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Search results: x-ray examination

Number of results: 6

Improving the efficiency of the road transport power supply system

The article discusses a way to increase the efficiency of automobile operation by improving methods for ensuring the operability of electrical equipment based on the diagnosis of generators by output voltage. As a diagnosis, it is proposed to perform a spectral analysis of the generated voltage in idle mode and to determine the state of various generator elements from the results. The effectiveness of the proposed solutions is determined by the non-separable diagnostics of the generator, which, based on a thorough examination, can determine the state of various elements of the generator. This method does not require taking the generator out of operation, does not depend on its design and can be used in difficult operating conditions to obtain preliminary information about the state of the generator at the initial stage of maintenance.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Human trafficking with the purpose of labour exploitation and illegal labour migration in the Eurasian Economic Union countries: problem statement

Annotation. The research topic is directly connected with the solution of the nationwide issues of the social and labor policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, based on the globalization and regional processes in the world, the experience of its implementation in the regions and, first of all, in the Eurasian Economic Union member-states. Another important factor is the comparative consideration of social policy and labor potential of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan taking into account national and common interests. At the present stage, the issues of illegal labor migration and human trafficking in our country are given special attention. The main aim of the research is developing recommendations and proposals, aimed at further progress of the legal framework for cooperation in the social and labor sphere and the social protection of labor rights as a promising area of legal science and as an important line of social and integration policy. The research also aims at the research and examination of human trafficking and labor migration as a social phenomenon in the EAEU countries, the study of methods and techniques of combating it, and the development of recommendations for improving legislation and strategies to counteract this social phenomenon.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Law

Morphofunctional characteristic of endocrine part of pancreas under affecting of γ-HCH

In the last decades of the twentieth century, in the national economy of many countries, organochlorine pesticides were most widely used, characterized by stability in the external environment, the ability to cumulate in various tissues of organisms. Lindane (the gamma isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane) is listed as a restricted persistent organic pollutant and is an ecotoxic substance with severe and chronic effects on the human body. The study of the effect of lindane on carbohydrate metabolism at the present stage is still insufficient. This fact led to the study of the effect of γ-HCH on the insulinogenic function of the pancreas in in vivo and in vitro experiments. In experiments in vivo, the animals of the experimental groups were once orally administered γ-HCH at a dose equal to 1/5 DL50. Isolated pancreatic islets, precipitated in vitro and fixed on mica plates, were exposed to γ-HCH in amounts equivalent to 1/5 to 1/4 DL50. Paraffin sections of pancreatic tissue from experimental and control animals were stained with aldehyde fuchsin according to Gomori, and tissue preparations were also examined by a highly specific method for detecting insulin in β-cells using diethylpseudoisocyanin staining, followed by examination of the preparations in the ultraviolet light of a luminescent microscope.The same methods were used to study preparations of isolated pancreatic islet tissue on the 4th day of cultivation. The influence of orally administered γ-HCH on the level of immunoreactive insulin in the blood of experimental animals was also studied. The insulin level was determined by the enzymatic-immunological method. The concentration of IRI was established before the start of the experiment and 4-4.5 hours after acute inoculation. Results and their significance. In the study of stained preparations of the pancreas of experimental animals, numerous islets of ordinary sizes were revealed, the cytoplasm of which was filled with aldehyde-fuccin granularity in quantities indistinguishable from those observed by microscopy of preparations of control animals. The value of the fluorescence coefficient in the histofluorimetric study of the control and experimental preparations did not differ significantly. However, the content of IRI in the blood serum showed a distinct decrease in the first hours after priming. In experiments in vitro, when studying the effect of γ-HCH on cultured tissue, introduced into the nutrient medium on the second day, in the field of view of the microscope, single, small pancreatic islets were revealed. Their number on a constant area of the plates was significantly lower than the value of the same indicator in the study of control preparations. Thus it has been shown that γ-HCH does not affect the histostructure of the endocrine pancreas, but causes a significant decrease in IRI in the blood serum, as well as a change in the histochemical characteristics of cultured β-cells.

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Tactical features of the use of special expertise in the investigation of human trafficking

Main problem: This study is devoted to the study of the problems of using special expertise in the investigation of crimes related to human trafficking. The use of specialized expertise is an integral element in the system of investigative actions carried out in cases of human trafficking. In this study, the authors consider the features of the production of forensic examinations in the investigation of crimes related to human trafficking in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the study, the authors consider the most typical types of forensic examinations that are conducted in criminal cases of human trafficking. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, as well as the survey of practitioners engaged in the fight against human trafficking and the analysis of criminal cases of human trafficking, practical recommendations for criminal prosecution authorities on the most effective conduct of forensic examinations in criminal cases of this category are proposed. The purpose of this study: to study the tactical features of the production of forensic examinations in the investigation of human trafficking, as well as the features of the use of special expertise. Methods: The methodological basis of this study is the dialectical method of cognition of social and legal phenomena, as well as system-structural, comparative-legal, logical-theoretical and private scientific methods of study. To achieve the objectivity of the research results, these methods were applied comprehensively. Results and their significance: The use of forensic expertise in the investigation of human trafficking is essential for the detection and investigation of these crimes. The study notes that the following types of forensic examinations are among the most common in the investigation of this category of criminal cases: medical examination, biological examination, handwriting examination, phonoscopic examination and odorological examination. The subject of the investigation must carefully understand the tactical features of the production of certain forensic examinations. The practical recommendations proposed by the authors of the study on the appointment and production of forensic examinations considered in the study are important for the successful investigation of the facts of human trafficking, but at the same time they have a recommendatory value and can be modified taking into account the specifics of a particular criminal case.

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Heading: Law

Bone osteosynthesis in the treatment of femoral fractures in small domestic animals

Injuries among domestic animals account for 50-70 % of all non-communicable diseases. Fractures of bones, mainly limbs, occur in 44.5 % of cases. The main goal of fracture treatment is to restore normal function and movement of the limb, and the ways in which this is done are varied. Preference is given to methods that do not constrain the movement of the limb, allowing the animal to use it during the treatment period. Purpose: This article discusses the method of bone osteosynthesis, which has proven itself in the treatment of bone fractures, and is relevant today in veterinary medicine. The main study was conducted on the basis of the veterinary clinic "Shans" in Pavlodar. For osteosynthesis, plates for osteosynthesis and screws made of titanium alloy were used. This is due to the fact that when in contact with each other, the metal that fixes bone fragments can oxidize. Animals come to the clinic as a result of injuries that lead to fractures. The most common causes include falls from a height, motor vehicles, careless or rough handling of animals, and contact with other animals. When a fracture is established by obvious signs or if a fracture is suspected, such patients are preliminarily sent for x-rays. Upon receipt of an X-ray image and with the consent of the owner of the animal, osteosynthesis is performed. When accessing bone fragments, the incision was made along the muscle fibers. Osteosynthesis was performed according to the method described by V.M. Shapovalov (2009). The general condition of the animals after osteosynthesis was restored after 3-5 days. All animals, after bone osteosynthesis, completely relied on the limb. Contractures of adjacent joints and muscle atrophy were not determined. Plain osteosynthesis of the femur, in the presence of the necessary instrument and consumables, is not very difficult to perform. Performing bone osteosynthesis in the early stages makes it possible to include the limb in the locomotory act, as a result of which the animal actively uses the limb during the rehabilitation period.

Author: S.D. Tusupov
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Development of regulatory and technical documentation for the examination of equipment operating under pressure

Development of regulatory and technical documentation for the examination of equipment operating under pressure

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)