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Number of results: 77

The analysis of the PR tools for image formation of Innovative University of Eurasia

The article presents the analysis of the image and its components for different target groups. The author considers the main PR tools that are used to create a positive image of the company on the example of the Innovative University of Eurasia. The article presents the distinctive features of this institution as well as the activity aspects that are reflected in the content of the current image policy. The analysis of PR tools, according to the author, should be directly dependent on the intended target audience for obtaining information.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)
Heading: Humanities

Contemporary approaches to assessing the quality of pre-school education

In the article, the authors give a brief overview of approaches about the essence of the concept of "quality of education" in preschool education, as well as justify the need to use in formation and communication technologies in the assessment of the quality of education.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Main trends of change in digital business in Kazakhstan and Abroad

The article is devoted to: problems of adaptation of tools of strategic management of the company to fast changing external conditions; analysis of the main tendencies of changes in digital busines s caused by intensive development of digital economy. The article deals with the main trends of changes in digital business environment at macro and micro levels, issues of increasing the efficiency of internal potential of the company, the features of competitive struggle based on the active use of information and communication technologies.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Technology of electronic distance course development for the adaptation of employees to activities in the enterprise

The authors consider the need to adapt new employees at the enterprise through the use of an electronic course. The article provides definitions of the concepts "e-course", "adaptive e-course". The adaptive e-course is a course designed to familiarize new employees with the history, structure and corporate values of t he company, allowing the new employee to be adapted to unusual labor and psychological factors. The analysis of adaptive courses is carried out and the main technologies of e– course development are highlighted (virtual and augmented reality technologies, gamification, online chats, LMS and corporate learning portals, machine learning and artificial intelligence, learning Analytics and BigData, storytelling). The advantages of storytelling technology in the development of an adaptive e -course, especially in providing psychological support during the adaptation period, are considered.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Main priorities and prospects of economic development of Pavlodar

In the article the results of an analytical assessment of economic capacity of Pavlodar city are considered. Determination of internal reserves of socio-economic development of the region currently becomes an important task solution of which requires development of new approaches to definition of essence, structures, methods of an assessment of social and economic potential. The size of social and economic capacity of the region characterizes a level of development of productive forces, defines competitiveness and extent of capitalization of the enterprises.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)

Foreign experience of development of agrarian and industrial complex

The article consideres foreign experience of the state support of agricultural production. The authors analysed innovative processes (use of bioresources), occurring in the agrarian and industrial complex and defined the main directions of financial support in agriculture area.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)

Сreating innovative technologies in agricultural production in the contemporary economy

The paper analyzes innovation processes in Agro-Industrial Complex of Kazakhstan and gives the main directions of further development of agribusiness. The widespread use of innovation is the most efficient and effective means of solving the socio-economic tasks of Agro-Industrial Complex to provide food, increase the efficiency of agricultural production and protect the environment.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)


In the paper it is presented methodical approaches of working out the mechanism of national innovative system’s formation and development: regional aspects. World economic processes of integration and globalization are oriented to modern competitive knowledge, science, technologies and production. The regions are being involving not only on the level of one country, they also are being influencing of global economic events.

Year of release: 2011
Number of the journal: 4(44)

Main directions, goals and objectives of the industrial policy of Pavlodar region

The main aspects of the industrial policy of Pavlodar region are considered in the article. The principles and prerequisites for the implementation of industrial policy in the region are presented in the article. To accelerate development of the regional economy based on introduction of innovative technologies, problems solution and directions of industrial policy improvement are offered.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)
Heading: Social sciences

Pedagogical conditions of personality-oriented technology training use in proffesional education

Pedagogical conditions to use a learner-centered learning technology in the vocational education of students based on the work experience of the Agrotechnical University in training future specialists of different educational systems are considered in the article. The organization of students’ learning activity based on learner-centered learning technology application has a significant influence on students’ personality development in the vocational education of students. The analysis of famous scientists’ concepts in this field as well as the analysis of traditional and modern paradigms in education is presented in the article. These directions make a contribution to determination of positive pedagogical conditions for a learner-centered learning technology.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)

Organizational-economic aspects of innovative development company Pavlodar region

The article describes the results of an analytical assessment of innovative potential of Pavlodar region. Now in terms of the investment attractiveness of the country, it becomes an important task of forming a competitive domestic reserves of socio-economic development of the region, the solution of which requires the development of innovative management solutions. Innovations embodied in the new scientific knowledge, products, technologies, services, equipment, training of personnel, organization of production, is a major competitive factor in all economically developed countries. In the face of fierce competition inherent in a market economy, the innovative development of enterprises has become a key tool for ensuring sustainable long-term development

Author: A.N. Maksutov
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Determining the percentage of metal in the catalyst

This article focuses on the adsorption properties of Ni-PEG / ZnO and Cu-PEG / ZnO catalysts. For modern technologies require more efficient and cheaper hydrogenation catalysts. Create them only through the development of new scientific approaches to the preparation of supported catalysts, and most recently modified polymer catalyst as supported on a carrier, and unsupported, involving the study of new physical and chemical methods. To determine the percentage of metal in the catalyst was prepared and investigated the mother solution.

Author: D.A. Ganikel
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Development of agricultural biotechnology in Kazakhstan

In the article the main issues and trends of agricultural biotechnology development in Kazakhstan, prospects of biotechnology application in the production of agro-industrial complex of the country have been considered. Data has been presented on: what researches are being carried out by scientific organizations in the field of agricultural biotechnology with attraction of leading foreign scientists and scientific organizations; what recommendations for technologies have been developed and what new biotechnological products have been created in all branches. Promising technologies in the field of biotechnologies in AIC for Kazakhstan as well as keys to the success in the development of science and technologies in AIC have been indicated.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

New approaches in the educational achievements of the monitoring system

New approaches in the system of monitoring of educational achievement standardized assessment results are needed. To organise educational process effectively, to plan work of ensuring high quality educational services and inform public about the state of educational system. The article books into the system of assessment at the modern stage of higher education, new approaches in the system of monitoring of educational achievements, peculiarities of test technologies. The article also compares the current system of assessment and the assessment system within renovation in educational system, pays attention to the monitoring system of students’ achievement.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

The efficiency of the cavitation technology for autonomous heating systems

This article discusses some of the practical application of cavitation technologies in autonomous heating systems, attached elementary economic calculation. The modern achievements and cavitation vortex heat generators, principle of operation and types of such equipment. Marked positive and negative aspects of installation and operation of heat generators. A comparative analysis of the economic calculation of seasonal operating costs of the vortex heater as auxiliary heating systems and district heating tariffs for Pavlodar.

Author: V.M. Afanasev
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

Activation of educational activity of schoolchildren of 6–7 classes by means of application of informatively-communicative technologies (evidence from history lessons)

In this article the question connected with the activation of cognitive activity of students. It one of issues of the day on the modern stage of development of pedagogical theory and practice. An author exposes development of activity, independence, initiativeness, creative approach to the thing, these are the requirements of life, qualificatory that direction in that it is necessary to perfect an educational process in a great deal. Searches of ways of development of schoolchildren’s activation of cognitive activity, developing their cognitive flairs and independence is a task that teachers are called to decide. The use of ICТ, that allows to activate thinking, ability to offer the variants of vision of problem, question, themes in the narrow and wide understanding and participating in the discussion are examined in the article. It helps to improve quality education, forms a culture, aesthetic skills of students, develop attention, memory. All this has a practical orientation in different areas and spheres of activity of student. Information technologies, examined in this scientific article as a process of the use of totality of facilities, methods of collection, treatment and communication of data - assists working off at the methods of students of actions, helps forming of processes of self-government of personality, will transform an effectively-practical sphere and carries out the emotionally-semantic going near the study of questions, that discussions, professional orientation.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

The features of arranging process of children-orphans in the family

The article is devoted to modern technologies of organization the process of psychological and pedagogical support of upbringing children-orphans and children left without parental care, foster families. Particularly, basic approaches, criteria and stage-by-stage maintenance of organization of this process are exposed in the article. Analysis of the types of psycho-pedagogical support of orphans are given in this article: guardianship (trusteeship), foster family; also there are the main directions of psycho- educational support of children-orphans in the family. The stages of prevention and rehabilitation work on socio-pedagogical and psychological support are considered by authors. The basic conditions of organization of the socio-pedagogical support of children-orphans and children left without parental care in foster families are also defined in this article.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

Development of a new fermented dairy product with functional properties

The article deals with the development of technologies for the preparation of fermented dairy products, which makes it possible to consider the scientific task of creating yoghurt products with the use of starter cultures as an actual one.

Author: A.N. Lukash
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 4(64)

Foreign experience of transition to a "green" economy

With the purpose of transition of the world economy to a sustainable growth model, the principles of the "green" economy should be integrated into the currently implemented structural reforms. The four main directions that form the "green" economy are highlighted. Structural reform, which connected with directions, can serve as engines of economic growth. Particular attention in passing to the green economy is given to the formation of modern infrastructure, which has the key to ensuring sustainable development and modernization that is an important element of the structural reforms analyzed here. Worldwide, initiatives are emerging at the national level that show that countries are moving towards a "green" economy at their own pace and in the context of their national development goals and priorities. Most countries in the world have recently stepped up their environmental policies to move away from a traditional model in which environmental protection is considered a burden on the economy, to a model in which ecology is recognized as the engine of development, i.e. to the "green" economy.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Modern trends of informatization in the educational process of higher education institution

The article describes the basic trends of IT management in the educational process of higher educational institutions. The problem of transition to a new model of education quality, determined by the State Program of Education development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2019, causes a broader implementation of information technologies in the process of education. The paper presents the main reasons according to which educational institutions use information systems, as well as the possibility of the results of the introduction of information technologies. These technologies expand the boundaries of information and educational space for more efficient management of the educational process. Summarizing the results of the researches in this field the author identified and analyzed the subsystems of the university management.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Research and methodical basis of information and communication technologies in the teaching of mathematics

The article deals with the application of information and communication technologies in the teaching of mathematics. These technologies contribute to the development of independent thinking, help to rationally use time, form interdisciplinary communication.

Author: K.E. Tasybaeva
Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 1(65)
Heading: Natural sciences

The use of information technologies for the popularization of the Kazakh language through the Internet

The purpose of this work is to create an information system that promotes Kazakh language popularization in social networks. Kazakh language usage analysis in the Internet had been made. The database and software with a bilingual interface that generate and send messages in the Internet has been developed. Increasing Kazakh language popularity methodology using a messenger program is also suggested.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 1(65)

Internet marketing as an instrument to improve business performance

The article deals with the essence and content of Internet marketing as one of the modern tools to improve business performance. The sphere of application of Internet marketing tools and technologies and the statistics of their effectiveness evaluation in foreign practice of business structures are considered. The main methods used in the preparation of the article are methods of statistical and analytical analysis and graphical interpretation of results, an analytical review of foreign experience in using Internet marketing as a modern business tool. The information component of the article, conclusions and recommendations are aimed at determining an effective business model within the digital market based on Internet marketing.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 2(66)

Foreign information competence as one of the key competences in the modern information society

The article reveals the essence of information competence as a key factor for successful adaptation and self-realization of students in a dynamically developing information society.

Author: Zh.B. Bekturova
Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 2(66)
Heading: Humanities

Research of possibility of the applying gellants in dairy products technology

Gellants are food additives used to increase the dencity and create a certain structure of the food product. In the dairy industry, there is an active work at developing new technologies for fermented milk products, which allows improving organoleptic quality indicators with the use of gellants. In this article, an analysis of the assortment of gellants used in the dairy industry was analyzed.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 3(67)

Creating an electronic textbook on mathematics

The article considers basic principles and approaches for creation of an electronic textbook, the stages of introduction of information and communication technologies in the learning process. The main stages of creating an electronic publication in accordance with the requirements for the development of a modern textbook are presented.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 4(68)
Heading: Natural sciences

Peculiarities of the method of teaching discipline

"Information communication technologies" in English language Annotation. The article discusses the use of the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) methodology in the teaching of the discipline "Information and Communication Technologies" in English. The use of this technology in polylingual groups is most appropriate, since the CLIL pursues two goals, namely, the study of the subject through a foreign language, and a foreign language through the taught subject. Integrability is determined by the fundamental nature of ICT and the nature of the basic objects of its study; the ability to work with information refers to general educational skills. Teaching ICT in English allows students to look at English from an information point of view. To assimilate the material, the already existing knowledge of students in the user aspect is reinforced, relying on the basic concepts of ICT and competence in the field of informatics, expanding the literacy skills of ICT tools and English-language software, enriching vocabulary in English, forming orientation skills in the English interface of applied and office programs ..

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 4(68)
Heading: Natural sciences

Innovative technologies for enrichment of flour from wheat grain

The technogenic impact on the ecological environment led to a decrease in the amount of natural food consumed and a change in its qualitative composition. The article discusses the innovative direction – enrichment of food with micronutrients. New types of bread with functional properties for mass nutrition are developed.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)

Digitalization of the health sector in Kazakhstan: the main stages, problems and prospects

The article discusses the development of digital health care in Kazakhstan, the pace of development of which allows us to predict with confidence the intensive development of smart medicine in the future. The main stages of digitalization of health care are considered, while the main trends characterizing the features and problems of its development at the present stage were highlighted.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 2(70)

Methodological features of teaching children with hearing and speech impairments multimedia technologies

In accordance with the law on education, the Republic of Kazakhstan guarantees the equality of the rights of all to receive a quality education, taking into account the intellectual development, psychophysiological and individual characteristics of each. The article is devoted to the analysis of the development of inclusive education, the problems on the path of introducing inclusive education are considered, the analysis of the experience of conducting an IT school in the framework of inclusive education is given. An attempt was made to identify factors contributing to the successful implementation of inclusive education methods.

Author: E.V. Prokopets
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

The theoretical basis for the use of Petri nets in the simulation of enterprise logistics system

The paper is devoted to solving logistics problems based on information technologies. Petri net-based modeling is proposed as a solution method. The paper describes solution of the problem of supply chain management based on the Petri net.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

Development of technology for the purification of water from mercury pollution

The object of the study was water and bottom sediments of the lake Balkyldak of Pavlodar region, contaminated by mercury wastes.The purpose of the work is the creation of innovative cost-effective technologies for deep cleaning of aqueous media from mercury to the level of 1-10 parts per trillion, which will be tested for the cleaning of the lake Bylkyldak facilities in Pavlodar region.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

Development of web-site interface on WordPress platform

The article discusses the advantage of WordPress CMS platform for web site development. The development of the interface of the website of the online store and the software code related to the functional part of the site is described. It also shows the activation, installation and configuration of the plugin. The article analyzes the latest technologies for creating an online store based on the site and mobile application.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

Historical and pedagogical aspect of the problem of development of gifted children

In this article the modern understanding of giftedness is considered. The author having passed through scientific disputes of many psychological schools argues that it is based on the dominant cognitive motivation and research creative activity, expressing in the discovery of new in the formulation and solution of problems in secondary school through individual technologies.

Author: A.T. Tashimova
Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Social sciences

Extraction of non-ferrous metals from dusts of converter steel-melting production

In the article presents the results of studies on the effect of temperature and pressure on the chloride sublimation of zinc and lead from converter dusts of steel production. Currently, an objective necessity is the development of dust utilization technologies for converter steel production, with its further use in production and production of by-products. The use of dust allows not only to save natural raw materials, but also increases production efficiency and improves the environmental situation. The content of non-ferrous metals in dusts makes it difficult to process and use them in agglomeration or in blast furnace production, while the iron content in converter dusts (sludges) makes it possible to use them as promising metallurgical raw materials. Therefore, for a more complete processing of dusts, extraction of non-ferrous metals from them is proposed. The purpose of this work was to determine the possibility of extracting zinc and lead from sludges of the converter production by the method of chloride sublimation. We used dust containing: 86,3 % Fe2O3, 3,5 % FeO, 0,9 % Al2O3, 1,6 % CaO, 0,9 % MgO, 1,1 % MnO, 0,8 % SiO2, 4,4 % ZnO, 0,5 % PbO. The study was conducted in the temperature range 200-1600 degrees C and pressures of 0,01; 0,1 and 1 bar based on a complete thermodynamic analysis using the HSC – 5.1 software package. Finnish metallurgical company Outokumpu, based on the principle of minimum Gibbs energy. According to the results of the studies, it was found that, at normal pressure, lead chloride sublimationbegins at a temperature of 600 degrees С, and zinc - at 900 degrees С: a decrease in pressure to 0,01 bar reduces the temperature to 500 degrees С and 700 degrees С, respectively; lead chloride sublimation under equal conditions is more complete than zinc; To achieve zinc chloride distillation at the level of 90-96 %, the process must be carried out at 1145-1200 degrees С and pressure from logP = -2 to 1,2 bar, while the degree of lead chloride distillation is 99,8-100 %.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

The study of nutritional values and organoleptic properties of poly-grain extruded mixture

Among many environmental conditions that affect a person, the most important factor is nutrition. Today, there is no doubt that there is a direct link between nutrition, health and disease. Proper nutrition ensures normal growth and development of a person, contributes to the prevention of diseases, has a positive impact on life expectancy and creates conditions for adaptation to the environment. A very actual topic for public catering in the Republic of Kazakhstan, namely for fast food companies, is the development of new recipes and culinary products from relatively inexpensive vegetable raw materials, as well as qualitatively new food products with a purposefully changed chemical composition. One of the main ways of solving problems of expanding the production of products for quick service, as well as products for dietary and therapeutic and preventive nutrition is the use of sprouted grains and beans. In this article, poly-grain mixtures of sprouted wheat and extruded soy beans in different ratios are studied and considered. Poly-grain mixtures developed by us are balanced in nutrients, vitamins and amino acids. The research was carried out on the basis of the accredited testing laboratory of RUBICOM enterprise LLP and the scientific laboratory of the Innovative Eurasian University. The purpose of this work is to study a promising method for increasing the nutritional value of grain mixtures by extruding them at different temperature conditions. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were planned: – to study the grain of soy beans and sprouted wheat on the organolepti c characteristics and chemical composition of the poly-grain mixture; – examine the chemical composition of the poly-grain mixture before extrusion; – choose the optimal mode of the extrusion process; – study and analyze the chemical composition of poly-grain extruded mixture; It should be noted that we have developed for the first time the optimal technological mode of extrusion of poly-grain mixture from sprouted wheat and soy beans, and the physical and chemical composition of the poly-grain mixture was studied. The results of the research presented in this paper are the basis for the development of recipes and technologies for fast food products. The reliability and validity of scientific statements is confirmed by the choice of modern methods of chemical composition analysis.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

On some aspects of the project-based approach in the context of increasing the efficiency of economic development

The article discusses various aspects of project management, which is one of the most effective tools and allows you to skillfully take into account various factors, as a result of which the reliability of implementing successful changes and achieving goals in all types of professional activities increases. In Kazakhstan, project management dates back to the 1990s, but the real practical application of this management tool is observed at the beginning of this century. According to the authors, one of the key problems of widespread implementation and use of the project approach in the private and public sectors is the lack of information and methodological support for the development of this area. The purpose of this study is to systematize the theoretical and methodological aspects of project management in the context of improving the quality and efficiency of economic decisions. Any project is a change that is caused by the creation of innovations and the corresponding investment and other resources, on the one hand, and on the other hand, is implemented in conditions of high uncertainty and risks. The research uses the following methods: comparative analysis, a systematic approach based on which General and specific features of project management are identified, as well as abstract-logical. In the context of globalization, modern management principles require a team approach to solve problems aimed at achieving the strategic goals of companies, organizations and States, as well as ensuring continuous improvement of business processes, implementing any changes of a socio-economic, organizational or other nature. The processes that ensure an effective transition to project technologies, as well as important components of the project approach from the point of view of achieving project goals are identified. It is shown that project management is especially widely used in private companies. Currently, this tool is being actively implemented in the management system of state structures in different countries. The significance of the research results lies in the fact that knowledge about the project approach is generally recognized scientific direction, which is characterized as an independent sphere of professional activity and a system of lean management aimed at improving the economic efficiency of implemented projects. In General, despite the noticeable activation of project management promotion processes in Kazakhstan, it should be noted that an important task is to transfer modern technologies of the project approach as a tool for innovative development to all spheres of life of the Kazakh society.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

Analysis of the state and problems of metallurgical cluster development of the Pavlodar region’s economy

The article analyzes the state and problems of cluster development in the real sector of the region based on the materials of the Pavlodar region. The main problem of innovative development of the Pavlodar region, as well as in all regions of Kazakhstan, in general, is the lack of innovative activity of enterprises, which is reflected in the volume, frequency and efficiency of their innovations. At the same time, most of the enterprises belonging to the real sector of the economy have sufficient resources for the development of innovative activity. However, the prospects for their interaction with enterprises in other sectors and sectors of the economy for the purpose of technology transfer are insignificant, which, in general, doesn’t meet the principles of balanced spatial development of the territory formulated by the program for the development of territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2020. One of the ways to solve this problem is formation and development of a cluster approach and interaction of business entities. The article assesses the efficiency of the cluster’s functioning as an institution of regional development. On the example of the metallurgical cluster of Pavlodar region, the main ways and methods of forming cluster initiatives in the regional economy are considered, a SWOT analysis of the development of the metallurgical cluster of the region is given, and its main problems are identified; identifies priority directions of clusters’ development (metallurgical cluster, including the production of final products, the cluster of railway engineering, agri-food cluster), the realization of which in the region could create the conditions for the emergence and full development of a number of new highly specialized sectors such as cluster chemistry, cluster of road and construction machinery, transport logistics cluster, cluster of modern production technologies and engineering, cluster of manufacturing components for machinery and equipment and cluster of industrial electrical engineering and equipment for power engineering. The authors also noted that the realization of regional development strategies of cluster initiatives can potentially lay the foundations for clusters “future days”, such as: cluster of resource efficiency and environmentally processing, the cluster of new energy, the cluster of innovative medicine, tourism and recreational cluster.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

Mathematical modeling of the results of experimental studies of the influence of the type and dose of cheese melting salt on the qualitative indicators of melted cheeses

The article is devoted to the mathematical modulation of a complex of experimental data obtained in the process of experimental studies of processed cheese products, processed by mathematical methods. The purpose of this study is to establish the type and amount of the melting salt that promotes the formation of the plastic structure of the processed cheese product. The analysis of scientific research in the field of food technologies showed that mathematical modeling is used in the following areas: clarification of the modes of technological processes, design of recipes and assessment of the quality of finished products, as well as forecasting the shelf life of new products when they are put into production. The most relevant in describing the processes of food production are models of multivariate variance-regression analysis using methods of mathematical planning of the experiment. The authors carried out mathematical modeling and established graphical dependencies characterizing the degree of influence of the regulated factors X1 and X2 on the controlled ones that determine the quality and safety of processed cheese products. It is important that the mathematical analysis of the graphical dependences of the rheological parameters on the adjustable factors indicates the reliability of the data obtained. It is concluded that an increase in the melting salt dose leads to an increase in the – limit shear stress, which reflects the nature and state of the consistency of the processed cheese product. The process of normalization of the controlled factors by the maximum value was carried out. Graphical dependencies were built and regression analysis was performed, the results of which allow an objective assessment of the degree of influence of the type and dose of the melting salt on the chemical and organoleptic characteristics of the test products. The authors have proven that the optimal efficiency of transforming the structure of the constituent components of the recipe into a plastic structure of a processed cheese product that is stable during storage is provided by a combination of adjustable factors X1 (Solva 85) and X2 (Solva 120) taken in a ratio of 1: 1, with a total amount of 1,2 mas.%. At the same time, the quality indicators of the experimental products are characterized by the following values of the controlled factors: У1 – 1280 Pa; У2 – 9 points, У3 – 9,301 (2,0-2,2109 colony forming units /g).

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

Organization of activities for the treatment and disposal of industrial waste at the landfill

Environmental protection measures are based, among other things, on the rationalization of the organization of the production waste management process. Population growth and the race to industrialize pose a serious threat to the ecosystem. Currently, the average global waste generation per capita is 494 kg / year. A large number of industrial enterprises operate on the territory of Kazakhstan. The range of manufactured products is very wide: household items, transport, building materials, equipment and much more. Each type of production is inevitably a source of a large amount of industrial waste, annually at the enterprises of Kazakhstan up to 600 million tons of waste are generated, three percent of which are recycled. On the territory of Pavlodar region there are enterprises in the field of metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical industry, construction industry enterprises, light industry, about a hundred in total. In this connection, the problem of treatment and disposal of industrial waste in Pavlodar region is very relevant. The article discusses the system of waste management in order to reduce their impact on the environment, activities for the disposal, transportation, disposal of waste, as well as their disposal at the industrial waste landfill in Pavlodar. The landfill in question is intended for the reception, temporary storage and disposal of non-hazardous solid industrial waste of the «green» level: waste and scrap of chromium, cadmium, aluminum, copper, lead, zinc, manganese, plastic waste, polyethylene, abrasive, rubber waste, ash and ash and slag waste; and also «amber»: waste containing mercury, arsenic, lead, waste batteries, phosphoric slags, waste oils, oil sludge. The scheme of organizing waste storage works is considered. The volume of accepted and recycled waste, as well as those placed at the landfill and used for their own needs, was analyzed, including construction waste, waste sleepers, ash and slag and abrasive scrap. The solution to the problem of industrial waste disposal is associated with the need for innovation and the introduction of new technologies and equipment.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

Digitalization of education: pros and cons

The pandemic has given a new impetus to the digitalization of society. Digitalization is one of the most significant trends in our real life, which is actively implemented in the field of education and is rapidly gaining ground in Kyrgyzstan. This article examines the positive and negative aspects of the modern educational environment focused on the systematic use of digital learning technologies. Modern technologies are developing at a great speed. The authors are sure that the process of transition of modern education and in particular the school curriculum to an electronic format is inevitable. This determines the relevance of the topic under consideration. The author determined that when the idea of digitalization comes to life, not only the education system will change, but also its meaning and purpose. A new one has already grown digital generation; new digital technologies have emerged, digital technology has been born economy, educational technologies have changed – digitalization has begun education. How not to confuse digitization and digitalization? What legislation what is the basis for digitalization of education supported by? What are the pros and cons of the digitalization of education? The prospects, pros and cons of digitalization of education are presented in this article. The article discusses the main advantages and disadvantages of digital education. It is concluded that the digitalization of education is a necessary and inevitable step that characterizes the modern social reality, so it is necessary to carefully study all the pros and cons in order to avoid serious problems in the future. Digitalization implies independent study of the material. It will be possible to evaluate all the pros and cons of such a system and its consequences decades later. When the time comes, the entire structure of education will change.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

Unit economics in the youth entrepreneurship sector: principles, methods of implementation

Basic problem: the Republic of Kazakhstan is a platform for implementing innovative projects in all spheres of the economy, providing the younger generation with resource centers, technological parks, agricultural equipment, industrial technologies and scientific and educational complexes. The main goal of such actions is to activate scientific research, increase the technological potential of the industrial sectors of the national economy, and stimulate the development of innovative activities in the field of research and development. The problems of developing an entrepreneurial culture are a cornerstone issue that combines a combination of motivational principles for generating and promoting ideas, activating youth entrepreneurship as the flagship of the future economy, and a complex epidemiological situation in the world that hinders not only the development of entrepreneurship, but also the course of all socio-economic processes in society. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the problems of youth entrepreneurship and find ways to solve them in accordance with the principles and methods of implementation, including the unit economics. Methods: the research Area focuses on economic modeling techniques that are successfully used in international practice to determine the profitability of business models, taking into account the effect of the production of a unit of goods / services or a single client / customer. The implementation of this approach is facilitated by the use of traditional methods of scientific research, such as analysis, comparison, and a graphical method for visualizing the results obtained; quantification method and parametric method as an evaluation tool that allows formalizing the procedure for evaluating the performance of unit economics models. Results and their significance: when considering business models in relation to youth entrepreneurship, attention is paid to the skills and competencies that students who study the disciplines of the entrepreneurial block in higher education receive. The proposed methods of unit economics are actively used in the development and promotion of startups, as an integral part of business plans. It is concluded that youth business has started to play a crucial role in solving socio-economic problems, such as creating new jobs and reducing the unemployment rate, and training qualified personnel. The set of proposed measures provides additional opportunities and increases the influence of youth entrepreneurship, which becomes the basis for unlocking its potential.

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Design of the designershoes with the use of innovative technologies

The article discusses methods for creating smart things, using the example of the use of innovative technologies in the field of materials for clothing and footwear. The factors of form formation are substantiated by the example of the preferences of an individual customer who forms its image through accessories and shoes. The author considers the factors of shaping, based on the special functional features of shoes in connection with ergonomic factors. The designer is able to foresee the factor of transformability in modern footwear, changes in functional qualities, appearance, and design features of new footwear. As a result, on the basis of these transformations, to get a new emotional image and a new form. The shape of the shoe becomes a factor for transformations at the request of the customer. The article discusses the functional tasks of this shoe, plastic characteristics, technical and design tasks. As research methods, the article proposes variants of experimental models with possible stages of transformation, presents preliminary technical data, conducts a comparative analysis with innovative footwear samples of famous world designers, and makes assumptions about the development of this model in the future. An experimental method was used during the study. A shoe shape was developed, which took into account the preferences of the age group of 12-16 years old, relying on this category of consumers, we were able to go beyond the rational understanding of shoes as a functional form and gave it the meaning of a fantastic image, which allowed us to consider the form in the semantic and artistic context dictated by this age group of consumers. In addition, investing in this model the concept of "smart shoes", we considered not only the ability of modification and transformation by rearranging replaceable parts, the possibility of designing and reincarnating from one form to another, combining the constituent elements of the shoe into one whole, but also the development of the creative potential of the consumer, who at its own discretion can rebuild the structure and, in fact, as a designer itself, form a new model. The article makes assumptions about its further development in various fields of activity. For example, medicine, sports, art, etc. Considering the introduction of new materials, we relied on discoveries in the field of nanotechnology and considered among the possible features of this model the change in color on the basis, the reaction of materials to light, temperature, etc. The project is aimed at creating such shoes that will be developed for a wide range of consumers thanks to the wide range of possibilities contained in the design of the form and the features of modern materials.

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Implementation of environmental measures in the study of pre-design situations on the example of a roadside service facility

When solving project tasks, it is necessary to take into account the maximum number of possible solutions that contribute to the efficiency of the object. When analyzing the activity of multifunctional objects, such solutions are all the more important, since they allow, taking into account the specific features of the object, to make the most rational design decision, especially if these solutions are associated with the ability to solve environmental and energy-efficient problems. The decisions made can take into account both the operation of the object itself and the infrastructure that provides the solution with the necessary engineering solutions. The most difficult thing in making project decisions is to systematize the studied situations and analyze informative sources. Systematization of methods of pre-project analysis, generalization of the experience of project work on the example of designing a roadside service object. Wepropose forms that facilitate the structuring of information sources, as well as logical tables that give an idea of the specifics of the choice of positions and directions that allows quickly come to an understanding of how to implement project tasks. Awareness of the methods that allow organizing the logic and sequence of design processes in design and architectural design allows the author to identify the most important problems from his point of view and fit them into the range of design tasks. The search for answers to these problems is formed by ways of structuring information and displaying it in pictorial structures, where the word takes on the meaning of a specific symbol, in a chain of connections that determine the understanding of the integral process of functioning of the future object, taking into account all aspects of its activity.

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Organization of the educational process on anti-doping support in a sports university

Main problem: the organization of anti-doping education of students assumes the presence of a specialized discipline "Fundamentals of anti-doping support" and the inclusion of anti-doping topics in classical disciplines. The formation of a number of competencies in the field of anti-doping education requires new interactive forms of organization of activities that take place in the development of both disciplines of the medical and biological cycle, as well as sports, pedagogical and social disciplines. A conscious perception of the industry problems associated with the use of doping in sports and the health of the nation provides knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, sports medicine. Purpose: study of the organization of the educational process for anti-doping support in a sports university. Methods: today, the main methodological innovations are associated with the use of interactive learning technologies. The learning process, based on the use of interactive teaching methods, is organized taking into account the inclusion of all participants in the learning process. An educational communication environment is created, which is characterized by openness, interaction of participants, equality of their arguments, accumulation of joint knowledge, and the possibility of mutual evaluation. The organization of the educational process on anti-doping support for InEU students assumes the presence in the educational program of a specialized discipline "Fundamentals of anti-doping Support" and the introduction of components of anti-doping education in already established disciplines. Results and their significance: the organization of the educational process on anti-doping support for InEU students assumes the presence of a specialized discipline "Fundamentals of anti-doping Support" in Educaional Program and the inclusion of components of anti-doping education in the formed disciplines.

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Methodological aspects of the technology of developing electronic textbooks

The widespread introduction of information technologies makes significant changes in various spheres of human activity. The education sector is no exception. In this regard, in this article, the author considers the actual problem of developing electronic textbooks and is one of the most relevant and promising areas of informatization of the educational process. The analysis of the works of scientists A.A. Andreev, A.I. Bashmakov, T.I. Koval, V.M. Kukharenko, E.S. Polat, P.I. Serdyukov, S.S. Sysoeva, A.Yu. Uvarova was conducted. These works contain requirements for the development of electronic textbooks. Based on the results of the analysis, the author described the stages of developing electronic textbooks, the principles that they should correspond to, and also provided a list of modules that should make up an electronic textbook. From the existing variety of software packages, the author distinguishes CourseLab, Smart Builder, MOS Solo, Google Sites, iSpring Suite, TurboSite, Adobe Animate, HTML5. The development of electronic textbooks based on the technology presented by the author of the article and their subsequent application in the educational process will help to organize the educational and cognitive activities of students at a more effective level. Purpose is the description of the technology for the development of electronic textbooks, taking into account existing requirements. The article uses methods of analysis, synthesis and deduction. The analysis of requirements and principles of development of electronic textbooks is carried out on the basis of the descriptive-analytical method. The practical result of the proposed technology is the developed electronic textbook "Development of mobile applications". The results of the study, in addition to their theoretical significance, also have practical significance, which consists in the positive dynamics in resolving the contradiction between the continuously increasing flow of information and the limited opportunities of students to assimilate it. The conscious use of electronic textbooks in the educational process is one of the fundamental ways to improve the quality of education by changing the methods of teaching used in the direction of individualization and focus on the student.

Author: E.V. Prokopets
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Modern pedagogical technologies in teaching a foreign language in primary school

The article describes modern pedagogical technologies of teaching a foreign language in primary school and examines their impact on the development of various competencies of primary school students. The authors emphasize that information and communication pedagogical technologies help to implement a student-centered approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of younger students, their level of education. And also modern pedagogical technologies as a systemic holistic means of restructuring activities make it possible to improve the quality of the educational process, to solve the problems of personality development. Purpose – analysis of modern educational technologies used in English lessons. The current system of training primary school teachers requires a revision of its structure, organization, relationship with school practice and innovative processes in the education system. Therefore, the article proves that an important part of the educational process should be the use of new pedagogical technologies in improving the quality of training of specialists at the university, providing the possibility of self-development of the teacher's personality, increasing his creative abilities and improving the educational process. The study used a descriptive method, analysis and synthesis methods. The authors of the article call the development of the student's personality (moral and cognitive) and the complex of abilities for successful interaction with the polycultural and multilingual world around him as the goal of foreign language education in primary grades. Therefore, it is important that the future primary school teacher, in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard, has formed the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the application of modern pedagogical technologies. At the present time, when a new education system was created, focused on the world educational space, changes in the educational process changed the paradigm of education, updated the content of education, formed a new approach, new relationships. Keywords: technologies, competencies, multicultural, multilingual, English, modern education.

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Application of intelligent transport systems on the roads of Кazakhstan

The progress of work on the creation of an "intelligent transport system" in Kazakhstan, the development and modernization of the road industry will be reported. The economic and social effectiveness of several transport corridors and new projects were analyzed. Transport corridors of foreign countries, methods of providing logistics services were presented. In his address, the head of state paid special attention to the issues of digitalization of all spheres of life of the population, including the transport sector of Kazakhstan. Currently, the Ministry of investment and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan is working on the creation of an "intelligent transport system" within the framework of the state program «Digital Kazakhstan» (ITS). ITS goal is to systematically integrate transport infrastructure, transport devices and users with modern information and communication technologies aimed at improving the safety and efficiency of the transport process. The concept will include 11 components in ITS. One of them is a special automated measuring instruments (UAVs), which are installed in the main automobile corridors. This device is designed to measure moving vehicles without contact and eliminate unjustified stops. This year, it is planned to put into operation 10 units of RSPP, and by 2020 it is planned to increase their number to 46 units. It is also planned to introduce a traffic management system that will inform drivers about the situation on the roads, a system for forecasting and analyzing climatic conditions, which is carried out through a network of weather stations along the roads, a network of video monitoring and special video cameras for detecting traffic violations, toll road systems that cover the cost of maintenance of the national road network, etc. They will be introduced in stages until 2021. The implementation of this project will reduce road deaths, increase the volume of transit traffic and the speed of logistics services, fully cover the main highways with measuring instruments and create favorable conditions for drivers on the roads. Such systems are already operating in South Korea, Japan, Australia, Europe and the United States.

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Principles of using ornamental motifs to create a collection of modern youth clothing

The main problem of the article discusses the methods of developing a collection of casual clothing with elements of ethnic style, using the example of innovative technologies in the field of creating ornaments for clothing. Factors of formation of ornaments based on the structure of the human body are justified. The author considers the factors of shaping, based on special visual features of clothing in connection with ergonomic factors. Study of the specifics of ornamental motifs to transform them into a component of modern youth clothing. The authors of the article monitored the environmental approach, that is, the acquisition of knowledge about cultural values based on the selection of all the best that was created by the people, introduction to cultural folk traditions, dialogue between man and culture. When writing the article, we used author's and experimental research methods, fixing information in tables and author's sketches. The study of categories and definitions was carried out by the method of selecting and classifying information, as well as its analysis. Comparative analysis of forms of traditional and modern culture, study of bibliographies on architecture, art, philosophy, psychology; analysis of materials of scientific monographs, abstracts and dissertations, articles, creative essays of masters of architecture and art, from the point of view of the concepts, principles, conceptual and terminological formulations contained in them. In addition, private scientific methods are used: analysis of literary sources to identify current trends in the formation of art. Аs the results of the research, a collection has been developed that considers various types of clothing decoration, uses methods for including ornaments in the structural structure of the costume and provides models, calculations and drawings. The author's collection justifies the use of ornaments in connection with the selected artistic and figurative task of the collection, as well as in connection with its functional purpose. All these factors are formative. And the practical experience of this research shows the relevance of this topic in connection with the need not only to promote the historical achievements of Kazakhstan's culture to the masses and popularize them, but also as a method that helps to understand the possibilities of its translation into modern design objects. Keywords: ornament, youth, model, collection, Kazakhstan.

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Modern technologies as a way to solve innovative problems in interior design

The article examines modern technologies that contribute to the implementation of creative design ideas, based on the analysis of modern lighting technology and energy saving factors. It is hypothesized that the goal of modern design in this article is defined as the creation of new space and values, through the renewal of the human environment. The basis for confirming this hypothesis should be the justification for the use of lighting technology and electronicsin solving conceptual and artistic design problems. The scientific research is based on the methodology for making design decisions and ways to open new ways for the implementation of creative imagination and new conceptual solutions of the designer, on the example of designing the interior of a cafe. The author considers and substantiates such terms as intelligent space, interior as a process, integrated lighting systems, informatization of interior space, new methods of decoration, etc. Examples of analysis of design situations from are given the point of view of functional tasks, classification of requirements when making design decisions is substantiated. Lighting technologies in the interior are viewed as a tool that solves a whole range of tasks that combine aesthetic and technological principles of interior shaping. Modern technology is seen as a designer's tool that should be used to understand the role of design as a conduit of scientific advances and innovative technologies to the consumer environment.

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The education system in the era of the fourth industrial revolution: developing skills and thinking for learning

Main problem: Computer systems and technologies are changing our society significantly. These changes are interconnected with both social and production spheres. Innovative digital technologies have a huge impact on the labor market and professional activity, contributing to their transfer to the electronic environment. Using digital technologies, modern people set new goals and solve problems with an increasing speed of problem solving, capitalizing on the possibilities of collaborative distributed actions within networks. In this regard, new competencies of specialists are in demand. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to establish the impact of the fourth industrial revolution on the education system and the development of skills and thinking for learning. Methods: When conducting scientific research, economic and statistical methods were used. These methods were also used in comparative analysis, as well as in assessing data and indicators of the higher education system, taking into account the impact of the fourth industrial revolution. The analytical method was used to consider the characteristics and factors influencing the development of skills and thinking for learning in modern conditions. The abstract-logical method is used to identify problems affecting the development of the labor market under the influence of digital technologies. Results and their value: The result of the study is that conclusions are drawn about the upcoming changes. Automation and digitalization are likely to lead to significant unemployment in most countries, so adaptation innovation policies are needed to help offset unemployment due to digitalization. Governments need to invest heavily in higher education as an economic development tool for their citizens. Lifelong learning should be identified as a critical element of success in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. Curricula should develop digital skills and address workforce disruptions due to automation.

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Development and research of means and methods for improving the efficiency of heat stations in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The main problem: This article is devoted to the key problems of the fuel and energy complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan: 1) lack of production capacity to meet the growing demand for energy and fuel from the economy and the population. Increased demand for electricity and heat, which will require the commissioning of new generating capacities.There is already a shortage in the fuel markets. Modernization and bringing the existing oil refineries (hereinafter referred to as refineries) to full capacity will not allow providing the domestic market until 2030; 2) the export orientation of raw materials, the dependence of the economy on the export of energy resources. In order to attract technology and investment in the oil and gas and nuclear industries, agreements on the extraction of energy resources were concluded with international export companies. In the medium term, Kazakhstan may face a shortage of oil for domestic refineries, if measures are not taken to stimulate its refining within the country. The uranium mined is fully exported; 3) high energy intensity of the economy, low level of energy efficiency. There is a high potential for increasing the efficiency of energy use both in the electric power industry and fuel production, and at the level of final consumption – in industry and housing and communal services; 4) decrease in the replenishment and quality of the resource base in the oil and gas, coal and nuclear industries; 5) low environmental friendliness of technologies used in the fuel and energy complex. Purpose: The purpose of the article is to reveal the problem in the field of ensuring the fulfillment of international obligations between different countries and their own energy sufficiency by gradually changing the structure of energy production. Methods: Studying the experience of increasing the efficiency of the use of energy resources and energy saving as a priority of the state policy of the country. Analysis of production capacity with a constantly forecasted shortage of primary energy resources and insufficient growth of capacity for the production of electricity and heat. Consideration of the possibility of compensating for the shortage by saving energy resources, increasing tariffs for energy carriers, as a stimulating factor for their effective use. Results and their significance: The results of this article will reflect the problems of energy, as the most important driving force of global economic progress. The well-being of the people depends on the state of the country's energy sector, therefore there is an urgent need to solve the emerging problems. The global energy problem is, first of all, the issue of stable and efficient supply of fuel and energy to mankind. Today, the energy sector of Kazakhstan is focused on fuel resources, since the country is provided with hydrocarbons and other energy resources. About 72 % of electricity in Kazakhstan is generated from coal, 12,3 % from hydro resources, 10,6 % from gas and 4,9 % from oil. Thus, the four main types of power plants generate 99,8 % of electricity, while alternative sources account for less than 0,2 %.

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Traditional and innovative methods of teaching a foreign language in primary school

The article compares modern and traditional pedagogical methods used in the process of teaching a foreign language in primary school, differentiates both the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, and indicates ways to supplement the shortcomings of traditional methods with new methods. Currently, the main methods used in teaching a foreign language are being considered. Among the new innovative methods that have recently appeared in the sphere of teaching foreign languages there are community language learning / counseling learning, the sugestopedic method, total physical response, the method of language teaching using information and communication technologies, consciousness-raising approach, task based learning, neuro- linguistic programming, guided discovery, the test-teach-test method. Their influence on the development of language competencies and creative abilities of primary school students are considered. The authors note that the main and most important condition of modern methodology in the process of teaching foreign languages is the creation of an artificial foreign language environment, i.e. the creation of a natural linguistic environment. The authors comment on the concept of "electronic linguistic environment" based on recent research. They show that "digital" children are completely immersed in the computer world, i.e. they live in an electronic linguistic environment and this allows them to solve the tasks of teaching a foreign language. The purpose of the article is to analyze traditional and modern educational methods used in modern English lessons. Activation of the student as the main figure of the educational process, the ability to work in close contact with other students, giving the student the opportunity to work independently, depending on their physiological, intellectual, psychological characteristics, is carried out using individual, paired, group, classroom and other forms of work. Both traditional methods and the latest modern methods are listed among the named teaching methods. Each method has its own characteristics. Therefore, it is very important to consider them in a comparative plan. Each old and new method has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the methodology of teaching English always requires additions and improvements. They are of great importance for expanding the horizons of students, increasing cognitive activity, improving knowledge, skills and language competencies. The authors used the following methods: the descriptive methods, methods of systematization, analysis, interpretation were used in the course of the study. Тhe authors of the article note that methods of teaching a foreign language are of great importance for the comprehensive development of primary school students, obtaining high-quality education, good command of English, achieving good vital indicators, conclude that every teacher should be able to use best practices, developing their creative research and effectively teaching modern English. The results of learning through new methods, such as differentiated learning, project-based learning, communicative learning, information and communication training, etc., providing the formation of personality, its language competencies, will undoubtedly contribute to the independent development of the child, the formation of his language competence, the development of cognitive, creative abilities of students.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Management in healthcare: domestic and foreign experience

The specifics of the management of healthcare institutions are due to the fact that healthcare is a special field of activity that differs significantly from other types of activities. One of the most important management tasks in the field of public health protection is the achievement of targets: improving the quality and accessibility of medical care through the effective use of limited financial, material, labor and other health resources in conditions of rapidly growing competition in the medical services market. The purpose - is to review and summarize the domestic and foreign experience of management in health care. The article emphasizes that the serious institutional transformations taking place in the domestic healthcare system in recent years are aimed at improving the quality of medical services in the implementation of the state guarantees program, at switching to a single-channel model of financing medical care, at introducing the principles of result-oriented budgeting into the activities of socially oriented organizations providing socially significant services. The practical implementation of the above innovations requires a revision of the concept of management in the field of healthcare, the priority areas of which correspond to the best world practice. The preservation of the health of the nation is a strategic guideline of state regulation in the field of healthcare, which determines the targets of state policy. When writing the article, traditional methods (comparison, description, measurement), general logical methods and research techniques (analysis, generalization, etc.) were used. The article discusses the main theoretical foundations and organizational and economic mechanisms of the healthcare management system in market conditions. The author notes that effective healthcare is a significant factor stabilizing the socio-political situation at all the above-mentioned early stages of the reform. Therefore, studies of economic relations in healthcare in the transition period, the role of innovation policy in the management of healthcare institutions are becoming relevant. At the same time, issues of the effectiveness of the functioning of healthcare institutions are of particular importance, which are ultimately determined by the creation of socio-economic, scientific, technical, organizational and economic prerequisites for the progressive development of productive forces using the achievements of scientific and technological progress, the latest medical technologies.

Author: Zh.N. Abdikadyr
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

International experience in automating public services in the system of land relations

The article considers international experience in automating the system of land relations, aimed at improving the quality and reducing the time for the provision of services by state bodies to citizens and organizations, providing access to information databases, which positively affects the development of effective government decisions for the effective use of land resources, and also improves social welfare. In Kazakhstan, the transfer of land cadastral information to electronic media continues, and the automated information system of the land cadastre is being improved. The task of creating a unified mechanism for state cadastral registration of land plots according to uniform rules and technologies for all, identification and individualization of land plots and objects of immovable property firmly associated with them, for subsequent state registration of rights to land plots and transfer of information to the territorial bodies of the State Revenue Committee, remains relevant. To study the experience of developed countries in the provision of public services in the system of land relations through the development of official land information systems. The article used general scientific methods from general to concrete one, synthesis, theoretical generalization, induction, deduction, and system analysis. Based on the studied experience of developed countries, relevant conclusions and proposals were made: information technology is a useful tool and can help overcome bureaucracy, backwardness, isolation, monopolistic practices, and inefficiency in the public and private sectors; the use of state bodies for effective regulation of geographic information (GIS) systems that allow solving a wide range of tasks, as well as the use of modern information technologies, contributes to the transition of the activities of state bodies to a qualitatively new level of state control, which allows for full transparency of information about the land fund and objects real estate of the country, as well as its availability to the population. The provision of public services in the field of land relations using information and communication technologies reduces entry barriers and transaction costs in business, increases competition, and improves mechanisms in this area.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

HR Strategy and HR Policy as a management system tool based on Kazakhstan companies’ experience

One of the management concerns of the progressive development of a modern organization is the efficiency of its HR potential. This concern is often resolved to quality issues of training graduates, inefficient labor market regulation, both at public level and regional one. These factors, external to the organization, positively impact the effectiveness of its activities, but today the government and business environment have already formed the tools to address this problem. However, there are also a number of inner concerns in HR management based on non-exact coordination and balanced HR Strategy, its orientation, goals and objectives and the company’s strategy. But only in this situation, both HR Strategy and HR Policy, more specifically, can become an effective tool for HR management as part of the company’s strategic development objectives. The purpose is to study and make a comparative analysis for supporting HR Policy of a number of major Kazakhstan companies, to analyze the relationship and coordination of companies’ HR Policy with their general strategy. We used classic methods, such as analysis, comparison, description, generalization, justification, etc., while preparing the paper and rationalizing the problem studied in it. As to this paper, based on materials of major companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the authors study and identify the content of HR Strategy and HR Policy as the main factors of domestic employers’ approach to HR management issues. The analysis proves the multi-vector approaches of Kazakhstan organizations to the formation and HR development. It seems also obvious that HR Policy of Kazakhstan companies has been and remains highly situational manner providing rationale to solve some or other HR problems related to dynamics of market situations and dynamics of goals and objectives for their development. The authors emphasize that the effectiveness of HR management and the HR Policy one of the organization requires a clear comprehension of the position and relevance of HR in organization. Honestly, this comprehension will be mainly governed by such factors as ownership, industry aspects, productivity levels, buoyancy rate of technologies used and the market of products or services sold by the organization. It is highly important that this comprehension is embodied properly in HR Strategy and HR Policy of the organization and is balanced with its market development strategy.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Optimization of the distribution of spent stages to the fall zones of launch vehicles of the Baikonur Cosmodrome

An analysis of the mechanical, chemical and pyrogenic impact of the Baikonur Cosmodrome on the environment showed the presence of man-made impacts of the first stages (FS) used on the ecosystems of the impact zones (IZ). This article presents the concept of a controlled landing of spent launch vehicles with liquid rocket engines (LRE) in the expected zones of damage to the ecosystems of the area while maintaining the energy-optimal launch scenario of the launch vehicle. Purpose of the article - development of effective technologies for reducing the anthropogenic impact during launches of promising rockets from the Baikonur Cosmodrome based on theoretical and experimental studies of innovative technologies: reducing the area of impact of parts from launch vehicles; fire and explosion safety, no danger of rocket launchers; controlled descent of used first stages; To solve the problem, it is proposed to create an additional IASM, which will be included in the environmental management system of the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Possible design solutions are proposed based on the evaporation of untreated liquid waste from the tanks of separated parts, their fire and explosion safety, and the use of the obtained vapor-gas mixtures for controlled unloading of separated parts while moving along the landing trajectory to the optimal area. The authors of the article have developed evaluation criteria that characterize the main environmental indicators of the studied areas: fire hazard, soil cover and impact on vegetation are studied for inclusion in the IASM. There are objective requirements and basic rules for the creation of HIASM, which is an integral part of the environmental management system of the cosmodrome.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

About the use of CASE-technologies in the process of designing information systems

Main problem: Today electronic information is one of the important resources in the management system. Electronic information resources are not only means, but also control flows. For example, any instruction or instruction in the management system is actually a guide to action. At the same time, for example, data on the movement of an object (employees, goods, money, etc.) are information resources, the storage and accounting of which is the basis of the organizational process. Large flows of information require their structuring, and operations on them become time-consuming. One of the ways to solve this problem is the development and implementation of an information system. Purpose: To analyze and design an information system using specialized tools designed to optimize the implementation of the above stages of software system development, using the example of a real business process. Methods: The article discusses the methodologies of CASE tools designed to automate software development processes, namely, the first two stages of the life cycle: analysis and design of a software product. The analysis and design of the business process functionality is carried out using the IDEF0 functional modeling methodology. The design of the database structure of the information system was carried out using the methodology of semantic (information) modeling IDEF1X. Description of the scenario of the designed software for a real business process is carried out using the dynamic modeling methodology IDEF3. Results and their significance: The article substantiates the relevance of the use of modern CASE-technologies in the process of analyzing and designing a future information system, as well as for the purpose of possible optimization on the example of a real business process "Inventory accounting". As a result, a comprehensive business process model was built using tools based on CASE-methodologies. The resulting model, as well as the description of its construction, is a clear example of the use of CASE technologies for software developers, as well as system analysts and IT specialists.

Author: I.I. Lyashenko
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

The main directions of improving the process of formation of methodological skills of a future mathematics teacher

Based on the psychological aspect of the concept of "qualification", the article analyzes the main directions of the formation of methodological qualifications of future teachers of mathematics and advanced training in pedagogical universities. It is possible to achieve high-quality teaching of geometric subjects in higher educational institutions by using methodological and meaningful methods in organizing the educational process. The creation of a certain structure of the educational process, the definition of teaching methods and means, the careful selection of subject content were determined by the specific principles of pedagogy. Basically, these principles are the real achievements of modern pedagogy and are constantly changing. The existing system of didactic principles can be gradually changed and expanded The purpose is to choose the main didactic principles and to offer a scientific-methodological basis for improving the methodological preparation of future mathematics teachers in the Pedagogical University for solving and teaching geometrical problems. In this regard, interviews, questionnaires, analysis of the curriculum and its content, as well as discussions with experienced teachers and methodologists in teaching geometry were conducted; pedagogical control and diagnostics of the educational process were carried out. In order to test the effectiveness of the methods proposed by us, pedagogical experiments were carried out. The entire system of training future teachers of mathematics faces new challenges related to the implementation of effective didactic principles for teaching geometry in pedagogical universities. First of all, it is the principle of mastering innovative teaching methods of the future teacher of mathematics and the principle of mastering new pedagogical and information technologies of education. The results of the study can be used as a methodological basis for further research on the professional orientation of teaching mathematics in universities.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)

Experimental studies of the structural and rheological properties of processed cheeses in the selection of melting salts

As part of solving the priority tasks set in the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, a significant role is given to the development of the food industry, including dairy products. Big tasks are to be solved by branch science in the field of processing raw materials of plant and animal origin using the achievements of bio- and nanotechnologies to improve the quality, biological, nutritional value and food safety. New approaches are needed to organize the complex processing of plant and animal raw materials in order to improve the economic, social and environmental aspects of the production itself, as well as the life of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Despite the extensive range of processed cheeses, it is constantly updated. This is due to the need to meet the requirements of nutritional science, changing consumer demand, as well as the availability of raw materials and considerations of the profitability of a particular type of cheese. The working hypothesis of the research was the assumption that for the melting of raw materials it is possible to use reagents that affect the active acidity of the medium, stabilize the structure, bind moisture and improve the consistency and organoleptic characteristics of the finished product. The article is devoted to the issue of the process of melting rennet cheeses. The purpose of the article is to show that the melting process is closely related to different forms of raw material protein micelles. In this article, the influence of the type and amount of melting salt on the formation of the structure of processed cheese is considered, the rheological indicators of experimental products are determined in accordance with the scoring of processed cheeses. The indicator of water activity (аw) was established, the microbiological parameters of the experimental products were determined.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)

Application of resource-saving membrane technologies in the production of dairy products in the Republic of Kazakhstan

In Kazakhstan, within the framework of the Program «Development of domestic value and export-oriented industries», new modern dairy enterprises are being actively modernized and new modern dairy enterprises are being created, where membrane processes are being introduced to concentrate the components of milk. This is necessary for the rational and integrated use of raw materials, including through the processing of secondary resources, the main of which is whey. Improving the production processes of traditional food products and developing innovative ones is possible only with the use of the latest technologies and technological equipment. Membrane processes are widely used for the use of fractionation and concentration of liquid dairy products, which allows for a new solution to the processing of raw materials and opens up opportunities in the development of new types of food products. The article is devoted to the issue of production and processing of whey in Kazakhstan. The main types of membrane technologies and the advantages of their use in the dairy industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered. The role of membrane technologies in the processing of whey is substantiated, various methods of introducing membrane processing methods to ensure the demineralization of whey, obtaining products with high biological value and consumer properties, reducing the cost of energy carriers, reducing the volume of raw materials in order to save transport costs, non-waste processing of milk solids, recycling water are described. This article analyzes the problems of using resource-saving membrane technologies in the production of dairy products in the Republic of Kazakhstan, ways to solve existing problems associated with increasing the economic efficiency of enterprises. The favorable impact of the use of membrane technologies on the social and environmental aspects of whey processing in the country is substantiated.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)

Factors of using modern synthetic materials to create design objects

The process of creating new forms is the key to choosing the combination of different textures for a unique aesthetic effect. Currently, various elements of the interior, including furniture and other decorative additions, are the basis for obtaining emotional balance, which is achieved between the functional purpose of the interior and its artistic and figurative concept. The main task in creating such objects is to create the most comfortable and harmonious atmosphere in the interior, regulating the mental processes of a person, which would cause exceptionally positive emotions and stimulate the creative development of users. The purpose is to consider the features of the use of epoxy resin in the design of interior objects and to study the importance of synthetic resins as a modern material for new ways of shaping in interior design and decoration. The methods used are: the use of formaldehyde resins as a modern, affordable, multifunctional material, the combination of resin with coloring and the use of various textures. Expansion of the range of interior elements in the manufacture of which epoxy resin is used. In this regard, it should be noted that the use of various resin compositions when creating design objects meets consumer requirements and complies with modern and latest trends. In this article, a brief study of such a polymeric material as epoxy resin was carried out. The properties of epoxy resin and how they affect the compositional solution, methods of its modification, and functional aspects of design from the point of view of manufacturing interior elements are described. The technologies for manufacturing modern products for decorative and applied purposes coated with epoxy resin are considered. In the process of researching technologies, a series of experiments are carried out to determine the structure of possible sequential actions, within which a technology will be studied and designed to ensure the safety of a new design product made of synthetic materials, then a constructive logic will be provided in which not only the functional properties of the object will not suffer, but also acquire valuable innovative value

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Fermented milk and vegetable "Products for live"

In the dairy market of Kazakhstan, the demand for mass-produced dairy products is decreasing and expanding to innovative fermented milk products for functional nutrition. The main feature of the new technology is multicomponent formulations, which include the main raw materials and biocorrectors, ensuring their high biological and nutritional value. New dessert products are prepared on a dairy or protein basis using vegetable ingredients, fermented with strains of dry starter cultures of direct application or immobilized starter culture Bifimm probio. The purpose is to apply immobilized living cells of pure cultures of lacto- and bifidobacteria as a biocatalyst for the fermentation of dairy-vegetable media. During the study, the method of immobilization of microbial cells in biopolymer gels was used. The most effective method is the inclusion of cells in an aqueous solution of biopolymers with a concentration of 25 %. For immobilization, pure cultures of lactic acid and bifidobacteria were selected in the gel as part of the concentrates "BK-Altai-LS Bifi", "Poleznaya Partiya", "Genesis", "Narine", "Bio-yogurt Vivo", and the main prescription ingredients were selected: milk with a mass fraction of fat of 1 %, 2.5 %, 3.2 %, natural grain additives, jams, juices, nuts. Formulations, technological schemes and production methods, prototypes were developed, quality and safety indicators were determined. Studies have shown the effectiveness of immobilized starter cultures in the formation of fermented dessert products. Out of 20 prototypes with the best indicators, 5 samples were selected, in which the optimal ratio of milk, probio Bifimm starter cultures and biocorrectors averaged 70:20:10. The quality and safety analysis showed that new fermented milk products using immobilized starter cultures have a positive effect of more than -70 % compared to direct-use starter cultures, have functional properties and can be used for healthy nutrition in Kazakhstan.

Author: T.A. Nazarenko
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New tendencies in the digital transformation of the world economy

Main problem: processes of economic modernization in practical solution should reveal common understanding between institutional, legislative and industrial relations, essence of organizational transformations, formulation of basic provisions for instrumental support of independent transition of technological processes to new round of socio‑economic relations. Processes should be based on new characteristics of standardization, methodology of system functioning, technical conditions, norms, rules, instructions and regulations, which provides for institutional changes. Purpose: to explore new trends in digital transformation of the world economy, as well as to show that tasks and settings of vector of technological processes of digital economy go far beyond known principles of economic development, joining the mainstream of global trends. Methods: theoretical and methodological basis was concepts, hypotheses and theories presented in works of domestic and foreign researchers. The methodology is based on systematic approach, in which methods of comparative, factorial, subject-object, structural-functional, statistical, correlation analysis and extrapolation were applied. Results and their significance: analytical review of theoretical approaches of foreign economists on this problem was carried out, which allowed author to identify theoretical, methodological and applied foundations for determining directions within framework of state strategy for planning socio-economic development. Scientific discussion on conditions for changing model of economic development, modernization of economy with transition to first and second generation platforms, hereinafter referred to as ecosystems, is evaluated. The fundamental differences between theoretical argumentation of proponents of promoted digital technologies and their opponents are determined. Positions of argumentation of impact on change of driving factors are analyzed in order to adjust methods of state policy and choice of vector of technological processes. The question of correlation of macroeconomic theory in evolutionary sense, which goes beyond known principles of economic thought of digital transformation, is considered.

Author: S.A. Buka
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Experience in team computer game development

The article discusses the experience of developing a computer video game by a team of students of the Department of Information Technology of the Innovative University of Eurasia within the 48-hour competition «48h Game Making Challenge» for creating video games, held in Pavlodar on October 27-29, 2022 in the IT-Hub building of the College of Information Technologies (93 Lermontov St.). Basic information about the event and a link to the registration form were published on the Instagram @digital_drive14 social network page and on the website /. 8 teams from different educational institutions of Pavlodar participated in the competition. The purpose of the article is to comprehend the practical experience of developing a computer game. The team chose the Unity game engine as the environment and the main tool for developing a computer game. The Unity program is a popular development environment for interactive 2D and 3D content. The engine is completely free for the average user. The Unity engine was also chosen because it is multifunctional and uses a component-oriented approach, in which the developer creates objects and adds various components to them. The advantage of the engine was also the presence of a huge library of assets and plugins, with which you can significantly speed up the game development process. The graphics of the game were made in Photoshop. The music and sounds were taken from free sources. InEU team developed a computer game «Conqueror of the Moon» and became the winner of the contest «48 Hour Game Making Challenge Pavlodar 2022». During the development of the game, the team first chose the engine, developed the plot and concept of the game, created an image for the level and menu. Then the programmer developed the mechanics of the game, wrote code for control, time, dialogues, messages. The designers drew the environment, background, characters, created all the animations for the game and found music for the background of the menu and the game itself.

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An innovative approach to the development of biotechnology of specialized products for the nutrition of athletes

Main problem: the article substantiates the relevance of the development and production of specialized food products for athletes and the population involved in sports, fitness as part of a healthy lifestyle. Purpose: development of specialized food products with a general health-improving character, intended for the population involved in sports, fitness and experiencing increased physical exertion. Methods: the obtained results were statistically processed using the methods of correlation and regression analysis and standard software packages "Statistica 6.0". Measurements of chemical, microbiological, organoleptic parameters were carried out using standard methods and modern instruments: an analyzer, an analytical analyzer electrophoresis cell, a high-performance liquid chromatograph, and others. Results and their significance: a scientific concept for the creation of fermented specialized milk-based food products for sports nutrition was formulated; biotechnologies for specialized food products for athletes were developed. For the practical implementation of the results of analytical and experimental studies, packages of regulatory and technical documentation for the production of new products have been developed, which have been tested in the production conditions of existing enterprises in the dairy industry.

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Experimental determination of an effective fermented milk-protein food system as the basis of a fortified (enriched) curd product

The article contains the results of a research work devoted to an important problem - the development, production and delivery to the consumer of fermented dairy products of a healthy diet fortified (enriched) with milk protein, a vitamin-mineral complex, and probiotics and prebiotics. Purpose is based on mathematical modeling of experimental data, to determine an effective fermented food system for use as the basis of a fortified (enriched) curd product for a healthy specialized diet; to develop a recipe and technology for its production; to study the nutritional, biological and energy value of a new product. Modern technologies and equipment were used in experimental studies: ultrafiltration, fortification, etc. The studies were carried out by standard physicochemical, microbiological methods in three to five repetitions. Mathematical and statistical processing of experimental data was carried out using the program "Statistica-6.0". A recipe and technology for the production of a curd product for a healthy specialized diet has been developed. Its nutritional, biological and energy value has been studied. The developed recipe and biotechnological parameters for the production of the curd product were tested in the industrial conditions of the leading enterprise JSC "Lyubinskiy MKK". The quality and safety of the curd product was studied in the laboratory of techno-chemical control of FGANU "VNIMI" (Moscow).

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Information communications in organization management: key aspects and effective strategies

In the modern world, information communications play a crucial role in the management of organizations. The rapid development of information technologies and the availability of broadband Internet create new opportunities for effective information exchange and communication both within the organization and with the external environment. This article discusses the key aspects of information communications in the management of an organization and presents effective strategies and tools for their successful implementation. The purpose of this article is to consider and explain the role and importance of information technologies in the management of organizations, to familiarize with various types of information technologies, their advantages and opportunities in the context of organization management. The main objective of the article is to emphasize how information technologies can improve efficiency, communication efficiency and management decision-making, as well as optimize business processes and create competitive advantages for the organization. When writing this article, the following methods and approaches were used. A review of academic and practical sources related to the use of information technology in the management of organizations was conducted. The study of relevant studies, articles and books allowed us to obtain extensive information about the topic and to back up the statements in the article with factual data and authoritative sources. Various aspects of the use of information technologies in the management of organizations were analyzed, including their advantages, key aspects of implementation and methods of optimizing business processes. As a result of the analytical approach, the main points for inclusion in the article were identified and their significance was substantiated. The information and ideas obtained from the literary analysis and analytical approach were synthesized and combined into a single article. Various aspects of information technology in the management of organizations have been organized into a logical structure to ensure clarity and consistency of presentation. The article highlights the key aspects of information technology implementation, including the need for employee training, strategic communications planning, information flow management and the use of data analytics. Examples of successful application of information technologies in various industries and organizations are given.

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

Transformation of the planning system as a management function in the digital economy

The main problem: In the context of the rapid development of the digital economy, where technological innovations become the engine of progress, the role of planning in the management function acquires new dimensions and comes to the fore. Digital transformation not only redefines business models, but also requires organizations to reconsider their approaches to strategic and operational planning. Planning, as an integral part of management, is becoming a key tool for enterprises to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions inherent in the digital age. In this context, effective planning does not just foresee the future, but is a catalyst for innovation, risk management and achieving strategic goals in the context of digital dynamics. The purpose of the article is to study the transformation of the planning function in modern management in the digital economy. Methods: The research is based on a thorough analysis of the works of both domestic and foreign scientists devoted to the problems of choosing and using intra-company planning tools in the context of digitalization of the economy. To achieve the goals of the research, systematic and functional approaches of scientific cognition, as well as various methods of scientific analysis and synthesis were applied. In particular, modeling methods were actively used, which made it possible to explore in more depth the interrelationships and the impact of selected intra-company planning tools on the efficiency of enterprises in a new digital context. Results and their significance: The article examines the key aspects of changes in planning caused by the introduction of digital technologies, automation and data analytics. The authors analyze the impact of the digital economy on decision-making processes, long-term and short-term planning, and also emphasize the need to adapt management methods for effective navigation in the modern business environment.

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Expansion of Communication Contact Between the State, Business and Society in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Main problem: digital transformation of Kazakhstan’s society leads to emergence of new communication business models, including the so-called proactive data-based service, which implies expansion of communication contact between the state, business and society. Digital transformation of economic sectors and the service sector has objectively caused discussion of issues related to various aspects of its implementation. These include digitalization of society spheres within framework of public administration [1], problems of interaction between business and government [2], mechanisms of interaction between subjects in the private-public partnership model of government and business [3], description of communication models of business types, government and public sector [4], history of emergence of electronic trade, its forms and types of goods delivery to a consumer [5], organizational and managerial relations and processes arising in enterprises, working in field of online marketing and e-commerce [6]. In Kazakhstan, digitalization of spheres and the economy sectors is one of strategic priorities of its development. Use of information and communication technologies in the service sector creates additional impulses to its dynamics, therefore, has impact on improving population’s life quality. In this regard, it is necessary to identify trends and patterns of communication interaction between the state, business and society, to consider and clarify their content. The purpose: the research of state and trends in the development of Kazakhstan service sector under the influence of digital solutions and expansion of communicative contact between the state, business and society. Methods: the performed analysis in the research is based on the materials of the statistical reviews and their analysis using the methods of grouping, generalization, logical analysis, system description and interpretation. Results and their value: a range of the key problems of communication interaction between the state, business and society is investigated and determined. Recommendations are proposed to accelerate the development of e-commerce in Kazakhstan as a tool for communication interaction between business and society and improving population’s life quality.

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Ways to Solve the Problem of Recycling Household and Industrial Waste in Pavlodar

The relevance of this article is that the impact of human economic activity on the natural environment is becoming comparable in scale to geological factors. In this regard, the importance of protecting the biosphere has increased immeasurably. The earth is the only common home of all earthlings. Society, including us, cannot help but worry that the planet has approached a critical ecological threshold. The main goal of the research that we set for ourselves in this article is to create a predictive model for overcoming the environmental crisis in the following areas: environmental education, greening technologies, administrative and legal direction, international cooperation. To achieve the result, we tried to process as much information as possible, analyze the situation, draw appropriate conclusions and propose our own model for overcoming the environmental crisis. The hypothesis is that environmental pollution, improper disposal of household and industrial waste, and poor environmental culture have a detrimental effect on the ecology of the city, poisoning the environment and public health. The main research methods used were methods of empirical knowledge - these are observations, survey methods, questionnaires, as well as theoretical methods. The results of these studies can be used to inform the population about the impact of waste on human health, as well as the importance of storing, recycling and obtaining secondary raw materials, in order to reduce the amount of garbage on city streets. And also about the existence of unauthorized waste collection sites and administrative responsibility for the creation of such landfills in the city and in the surrounding area, this is an educational activity in all areas of education, starting from preschool institutions, the media, advertising agencies, NGOs, environmental authorities and also, using international experience, in the construction of a solid waste processing plant in his hometown.

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The impact of digitalization on the Kazakhstan banking services market

Main problem: In recent years, the world has seen the widespread impact and implementation of digitalization in all areas of activity. The financial sector is increasingly feeling the impact of this trend. Today, banks are the leaders in this sector in the use of digital innovations. In connection with current events in the world, banks needed to resort to transformation of their products. Products and services such as Internet banking, chat bots, contactless payment systems, biometric identification technologies, etc. appear and are constantly updated. The article discusses the main trends in the development of digital banking products and their impact on the performance of banks. Purpose: is to study and evaluate new digital banking products and their impact on the key performance indicators of the banking sector. Results and their significance: The directions and trends in the development of new digital banking products were studied and the performance indicators of the banking sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan were compared.

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 4(92)

Methodological Aspects of Inclusive Education in the Field of IT Technologies

The main problem: Today, the introduction of inclusive education is becoming one of the priorities of the state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the system of modern education. In accordance with the law on Education, equal access to quality education for citizens is guaranteed, taking into account their intellectual development, psychophysiological and individual characteristics. The article is devoted to the analysis of the development of inclusive education. The author considers the problems on the way to the introduction of inclusive education, provides an analysis of the experience of conducting an IT school within the framework of inclusive education. An attempt has been made to identify the factors contributing to the successful implementation of inclusive education methods in the modern educational space. Objective: To consider the issues of the development of inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. To present the methodology of teaching children with special educational needs, to suggest possible ways to solve problems on the way of introducing inclusive education into the domestic education system. Methods: The methods of analysis, synthesis and deduction were used in the article. Results and their significance: Based on the results of the work carried out aimed at identifying the main problems hindering the process of implementing inclusive education, as well as based on the results of the analysis and the identified main aspects in the cognitive activity of children with hearing and speech disorders, the author of the article proposes a methodology for teaching children multimedia technologies. In addition, the author clearly substantiates the need to prepare a teacher for the use of inclusive education methods, due to the lack of willingness of some teachers to teach in a class (group) in which people with disabilities study, fearing to get into a situation of psychological and professional discomfort.

Author: Prokopets E.V.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

The Main Trends in the Development of the Healthcare System of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Modern Conditions

The main problem: In modern conditions, the healthcare system of Kazakhstan is going through changes aimed at providing a high level of medical care and maintaining the health of the population. In the face of modern challenges such as technological innovations, demographic changes and global pandemics, it becomes critically important to analyze and adapt to new requirements. Understanding and adapting to these trends are critical steps for the successful development of the healthcare system in the future. This article examines the main trends in the development of the healthcare system in Kazakhstan and their impact on the provision of medical services and the level of public health. The article focuses on the essence of the main problem facing the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present time. The relevance of the topic is manifested in the context of a dynamically changing socio-economic environment, which puts pressure on the existing health care system. Demographic changes, the growth of chronic diseases and the need to introduce modern technologies create challenges that require a comprehensive analysis and effective strategies for the development of the system. Purpose of the article: The purpose of the article is to analyze and systematize the main trends in the development of the healthcare system in Kazakhstan, taking into account current challenges and changes in the global healthcare paradigm. The authors seek to identify key areas of development, as well as provide practical recommendations for improving the system. Methods: The study is based on a comprehensive methodological approach, including analysis of health statistics, economic analysis of expenditures and financing, as well as a review of modern scientific publications. Additionally, methods of comparative analysis with international health standards are used. Results and their significance: The article identifies not only the main problems in the healthcare system of Kazakhstan, but also provides analytical results expressed in the form of identified development trends. The work is important for developing strategies to improve the quality and accessibility of medical services in the country. The recommendations proposed by the authors can serve as a basis for making effective decisions in the field of healthcare in modern conditions.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

Issues of Interaction Between Operational and Strategic Management of an Enterprise in a Market Environment

Main problem: One of the priority directions for improving the management system at the enterprise is the organization of effective interaction between strategic and operational management through the formation of a mechanism for their interaction, orienting operational management to achieve strategic goals and objectives. In market conditions, issues of interaction between strategic and operational production management are particularly relevant, allowing solving complex economic problems of the enterprise related to the rational use of resources involved in production, reducing production costs, improving the quality of products, optimizing production potential in order to increase the efficiency of the entire enterprise as a whole and its structural divisions. The role of the mechanism of interaction between strategic and operational production management also lies in the possibility of coordinating those final strategic goals that the enterprise strives for with the actual internal production capabilities. The purpose of this article is to study the issues of interaction between operational and strategic management of an enterprise in a market environment. The theory and modern practice of production management in a competitive environment show that the implementation of operational production management is a natural stage in the implementation of strategic management, therefore, there is a close relationship between them, which manifests itself in their interaction. Methods: The methods of analysis and generalization, the method of systematic and comparative analysis, structural and functional method, economic and mathematical methods, graphical and tabular method were used in the work. Results and their significance: the authors consider the theoretical aspects of the relationship between strategic and operational production management at an enterprise in a competitive environment. There is a low level of compliance of operational tasks of production with the strategic goals of development of domestic enterprises and the special role of information systems designed to link operational and strategic management tasks together. Accordingly, the key aspects of information technology implementation are investigated, including the need for employee training, strategic communications planning, information flow management and the use of data analytics. Examples of successful application of information technologies in various industries and organizations are given.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

Electronic Financial Services Market in RK: Problems and Prospects of Development

Main problem: At the present stage of life, Innovations in the financial sector contribute to the optimization of financial intermediation and, in turn, stimulate economic growth. Financial innovations increase the efficiency of the allocation of savings capital to investment capital, as well as increase liquidity in the markets. As the digital economy has developed, the functionality of traditional large financial institutions has been partially replaced by financial technologies (FinTech). FinTech involves the convergence of traditional financial services with mobile services, social media services, big data aggregation and processing, and cloud technologies. Purpose of this article is to identify the main directions of the electronic financial services market in the Republic of Kazakhstan, identify the main problems and prospects for the development of the financial sector of the economy. Methods: The work used general scientific methods of comparative system, vertical and horizontal analysis, structural and functional method, analytical techniques, economic and statistical research methods. The results and their significance: the authors identified the main directions of digitalization of the financial sector of the modern economy, noted the role of FinTech companies and services in both theoretical and practical terms, and provided relevant approaches to the definition of this concept in the economic literature. The main reasons and factors for the development of this direction of digitalization of the financial sector are substantiated, including the concept of financial accessibility, the advantages and disadvantages of FinTech, various approaches to their classification, country and regional characteristics, and an analysis of development trends. The crowdfunding direction of FinTech is noted, approaches to its definition and classification are given, the advantages of the crowdfunding mechanism are revealed, and its role in the modern economy is analyzed. The trend of algorithmic trading development as the most important direction of digitalization of the financial sector is investigated. A detailed analysis of mobile financial services as one of the fastest-growing areas of FinTech is carried out, approaches to their classification are given, factors stimulating the growth of mobile payments, country and regional characteristics are substantiated. The main directions of digitalization of the insurance sector are analyzed, reasonable conclusions about the advantages of InsurTech are made.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)