considered as process system reflecting all aspects of innovation process, main purpose of which is to achieve efficiency

Author: I.P. Stecenko
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Technology for the preparation of a fermented milk product with the addition of watermelon juice

Main problem: the development of a new direction in the food industry – the so-called functional nutrition, which means the use of such products of natural origin, which, when systematically used, have a regulatory effect on the body as a whole or on its specific systems and organs, has been widely recognized all over the world: immunostimulants, biocorrectors for blood pressure, cholesterol levels, etc. When creating functional dairy products, ingredients of plant origin are increasingly included in recipes, which are sources of dietary fiber, vitamins and microelements, organic acids and other biologically active compounds, which can also serve as flavor fillers. Purpose: to develop a technology for the preparation of a fermented milk product with the addition of an extract from gourds. To do this, it was necessary: to select the amount (dose) of the yoghurt starter introduced into the prepared milk, and also to investigate the effect of temperature on the fermentation process of the drink; to investigate the amount (dose) of the vegetable filler introduced into the mixture and its effect on the organoleptic characteristics of the drink; to investigate the organoleptic properties of the drink with the melon culture extract added to it before fermentation and after fermentation; to investigate the effect of vegetable filler on the fermentation process; to investigate the effect of the dose of vegetable filler on the process of acid formation; conduct microbiological studies of milk and vegetable yogurt; to investigate the change in the acidity of milk and vegetable yogurt during storage; to investigate the effect of the freezing process on the chemical composition and biological value of the extract. Methods: when performing the practical part of the work, physicochemical, organoleptic and microbiological studies were used. Results and their significance: in the course of the study, it was concluded that by adding an extract of gourds to the technology for the preparation of fermented milk products, a new fermented milk product can be obtained that meets all physicochemical, organoleptic and microbiological requirements. As a result, an original method for the production of a fermented milk drink containing an extract from a melon culture was developed.

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The ways of sustainable development of supporting rural areas

Main problem: achievement of socio-economic sustainability in each locality depends on coordinated actions of executive and representative authorities, which should be focused on creating appropriate conditions for ensuring social standards and improving quality of life of rural population, as well as the development of main economic basis – agricultural production. In this context, in today’s reality, the urgent problem of sustainable development of rural settlements is provision of appropriate industrial and social infrastructure, because systemic development of rural regions depends on this rural infrastructure, which acts as an element of territorial socio-economic subsystem. Purpose: identification and studying of key factors that determines and contributes to balanced development of industrial and social infrastructure of rural regions of country in context of sustainable development goals and objectives. According to the results of the study, the main distinctive features of sustainable development of rural areas are determined due to the provision of industrial and social infrastructure of rural regions, which has a correlation with the level and quality of life of the rural population, as well as the final results of agricultural production. Methods: general methodological principles, systematic approach and empirical methods of economic cognition act as methodological basis for implementation of this study: economic and statistical models, forecasting and modeling, methods of induction and deduction, synthesis, and also logical methods. Results and their significance: results of research can be used as a practical basis in activity of local executive bodies and local self-government bodies. Their use is possible for scientific substantiation of development and implementation of comprehensive plans for development of industrial and social infrastructure of rural areas of region within framework of Regional Development Plan, focused on qualitative improvement of economic basis of villages and the well-being of all segments of rural population.

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An innovative approach to the development of biotechnology of specialized products for the nutrition of athletes

Main problem: the article substantiates the relevance of the development and production of specialized food products for athletes and the population involved in sports, fitness as part of a healthy lifestyle. Purpose: development of specialized food products with a general health-improving character, intended for the population involved in sports, fitness and experiencing increased physical exertion. Methods: the obtained results were statistically processed using the methods of correlation and regression analysis and standard software packages "Statistica 6.0". Measurements of chemical, microbiological, organoleptic parameters were carried out using standard methods and modern instruments: an analyzer, an analytical analyzer electrophoresis cell, a high-performance liquid chromatograph, and others. Results and their significance: a scientific concept for the creation of fermented specialized milk-based food products for sports nutrition was formulated; biotechnologies for specialized food products for athletes were developed. For the practical implementation of the results of analytical and experimental studies, packages of regulatory and technical documentation for the production of new products have been developed, which have been tested in the production conditions of existing enterprises in the dairy industry.

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Environmental management systems: international models, experience and application in Kazakhstan

Main problem: in Kazakhstan, the Government is reviewing its environmental and health management system to identify opportunities for improvement. Kazakhstan suffers from a high level of emissions into the environment and related health problems of the population. The link between environmental pollution and public health has been established for a long time. In Kazakhstan, air pollution, water pollution and soil and groundwater pollution are the main causes of widespread health problems and diseases, including, but not limited to, lung diseases and certain cancers. Recognizing these problems, the Kazakh Government is trying to strengthen environmental protection and environmental management system. Purpose: the purpose of the study was to analyze international models, practices, application of management systems for the legal protection of the environment and the health of citizens with application in Kazakhstan. Methods: the article discusses and explores a number of principles and methods of environmental management. Since these principles and practices contribute to the establishment of rational and effective environmental policy and management, it is proposed to take them into account when rethinking the current system in Kazakhstan. The article analyzes models and methods of legal protection of the environment and response to damage to the health of citizens, these tools can be part of an integrated system. Results and their significance: based on the study, it was found that in order for environmental management to reach its full potential, Kazakhstan also needs to undertake political reforms and involve ordinary citizens in the formation of policies and protection mechanisms. The studied strategies for collecting and taking into account the opinions of people when making managerial decisions on environmental protection can be used in Kazakhstani society.

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

The role and place of local self-government in modern society

Main problem: local self-government bodies are an integral mechanism of the foundation of a democratic state. In the modern system of public relations, one of the most important places is occupied by general economic relations, namely local self-government. Without a developed system of local self-government, legislative and real opportunities, it is very difficult to independently create market-democratic structures to solve economic, social, domestic, cultural and other issues at the local level. Local self-government bodies are a special level of government, which combines two principles: public and state. In the practice of Constitutional and administrative law, it is important to determine the place and nature of local self-government and to establish balanced relations between State authorities and self-government bodies, on the one hand, with local representative offices and structures. Purpose: to study the role and place of local self-government in modern society, to develop practical recommendations on the formation and prospects for the development of local authorities in Kazakhstan. Methods: when writing an article, the following methods are used: description, analysis and synthesis, justification, logical modeling, system analysis, etc. When studying the formation of local self-government, as well as the functional management system, the method of structural and analytical analysis was used. The results and their significance: the conclusions and recommendations obtained as a result of the conducted research can be used: in the practical activities of maslikhats and akimats of the Republic of Kazakhstan, civil servants; in the process of studying at courses in higher educational institutions, as well as for further general theoretical and applied research.

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

Development of regulatory and technical documentation for the examination of equipment operating under pressure

Development of regulatory and technical documentation for the examination of equipment operating under pressure

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

Expansion of Communication Contact Between the State, Business and Society in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Main problem: digital transformation of Kazakhstan’s society leads to emergence of new communication business models, including the so-called proactive data-based service, which implies expansion of communication contact between the state, business and society. Digital transformation of economic sectors and the service sector has objectively caused discussion of issues related to various aspects of its implementation. These include digitalization of society spheres within framework of public administration [1], problems of interaction between business and government [2], mechanisms of interaction between subjects in the private-public partnership model of government and business [3], description of communication models of business types, government and public sector [4], history of emergence of electronic trade, its forms and types of goods delivery to a consumer [5], organizational and managerial relations and processes arising in enterprises, working in field of online marketing and e-commerce [6]. In Kazakhstan, digitalization of spheres and the economy sectors is one of strategic priorities of its development. Use of information and communication technologies in the service sector creates additional impulses to its dynamics, therefore, has impact on improving population’s life quality. In this regard, it is necessary to identify trends and patterns of communication interaction between the state, business and society, to consider and clarify their content. The purpose: the research of state and trends in the development of Kazakhstan service sector under the influence of digital solutions and expansion of communicative contact between the state, business and society. Methods: the performed analysis in the research is based on the materials of the statistical reviews and their analysis using the methods of grouping, generalization, logical analysis, system description and interpretation. Results and their value: a range of the key problems of communication interaction between the state, business and society is investigated and determined. Recommendations are proposed to accelerate the development of e-commerce in Kazakhstan as a tool for communication interaction between business and society and improving population’s life quality.

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Number of the journal:

Constitutional Status of the Presidents of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the USA

The article provides a comparative legal analysis of the constitutional statuses of the Presidents of the Republic of Kazakhstan (ROK) and the United States. The study was conducted according to the relevant provisions of the Constitution of the studied countries and according to the criteria: form of placement; form of government; presidential elections and powers; censorship established for presidential candidates, etc. The peculiarities of the legal status of the institution of the presidency of these countries were noted, including the following issues: participation in the formation of the upper house of the Parliament, ministries and other government bodies; interaction with the Parliament and judicial branches of the Government; powers in the field of defense and security; international relations; lawmaking, etc. Purpose: to reveal the content of the legal status of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to reveal the doctrinal, specific, normative legal status of the head of state, to analyze the features of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, his normative and actual status. The article evaluates the constitutional and legal status of the President of Kazakhstan in relation to the administrative and legal status, analyzes the status positions of the ‘President’ as the head of the state and the highest official performing the functions of public administration in the context of constitutional foundations. Methodology: the methodological basis of the research as well as the work is based on a set of scientific methods of phenomena cognition: comparative Jurisprudence, the method of dogmatic analysis of legal acts, etc., which made it possible to identify the problems of the constitutional and legal status of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to establish the fact of combining elements of the super-presidential form of the government. The results and their significance: therefore, based on the results of a comparison between the presidential institutions of the United States and Kazakhstan, the right to address the Parliament, the participation of the Senate in the appointment, approval, election of officials proposed by the President, the right of veto, the General Command of the Armed Forces, one person cannot be a president for more than two consecutive terms.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)
Heading: Law