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Search results: A.S. Satkenov

Number of results: 24

Main priorities and prospects of economic development of Pavlodar

In the article the results of an analytical assessment of economic capacity of Pavlodar city are considered. Determination of internal reserves of socio-economic development of the region currently becomes an important task solution of which requires development of new approaches to definition of essence, structures, methods of an assessment of social and economic potential. The size of social and economic capacity of the region characterizes a level of development of productive forces, defines competitiveness and extent of capitalization of the enterprises.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)

Foreign experience of development of agrarian and industrial complex

The article consideres foreign experience of the state support of agricultural production. The authors analysed innovative processes (use of bioresources), occurring in the agrarian and industrial complex and defined the main directions of financial support in agriculture area.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)

The role of risk maps in management of the company

Risk map as a tool of the effective management of the company, the goal of a risk map, methods, quantitative evaluation and modeling of risk maps for the successful activity of organization are viewed in this article.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)

The strategy of the author’s nomination in the novel “Vanity fair” by William Thackeray

The article is devoted to the strategy of the use of personal names (first of all, proper names) in the novel by William Thackeray’s “Vanity Fair”. These names are considered as one of the techniques the author’s relationship to his characters.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)
Heading: Humanities

Study of the concept essential characteristics

The article discusses the key characteristics of the concept - the basic unit of the ethnic picture of the world. In this paper, an analytical description of the «content» of multidimentional lingvomentional formation which is marked by the cultural specificity.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)
Heading: Humanities

Deposit policy second-tier banks

This article deals with the deposit policy banks. Determined that the savings accounts are the most diverse and the basis for their classification is the criteria of the sources of contributions, their intended use, the degree of profitability. The focus is on the definition of criteria, goals and objectives. This article can be viewed as the formulation stage for further research in the master's thesis.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)

Formation of effective policy in the sphere of food security

Problems of ensuring food security in modern conditions of economic management are considered in the article. To ensure food security in the region the strategy of state interests protection is necessary such as social stability, food needs satisfaction, independence from import, own food products production development, creation of reserve stocks to stabilize food supply.

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Priority directions and prospects of social sphere and infrastructure complex development in Pavlodar city

The results of social and Pavlodar economic capacity analytical assessment are considered in the article. The social sphere and its development is a main direction of economy state regulation. Its state is mainly determined by processes of labor resources, their quantity and quality, level of productive power scientific and technical development, cultural and spiritual life of society.

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Development of the agrarian market in the conditions of the international integration

In article problems of development of the agrarian market of Kazakhstan in the conditions of the Customs Union are considered. The main conditions of achievement of a sustainable development of production of agricultural production are: internal support of agrarian production, strengthening of the international integration in the agrarian and industrial complex sphere, innovative development, development of information infrastructure, diversification of sales markets, creation of optimum transport routes.

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Investment program of strategy implementation for agriculture development of Kachiry district up to 2020

The main priorities of strategy for agriculture development as well as investment into agrarian and industrial complex of the district are considered in the article; their necessity analysis for the branch development is carried out. The major factors which influence on increasing the investment policy efficiency for agriculture and agro-industrial complex development of the district are revealed.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)


In this article it is considered different definitions to “maternity” concept as well as moral and psychological aspects of students training for maternity which mean human perception of the whole set of requirements, duties, social standards of behavior. This training is oriented to increasing of responsibility of students before family life, social prestige of maternity, psychological readiness of students for maternity, obtaining succinct knowledge. The level of psychological readiness for maternity is determined by the combined effect of positive and negative factors influence by the moment when a woman becomes a mother.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)

Interaction of government bodies and mass-media: the problems and the ways of decision

In the article it is considered the questions of mechanisms’ effectiveness of interation of mass-media and government bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main problems of these sphere are introduction of information in mass-media through the system of state purchases, directed on the prices; the lack of the system of indicators on the estimation of mass-media services quality in the process of state purchase and the problem of control, censure and self-censure caused by state purchases conditions. The study makes it clear that the introduction of the system of public procurement has expanded the practice of self-censorship of publications. In conclusion, the author suggests ways to address the problems in the interaction of state bodies with the media.

Author: A.S. Gazizov
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)
Heading: Social sciences

Particularly effective support pregnant women in the prenatal period

The experience of psychological changes during the pregnancy period, which is manifested in the "syndrome of pregnancy " is described and analyzed carefully on the practical matter in this article. In the context of pregnancy, syndrome is a new psychogenic condition, limited to a certain period of time, beginning with the recognition of the woman of her new position and ending at the time of pygmalionism of the child, but birth.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

Methods and techniques of art therapy for the correction of hyperactivity of preschool age children

This article contains material about the features of working with pre-school children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. Psycho-corrective effects will be effective if the psychologist cooperates closely with parents and teachers. The choice of methods for correcting ADHD should be individual in nature, taking into account the degree of manifestation of the main manifestations of the syndrome and the presence of concomitant violations. ADHD correction is possible with a variety of therapies, such as art therapy, neuropsychology, game therapy, music therapy, bibliotherapy, sand therapy. The syndrome of hyperactivity influences, first of all, on the development of the emotional sphere of the child of preschool age, which is expressed in an increased sense of anxiety, the occurrence of a large number of fears and other types of emotional disorders.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 3(67)

Problems of management of medical organizations in modern conditions

The article considers an important priority of the state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the preservation and strengthening of public health. In the context of this problem, the quality of management of medical institutions plays an important role. In the context of the economic crisis in health care, it is necessary to increase the efficiency of medical institutions through the introduction of new forms, methods and models of management. Factors that make it difficult to manage health organizations can be divided into two groups according to the method of occurrence: environmental factors and internal environmental factors. Together, interacting with each other, these factors lead to inhibition of the development of modern medicine. Thus, it is possible to identify the main problems that arise in the management of medical institutions at the present stage: the fragmentation of underfunding, low level of confidence of Kazakh citizens in the health care system, the problems of quality and availability of medical services, the lack of highly qualified medical personnel, low managerial skills of heads of health organizations. Conclusions on improving the quality of health services are made.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 1(73)

Optimization of the nutrient medium for cultivation of the lactic acid bacteria lactobacillus casei bm-4/17 b-rkm 0746 in a bioreactor

This article presents a comparative analysis of nutrient media for the cultivation of lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus casei BM-4/17 B-RKM 0746 in a bioreactor. The main criteria for identifying the effectiveness of the nutrient medium were the accumulation of the highest biomass of lactic acid bacteria cells and the amount of nutrient medium components in relation to the biomass obtained.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 1(73)

Analysis of small and medium business development in Ekibastuz district

This paper analyzes the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Ekibastuz district at the present stage. The volume of lending to small and medium-sized businesses in the district within the framework of state programs BRM 2020, as well as grant funding for the development of productive employment and mass entrepreneurship in rural areas of the study area. The mechanism of service support for SMEs to provide non financial support is given

Author: A.S. Khakimov
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 3(75)

Risks of microbiological contamination of fruits and vegetables used for food

Fruits and vegetables are most often consumed without being thoroughly processed before consumption. Some plant foods are vacuum-packed to ensure long shelf life as well as preserving the quality and safety of the product. Fruits and vegetables carry naturally occurring non-pathogenic epiphytic microflora on their surfaces. During growth, harvesting, transport and further handling they can be repeatedly contaminated by pathogens from human or animal sources. Fresh fruit crops have been implicated in a number of documented foodborne disease outbreaks. Outbreaks of diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites have been epidemiologically linked to the consumption of a wide range of fruits and vegetables. The aim of our study is to assess the risk of contamination in fruit and berry crops and how to address this long-standing problem, namely, contamination of fruit and vegetables with unnatural pathogenic microflora. The following fruit and berry crops common in Turkestan region were chosen for the experiment: Apple variety Suislepskoe (stolovka) , peach variety Nectarine and grape variety Kishmish. Bacteriological inoculation was carried out by membrane filtration of used sterile water to obtain flushes from the surface of fruit crops. All work was carried out under full aseptic conditions. The utensils, water and other equipment used in the work were sterilised in advance. The data obtained during the experiment shows that there is a potential for widespread contamination of uncharacteristic microflora of plant products. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that there are yeasts and acetic acid bacteria on the surface of all three samples of fruit and berry crops, which can be universally contaminated food and are not the natural microflora for the above mentioned crops. Specifically, fruits and vegetables can be contaminated with various bacterial pathogens, including Salmonella, Shigella, E. Coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes and Campylobacter.

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Key factors for ensuring sustainable development of rural regions of Kazakhstan

Main problem: Currently, there are various socio-economic and environmental problems in the development of rural regions, among the key ones: access to basic services, lack of transport connectivity, inadequate social, housing infrastructure, and others. Achieving sustainable development of the territory is one of the important priorities, which is of great importance for any state. Sustainable development is understood as harmonious development from the perspective of the economy, social sphere and ecology. At the same time, the sustainable development of socio-economic and natural systems is not possible if many factors and conditions are not taken into account that can directly affect the current state and long-term sustainability of their functioning and interference is not created on these processes within the framework of the implementation of various policies by the state. Purpose: In this regard, the purpose of this study is to identify and study the key factors that determine and contribute to the balanced development of rural regions of the country in the context of sustainable development goals and objectives. Methods: Empirical methods of economic cognition, methods of induction and deduction, synthesis, as well as logical methods were used in the framework of scientific research. Results and their significance: When classifying significant factors that influence the formation of sustainable rural development, it is necessary to take into account an essential feature of sustainable development – a harmonious combination of economic, social and environmental components of social development. Taking into account the logic of this study, based on the variety of factors contributing to the sustainable development of rural a reas, their systematization has been carried out.

Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 4(84)

The place and role of the teacher in the system of activities

The ideas of accelerated disclosure of the spiritual, intellectual and professional potential of a person have always been occupied by scientists and teachers (Ya.A. Komensky, K.D. Ushinsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, Ya. Korchak, A.S. Makarenko, A. Kunanbayev, Y. Altynsarin and others). Modern innovative teachers are guided by a personality-oriented approach, the ideas of subject-subject relations, and generational cooperation. Georgian teacher Sh. A. Amonashvili wrote: «humanitarian pedagogy perceives the child by his nature. He sees the infinity of the child, understands his cosmic quality and prepares him for the service of humanity throughout his life. It establishes the personality of the child through the determination of his will and builds pedagogical systems, the procedural of which predetermines love, optimism and high spiritual morality. Humanitarian pedagogical thinking seeks to take on something enormous, and this is the power of educational systems and processes that have arisen in its bowels». In order to realize the value of self-disclosure of innovative abilities of students, ensuring the role of a teacher, it is necessary to recognize the intellectual reflexive mechanism of a person as the main subject of Education. The purpose of the article is to identify innovative methods and models of pedagogical activity for the cultivation of innovative abilities of students, which determine the development of the country. The study used methods such as analysis, generalization, synthesis, modeling of scientific sources.

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Phytopathological Assessment of Sunflower Genetic Resources in Relation to Vegetative Conditions in the East Kazakhstan Region during 2021-2023

Phytopathological Assessment of Sunflower Genetic Resources in Relation to Vegetative Conditions in the East Kazakhstan Region during 2021-2023

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

Electronic Financial Services Market in RK: Problems and Prospects of Development

Main problem: At the present stage of life, Innovations in the financial sector contribute to the optimization of financial intermediation and, in turn, stimulate economic growth. Financial innovations increase the efficiency of the allocation of savings capital to investment capital, as well as increase liquidity in the markets. As the digital economy has developed, the functionality of traditional large financial institutions has been partially replaced by financial technologies (FinTech). FinTech involves the convergence of traditional financial services with mobile services, social media services, big data aggregation and processing, and cloud technologies. Purpose of this article is to identify the main directions of the electronic financial services market in the Republic of Kazakhstan, identify the main problems and prospects for the development of the financial sector of the economy. Methods: The work used general scientific methods of comparative system, vertical and horizontal analysis, structural and functional method, analytical techniques, economic and statistical research methods. The results and their significance: the authors identified the main directions of digitalization of the financial sector of the modern economy, noted the role of FinTech companies and services in both theoretical and practical terms, and provided relevant approaches to the definition of this concept in the economic literature. The main reasons and factors for the development of this direction of digitalization of the financial sector are substantiated, including the concept of financial accessibility, the advantages and disadvantages of FinTech, various approaches to their classification, country and regional characteristics, and an analysis of development trends. The crowdfunding direction of FinTech is noted, approaches to its definition and classification are given, the advantages of the crowdfunding mechanism are revealed, and its role in the modern economy is analyzed. The trend of algorithmic trading development as the most important direction of digitalization of the financial sector is investigated. A detailed analysis of mobile financial services as one of the fastest-growing areas of FinTech is carried out, approaches to their classification are given, factors stimulating the growth of mobile payments, country and regional characteristics are substantiated. The main directions of digitalization of the insurance sector are analyzed, reasonable conclusions about the advantages of InsurTech are made.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

Legal Education Aspects Among the youth in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The main problem: The development of theoretical aspects of legal education, legal awareness. Organizational forms of legal education. Forms and methods of education of legal awareness, legal culture. Features of the formation of legal culture in the modern period. Problems of improving legal culture and legal education. Legal education forms a sense of confidence and independence in the legal sphere among the population of the state, thereby stimulating the legal activity of an individual, which presupposes voluntary, conscious, proactive, socially and morally responsible human behavior. Purpose: The article deals with the legal education of modern youth. The means of forming a legal culture are the promotion of law, the development of legal knowledge among citizens, the practical strengthening of the rule of law, the presence of a strong legal science, the improvement of the system of legal acts, which is achieved due to the presence in the state of a democratic, effective constitution and high legal and technical-legal quality of laws and by-laws. Methods: Methodology of the study. The methodological basis of the study was made up of: generally recognized methods of scientific research of the phenomena of reality in their interrelation and interdependence both at the theoretical level (systemic, comparative legal, formal legal, historical methods of analysis, etc.) and at the empirical level (statistical analysis, questionnaires, research of documents, printed publications); the main provisions of the theory of criminal law, ethics, philosophy, psychology; rules of formal logic. The results and their significance: In this regard, there is a need to create a Republican Center for Legal Education at the Institute of State and Law, which will provide scientific research on the problems of legal education and upbringing, the development of the content and methodology of legal education at all levels of continuing education of students.

Author: A.S. Satkenov
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)
Heading: Law