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Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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Management of the healthcare organizations in the current conditions: problems and prospects of development
Annotation: The issues of formation of scientific and methodological bases for improving healthcare organizations activity are considered, healthcare system in current market conditions are studied in this article. Such issues as competition between healthcare institutions providing medical services are also studied in this work. Main, crucial functions of control over management and marketing in healthcare institution are considered. Basic tools for improving efficiency of production capacity and financial resources of healthcare institution are suggested.
Author: A.М. Kuzekov
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

Realization of public policy on providing of competitiveness of national economy (on materials of the Pavlodar area)
Annotation: This article considered the essence of public policy, features of competitive economy and priority directions of macroeconomic politics of Republic of Kazakhstan. For providing of competitiveness of national economy certain seven long-term priorities that based on open market economy with the high level of foreign investments and domestic saving. Also given socio-economic description of the Pavlodar area and role of region in a country.
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)