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Search results: private forensic techniques

Number of results: 42

The strategy of the author’s nomination in the novel “Vanity fair” by William Thackeray

The article is devoted to the strategy of the use of personal names (first of all, proper names) in the novel by William Thackeray’s “Vanity Fair”. These names are considered as one of the techniques the author’s relationship to his characters.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)
Heading: Humanities

Some aspects of human resources management performance indicators at the enterprise

This article views the theoretical aspects of the evaluation of the forensic and expert activity as well as the analysis of experts’ tasks on the assignments of different law-enforcement authorities and individuals.

Author: S.Sh. Khamzina
Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Social sciences

Two strategies of interface implementation in the C# programming language

The article describes two strategies of interface implementation. The first one, additional object properties of a class are set. The class inheriting interface and implementing its methods can definitely fulfill them. The second strategy of implementation is in closing methods of interface (making them private), specified the method name by the interface name.

Author: T.M. Saliy,
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)

Adaptation of children in a team with a low social status

This article presents an analysis of psychological and educational literature on the adaptation of adolescents in general education schools for children with low social status. The author attached special importance to the work of school staff members, on the part of the state and private foundations, which help children and families with a low social status in Kazakhstan.

Author: T.U. Kussainova
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 4(64)

Issues of forming of development politics of rural areas (a case of study of Sherbakty district of the Pavlodar region)

In this article, social-and-economic position of Sherbakty district of the Pavlodar region is considered. Dominant industry of economy of district is agriculture. Data are presented on the amount of operating private business entities. Complex description of socio-economic results of development of region is reflected in SWOTanalysis, strengths and weaknesses of development of district, threat and possibility are considered. The assessment of tourist cluster is highlighted for development of district and a necessity is certain for development of the strategic program of development rural territories.

Author: B.Zh. Ibraev
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Innovative University of Eurasia (Pavlodar)On current results of improving the management of the health care system in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The article considers modern healthcare as a social institution representing a wide system of private and state enterprises. It is pointed out the need to study the theoretical and practical features of management in healthcare, conditioned by the need to develop conceptual approaches to communication between managers and specialists in the medical services industry at various levels of management.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 2(66)

The effectiveness of psychological support for children with visual impairment at the lessons of physical therapy

The article examines the effectiveness of psychological support for children with visual impairment at the lessons of therapeutic physical culture. A study was conducted and demonstrated that the use of certain psychological techniques helps children with visual impairment to perform physical activities in a sparing mode. Taking into account individual characteristics, age, gender and the diagnosis of the child, the authors consider not only physical, but also psychological support on the physical therapy lessons. Which contribute to the effective implementation of the child in the process of educational and recreational activities.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 2(66)

Development of language in preschool children through fiction

The article considers methods and techniques of speech development in preschool children by means of fiction.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 3(67)

Methods and techniques of art therapy for the correction of hyperactivity of preschool age children

This article contains material about the features of working with pre-school children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. Psycho-corrective effects will be effective if the psychologist cooperates closely with parents and teachers. The choice of methods for correcting ADHD should be individual in nature, taking into account the degree of manifestation of the main manifestations of the syndrome and the presence of concomitant violations. ADHD correction is possible with a variety of therapies, such as art therapy, neuropsychology, game therapy, music therapy, bibliotherapy, sand therapy. The syndrome of hyperactivity influences, first of all, on the development of the emotional sphere of the child of preschool age, which is expressed in an increased sense of anxiety, the occurrence of a large number of fears and other types of emotional disorders.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 3(67)

Teaching a foreign language in primary school in the context of updating the content of education

Changes in the education system have influenced the content of education in primary school. Working with younger students requires teachers to use modern methods. Determining the leading principles of teaching, the priority strategies of learning and the organization of an English lesson is what contributes to the 36 Вестник Инновационного Евразийского университета. 2018. № 1 ISSN 1729-536X effectiveness of teaching. The article is devoted to the analysis of the characteristics of teaching English in elementary school in the context of updated educational content. The authors reviewed the elements of the lesson, methods and techniques of organizing the educational process in primary school, described the factors affecting the effectiveness of training. The authors also tried to uncover a number of problems and give recommendations that arise in connection with the tendency to learn English in primary school.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)

Some aspects of formation of biological concepts in terms of bilingual education in biology lessons

The article presents information on the creation of conditions for school students to create biological concepts in conditions of bilingual education, describes the experience of using pedagogical techniques in the CLIL methodology

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

State regulation of the development of the private segment of the market of preschool educational services of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The article discusses the mechanisms of state regulation of the development of the private segment of the market for preschool educational services and their content. The analysis of development trends and instruments of state regulation of the sphere of preschool services, the main problems of the development of the private segment of the market of preschool educational services and ways to solve them are carried out.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

Criminalistic characteristics of trafficking in minors and substitution of a child

Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the individual is one of the main activities of the state. And the protection of human rights begins with respect for the rights of the child, who, because of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special care from the state and society. The transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the 1990s to a market economy, accompanied by a deep economic crisis, had a negative impact on the traditional spheres of social structure: work, family, education. As a result, at that time Kazakhstan and a number of other CIS countries turned into exporting countries of children, supplying them to foreign countries for adoption by foreign citizens. Numerous facts of adoption of children-citizens of the CIS countries by foreign citizens, which are essentially the sale of minors, often indicate a criminal and mercenary nature on the part of officials of guardianship and other state bodies.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 3(75)
Heading: Social sciences

Human trafficking with the purpose of labour exploitation and illegal labour migration in the Eurasian Economic Union countries: problem statement

Annotation. The research topic is directly connected with the solution of the nationwide issues of the social and labor policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, based on the globalization and regional processes in the world, the experience of its implementation in the regions and, first of all, in the Eurasian Economic Union member-states. Another important factor is the comparative consideration of social policy and labor potential of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan taking into account national and common interests. At the present stage, the issues of illegal labor migration and human trafficking in our country are given special attention. The main aim of the research is developing recommendations and proposals, aimed at further progress of the legal framework for cooperation in the social and labor sphere and the social protection of labor rights as a promising area of legal science and as an important line of social and integration policy. The research also aims at the research and examination of human trafficking and labor migration as a social phenomenon in the EAEU countries, the study of methods and techniques of combating it, and the development of recommendations for improving legislation and strategies to counteract this social phenomenon.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Law

The forensic characteristics of criminal offenses

The research explores the scientific approach to the concept and essence of the forensic characteristics of crimes, the concept’s formation history, and also draws attention to the role and place of this scientific category in the theory of modern forensic science. The article emphasizes that the forensic characteristic, which is an independent element of a private forensic methodology for investigating crimes, is one of the basic concepts of forensic theory and practice. The author notes that the phrase “forensic characteristics of crimes” should be understood as an ordinary data system on the elements of certain types of crimes and their mechanisms. Concerning specific crimes, it is necessary to consider the issue of the forensic information system for a specific offence, which is reduced to the subject of the investigation. The article emphasizes the importance of the category of “forensic characteristics of a crime” for countering novel criminal offences, among which the author highlights cybercrime. There is no doubt that this concept of the forensic characteristics of crimes is capable of investigating the main practical goals, including new elements of criminal offences, along with the solution of scientific tasks for the disclosure, investigation and prevention of crimes. As a result, the author concludes that it is precisely the concept of the forensic characteristics of crimes formulated in the article that, along with the solution of scientific tasks for the disclosure, investigation and prevention of crimes, is capable of Вестник Инновационного Евразийского университета. 2020. № 2 ISSN 1729-536X 67 implementing tasks related to the main practical goals of the investigation, including new elements of criminal offences.

Author: A.O. Shakenov
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Law

On some aspects of the project-based approach in the context of increasing the efficiency of economic development

The article discusses various aspects of project management, which is one of the most effective tools and allows you to skillfully take into account various factors, as a result of which the reliability of implementing successful changes and achieving goals in all types of professional activities increases. In Kazakhstan, project management dates back to the 1990s, but the real practical application of this management tool is observed at the beginning of this century. According to the authors, one of the key problems of widespread implementation and use of the project approach in the private and public sectors is the lack of information and methodological support for the development of this area. The purpose of this study is to systematize the theoretical and methodological aspects of project management in the context of improving the quality and efficiency of economic decisions. Any project is a change that is caused by the creation of innovations and the corresponding investment and other resources, on the one hand, and on the other hand, is implemented in conditions of high uncertainty and risks. The research uses the following methods: comparative analysis, a systematic approach based on which General and specific features of project management are identified, as well as abstract-logical. In the context of globalization, modern management principles require a team approach to solve problems aimed at achieving the strategic goals of companies, organizations and States, as well as ensuring continuous improvement of business processes, implementing any changes of a socio-economic, organizational or other nature. The processes that ensure an effective transition to project technologies, as well as important components of the project approach from the point of view of achieving project goals are identified. It is shown that project management is especially widely used in private companies. Currently, this tool is being actively implemented in the management system of state structures in different countries. The significance of the research results lies in the fact that knowledge about the project approach is generally recognized scientific direction, which is characterized as an independent sphere of professional activity and a system of lean management aimed at improving the economic efficiency of implemented projects. In General, despite the noticeable activation of project management promotion processes in Kazakhstan, it should be noted that an important task is to transfer modern technologies of the project approach as a tool for innovative development to all spheres of life of the Kazakh society.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

Unit economics in the youth entrepreneurship sector: principles, methods of implementation

Basic problem: the Republic of Kazakhstan is a platform for implementing innovative projects in all spheres of the economy, providing the younger generation with resource centers, technological parks, agricultural equipment, industrial technologies and scientific and educational complexes. The main goal of such actions is to activate scientific research, increase the technological potential of the industrial sectors of the national economy, and stimulate the development of innovative activities in the field of research and development. The problems of developing an entrepreneurial culture are a cornerstone issue that combines a combination of motivational principles for generating and promoting ideas, activating youth entrepreneurship as the flagship of the future economy, and a complex epidemiological situation in the world that hinders not only the development of entrepreneurship, but also the course of all socio-economic processes in society. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the problems of youth entrepreneurship and find ways to solve them in accordance with the principles and methods of implementation, including the unit economics. Methods: the research Area focuses on economic modeling techniques that are successfully used in international practice to determine the profitability of business models, taking into account the effect of the production of a unit of goods / services or a single client / customer. The implementation of this approach is facilitated by the use of traditional methods of scientific research, such as analysis, comparison, and a graphical method for visualizing the results obtained; quantification method and parametric method as an evaluation tool that allows formalizing the procedure for evaluating the performance of unit economics models. Results and their significance: when considering business models in relation to youth entrepreneurship, attention is paid to the skills and competencies that students who study the disciplines of the entrepreneurial block in higher education receive. The proposed methods of unit economics are actively used in the development and promotion of startups, as an integral part of business plans. It is concluded that youth business has started to play a crucial role in solving socio-economic problems, such as creating new jobs and reducing the unemployment rate, and training qualified personnel. The set of proposed measures provides additional opportunities and increases the influence of youth entrepreneurship, which becomes the basis for unlocking its potential.

Year of release:
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Residual chemical analysis of amines used as corrosion inhibitors

Main problem: Presence of acidic chemicals such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide, composition of production fluids triggers corrosion. Corrosion in oil and gas industry leads to deterioration of equipment since most of equipment is made of metal alloys. Application of inhibitors is one of the corrosion mitigation methods that needs to be controlled because it is important to identify optimal concentration of the chemicals in production fluids.Residual chemical analysis plays an important rolein identifying the appropriate dosage of corrosion inhibitors and its correction. It is imperative to find the most optimal concentration of amines due to the fact that both overdose and underdose could lead to equipment deterioration. The chemical analysis is hindered by complexity of mixtures that are applied in petroleum industry. Purpose: The main purpose of this article is to find out the most effective method of residual chemical analysis for inhibitors used against sweet and sour corrosion by studying and analyzing corresponding literature review. The analysis should be carried out with robust, sensitive, and accurate instrumentation. Methods :Theoretical study of composition and mechanism of amines used in oil and gas industry as corrosion inhibitors and selection of appropriate instrumental analytical techniques for the residual analysis. Results and their importance: After careful studying and consideration of modern instrumental analytical techniques the most optimal and efficient method in terms of robustness, time saving and cost was selected. Ion chromatography is an adequate method to carry out residual chemical analysis for amines that are used as inhibitors in oil and gas industry to prevent sweet and sour corrosion.

Author: Zh.S. Kassenova
Year of release:
Number of the journal:

Modern lexicography: trends and directions of development

The article examines the state and directions of development of modern Kazakh lexicography. The goals, objectives and possibilities of modern branches of lexicography are determined; the scientific-theoretical and practical foundations of compiling dictionaries are described. The development of the theory and practice of lexicography is due to such needs as the recognition of lexicography as a separate area of linguistics, the development of a theoretical basis for the creation of dictionaries, a general typology of dictionaries, the definition of the macro - and microstructure of dictionaries. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to summarize the experience of Kazakh lexicography, to identify its general theoretical problems, directions of development, to show its place in linguistic science. The study used a descriptive method, analysis and synthesis methods. A brief overview of scientific works is made, which study general theoretical and practical problems of Kazakh lexicography, research on the history of Kazakh lexicography, as well as works that consider the experience and scientific foundations of compiling dictionaries. The authors note the importance of the theory of lexicography in creating dictionaries, improving their quality, choosing the basic principles when sorting vocabulary units in a dictionary, the peculiarities of their functioning, the quantitative and qualitative composition of linguistic units to be included in the corresponding type of dictionary according to the subject of research, denote the theoretical and practical problems of Kazakh lexicography, scientific and theoretical foundations for creating dictionaries of the Kazakh language, determine the scientific, theoretical and practically applied aspects of modern lexicography as a science of language. Pointing to the importance of studying the scientific foundations of compiling dictionaries, their composition and structural features, both from a purely scientific point of view, and from the point of view of the implementation of state programs aimed at the development of the Kazakh language, the authors of the article conclude that the patterns and quality of compiling dictionaries directly depend on the basic functions of the language in modern society. The state of affairs in modern lexicography makes it possible to talk about the allocation of general lexicography, which studies the properties inherent in any dictionary, and particular sections of lexicography (educational, terminological, onomastic, etc.). General lexicography should establish common (or statistically dominant) features of all dictionaries using typology, as well as explore the general patterns of functioning and use of dictionaries. Private lexicography should contain sections that study the internal structure of this type of dictionary and methods for its creation; history of this type of dictionary; purpose and addressee of this type of dictionary. Therefore, experts in the field of lexicography believe that the prospects for the further development of lexicography are seen in the improvement of existing and creation of new types of dictionaries, the emergence of complex dictionaries and the computerization of lexicographic activities.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Humanities

Tactical features of the use of special expertise in the investigation of human trafficking

Main problem: This study is devoted to the study of the problems of using special expertise in the investigation of crimes related to human trafficking. The use of specialized expertise is an integral element in the system of investigative actions carried out in cases of human trafficking. In this study, the authors consider the features of the production of forensic examinations in the investigation of crimes related to human trafficking in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the study, the authors consider the most typical types of forensic examinations that are conducted in criminal cases of human trafficking. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, as well as the survey of practitioners engaged in the fight against human trafficking and the analysis of criminal cases of human trafficking, practical recommendations for criminal prosecution authorities on the most effective conduct of forensic examinations in criminal cases of this category are proposed. The purpose of this study: to study the tactical features of the production of forensic examinations in the investigation of human trafficking, as well as the features of the use of special expertise. Methods: The methodological basis of this study is the dialectical method of cognition of social and legal phenomena, as well as system-structural, comparative-legal, logical-theoretical and private scientific methods of study. To achieve the objectivity of the research results, these methods were applied comprehensively. Results and their significance: The use of forensic expertise in the investigation of human trafficking is essential for the detection and investigation of these crimes. The study notes that the following types of forensic examinations are among the most common in the investigation of this category of criminal cases: medical examination, biological examination, handwriting examination, phonoscopic examination and odorological examination. The subject of the investigation must carefully understand the tactical features of the production of certain forensic examinations. The practical recommendations proposed by the authors of the study on the appointment and production of forensic examinations considered in the study are important for the successful investigation of the facts of human trafficking, but at the same time they have a recommendatory value and can be modified taking into account the specifics of a particular criminal case.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Law

Principles of using ornamental motifs to create a collection of modern youth clothing

The main problem of the article discusses the methods of developing a collection of casual clothing with elements of ethnic style, using the example of innovative technologies in the field of creating ornaments for clothing. Factors of formation of ornaments based on the structure of the human body are justified. The author considers the factors of shaping, based on special visual features of clothing in connection with ergonomic factors. Study of the specifics of ornamental motifs to transform them into a component of modern youth clothing. The authors of the article monitored the environmental approach, that is, the acquisition of knowledge about cultural values based on the selection of all the best that was created by the people, introduction to cultural folk traditions, dialogue between man and culture. When writing the article, we used author's and experimental research methods, fixing information in tables and author's sketches. The study of categories and definitions was carried out by the method of selecting and classifying information, as well as its analysis. Comparative analysis of forms of traditional and modern culture, study of bibliographies on architecture, art, philosophy, psychology; analysis of materials of scientific monographs, abstracts and dissertations, articles, creative essays of masters of architecture and art, from the point of view of the concepts, principles, conceptual and terminological formulations contained in them. In addition, private scientific methods are used: analysis of literary sources to identify current trends in the formation of art. Аs the results of the research, a collection has been developed that considers various types of clothing decoration, uses methods for including ornaments in the structural structure of the costume and provides models, calculations and drawings. The author's collection justifies the use of ornaments in connection with the selected artistic and figurative task of the collection, as well as in connection with its functional purpose. All these factors are formative. And the practical experience of this research shows the relevance of this topic in connection with the need not only to promote the historical achievements of Kazakhstan's culture to the masses and popularize them, but also as a method that helps to understand the possibilities of its translation into modern design objects. Keywords: ornament, youth, model, collection, Kazakhstan.

Year of release:
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Influence of rhythmic gymnastics on the development of coordination abilities of young football players

In this regard, there is a need to search for new ways and scientific and methodological developments to rationalize methods of teaching game techniques and the development of physical qualities, such as coordination abilities, which are well developed at the initial stage of training in rhythmic gymnastics. The aim of the study was to determine the influence of rhythmic gymnastics on the development of coordination abilities in young football players aged 7-10. The main method of obtaining results in the study of motor qualities was testing. It allowed us to determine the level of functional state of the cardiovascular system, as well as the level of development of coordination abilities, namely, rhythm, plasticity, accuracy, balance and orientation in space. As a result of the experiment, the effectiveness of the developed program was revealed. The results of the study showed that the use of elements of rhythmic gymnastics bring a variety of tools to the lesson and allow the coach to fully meet the physiological requirements of this age. The rhythmic gymnastics program can be widely used in children's football institutions, as the level of coordination abilities of athletes increases in the course of training, and better conditions are provided for the formation of skills to manage their movements, that is, to act purposefully, productively, and economically.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Creating a development plan for students of a children's and youth football school

This scientific and practical article is devoted to the analysis of the results of an experiment aimed at psychological and pedagogical support of the process of building a project for the development of the inner world of a player of a children's and youth football team of the professional football club "Lviv" from the Ukrainian city of Lviv. A special feature of the psychological and pedagogical support for designing the development of the student's psyche is the use of the paradigm of the language of the theory of activity in the version of the Moscow methodological and pedagogical circle (MMPC), using the language of schematic images and the pyramid of subjectivity, explaining the path of formation of human mental mechanisms in the unity of cognitive, emotive and conative processes, starting from the vital level of their development to the level of spirituality. Another feature of the article is that the presentation of methods and techniques does not occur in a separate part of it, but in the process of describing the steps of designing a development plan that is formed for absolutely all professional athletes who have the acmeological potential of professionalization in football. It is presented in the form of 11 steps to create an individual trajectory of the player's development. In each of these steps, it is important that the coaches and the player participate with their parents, representatives of the club, which has its own component in terms of the volume and quality of the efforts required on their part. The article reveals the first of the 4 steps of creating a reasonable player development plan. For example, we consider working with one of the players. The content of this particular illustration is a very illustrative and demonstrative example. It is assumed that a series of articles in this publication will reveal the topic of student development management, which will include both scientific and theoretical and review types of works. The next article will be a continuation of this one in terms of demonstrating the success of implementing this particular development plan by the example of several players from a team consisting of 22 players who have been trained in a similar way, i.e. using methodological criteria for the organization of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of thinking, sensory-motivational and volitional characteristics of players by football club coaches.

Author: S.A. Chekin
Year of release:
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Main trends in the development of the Kazakh securities market

The securities market is the most important instrument for financing and developing the economy of any state, including Kazakhstan. The main problem is to attract investments for enterprises in all sectors of the economy, as well as to ensure that enterprises have access to cheaper equity than bank loans. Purpose to identify the main trends in the development of the domestic securities market, to assess the level of its profitability. The article emphasizes the role of the securities market as the most important mechanism for the redistribution of funds between sectors of the economy. The securities market, as an integral part of the financial market, is gaining especially growing importance in the economy of Kazakhstan, as well as in the economy of the entire world community. When writing the article, traditional methods (comparison, description, and measurement), general logical methods and research techniques (analysis, generalization, etc.) were used. The article discusses the main theoretical approaches to determining the essence of the analyzed concept, attempts are made to formulate the main problems in the securities market, presents the results of the analysis of data characterizing the current state of the stock market of Kazakhstan. In essence, the securities market is a macroeconomic regulator of the state, through which opportunities are created to attract foreign and domestic capital. Thus, the securities market as an effective tool for attracting capital contributes to solving socio-economic problems. The author notes that the main theories about the state of the stock market are characterized by a superficial approach, as evidenced by the fact that none of them considers the internal structure of the stock market, which is the main tool for determining the patterns of changes in the value of financial instruments. It should also be noted that the choice of theory depends entirely on the perception and opinion of the relevant analyst. Singling out one theory as the only and most acceptable one would be wrong.

Author: Z.A. Arynova
Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 4(84)

Comparative evaluation of different extraction methods of medical plants

The development of extraction techniques of medical plants aims to maximize the bioactive compounds production. Тechnologies in this area of industry have not high enough еfficiency factor. In some cases, it reaches only 40-50 %. Therefore, development of new methods to effectively extract different compounds from plant material and their input into large-scale industry is of great importance. The goal is to determine an effective and suitable technology for extracting bioactive compounds from medical plant. This is a narrative review paper which focuses on different extraction methods of medical plant. To find relevant articles for this narrative review, 73 articles were reviewed. Of these, 14 irrelevant documents were discarded. This review analyses various extraction processes to guide the selection of suitable methods for various types of medical plants and applications. This is done by outlining traditional and modern methods of extraction techniques, exploring the importance of solvents for extraction, and comparing novel and alternative methods of extraction. In conclusion, based on the current knowledge, solvent extraction is the most common method for medical plants extraction. Enzymatic hydrolysis and supercritical extraction are advanced techniques with high yield of compounds. However, more research is needed for some modern extraction methods.

Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 4(84)

Ways to improve the skills and abilities of oral speech of primary schoolchildren using interactive cognitive strategies

The article discusses ways to improve the oral and speech skills of primary school students, where the primary role is given to interactive strategies aimed at organizing the optimal interaction of students with other subjects of the educational process in a communicative educational environment. Currently, the main criteria and indicators of the methodology for the development of foreign language communicative competence of schoolchildren have changed, the basic basis of the system of techniques and methods of teaching English to primary schoolchildren based on the use of interactive cognitive strategies. The authors call a complex of exercises of a receptive, productive and productive-creative nature, which is consistently implemented at all stages of the corresponding technology: motivational-stimulating, informational, analytical, actualization, productive, creative, analytical and evaluative. The article describes their influence on the development of language competencies and creative abilities of primary schoolchildren. The authors note that the motivational-stimulating, informational, analytical stages, the stage of actualization, as well as the productive, creative, analytical-evaluative stages, provide for the involvement of students in joint activities to master the content of cognitive problems in English, it presupposes the interiorization of communicative skills by younger students in accordance with with the accepted norms of interaction, the organization of the development of oral speech in English lessons in the lower grades based on the use of interactive cognitive strategies in accordance with the level of their linguistic and sociocultural knowledge, skills and abilities. To study various approaches in the development of oral and speech skills in lower grades based on interactive cognitive strategies, analysis of a set of tasks and exercises at different stages of the formation of oral and speech competence in lower grades using interactive cognitive strategies, goals and objectives of the practical application of interactive cognitive strategies when teaching foreign language communication, the contradictions between social expectations and the objective need for educational practice in the creation and implementation of a special methodology for the development of oral speech in primary grades based on the use of interactive cognitive strategies. Methods: during the study, a descriptive method, methods of systematization, analysis, interpretation were used. The authors of the article note that the integration of communicative activity in a foreign language with project, research, musical, visual, subject, literary and creative is of great importance for the comprehensive development of the skills and abilities of oral speech of primary school students when using interactive cognitive strategies. The developed training model for the development of oral and speech skills in the lower grades on the basis of interactive cognitive strategies (goal, objectives, approaches, principles, content, technology, means, performance criteria, conditions for implementation) contributes to the development of communication skills and linguistic competencies in the process of mastering foreign language students of elementary grades.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Management in healthcare: domestic and foreign experience

The specifics of the management of healthcare institutions are due to the fact that healthcare is a special field of activity that differs significantly from other types of activities. One of the most important management tasks in the field of public health protection is the achievement of targets: improving the quality and accessibility of medical care through the effective use of limited financial, material, labor and other health resources in conditions of rapidly growing competition in the medical services market. The purpose - is to review and summarize the domestic and foreign experience of management in health care. The article emphasizes that the serious institutional transformations taking place in the domestic healthcare system in recent years are aimed at improving the quality of medical services in the implementation of the state guarantees program, at switching to a single-channel model of financing medical care, at introducing the principles of result-oriented budgeting into the activities of socially oriented organizations providing socially significant services. The practical implementation of the above innovations requires a revision of the concept of management in the field of healthcare, the priority areas of which correspond to the best world practice. The preservation of the health of the nation is a strategic guideline of state regulation in the field of healthcare, which determines the targets of state policy. When writing the article, traditional methods (comparison, description, measurement), general logical methods and research techniques (analysis, generalization, etc.) were used. The article discusses the main theoretical foundations and organizational and economic mechanisms of the healthcare management system in market conditions. The author notes that effective healthcare is a significant factor stabilizing the socio-political situation at all the above-mentioned early stages of the reform. Therefore, studies of economic relations in healthcare in the transition period, the role of innovation policy in the management of healthcare institutions are becoming relevant. At the same time, issues of the effectiveness of the functioning of healthcare institutions are of particular importance, which are ultimately determined by the creation of socio-economic, scientific, technical, organizational and economic prerequisites for the progressive development of productive forces using the achievements of scientific and technological progress, the latest medical technologies.

Author: Zh.N. Abdikadyr
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

International experience in automating public services in the system of land relations

The article considers international experience in automating the system of land relations, aimed at improving the quality and reducing the time for the provision of services by state bodies to citizens and organizations, providing access to information databases, which positively affects the development of effective government decisions for the effective use of land resources, and also improves social welfare. In Kazakhstan, the transfer of land cadastral information to electronic media continues, and the automated information system of the land cadastre is being improved. The task of creating a unified mechanism for state cadastral registration of land plots according to uniform rules and technologies for all, identification and individualization of land plots and objects of immovable property firmly associated with them, for subsequent state registration of rights to land plots and transfer of information to the territorial bodies of the State Revenue Committee, remains relevant. To study the experience of developed countries in the provision of public services in the system of land relations through the development of official land information systems. The article used general scientific methods from general to concrete one, synthesis, theoretical generalization, induction, deduction, and system analysis. Based on the studied experience of developed countries, relevant conclusions and proposals were made: information technology is a useful tool and can help overcome bureaucracy, backwardness, isolation, monopolistic practices, and inefficiency in the public and private sectors; the use of state bodies for effective regulation of geographic information (GIS) systems that allow solving a wide range of tasks, as well as the use of modern information technologies, contributes to the transition of the activities of state bodies to a qualitatively new level of state control, which allows for full transparency of information about the land fund and objects real estate of the country, as well as its availability to the population. The provision of public services in the field of land relations using information and communication technologies reduces entry barriers and transaction costs in business, increases competition, and improves mechanisms in this area.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Simulation of the working cycle of a diesel engine with a system of periodic shutdown of the cylinders

Combustion engines operate over a wide range of power and speed. To the greatest extent, this applies to automotive and tractor engines and diesel engines operating at fractional and idle loads for a significant part of the operating time. When designing engines, the choice of their main design and layout parameters is carried out in a comprehensive manner, taking into account the provision of the required power and efficiency in the modes of maximum torque and rated power. However, ensuring the economical operation of modern highly accelerated diesel engines at low loads and idling causes a whole range of problems related mainly to the organization of effective mixture formation and fuel burnout, as well as to ensuring stable fuel supply. Thus, the cycle dose of injected fuel in idle mode is 8–12 times less than the cycle dose in nominal mode, which determines increased requirements for fuel equipment and difficulties in ensuring high-quality mixture formation. At the same time, diesel engines operate in idle mode up to 50 % of the total operating time, consuming up to 15–20% of the fuel. For truck engines, the relative idle time is approximately 20–25 %. Thus, the development of measures to improve the efficiency of diesel engines at idle is relevant. The purpose is to perform a numerical analysis of the effect of switching off cycles in diesel engines for autotractor and diesel locomotive purposes on the working processes in the cylinder and the indicator parameters of the cycle in idle modes. When writing the article, traditional methods (comparison, description, and measurement), generallogical methods and research techniques (analysis, generalization, etc.) were used. A numerical analysis of the operating cycle of a diesel engine equipped with a cycle shutdown system was performed. The relationship between changes in fuel injection characteristics when cycles are turned off with indicator indicators of the engine operating cycle in idle load modes is disclosed. It has been established that the expediency of switching off cycles in a specific engine operation mode is determined primarily by the features of the injection, carburetion and fuel burnout processes.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Development of technology for a new cottage cheese product with fruit and berry fillers

Main problem: The unfavorable conditions in which a significant part of the population of our country lives (living in conditions of harmful, stressful, physical, chemical and radiation effects), an imbalance in nutrition dictate the need to create a variety of functional products enriched with pro– and prebiotic factors. In the science of nutrition, a functional direction has been developed - this is nutrition, which provides for the consumption of such products of natural origin, which, when used daily, have a regulating effect on the body as a whole, its certain systems, organs, providing a drug-free positive correction of their function. Compared with traditional types of dairy products with high organoleptic and commodity characteristics, produced on the basis of classical technological techniques, dairy products of the new generation should have increased nutritional and biological value. The article is devoted to the research and development of the technology of a new cottage cheese product - cottage cheese paste produced with the addition of lactulose concentrate and fruit and berry fillers. This article discusses the steady trend towards the use of fermented milk products with functional properties in the diet of modern humans. Purpose: Study and development of technology of thermized cottage cheese paste enriched with prebiotic lactulose and fruit and berry fillers. Methods: Analysis and generalization of theoretical information, organoleptic evaluation, physicochemical methods of analysis, microbiological methods of evaluation of cottage cheese paste, quality control of the finished product. Results and their significance: The positive role of prebiotic substances in the vital activity of the macroorganism was studied. It is not for nothing that academician Andrei Georgievich Khramtsov once called lactulose "a miracle made of milk." Lactulose, being a strong bifidogenic factor, allows stabilizing the microflora of the stomach. Lactulose activates the growth of bifidobacteria, which take root well in the intestine and ferment lactulose to form lactic acid. Lactic acid suppresses the development of pathogenic and putrefactive bacteria. As a result of the conducted studies, it was determined that the cottage cheese paste enriched with lactulose had high quality indicators and retained its consumer properties during the entire storage period. The introduction of lactulose into the recipe of cottage cheese paste does not reduce the nutritional advantages of the finished product.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Methods of teaching conversational skills, their advantages, disadvantages and overcoming language barriers and anxiety when learning a foreign language

Globalization is an integral part of our life. Therefore, today the relevance of learning foreign languages, in particular English, is beyond doubt, as interest in foreign culture, education, travel, life and work abroad increases. It is known that English is the most widespread international means of communication (including information technology and web space), for most of the population it is the native or state language. This is due to historical, political and geographical prerequisites, as well as socio-economic and cultural development. Proficiency in English opens up great prospects for those who know, but not every person chooses a linguistic direction of study when entering a higher educational institution. Mastering English is a laborious process. In universities of non-linguistic areas, one of the main problems for students is the so-called language anxiety and psychological barriers, especially for those students for whom English is not a core subject or direction of future activity. Overcoming language anxiety and psychological barriers continues to be an urgent issue in pedagogical psychology and the educational process of higher educational institutions. Therefore, the task of the teacher is to create such conditions in his classes so that the student has a desire to learn, develop himself and improve himself. It is necessary to form motivation for conversational skills through psychologically thought-out techniques and methods. The task of the teacher is to direct the student from a conniving and indifferent attitude to study to a conscious and positive attitude. To implement the above, the teacher needs to form the old motives and stimulate new, positive ones. The encouragement of positive manifestations of emotions should be supported, stimulated and helped to realize these emotions by the teacher in the educational process. For example, simple tasks, but at the same time fascinating, the manifestation of sincere emotions in the classroom by the teacher himself and his personal examples inspire students to pronounce their state of mind and experiences. Encouraging and highlighting the activity of students also helps to increase the motivation of learning, especially if they have creative ideas that differ from other fellow students. The purpose of the article is to describe the methods of teaching conversational skills, their advantages and disadvantages and to consider in detail the overcoming of language barriers when learning a foreign language. The methodological basis of the research was the works of such authors as: H.F. Makaev, O.S. Zorkina, V.P. Ipatova, L.V. Barinkova, E.V. Zarubina, E.I. Kaputskaya, E.I. Passov, E.G. Asimov, A.N. Shchukin and others. Critical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the problem, study and generalization of positive experience of teachers; collection of empirical information, experiment, quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The results of the study can be used in the process of developing practical recommendations for psychological work with students in order to increase their motivation to learn a foreign language. In addition, these results can be used by teachers to correct and improve the effectiveness of the educational process.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

Evaluation of regions’ competitiveness as the main parameter of economic development

Main problem: In modern science, there are a large number of techniques focused on the assessment of competitiveness through the analysis of certain resources in the region. However, accounting of human resources in such assessments is not used as a prior factor in identifying regional competitive advantages. Competitive advantages affect not only the efficiency of individual sectors of the economy but also the overall social and economic development of the country. Evaluation of the competitiveness of the region should include one of the main parameters of the human resource and economic development level. Therefore, the forecast for the competitiveness of the region should take into account the pace of human resources development. Purpose of the research is evaluation of regions’ competitiveness as the main parameter of economic development in current conditions. Methods: The methods used in Kazakhstan for assessing the competitiveness of a region considers only the assessment of human resources in its structure but do not take into account the level of their development over time, as well as the multi-factorial nature of their components. Results and their value: The work explains and analyzes rating model for assessing of the competitiveness of the regions of Kazakhstan (the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan). The authors proposed a methodology for ranking the regions of Kazakhstan based on an assessment of the development of their human resources that affect the competitiveness of the region. It includes an analysis of demographic, labor and social and economic indicators reflecting the state of human resources.

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Analysis of the epizootic situation of canine distemper among dogs in the city of Tula

Main problem: At present, service, decorative and hunting dog breeding is intensively developing in Russia and in the Tula region. So, in 2020, 119 high-breed puppies were registered in the Book of Pedigree Breeding, and in 2021 already 164 puppies, mostly decorative and service breeds. Thus, the number of pedigreed dogs susceptible to various infectious diseases is increasing annually. Canine distemper is one of the most widespread viral diseases of dogs all over the world, including in Russia. Analyzing the "Patient Admission Logs" of veterinary clinics in the city of Tula, it was found that 44 % of dogs that fell ill with diseases of infectious etiology were diagnosed with canine distemper. Purpose: The aim of our research was to study the epizootological features of the course of canine distemper among dogs in the Tula region of Russia. To achieve the intended goal, it was necessary to solve the following problem: to analyze the breed and age factors for the incidence of canine distemper. Methods: Analysis of data from private veterinary clinics reporting on the incidence of small domestic animals was used. Results and their significance: As a result of studying the epizootic situation of canine distemper among dogs, the following data were obtained: The disease is observed throughout the year and has the character of undamped fluctuations subject to sharp seasonal changes. The maximum number of diseased dogs in all years of observation is recorded in March - 6.2 cases per 1000 individuals. It has been established that among the infectious diseases of dogs, distemper occupies the first place, and there is an annual increase in the number of dogs with distemper.

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Assessment of regional competitiveness factors at national and international levels

In modern science, there are a large number of techniques focused on the assessment of competitiveness through the analysis of certain resources in the region. However, accounting of human resources in such assessments is not used as a prior factor in identifying regional competitive advantages. Competitive advantages affect not only the efficiency of individual sectors of the economy but also the overall social and economic development of the country. Evaluation of the competitiveness of the region should include one of the main parameters of the human resource and economic development level. Therefore, the forecast for the competitiveness of the region should take into account the pace of human resources development. The purpose of the research is evaluation of regions’ competitiveness as the main parameter of economic development in current conditions. The methods used in Kazakhstan for assessing the competitiveness of a region considers only the assessment of human resources in its structure but do not take into account the level of their development over time, as well as the multi-factorial nature of their components. The work explains and analyzes rating model for assessing of the competitiveness of the regions of Kazakhstan (the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan). The authors propose a methodology for ranking the regions of Kazakhstan based on an assessment of the development of their human resources that affect the competitiveness of the region. It includes an analysis of demographic, labor and social and economic indicators reflecting the state of human resources.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)

Tolerance in pedagogical communication

In this article, the need to improve professional communication defines the tasks of improving the psychological and pedagogical qualifications of teachers of primary, secondary and higher education, their professional competence as an increase in interaction in the field of modern achievements in pedagogy, psychology, acmeology. In this regard, it is said about the more efficient use of modern private resources to build effective strategies for professional communication of teachers. The idea is revealed that acmeological design is used for individual work related to the strategy of life, the improvement of professional behavior or communication. It is proved that communication helps to plan and organize joint work; the goals of communication expand to gaining knowledge about the world, training and education, coordinating actions in joint activities, establishing personal and business relationships.

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Foreign and domestic practice of implementing the principles of socially responsible business

Main problem: in Kazakhstan, it is urgent to develop measures aimed at introduction and promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at all levels of Kazakh society, in order to strengthen sustainability of socio-economic development, active participation of business in social modernization and human capital development. In this regard, there is problem of forming effective mechanism of social responsibility, as well as the implementation of principles of corporate social responsibility in management practice of domestic companies. Purpose: this study aims to determine the main stages of the development of CSR in business in Kazakhstan in the specific context the domestic business sector. Methods: methods of systematic, comparative and statistical analysis and of expert assessments were used. Expert survey, document analysis, secondary analysis of sociological research, case study method were used as empirical research methods. The analysis of documents was performed to study the legislative and regulatory frameworks that determine practices of implementing interaction between business and government in modern states. To identify and characterize models of CSR implementation, method of secondary data from a number of foreign comparative studies was applied. Case study method allowed identifying empirical cases of effective implementation of mechanisms of social public-private partnership in field of social investments by domestic business structures. Results and their significance: in the article, based on study of domestic and foreign experience, mechanism of interaction between business and government in solving problems of regional economic systems was considered. Main stages of evolution of CSR practices in Kazakhstan were identified and characterized, structural (subjects, institutions) and regulatory (legislation, strategies, programs, standards) components of interaction between business and government in solving problems of region in modern conditions are established. In addition, main differences between domestic CSR system and European model are considered, general characteristics of which are given in article.

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Diagnostics of leading coping strategies of students

The article highlights the problem of coping behavior of students in stressful situations of the educational process. Purpose of the article - determination of the dominant productive and non-productive strategies of coping behavior among undergraduate students. While doing research the following methods were used: Coping with Stress Questionnaire (COPE) by K. Carver, M. Scheier and J. Weintraub, adapted by E.I. Rasskazova, T.O. Gordeeva and E.N. Aspen. Fourth-year students show significant variability in the choice of methods of coping behavior. This means they have a wider range of coping strategies. At the same time, first-year students do not have a diverse enough range of coping strategies. This may be due to their less experience and unfamiliarity with various coping techniques. Significant differences were found in the activity of using the effective strategy “Finding a solution to a problem” among students at different stages of training. This suggests that fourth-year students are more prone to problem-oriented coping, while first-year students prefer emotionally oriented coping with exam stress. As a result of the study, it was determined that the most common methods of coping behavior among students are the strategies “Accepting responsibility” and “Planning a solution to the problem.” This means that most students prefer active and mindful approaches to coping with difficulties. It has been proven that the relationship between methods of coping behavior and anxiety of students is different in all courses of study. This may be due to varying levels of experience, degree of curriculum difficulty, and other factors that influence perception and coping with stressful situations. These results highlight the importance of developing a variety of coping strategies in first-year students, as well as the need to support and train fourth-year students in using effective coping strategies.

Author: A. Zabegalin
Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

Small business of the Republic of Kazakhstan: current development tendencies in the leading sectors of the economy

Market transformations in the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the regions have entered a phase of intensification: management systems and resource allocation have been fully improved, the institution of public-private property has been formed, the main market mechanisms of economic regulation have been put into effect. The mechanism of self-development of the market as a whole is gradually being launched, small business is becoming crucial. It is free entrepreneurship that is designed to intensify the further economic recovery in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Balanced and progressive development of small business involves the development of infrastructure that stimulates the activity of its development and requires the transformation of the mechanisms and format of integration of the sphere of small and large business, as one of the fundamental factors of balanced development of small business in the leading sectors of the economy. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, the support of the small business sector is one of the strategic priorities of its development. However, despite the measures taken by the state to provide support to small businesses, the dynamics of needs and industry-specific features of the development of the market of goods and services make their own adjustments to regional trends in the development of small business, forming an industry and structural imbalance in the development of small business, which requires consideration and clarification of their content. Purpose is to study the state and trends of small business development as a factor affecting the efficiency of the economy and social stability of the population. The analysis of small business development in the article is implemented on the basis of the information and statistical base of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of identifying trends and patterns of its development; identification, generalization and justification of the reasons for their formative and institutional approaches to their regulation. In particular, the analysis in the study is based on the materials of statistical reviews and their analysis using methods of grouping, generalization, logical analysis, system description and interpretation. The range of main directions and trends in the development of small entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan has been studied and determined, their effectiveness has been assessed and tools to support the balanced development of small business have been proposed.

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

Expansion of Communication Contact Between the State, Business and Society in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Main problem: digital transformation of Kazakhstan’s society leads to emergence of new communication business models, including the so-called proactive data-based service, which implies expansion of communication contact between the state, business and society. Digital transformation of economic sectors and the service sector has objectively caused discussion of issues related to various aspects of its implementation. These include digitalization of society spheres within framework of public administration [1], problems of interaction between business and government [2], mechanisms of interaction between subjects in the private-public partnership model of government and business [3], description of communication models of business types, government and public sector [4], history of emergence of electronic trade, its forms and types of goods delivery to a consumer [5], organizational and managerial relations and processes arising in enterprises, working in field of online marketing and e-commerce [6]. In Kazakhstan, digitalization of spheres and the economy sectors is one of strategic priorities of its development. Use of information and communication technologies in the service sector creates additional impulses to its dynamics, therefore, has impact on improving population’s life quality. In this regard, it is necessary to identify trends and patterns of communication interaction between the state, business and society, to consider and clarify their content. The purpose: the research of state and trends in the development of Kazakhstan service sector under the influence of digital solutions and expansion of communicative contact between the state, business and society. Methods: the performed analysis in the research is based on the materials of the statistical reviews and their analysis using the methods of grouping, generalization, logical analysis, system description and interpretation. Results and their value: a range of the key problems of communication interaction between the state, business and society is investigated and determined. Recommendations are proposed to accelerate the development of e-commerce in Kazakhstan as a tool for communication interaction between business and society and improving population’s life quality.

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Test as a Method of Psychology. Development History and Basic Requirements

Main problem: The article highlights the problem of tests as methods of psychology, the influence of validity and reliability on the results of psychological research. Purpose: Uncovering the significance of validity and reliability on psychological research results. Results and their significance: Testing is an important method in psychology, allowing measuring various aspects of the psyche and behavior of a person. The history of the development of tests in psychology goes back more than a century and began with the work of Francis Galton and Alfred Binet. Over time, the tests have become widely used in various fields such as education, personnel selection, clinical diagnosis and research. Basic requirements for tests include reliability (repeatability of results), validity (measurement accuracy), standardization (same test conditions) and objectivity (lack of subjectivity in assessment). Tests must be designed using psychometric principles to ensure accuracy and validity of results. Modern tests include a variety of measurement techniques, such as tests of personality, intelligence, aptitude, and professional skills. The use of tests in psychology requires professional training to correctly interpret the results and make valid conclusions. Testing as a method of psychology continues to evolve, and its role remains key in the study of the human psyche and behavior. Testing in psychology has a wide range of applications, including assessing personality traits, identifying psychological disorders, and predicting behavior and success in various areas of life. The development of computer-based tests and online platforms makes testing more efficient and convenient for researchers and participants. Modern tests increasingly take into account cultural differences and the diversity of individual characteristics, which contributes to more accurate and tailored assessments. It is important to remember that the use of tests requires ethics, confidentiality and compliance to ensure the reliability and validity of the data obtained.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

Evaluation of Human Resource Potential of Organizations of Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Main problem: At the present stage of life, workforce plays a special and very important role in the activities and development of any organization. Human resources need to be managed. Management itself is a process of streamlining, regulating a particular activity. Managing an organization means defining the main directions of its development, setting goals for it and contributing to their achievement. Human resources are the face of a company, a component derivative, without which its existence is impossible. Any promising and self-respecting company assigns the formation of its staff to one of the leading directions of its own policy. Currently, in the context of social and economic transformations, the management of the activities of healthcare organizations is changing significantly, and therefore it is necessary to improve personnel management approaches that contribute to improving the quality of services provided and labor productivity. Taking into account the peculiarities of personnel management of a medical institution at the present time, the issue of reforming the personnel policy of healthcare, improving the image of institutions, forming a corporate culture, developing and implementing criteria for the motivational process is acute. Solving these tasks will help managers in the personnel management process. Purpose of this article is to assess the state of human resources of organizations of the sanitary and epidemiological service in the Republic of Kazakhstan and identify the main problems in the personnel management system of the organization using the example of the activities of the State Institution “Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Methods: The work used general scientific methods of comparative systemic, vertical and horizontal analysis, structural and functional the method, analytical techniques, economic and statistical research methods. Results and their significance: the authors have defined the human resource management system of a healthcare institution, analyzed the current personnel management system using the example of the State Institution “Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. The assessment of the state and movement of labor resources of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Control Committee was carried out. Based on the conducted research, the authors identified the main problems of human resource management of a healthcare institution and developed proposals that can be used as recommendations for further reform and development of the personnel management system in the healthcare sector.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

Electronic Financial Services Market in RK: Problems and Prospects of Development

Main problem: At the present stage of life, Innovations in the financial sector contribute to the optimization of financial intermediation and, in turn, stimulate economic growth. Financial innovations increase the efficiency of the allocation of savings capital to investment capital, as well as increase liquidity in the markets. As the digital economy has developed, the functionality of traditional large financial institutions has been partially replaced by financial technologies (FinTech). FinTech involves the convergence of traditional financial services with mobile services, social media services, big data aggregation and processing, and cloud technologies. Purpose of this article is to identify the main directions of the electronic financial services market in the Republic of Kazakhstan, identify the main problems and prospects for the development of the financial sector of the economy. Methods: The work used general scientific methods of comparative system, vertical and horizontal analysis, structural and functional method, analytical techniques, economic and statistical research methods. The results and their significance: the authors identified the main directions of digitalization of the financial sector of the modern economy, noted the role of FinTech companies and services in both theoretical and practical terms, and provided relevant approaches to the definition of this concept in the economic literature. The main reasons and factors for the development of this direction of digitalization of the financial sector are substantiated, including the concept of financial accessibility, the advantages and disadvantages of FinTech, various approaches to their classification, country and regional characteristics, and an analysis of development trends. The crowdfunding direction of FinTech is noted, approaches to its definition and classification are given, the advantages of the crowdfunding mechanism are revealed, and its role in the modern economy is analyzed. The trend of algorithmic trading development as the most important direction of digitalization of the financial sector is investigated. A detailed analysis of mobile financial services as one of the fastest-growing areas of FinTech is carried out, approaches to their classification are given, factors stimulating the growth of mobile payments, country and regional characteristics are substantiated. The main directions of digitalization of the insurance sector are analyzed, reasonable conclusions about the advantages of InsurTech are made.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)