The scientific journal

Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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Economic sciences

Analysis of the structure and functions of the service, carrying out training and retraining of local government personnel (on materials of Pavlodar region)
Annotation: The article considers the analysis of the selection and promotion of personnel, ensuring the professionalism and transparency of the state apparatus. It is noted that the modern civil service, ensuring the execution of the powers of state authorities, is a complex, dynamic social system. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the professional development of government personnel should be carried out using a competency-based approach, which is declared as the most optimal way, the starting point of all personnel management work
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

The essence of tax policy and its role in government regulation of the economy
Annotation: Tax policy is an integral part of the socio-economic policy of the state, which is focused on strengthening the economic situation of the country and regions, economic development, harmonization of the interests of the economy and society. The article summarizes the approaches to the definition of the essence of tax policy, its role in the state regulation of the economy, as well as the goals, objectives and methods of tax policy at the current stage
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

Assessment of the effectiveness of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Annotation: This article discusses the methodology for assessing the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan using international tools and government programs that are currently in operation, as well as the causes and consequences of measures aimed at improving the indicators and results of the transformation of the education system. The mechanisms of creating an independent education system as a public institution are considered
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

On some problems of social security in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Annotation: The article deals with the issues of social protection of the population in the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present stage, the appointment of special state benefits to the population, including state social assistance to families with children. In addition, a comparative analysis of the distribution of benefits by type and size of benefits to families with many children in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad. Studying the current legislation
Author: Zh.Zh. Talipova
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

Analysis of the labor market and employment, unemployment of the population in Pavlodar region
Annotation: Unemployment appears as a clearly negative phenomenon. It is unprofitable to all – both employers, and employees, and the state. Unemployment – is primarily a loss of income of a person, deprivation of the usual way of life. The urgency of this problem is due primarily to the fact that it is one of the important factors affecting economic and socio-political security. The vital interests of society, the state and the individual are closely intertwined in it. In our society, unemployment becomes a chronic disease, the state is not able to overcome it, and people demand respect for their rights to work, free choice of their activities and professions, improvement of living and working conditions, and social protection from unemployment. The article studied both the labor market in the Pavlodar region, as a whole and its individual segments in the context of the regions, its place in the market infrastructure, the main causes of unemployment, the qualitative composition of the unemployed
Author: A.D.Kusmanova
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 4(72)

State regulation of employment: current situation and ways to solve problems
Annotation: The problems of formation and development of the Kazakhstan labor market cannot be solved without state support. The state should become a “catalyst” in the cooperation and interaction of employers, trade unions, and local authorities in ensuring maximum and effective employment. The article considers the influence of the state on the regulation of employment of the population
Author: A.D. Kusmanova
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 4(72)

Problems of management of medical organizations in modern conditions
Annotation: The article considers an important priority of the state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the preservation and strengthening of public health. In the context of this problem, the quality of management of medical institutions plays an important role. In the context of the economic crisis in health care, it is necessary to increase the efficiency of medical institutions through the introduction of new forms, methods and models of management. Factors that make it difficult to manage health organizations can be divided into two groups according to the method of occurrence: environmental factors and internal environmental factors. Together, interacting with each other, these factors lead to inhibition of the development of modern medicine. Thus, it is possible to identify the main problems that arise in the management of medical institutions at the present stage: the fragmentation of underfunding, low level of confidence of Kazakh citizens in the health care system, the problems of quality and availability of medical services, the lack of highly qualified medical personnel, low managerial skills of heads of health organizations. Conclusions on improving the quality of health services are made.
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 1(73)

The main directions of social and economic development of Pavlodar region
Annotation: This article describes the main directions of socio-economic development of Pavlodar region, provides characteristics and dynamics of the main areas and sectors of the region, including the state of industrial production, agriculture, development of small and medium-sized businesses, the labor market, trade, electricity, heat and water supply, construction. The region is characterized by a progressive and diversified economic structure. In the structure of industry of Pavlodar region the largest share is occupied by the manufacturing industry. The priority direction of development of the regional economy in the context of ensuring its socio-economic development is the development of small and medium-sized businesses
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 1(73)

Organization of state audit and financial control
Annotation: This work indicates the need for theoretical and practical features of the organization of state audit and financial control, developed proposals and recommendations for improving the procedures for state audit and financial control.
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 1(73)