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The Conceptual Foundations of the Concept of "National Worldview"
Annotation: This system analyzes the worldview guidelines and values that are formed in the sociogeographical environment of a well-known community. The anthropocentric basis of the concept of «national worldview» is the activity of people, lifestyle, way of thinking, the spiritual world of people, behavior, customs, customs, geographical environment surrounding this person, theП are also related to socio-political conditions, the real business of people. The specificity of the mentality of each nation is the specificity inherent in the same ethnic group, in the close connection of a person with the environment, with the affairs and behavior of people, with the system of thinking. The difference in such factors is related to the specifics of each environment, the systems of thinking and behavior characteristic of ethnic groups, for example, the mentality of the Kazakhs cannot be compared with the mentality of European peoples formed according to the Western model. The methods of scientific and methodological description and comparative analysis were used. The «national worldview» of the Kazakh people is formed in a special way, therefore it cannot be studied using Western-style principles and platforms.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 3(95)
Heading: Humanities

Features of the Translation of Medical Text from English into Russian
Annotation: In the issue of translating medical texts, there are a number of issues that require detailed study. First of all, the translation of these texts requires the translator to have the knowledge and skills to carry out a competent and adequate translation, characterized by accuracy, clarity, concreteness without any ambiguity and inconsistency. Moreover, the creation of a qualified translation requires not only linguistic, but also substantive, actually medical knowledge from the specialist performing it, who knows terminological vocabulary and knows the peculiarities of translating this kind of vocabulary. The authors are aiming at identifying and define the features of the translation of terminological vocabulary. There are a few methods used in the paper such as analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparative analysis. Translation of medical texts is the translation from one language into another of specialized medical publications and private texts, the content of which is directly related to human health. Medical texts are characterized by such features as synonymy of terms, specialized medical terminology (including international), medical abbreviations and abbreviations. There are several ways to translate medical terms, such as searching for dictionary matches, transcribing, transliteration, calculus, descriptive translation, contextual substitution, concretization, generalization, and the reception of lexical additions.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 3(95)
Heading: Humanities

Scientific Heritage of Berikbay Sagyndykuly: Contribution to the Development of Turkology
Annotation: Main problem: The main problem of the paper is the need to analyze the richness of linguistic sources in the scientific works by Berikbay Sagyndykuly and their relevance for modern communication. Purpose: The purpose of writing the paper is to study and demonstrate the role of language sources in the scientific works by Berikbay Sagyndykuly, as well as their importance for effective communication in modern society. Methods: The following methods were used in the paper: text analysis – to identify and systematize linguistic sources in the works by Berikbay Sagyndykuly. Content analysis is used to study the topic and frequency of use of language sources in the context of modern communication. Results and significance: show that the text of ancient writing studied in the works by Berikbay Sagyndykuly not only enrich the linguistic heritage, but also have a significant impact on the understanding of modern social problems. The significance of the study lies in its ability to demonstrate how linguistic and cultural heritage can contribute to the development of civic patriotism and the maintenance of social values among young people, which in turn contributes to strengthening social unity and well-being in the country.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 3(95)
Heading: Humanities