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Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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The leading role of the political elite of Kazakhstan in ensuring harmony and tolerance of Kazakhstan society
Annotation: This article examines the role of political elite of Kazakhstan in ensuring harmony and tolerance of Kazakhstan society. The political elite of Kazakhstan in the system of functioning of the cone of the political pyramid determines the structure and form of stratification.
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)
Heading: Social sciences

The current state and current issues of innovative development of water transport of Ukraine
Annotation: In the article, the problem-oriented analysis of the current state of water transport of Ukraine based on the current geopolitical situation was made. The author has made an attempt to identify and organize internal and external factors that influence the innovative development of water transport of the Ukraine, that increase the efficiency of its operation under current conditions.
Author: N. Kudritzkaya
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

Body heating automatic control system №1 Innovative University of Eurasia
Annotation: The paper presents the thermal design of the building heating system of a four educational building № 1 Eurasian innovative university.Data are presented for the period from 1 December to 28 February for three seasons: 2013–2014, 2014–2015, 2015–2016 years. On the basis of the actual thermal design graphics and design of heat were built in the period from 1.12. at 28.02 for three seasons (2013-2014,2014-2015, 2015-2016 years). In these graphs clearly visible difference between the two values. According to calculation, the average difference was 13.02 % of the actual heat consumption.
Author: N.D. Khomarov
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

The use of ash and slag waste CHP Pavlodar region
Annotation: This article discusses the use of ash and slag waste such as ash or slag boilers and thermal power plants of Pavlodar region. We describe the main source of energy today. Produced by laboratory analysis of the composition of the ash. A basic installation for the processing of the ash. It presents the possibility of using fly ash in building materials industry.
Author: A.M. Kadyrbekov
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

The efficiency of the cavitation technology for autonomous heating systems
Annotation: This article discusses some of the practical application of cavitation technologies in autonomous heating systems, attached elementary economic calculation. The modern achievements and cavitation vortex heat generators, principle of operation and types of such equipment. Marked positive and negative aspects of installation and operation of heat generators. A comparative analysis of the economic calculation of seasonal operating costs of the vortex heater as auxiliary heating systems and district heating tariffs for Pavlodar.
Author: V.M. Afanasev
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

Quality management of the educational process for the preparation nurses of new pharmacy in accordance with international requirements (on the basis of materials of Pavlodar medical college)
Annotation: The article is devoted to the quality of the educational process, when medical colleges get more additional responsibility for the results of their educational activities, the attention of preparing nurses is able to increase the efficiency of the health system in the Republic of Kazakhstan. These are nurses of new pharmacy in accordance with the contemporary challenges of society and the international standards. This area is considered as part of the educational program of applied bachelor degree nursing in Pavlodar medical college.
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

External factors affecting the mental development of teenagers of deviant behavior
Annotation: This article is devoted to the problem of deviant behavior of teenagers; it reveals the influence of external factors on the development of deviations of teenagers and offers to conduct the preventive work in a complex in early stages of development of deviant behavior. The factors and circumstances specifying the demonstration of deviation have revealed. The development of school policy aimed at the organizing the social and pedagogical conditions neutralizing and correcting negative impact of the social crisis has been suggested.
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

Socio-cultural adaptation of students to study abroad
Annotation: This article describes the general issues and the relevance of socio-cultural and linguistic adaptation of Kazakh students traveling to study abroad, as well as certain aspects of the adaptation of students to a foreign culture. The process of learning is seen not only as a procedure of the acquisition of educational knowledge, but also as receiving concomitant life values and skills.
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

New approaches in the educational achievements of the monitoring system
Annotation: New approaches in the system of monitoring of educational achievement standardized assessment results are needed. To organise educational process effectively, to plan work of ensuring high quality educational services and inform public about the state of educational system. The article books into the system of assessment at the modern stage of higher education, new approaches in the system of monitoring of educational achievements, peculiarities of test technologies. The article also compares the current system of assessment and the assessment system within renovation in educational system, pays attention to the monitoring system of students’ achievement.
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)