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Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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The analysis of the avermectin group drugs efficiency in the cattle dehelmentization


The variety of species and forms of parasites of agricultural animals and the features of their life cycles are the basic foundation for the production of different types and medical forms of antiparasite medicine. In the treatment of the parasitic diseases of agricultural animals, one of the main factors is that the veterinary doctors have the knowledge on the mechanics, efficiency and the safety for humans and environment of the medicine being used. Taking into account high pathogenicity and resistance of parasitic organisms and their ability to adapt to effect of medicine, it is crucial to permanently monitor the efficiency of the applied anthelmintic drugs, including the new drugs offered by veterinary services. This article will describe the results of the research on pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic parameters of «Ivermectinum», «Ivermec», «Aversect-1», «Аvrsect-2», «Аivin» drugs and their methods of application with the consideration of terms of maintenance and immune status of cattle herds in Mayconyr village (Irtysh district, Pavlodar region). A comparative analysis of efficiency of the above mentioned drugs in dehelmintization and treatment of cattle was conducted with the results provided. The recommendations and the restrictions on use of the drugs were determined considering the farm condition. The experimental research of the aforementioned broad-spectrum drugs was conducted strictly following the rules of asepsis and instructions on application. The total number of replacement heifers subjected to the dehelmintization under the method of analogues is 150 units. Anthelmintic treatment was conducted two times a year - in springtime (March-April) before pasturage, and fall time (September-October) before confining the cattle in the stable. Coprological study on intestinal helminthes of the examined cattle was conducted in Irtysh RVL of the Pavlodar regional branch of RVE RVL VCaSC MA RK by ovoscopical, flotation and larvoscopical methods. There is a comparative analysis on the efficiency of avermectin group antiparasitic drugs applied twice a year for cattle dehelmintization. The recommendations on the use of the aforementioned drugs for dehelmentization and prevention of parasitic diseases are provided and the requirements for the use were determined.

Open article
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)