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Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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The lingvo culturological of features of a teomorphic metaphor of peri
Annotation: In this article some opinion on the relation the lingvo culturological of features of a teomorphic metaphor, considered as a fundamental metaphor is stated. On a row with it, on the example of classical poetry of Alisher Navoi, Babur, is described the semantic nature of this metaphor.
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)
Heading: Humanities

Social advertising as a fragment of social and cultural life of the community
Annotation: The scientific article gives definitions of such terms as “public service advertising”, “discourse of public service advertising”. It also includes their descriptions, peculiarities and the sphere of their application. The article defines the goals and objectives of public service advertising, analyzes the classification of social advertising. The scientific article analyzes some scientific works of scholars who studied social advertising as communicative phenomenon, as well as the characteristics of social advertising that reflects society’s culture and its life.
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)
Heading: Humanities

Urbanization impact on the ethno-cultural processes
Annotation: In the article the traditional socio-cultural values in terms of urbanization are discussed, the trends in the development of ethno-cultural processes are characterized. On the basis of the sociological study the conservation of traditionalrituals is especially analyzed, ethno cultural orientation and level of knowledge of certain elements of national culture is identified.In our view, it’s interesting to consider the transition of anthroponomy and other proper names in the category of urbanoniums. It is the process of the reflecting the historical, social, political and cultural transformation. It describes a certain historical period and helps with it to follow up the history of the city. Alsourbanonims base the main source of linguistic and regional geographic research. So, there are some examples of rise of urbanonims in Kazakh, Russian and English languages are given.
Author: N.S. Seitova
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)
Heading: Humanities

Linguocultural characteristics of the types of weapons used in the epics «Er Kokshe», «Er Kosai»
Annotation: The article deals with peculiarities of military lexis, types of weapons and using of them in Kazakh eposes such as “Er Kokshe”, “Er Kosay”. It gives a detailed analysis of edgy weapons such as nayza, kylysh, sungi, zulpukar, semser and weapons for shooting – sadak, that exist in lyrics. Aims of comprehensive interpretation of Batyr’s character sketch are defined. It is analyzed some scientists works, who explored military lexis in Kazakh epos. In this scientific article etymology, lexis and morphological structures of types of weapons in eposes “Er Kokshe”, “Er kosay” are analyzed. It is specially noted to archaisms such as nayza, kylysh, sungi, zulpukar, semser which are exist in heroically eposes.
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)
Heading: Humanities