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Search results: metatext signs

Number of results: 11

Accentuation of individual behavior

The nature of a person reflects the history of relationships with the external environment. In the behavior lies the broad meaning of the concept. Accentuation of the nature is a strongly developed feeling in which the priorities and, in particular, the priorities of behavior are manifested. Accentuation is always a certain strengthening of signs, so it is a sign of personality accentuation. Nature formation is a lifelong process. Joint life forms of thoughts, feelings and modes of action. Therefore, along with the formation of a certain life-style image of a person, its " self", a quality that is determined by the appearance.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 4(64)

Conceptual sphere in the structure of consciousness

he article presents the results of research on the idea of «conceptosphere» in modern science. The main emphasis is placed on the semantic spheres represented by the meanings of words in the language. The authors conclude how much is the culture of a nation, its folklore, literature, science, fine art, historical experience, and religion is rich, so the concept sphere of the people is richer. In addition, the concept sphere of a person is a field of knowledge made up of concepts as its units. There are reflected the sources of the conceptual unit of ideas from which the world view of the language speaker is formed. The article analyzes the main trends of concepts that form the concept sphere, which enter into correlating relationships, hierarchies with other concepts by their individual characteristics.The specific nature of the system relations of concepts requires research, but the General principle of systematicity undoubtedly applies to the national conceptual sphere, as thinking itself presupposes the categorization of thought objects, and categorization presupposes the ordering of its objects.The article summarizes the conceptual system, which should be considered in terms of mental representations, mental lexicon, and the language of thought that are part of it. The term «cognitive space» also defines an individual cognitive space – a structured set of knowledge and ideas that has any lingual person, every speaker. In their work, the authors highlight the collective cognitive space, represented by a structured set of knowledge and ideas that must be possessed by all individuals belonging to a particul ar society. Attention is paid to the distinction between the concept sphere and the semantic space of the language. According to the authors’opinions, the concept sphere presupposes the existence of a mental sphere. The mental sphere consists of concepts that exist in the form of concepts, diagrams, gestalts, mental pictures, frames, scenarios. The semantic space of a language is that part of the concept sphere that is expressed by means of language signs. The semantic space of language is the subject of co gnitive linguistics research due to the fact that most of the conceptosphere of the human ethnos is represented within the semantic space of language.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Humanities

Linguistic landscape as an object of sociolinguistic studies of a city

The study of the linguistic landscape of cities is currently one of the actively developing areas of modern linguistics. The linguistic landscape is considered in the article as an object of sociolinguistic research; the subject of these studies is the language of the city, its representation in the public communicative environment in the form of signs, inscriptions, advertising billboards and other visual forms of written language demonstration. The main methods of studying the language of the city are observation and analysis; the purpose of the study is to identify the means and ways of personal expression, and as a result, their recording in the linguistic space of the city. Self-expression of a person in the communicative environment of the city happens with the use of more and more non-trivial ways and linguistic and extralinguistic means in order to attract the attention of a certain target audience, a potential consumer of a product or service. The study of the linguistic landscapes of the city pursues the goal of understanding public multilingualism from the standpoint of the choice of a language, languages hierarchy, the phenomenon of language contacts, and the regulation of the written recording of languages. The linguistic landscape is, therefore, a kind of indicator of the language policy of society in relation to the languages of the peoples living in a given territory. The authors conclude that it is the linguistic landscape that is the most expressive and convincing indicator of linguistic diversity in a particular area. It is symbolic and can serve as a certain indicator of the mood of certain groups in society and regions. The degree and density of the presence of the particular language in the linguistic landscape is always an indicator of the significance, strength, and relevance of a language in society.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)
Heading: Humanities

Initiation of pre-trial investigation in cases of kidnapping: essence and characteristics

In this article, the author examines the features of the pre-trial stage of the investigation in the investigation of kidnapping. The initial stage of the investigation consists of: starting a pre-trial investigation, conducting urgent investigative and procedural actions and attracting a person as a suspect. The initial stage of the investigation of a crime, including kidnapping, is crucial for the implementation of further qualitative and offensive investigation of criminal acts. The purpose of this article is to study the natureand features of the beginning of the pre-trial investigation of kidnapping. In the course of the study, the author used such methods of scientific research as: dialectical, system, method of qualitative and quantitative analysis, generalization and study of literary sources, comparative legal, historical-legal, system-structural and formal-logical methods, as well as the method of system analysis. Activities to identify signs of a crime must be considered through the prism of the beginning of a pretrial investigation. Currently, the beginning of a pre-trial investigation, from the point of view of criminology, refers to very specific types of organizational activities at the initial stage of the investigation of a kidnapping. The detection and investigation of kidnappings is highly complex, requiring law enforcement officials to maintain strict secrecy. If there is a reason provided for by the criminal procedure law to start a pre-trial investigation, the investigator or an employee of the body of inquiry is obliged to establish the presence of sufficient data indicating signs of kidnapping. To do this, it is necessary to carefully study the content of the application, compare the available factual data. The beginning of a pre-trial investigation should not be an end in itself of the activities of the pre-trial investigation bodies. At the same time, their offensive and proactive work on all received facts, information and operational materials is extremely important, because it is the embodiment of the active position of the law enforcement system inthe direction of preventing and suppressing possible illegal encroachments on personal freedom, including the suppression of those criminal actions that are in the stages of their preparation or beginning.

Year of release:
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Heading: Law

Functional and semantic role of metatext units in the annals

The article is devoted to one of the unproved questions of the syntax of the Russian language – the functioning of egocentric elements in the monuments of ancient Russian writing of the XI-XIV centuries, in the chronicle genre in particular. It is the diachronic research that will help shed light on the nature, functional and semantic features of egocentric units in modern Russia. The article considers the main features of metatextual units, which, in the author's opinion, clarify the «semantic pattern» of the main text, connect, strengthen and fasten its various elements, and also manifests their role as a kind of explicators of the speaker's position in Old Russian chronicle texts. The presence of metatextual units in the chronicle text confirms the scientific position about the presence of the author's beginning in the works of Old Russian literature, which allows us to identify the author's attitude to the language code of his utterance (speech work). In general, metatextual interpretation is aimed at simplifying the understanding of an object and finding a new element base for its description.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Humanities

Bone osteosynthesis in the treatment of femoral fractures in small domestic animals

Injuries among domestic animals account for 50-70 % of all non-communicable diseases. Fractures of bones, mainly limbs, occur in 44.5 % of cases. The main goal of fracture treatment is to restore normal function and movement of the limb, and the ways in which this is done are varied. Preference is given to methods that do not constrain the movement of the limb, allowing the animal to use it during the treatment period. Purpose: This article discusses the method of bone osteosynthesis, which has proven itself in the treatment of bone fractures, and is relevant today in veterinary medicine. The main study was conducted on the basis of the veterinary clinic "Shans" in Pavlodar. For osteosynthesis, plates for osteosynthesis and screws made of titanium alloy were used. This is due to the fact that when in contact with each other, the metal that fixes bone fragments can oxidize. Animals come to the clinic as a result of injuries that lead to fractures. The most common causes include falls from a height, motor vehicles, careless or rough handling of animals, and contact with other animals. When a fracture is established by obvious signs or if a fracture is suspected, such patients are preliminarily sent for x-rays. Upon receipt of an X-ray image and with the consent of the owner of the animal, osteosynthesis is performed. When accessing bone fragments, the incision was made along the muscle fibers. Osteosynthesis was performed according to the method described by V.M. Shapovalov (2009). The general condition of the animals after osteosynthesis was restored after 3-5 days. All animals, after bone osteosynthesis, completely relied on the limb. Contractures of adjacent joints and muscle atrophy were not determined. Plain osteosynthesis of the femur, in the presence of the necessary instrument and consumables, is not very difficult to perform. Performing bone osteosynthesis in the early stages makes it possible to include the limb in the locomotory act, as a result of which the animal actively uses the limb during the rehabilitation period.

Author: S.D. Tusupov
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Obtaining an effective biological instrument and method of reproducing lumpy skin disease

The production of vaccine preparations before release requires standardization of their immunobiological parameters, especially safety and immunogenic efficacy. An indicator of the immunogenic effectiveness of the lumpy skin disease vaccine is the resistance of vaccinated cattle against the virulent virus. However, according to preliminary studies, the virulent control virus did not always cause clinical disease with characteristic symptoms when infected subcutaneously. The purpose is to develop a biological model in the form of a complex consisting of a pathogenic virus, a method of infection and a susceptible animal to assess the immunogenicity of a lumpy skin disease vaccine. Local cattle, intact from lumpy dermatitis, were used to reproduce lumpy dermatitis and develop the causative agent of the disease. As the initial infectious virus, we used a 20 % tissue suspension of nodules (skin nodules) obtained from cattle that fell ill with lumpy dermatitis in the field in the Atyrau region in 2016. As a viral mass to control immunogenicity, a 20 % suspension of skin nodules and edematous skin tissue at the site of the pathogen injection, obtained after the “refreshment” of the virus in animals, were used. The disease was reproduced by infection with the test suspension of the virus intradermally, subcutaneously, intravenously at a dose of 0.5 cm3 and titration on the skin of the animal. The effectiveness of the biological model was assessed by morbidity, severity of the course and severity of the manifestation of the disease. During primary intradermal infection with a field isolate of the virus, the disease manifested itself in one of three animals in the form of hyperthermia, depression, lacrimation, and the appearance of several nodular nodules in the skin of animals. The refreshed tissue virus caused clinical disease both in subcutaneous, intradermal and intravenous infection. But the clinical signs of the disease were more pronounced with intradermal inoculation of the virus, and with intravenous inoculation, it manifested itself in a more severe form with a fatal outcome. Inoculation of the virus intradermally into different areas of the skin led to the development of an independent skin lesion in each infected point in the form of painful edema, followed by necrosis, the size and intensity of which depended on the dose of the injected virus. This development of skin pathology made it possible to work out a method for determining the virus titer in vivo. The tissue virus obtained from the edematous tissue at the site of the pathogen injection was guaranteed to cause clinical disease in cattle during intradermal inoculation and made it possible to evaluate the immunogenic efficacy of the produced batches of vaccine against lumpy dermatitis.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)

The right to education as a component of the effective development of legal culture

The main thesis of the proposed research is that in modern conditions of globalization, the realization of the right of citizens to education is an important and necessary condition for the development of society and the state. The right to education provides everyone with knowledge, skills, the development of creative abilities, guarantees the effective functioning of state and public institutions, national security, maintains stability in society and contributes to the development of a democratic, social rule of law state. The purpose of the study is to develop a holistic concept of constitutional and legal provision of the right to education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account international experience and developing proposals for improving domestic legislation regulating the right to education. The methodological basis is a system of philosophical and ideological approaches, principles, general scientific and special scientific methods that provided an objective analysis of the subject of research. The article substantiates that the state is also interested in ensuring the right to education for everyone, since it is education that creates qualified labor potential, provides training for professional specialists capable of effectively managing public affairs and performing its tasks. In turn, as a rule, an increase in the educational and qualification level of a person is the basis for salary growth, which affects the increase in tax deductions to the state budget, its filling, and therefore leads to economic growth of the state and society as a whole. The effective functioning of the education system in the state contributes to reducing unemployment (pupils, students belong to the category of the employed population), ensuring the vital activity of state institutions, national security, building a social state and establishing stability in society. Special attention in this article is paid to the implementation of scientific analysis of the right to education in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of modern international experience. The article makes a number of new theoretical conclusions and proposals, in particular: the signs of the right to education are classified into general (inherent in all categories of human and civil rights) and special (reveal the peculiarity of the right to education in the system of constitutional rights); the concept and content of the principles of the right to education are defined, what are the fundamental principles, ideas that determine its essence and the general direction of development.

Year of release:
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Heading: Law

Features of voluntary refusal depending on the construction of the corpus delicti

In recent years, the Republic of Kazakhstan has maintained an ambiguous criminal situation, and there is an increase in certain types of crimes, against the background of the overall positive dynamics of decline. Special attention of criminologists has recently been attracted to the study of crimes in the family and household sphere, and crimes committed in the sphere of religious and spiritual relations, since both of these types are showing increasing prevalence. Therefore, considering such an important institution as a «voluntary refusal», it would be advisable to consider them from the perspective of the offenses we have named, especially since countering them is one of the main directions of state criminal policy. In general, the study of the institution of voluntary refusal to commit an offense is based not only on coercive measures, but also on incentive measures, which means the opportunity to correct the behavior of the offender until the end of the illegal act. The purpose of this scientific article is to study the features of voluntary refusal to commit a criminal offense in crimes committed in the sphere of religious, spiritual and family-household relations, taking into account practice and making recommendations for improving regulations of a criminal nature. The leading methodological tools of the scientific article are dialectical, phenomenological, synergetic and systematic approaches of scientific cognition. Before proceeding to the analysis of the concept of voluntary refusal, it should be noted that the norms about it are far from perfect. There is no unambiguous understanding of the signs of voluntary refusal among scientists, which complicates law enforcement practice. One of the most important tasks of any scientific research is the development of scientific concepts. The consolidation of such concepts in legislation is an effective way to establish a uniform understanding of the norms, a clear idea of their content and, as a result, an increase in the effectiveness of the impact of criminal law in the process of legal regulation. However, these concepts themselves do not reflect reality like contemplation or representation, they are closer to the essence of the phenomenon. The article concludes that the essential features of the concept itself somewhat narrow the objective reality. But, at the same time, the correct identification of the main features in the concept is an important task of scientific research.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Law

Theoretical Basis of Training of Pedagogues and Psychologists for the Development of Cognitive Activity of Teenagers

The main problem: the current directions of its development are determined in the article by conducting a theoretical analysis of philosophical, pedagogical, psychological, scientific and methodical works on the training of specialists for the development of the cognitive activity of teenagers. Currently, it is shown that the training of specialists in the development of cognitive activity of teenagers is a pedagogical and psychological problem. Purpose: to clarify the theory and propose a technology for the training of pedagogical and psychological specialists for the development of the cognitive activity of adolescents. Methods: When conducting the research, it was important to take into account statistical data that were sufficiently understandable and reliable. Therefore, in the framework of our research, we used the methodology of B. E. Milman, survey, method of expert evaluation, conversation, questionnaire, interview, series of tests, which include observation and open questions. The results and their significance: according to the results, the methodological predominance of the average level of social intelligence allowed students to see the following signs: the social significance of professional behavior, actions, relationships, full mastery of theoretical knowledge. During the course, we believe that the existence of a reflexive culture, which is evidenced by the improvement of communication in everyday life, in turn, is very valuable. Development of thinking, training and education of future teachers-psychologists, preparation for creative activity depend on methodological competence, qualifications and training of the teacher in the organization of research activities. Self-learning needs and skills do not arise by themselves. Such qualities begin to be formed in the process of organizing educational activities during the joint work of teachers and students in and out of class, even during school. In accordance with the tasks of the professional training of the future pedagogue-psychologist, active methods of training - problem-based lectures, seminars, debates and discussions, professional-oriented special courses, course and diploma works, scientific studies of school pedagogy and didactics, educational events such as scientifically organized forms of continuous pedagogical practice. As a result of mastering pedagogical activity, professional motivation of future pedagogical-psychological specialists is formed, understanding of goals and tasks, subject, psychological-pedagogical and didactic-methodical knowledge is developed, as well as relevant skills and abilities necessary for the development of cognitive activity of teenagers.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

Evaluation of Human Resource Potential of Organizations of Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Main problem: At the present stage of life, workforce plays a special and very important role in the activities and development of any organization. Human resources need to be managed. Management itself is a process of streamlining, regulating a particular activity. Managing an organization means defining the main directions of its development, setting goals for it and contributing to their achievement. Human resources are the face of a company, a component derivative, without which its existence is impossible. Any promising and self-respecting company assigns the formation of its staff to one of the leading directions of its own policy. Currently, in the context of social and economic transformations, the management of the activities of healthcare organizations is changing significantly, and therefore it is necessary to improve personnel management approaches that contribute to improving the quality of services provided and labor productivity. Taking into account the peculiarities of personnel management of a medical institution at the present time, the issue of reforming the personnel policy of healthcare, improving the image of institutions, forming a corporate culture, developing and implementing criteria for the motivational process is acute. Solving these tasks will help managers in the personnel management process. Purpose of this article is to assess the state of human resources of organizations of the sanitary and epidemiological service in the Republic of Kazakhstan and identify the main problems in the personnel management system of the organization using the example of the activities of the State Institution “Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Methods: The work used general scientific methods of comparative systemic, vertical and horizontal analysis, structural and functional the method, analytical techniques, economic and statistical research methods. Results and their significance: the authors have defined the human resource management system of a healthcare institution, analyzed the current personnel management system using the example of the State Institution “Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. The assessment of the state and movement of labor resources of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Control Committee was carried out. Based on the conducted research, the authors identified the main problems of human resource management of a healthcare institution and developed proposals that can be used as recommendations for further reform and development of the personnel management system in the healthcare sector.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)