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The role and place of local self-government in modern society
Annotation: Local self-government bodies are an integral mechanism of the foundation of a democratic state. In the modern system of public relations, one of the most important places is occupied by general economic relations, namely local self-government. Without a developed system of local self-government, legislative and real opportunities, it is very difficult to independently create market-democratic structures to solve economic, social, domestic, cultural and other issues at the local level. Local self-government bodies are a special level of government, which combines two principles: public and state. In the practice of Constitutional and administrative law, it is important to determine the place and nature of local self-government and to establish balanced relations between State authorities and self-government bodies, on the one hand, with local representative offices and structures. The purpose of the article isto study the role and place of local self-government in modern society, to develop practical recommendations on the formation and prospects for the development of local authorities in Kazakhstan. When writing an article, the following methods are used: description, analysis and synthesis, justification, logical modeling, system analysis, etc. When studying the formation of local self-government, as well as the functional management system, the method of structural and analytical analysis was used. The conclusions and recommendations obtained as a result of the conducted research can be used: in the practical activities of maslikhats and akimats of the Republic of Kazakhstan, civil servants; in the process of studying at courses in higher educational institutions, as well as for further general theoretical and applied research.
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

The possibility of using correlation and regression analysis in ecological and economic research at oil refineries
Annotation: It is known that an increase in the volume of production in any sphere of production as a consequence increases the intensity of anthropogenic impact on the environment, including the atmosphere. This problem is especially typical for oil refineries. On the one hand, this is due to the complexity of oil refining processes and the release of various hydrocarbon compounds into the atmosphere during processing. Therefore, when implementing sustainable ecological and economic development in the Azerbaijani regions that are associated with oil refining, an increase in the volume of products should not create an increase in environmental impact. This problem is considered one of the factors directly affecting the economic situation of the enterprise, as well as creating certain environmental, social and economic problems for society as a whole. The purpose is to study the possibility of using the correlation-regression method in solving the problem of determining the presence of the decapling effect. The relationship between the volume of petroleum products produced and the amount of pollutants released into the atmosphere is random and is characterized by stochastic and statistical dependence. At the same time, on the basis of a mutual comparison of the methods of correlation and regression analysis and the method of production function, the effectiveness of correlation and regression analysis is determined. The methodological basis of the work was the scientific works of scientists-economists, mathematicians providing the definition of the decoupling effect at industrial enterprises. In the presented methodology, the obtained estimates of the performed in real time vary depending on the values of the set parameter. When developing the presented methodology, the STATISTIKA software package was used. This program was developed by StatSoft. Based on the obtained and experimentally verified data, the equation of linear regression dependence is determined. During the research, it was found that in some cases it is not possible to evaluate the statistical characteristics of a random variable or it is accompanied by serious errors. Therefore, when processing data, instead of mathematical expectations and variances, we used selective mathematical expectations and variances. The analysis of the ecological and economic situation of oil refineries based on correlation and regression analysis allows us to determine the presence of the decapling effect. The obtained correlation coefficient between the volume of production oil products and the volume of emissions into the atmosphere shows that there is no statistically significant relationship between these parameters. Thus, there is an achievement of the decoupling effect between the production of petroleum products and the volume of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.
Author: Kh.B. Guliyeva
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

Problematic issues on the formation and use of the budget of the Pavlodar region and ways to solve them
Annotation: The sustainable socio-economic development of the regions is determined by a number of factors, including the implementation of an effective budget policy, which plays a special role for the performance of social functions, regulating Inter-level organizational relations, strengthening the economic and financial independence of the regions.Effective management of budget policy makes it possible to purposefully use the mechanisms of budget regulation at all levels of management. At the same time, it involves the implementation of a number of functions, of which the control function is the most important. In the system of economic relations, it is assigned to a specialized financial body – the Treasury. Topical tasks are: regulation of budget flows in the region, strengthening control over the receipt and targeted use of budget funds; improving inter-budgetary relations; increase the revenue base of budgets by increasing their collection; etc. In the process of solving these tasks, a number of managerial, organizational and methodological problems arise, the solution of which contributes to improving the effectiveness of the budget policy of the region and, as a result, its economic development. Objective - to study the regional specifics of the implementation of budget policy in terms of the formation and execution of local budgets on the example of the Pavlodar budget, identify the existing problems in the region and determine the directions for improving the budget process. The methodological basis of the study is formed by general scientific and special methods of cognition: analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, historical, logical, structural-functional and comparative analysis, as well as individual scientific methods: statistical-economic and computational-analytical. The formation of the local budget is carried out through the application of a single methodology, a single budget legislation and orientation to the Strategic Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025, developed for the implementation of the main document of the state planning system for the medium – term period-the long-term development strategy of Kazakhstan until 2050. The implementation of all the tasks set out in the strategic development plans of the Republic will begin at the level of local budgets. The solution of State tasks is guaranteed, first of all, to meet the needs of the population at the local level. The role of regions in the entire process of reproduction cannot be overestimated, so the independence, flexibility and high degree of efficiency of using budget funds at the local level is the key to the successful development of society, production and business in any territory.
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

The main directions of competitive and sustainable development of Pavlodar region
Annotation: Main problem: The key task of the development of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan is to ensure their sustainable socio-economic development by increasing its competitiveness and innovation activity. To develop a successful strategy, as well as for its subsequent successful implementation, it is necessary to have a clear vision and idea of what the region will be like in the near future. This vision should be clearly formulated and understood by all interested parties in order to properly coordinate efforts in achieving the set goals. In turn, based on the vision, various initiatives and activities are being formed, the implementation of which is aimed at implementing the main directions of sustainable development of the region. Purpose: to consider the main directions of the implementation of the strategy of competitive, sustainable and safe development of the region. Methods: The theoretical and methodological basis was the concepts, hypotheses and theories presented in the works of domestic and foreign researchers. The methodology is based on a systematic approach, within which methods of comparative, factorial, subject-object; structural-functional, statistical analysis and extrapolation have been applied. Results and their significance: In order to ensure the sustainable development of the Pavlodar region in the future, there is a need to form the basis for the creation of new sectors, as well as to consider opportunities to diversify the regional economy. Currently, there is a structural change in jobs, which leads to an increased role of professional services industries in the field of information technology, engineering. It should be noted that the level of development of small, medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurship in the region is at a low level, due to the predominance of resource sectors in the economy. These sectors, due to the peculiarities of the technological process, do not form a system of suppliers around themselves. However, in order to ensure the progressive development of the industrial complex in the region, it is important to create conditions for the development of SMEs in the region and, accordingly, a system of suppliers around leading manufacturing enterprises. The high competitiveness of the Pavlodar region in the future until 2030 will be ensured through the development of priority clusters, as well as through the emergence of new industrial sectors of the economy. Thus, the priority clusters of «today» include: metallurgical cluster, including the production of end products; cluster of railway engineering; agro-food cluster.
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)