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The modern state and analysis of forming of healthy way of life are in the Republic of Kazakhstan (a case of study of center of forming of healthy way of life of the Akmola region)
Annotation: In this article, activity of national center of problems of forming of healthy way of life that is sent to forming and stimulation of healthy way of life of citizens and on development of prophylactic and restoration medicine are considered. The role of coordinating councils in process of health care at the level of government, that provide monitoring of realization of socio-economic development of country, including in area of health protection are distinguished in this article. For creation of the effective system of prophylaxis of sociallymeaningful diseases and forming of healthy way of life indicators are certain in a country. Some actions of centers of healthy way of life carry practical character, when specialists render a consultative and practical help to the population. Primary and general objective of the system of health protection of country and in particular in regions this strengthening of health of population, increase of their welfare, forming of the responsibility and skills, sent to maintenance and improvement of health, and also propaganda of healthy way of life.
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Management Trends in reforming the higher education system
Annotation: This article discusses global trends in the development of the higher education system, including higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is also considered and the processes. Analyzed determines the transition to the post-industrial stage of development, which is based on an innovative direction. As part of the innovation activities of the state is considered the intellectual capital as a strategic factor determining the prospects of its development and competitiveness. All this implies the development of effective resource management measures.
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Quality of life of rural population as factor of achievement of ultimate goal of economic transformations
Annotation: In this article, quality of life as priority and one of directions of social-and-economic development of the state are considered. The quality of life of rural population and his social security, state of economy of agroindustrial complex and development of rural territories are distinguished in article. The issues of rural territories are considered, as exemplified by rural district. In the Republic of Kazakhstan there are all terms that is needed for development of agriculture. For the height of quality of life of rural population are needed substantial adjustments of public agrarian policy and also increase of social responsibility of the state and business.
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Issues of forming of development politics of rural areas (a case of study of Sherbakty district of the Pavlodar region)
Annotation: In this article, social-and-economic position of Sherbakty district of the Pavlodar region is considered. Dominant industry of economy of district is agriculture. Data are presented on the amount of operating private business entities. Complex description of socio-economic results of development of region is reflected in SWOTanalysis, strengths and weaknesses of development of district, threat and possibility are considered. The assessment of tourist cluster is highlighted for development of district and a necessity is certain for development of the strategic program of development rural territories.
Author: B.Zh. Ibraev
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Packaging as an important component of the organization of product distribution in the product distribution system
Annotation: This article analyzes the essence of the concept of "packaging", made the systematization of approaches and the role of packaging in the course of treatment. According to research results, based on a critical analysis of the existing provisions of the creation of the package proposed by its own methodological tools, which brings together the work of the producers (designers, graphic designers) and marketers.
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Foreign experience of transition to a "green" economy
Annotation: With the purpose of transition of the world economy to a sustainable growth model, the principles of the "green" economy should be integrated into the currently implemented structural reforms. The four main directions that form the "green" economy are highlighted. Structural reform, which connected with directions, can serve as engines of economic growth. Particular attention in passing to the green economy is given to the formation of modern infrastructure, which has the key to ensuring sustainable development and modernization that is an important element of the structural reforms analyzed here. Worldwide, initiatives are emerging at the national level that show that countries are moving towards a "green" economy at their own pace and in the context of their national development goals and priorities. Most countries in the world have recently stepped up their environmental policies to move away from a traditional model in which environmental protection is considered a burden on the economy, to a model in which ecology is recognized as the engine of development, i.e. to the "green" economy.
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Migration processes and their impact on social and economic development of region
Annotation: In this article, the migration processes and their influence on socio-economic development of the Pavlodar region are considered. The concept of migrations, factors and types of migration are highlighted.. The demographic cases in the region are studied for research of migration processes and their influence on socialand- economic development of the Pavlodar region. Impact of migration on social-and-economic development of the country can be both positive and negative. The account of these factors is important for adjusting of migration processes and optimal policymaking in this sphere.
Author: Zh. Akhmetov
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Economic aspects of development of small and medium business in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Annotation: In this article, the issues of development of small and medium business in the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered. The main programs of support of small and medium business and direction strengthening of enterpreneurial potential are highlighted. Statistical data on the Pavlodar area over are represented. The results of public opinion polls of the Pavlodar region on implementation of the program of "Business Road Map2020" are presented.
Author: A. Abdygaliyeva
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)