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Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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Professionalization as a background for the quality management of the advanced training and retraining of civil servants
Annotation: The article is focused on the professionalization of the civil servants’ activity and the role of the quality management of the advanced training and retraining of civil servants.
Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 1(65)

Main trends in the development of the market of remote banking services: foreign experience
Annotation: In this article questions of development of remote bank service which rates of development allow to predict with confidence intensive development of the bank sphere and replacement in the near future of ordinary channels of bank sales by remote are considered. Authors have given definition of remote bank service, its main types depending on distribution channels are pointed. An assessment of the modern market remote bank service in foreign countries is given, at the same time the main tendencies characterizing features and problems of its development have been allocated.
Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 1(65)

The models of dual education and the experience of their application in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Annotation: In the article existed in foreign practice models of dual education and the experience of their application in the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Pavlodar region are considered.
Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 1(65)

Peculiarities of the formation and implementation of the youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Annotation: In this article the features of formation of youth policy in Kazakhstan in modern conditions are considered. Priority directions of realization of youth policy, as well as an interrelation of young generation with modern Kazakhstan society are studied.
Author: К.К. Zhusupov
Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 1(65)

Foreign experience of forming branding models
Annotation: The cities folded in foreign countries distinguish three organizational models of branding. First model – administrative – here, forming of brand of territory the public and local organs of power take the lead. Second organizational model – branding is initiated by business and divided into two types. First type – "export", according to this variant the basic task of municipal brand consists in stimulation of sales of commodities and services of local producers. Second type – "import", this variant of business model is branding on purpose to attract (to import) new business and investments in a city. The third model of organization of branding – civil is implies that realization of branding is initiated by different public associations or separate interested citizens. All three variants of branding befit the Kazakhstan cities and territorial educations, but priority direction will become is the European model with participation administration.
Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 1(65)