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Correlation and regression analysis of population growth of Pavlodar region
Annotation: In this paper the correlation and regression factor analysis of population growth of Pavlodar region between 2009-2013years. In this article the correlation and regression analysis of fertility by region of Pavlodar region in the period 2009-2013. This analysis relevant in determining the level natural movement of the population according to social factors. In the form factor variable data used general divorce rate in the region and the average housing supply, sq. m. of total area 1 person. According to the results identified a close relationship between the factor and effective sign.
Author: Т.М. Аrzaeva
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)
Heading: Social sciences

Highways - as an element of transport-communication complex Republics of Kazakhstan
Annotation: The questions of development of highways of Republic of Kazakhstan are considered in this article. The analysis of modern development of highways status is conducted. Including influence of development of highways on the economy of region. The ways of perfection of development of highways offer
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Credit portfolio management of a commercial bank: problems and ways of their solution
Annotation: Today, management of credit portfolio is the key question of the commercial bank credit activity. In the paper the main problems of credit portfolio management of a commercial bank are presented and the description of the activities for their solution is given.
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Principles of formation of the labour activity motivation at the industrial enterprises
Annotation: According to the “Productivity 2020” Program passed in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the target indicator till 2020 is doubling the labour productivity at the manufacturing plants. Onу of the intensive factors of the labour productivity development is effective motivation of the labour activity. In the article there are described the principles of formation of the labour activity motivation at the industrial enterprises which are reflected in various concepts of motivation and stimulation of human resources.
Author: Markina I.V
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Experience in the use of rating indicators of the region in the national economy of KR (on the example of the Pavlodar region)
Annotation: In the given article there presented the ranking score of the regions of the republic based on the main socio-economic indicators. Besides, there made a ranking on a ratio basis of the regions in the gross regional product of the country. The comparative analysis of the rating positions let us determine the causes reducing the growth of competitiveness of the region.
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Organizational-economic aspects of innovative development company Pavlodar region
Annotation: The article describes the results of an analytical assessment of innovative potential of Pavlodar region. Now in terms of the investment attractiveness of the country, it becomes an important task of forming a competitive domestic reserves of socio-economic development of the region, the solution of which requires the development of innovative management solutions. Innovations embodied in the new scientific knowledge, products, technologies, services, equipment, training of personnel, organization of production, is a major competitive factor in all economically developed countries. In the face of fierce competition inherent in a market economy, the innovative development of enterprises has become a key tool for ensuring sustainable long-term development
Author: A.N. Maksutov
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Features governance of the social sphere of the Pavlodar region
Annotation: This paper evaluated the governance of the social sphere of the Pavlodar region. Based on the analysis of the main social indicators, identified the strengths and weaknesses of the region in this area, as well as identify opportunities and threats that affect the development of the region as a whole. In a changing social and economic relations, the issues related management and development of a regional social complex. Their decision depends not only on the success of social reform, but also the normalization of the socio-political situation in Kazakhstan.
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Problem aspects of development of clusters are in Republic of Kazakhstan
Annotation: This article discusses the benefits of cluster development, problematic aspects hindering the development of clusters in the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to statistics, in Kazakhstan so far failed to dramatically increase the innovative activity and effectiveness of the companies to create a competitive environment that encourages the use of innovation. Among the main problems should be attributed lack of qualified personnel, insufficient quality and availability of transport and engineering infrastructure, low level of institutional development of the cluster, limited access to foreign markets. Therefore, it is important to correlate the level of development of cooperation ties and incentive mechanisms, the level of technological equipment and organization of production, the level of competitiveness of suppliers, including the quality and technological level of the supplied products and services.
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Conceptual bases of system management of marketing of industrial enterprises the Republic of Kazakhstan
Annotation: This article discusses the theoretical aspects of management foundations of marketing system of industrial enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As marketing planning is very important for industrial companies. Industrial and consumer market generally, supply exceeds demand, and therefore there is a struggle for every specific customer. With the growth in sales volumes, number of customers and markets from sellers there is a need to study their customers - who they are, their needs, buying behavior, motivation. Each seller tries by examining the consumer, to create a standard model (the rules of conduct of the seller), contributing to the sales.
Author: T.K.Kabiev
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Interaction between the government and local authorities in addressing socio-economic issues (foreign experience)
Annotation: This article describes the experience of interaction between government and local authorities in foreign countries, factors and conditions necessary for the effective social and economic development, as well as a discusses the impact of local government on social and economic development. A comparative analysis of the Pavlodar region.
Author: A. Denden
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)