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Search results: A.T. Kaidarova

Number of results: 23

Public services: current state and prospects of development

The aspects of delivery system development of the public services submission to the population in the Republic of Kazakhstan are observed in this article on the basis of monitoring results.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)

Foreign experience of development of agrarian and industrial complex

The article consideres foreign experience of the state support of agricultural production. The authors analysed innovative processes (use of bioresources), occurring in the agrarian and industrial complex and defined the main directions of financial support in agriculture area.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)

Сlaster development as a tool to increase the competitiveness of the regions of the republic of kazakhstan

This article dials with the concept «cluster” the advantages of the cluster approach as wellas the formation of cluster development in Kazakhstan have been discussed.

Author: S. Kaidarova
Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)

Improvement of the institutional regularitites of address social help for families with children

The article is devoted to the changes in the normative legal base to optimize benefit system. On the basis of social assistance system research there revealed the reduction of recipients and children contingent growth in getting governmental social selective assistance, resulted from the growth of population income level and accumulation of deviation between the real subsistence level and statistically calculated for SASA payments.

Author: Zh.E. Kaidarova
Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)
Heading: Social sciences

Highways - as an element of transport-communication complex Republics of Kazakhstan

The questions of development of highways of Republic of Kazakhstan are considered in this article. The analysis of modern development of highways status is conducted. Including influence of development of highways on the economy of region. The ways of perfection of development of highways offer

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Pedagogical activity during the period of adaptation to the middle level of secondary school

This article views the issues of adaption of the 5-th grade schoolboy to the middle level of a secondary school. The opportunities of creative attitude to the organizing the transition period schoolboy are considered. The reasons of the problems of the adaptation schoolboy are revealed.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

On the issue of the strategic approach to family counseling

This article describes the concept and the role of a strategic approach to family counseling. Currently, the strategic approach to family counseling is the most common type of psychotherapy in the family. The article compares the strategic approach to the systemic and structural approach to family counseling. This method of family therapy focused on problem solving and psychotherapists this area do not focus on personal features of family members, are not intended to achieve the client or family insight.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Analysis and Evaluation of Dynamic of Emergency Situations in Ekibastuz city

The paper analyzes dynamics of emergency situations in rural zone of Ekibastuz city. The main causes of emergencies of natural and anthropogenic nature are presented. The analysis was based on five-year experience of the Department of Emergency Situations in Ekibastuz city. The material damage from emergency incidents is in the order of several millions. Measures of a preventive and recommendatory nature aimed at preventing and eliminating emergencies are proposed.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 4(64)
Heading: Social sciences

Realization of the state program for development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan on the example of Pavlodar region

This article examines the state program for the development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan based on the example of the Pavlodar region. A report is presented on the implementation of this program and the main problems are discussed. Priority directions of development and measures for their implementation are given.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 4(68)

The status of Bank liquidity in the Republic of Kazakhstan in modern conditions

This article examines the analysis of the banks liquidity of the second level of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015 to 2018. Also examines the role and policy of the National Bank of Kazakhstan in the process of regulating the liquidity of the banking sector is considered

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

The main directions of social and economic development of Pavlodar region

This article describes the main directions of socio-economic development of Pavlodar region, provides characteristics and dynamics of the main areas and sectors of the region, including the state of industrial production, agriculture, development of small and medium-sized businesses, the labor market, trade, electricity, heat and water supply, construction. The region is characterized by a progressive and diversified economic structure. In the structure of industry of Pavlodar region the largest share is occupied by the manufacturing industry. The priority direction of development of the regional economy in the context of ensuring its socio-economic development is the development of small and medium-sized businesses

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 1(73)

Historical and pedagogical aspect of the problem of development of gifted children

In this article the modern understanding of giftedness is considered. The author having passed through scientific disputes of many psychological schools argues that it is based on the dominant cognitive motivation and research creative activity, expressing in the discovery of new in the formulation and solution of problems in secondary school through individual technologies.

Author: A.T. Tashimova
Year of release:
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Heading: Social sciences

Development of entrepreneurial activity in Pavlodar region: analysis of the state and problems

Main problem: Small and medium-sized businesses, as an important component of modern production, largely contributes to maintaining a competitive tone in the economy, creates a natural social support for a social structure organized on the principles of the market, and also forms a new social stratum of entrepreneurs. Since the establishment of independent Kazakhstan, the sphere of entrepreneurship has always been in the center of attention of the state, and the Strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050": the new political course of the established state, comprehensive support of entrepreneurship as the leading force of the national economy has been identified among its priority tasks. At the present stage of development, the system of state support for small and medium- sized businesses in the Republic of Kazakhstan includes a number of institutions and state programs designed to provide comprehensive support to this sector of the economy. Despite the measures taken by the state to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the development of this area in the regions and the Republic of Kazakhstan, in general, faces a number of serious problems, including those of a systemic nature, which involves researching the state, identifying problems and determining prospects for the development of small and medium- sized businesses. Purpose: to study the state, trends and prospects of development of SMEs in Pavlodar region, to identify and describe the problems of organizing the activities of entrepreneurs in the region. Methods: the state of entrepreneurial activity in the region is analyzed in the context of the main socially significant indicators of its development, the main trends and patterns of development of the SME sphere are identified and the reasons that form them are substantiated. As one of the tools for identifying and substantiating the reasons hindering the development of entrepreneurial activity, the study conducted a survey of entrepreneurs to identify the problems of SMEs in the region. Results and their significance: Based on the results of the study, a range of priority problems of SMEs in the region was determined, an assessment of their correlation with similar problems of the SME sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan was given, and a range of basic expectations of entrepreneurs in the context of government measures to support their development was outlined.

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Implementation of environmental measures in the study of pre-design situations on the example of a roadside service facility

When solving project tasks, it is necessary to take into account the maximum number of possible solutions that contribute to the efficiency of the object. When analyzing the activity of multifunctional objects, such solutions are all the more important, since they allow, taking into account the specific features of the object, to make the most rational design decision, especially if these solutions are associated with the ability to solve environmental and energy-efficient problems. The decisions made can take into account both the operation of the object itself and the infrastructure that provides the solution with the necessary engineering solutions. The most difficult thing in making project decisions is to systematize the studied situations and analyze informative sources. Systematization of methods of pre-project analysis, generalization of the experience of project work on the example of designing a roadside service object. Wepropose forms that facilitate the structuring of information sources, as well as logical tables that give an idea of the specifics of the choice of positions and directions that allows quickly come to an understanding of how to implement project tasks. Awareness of the methods that allow organizing the logic and sequence of design processes in design and architectural design allows the author to identify the most important problems from his point of view and fit them into the range of design tasks. The search for answers to these problems is formed by ways of structuring information and displaying it in pictorial structures, where the word takes on the meaning of a specific symbol, in a chain of connections that determine the understanding of the integral process of functioning of the future object, taking into account all aspects of its activity.

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The problem of reason in the philosophy of the Arabic- speaking middle ages. Historical and philosophical aspect

The authors, based on analysis of the philosophy of the Eastern peripatetics, have shown that in the philosophical worldview of the middle ages Arabic magazynowanie there are aspects, which indicate that more needs to trace the Genesis of the problem of reason in Arabic philosophy of the middle ages. The article notes that the world of the XXI century is the world of post-industrial, information society, which constantly raises logical and epistemological problems in the field of science and philosophy. Therefore, there is a need for a critical study of the history of this problem, its Genesis and development to identify positive potential and progressive ideas. In this context, the analysis and study of the problem of reason and logic, the epistemological ideas of al-Kindi, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd of the Arabic-speaking middle ages is not only of historical and philosophical interest, but also of actual significance. In this article, the authors consider the problem of reason in the worldview of representatives of Eastern peripatetism of the medieval Arabic-language philosophy of al-Kindi, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, based on the ideas of Aristotle. The paper presents the historical and philosophical aspect of the problem of reason inherent in the Arabic-speaking middle ages. The cognitive interest of representatives of Eastern peripatetism is connected with philosophy, questions of logic, and the doctrine of reason. Arabic-speaking philosophers in the middle ages were engaged in understanding the epistemological abilities of man, al-Kindi, being the founder of Arabic-speaking philosophy, put forward the idea of types of mind and stages of knowledge. Al-Kindi's positive philosophical ideas were further developed in al-Farabi's worldview. The thinker considered the priority of rational knowledge to be indisputable, in addition, al-Farabi showed an interest in logic, the theory of knowledge and human cognitive abilities. Al-Farabi's philosophy had a significant influence on Ibn Sina's philosophical views. The rationalism of Ibn Sina was also manifested in a very high assessment of logic, the thinker considered logic an introduction to philosophical knowledge. Ibn Rushd in his work developed along the same peripatetic path as his predecessors al-Kindi, al-Farabi, and Ibn Sina. The authors attempt to show that the problem of reason in philosophy and science has its Genesis, associated with the teachings of Eastern peripatetics of the Arabic-speaking middle ages. The teaching of the Arabic-speaking philosophers of the middle ages about the cognitive power of reason, despite the theological context and logical-epistemological limitations, had a progressive role in the history of philosophyd

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Humanities

Socialization of children with special educational needs in inclusive educational system

Main problem: Today, the opinion about inclusion as the most progressive (in comparison with integration) approach is being strengthened among the society, which allows any child, regardless of the type and severity of the disorder, to learn with their normatively developing peers. The introduction of inclusive approaches into school practice can be called one of the top priorities of the state educational policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Inclusive education will help to resolve the contradiction between the legally guaranteed rights of children with disabilities to equal access to quality education and the de facto inequality in its implementation. Inclusion must be systematic and focused, not spontaneous. Therefore, it is optimal to teach a child with disabilities within the framework of the system of continuous general education. The creation and effective functioning of this system is impossible without a trained teacher, who is a key figure in the implementation of inclusive education. Purpose: Substantiation and disclosure of the contradiction between the guaranteed right of children with IAD and equal access to quality education for the socialization of children with special educational needs in inclusive education. Methods: in the course of the research, descriptive, systematization and analytical methods were used in the application of theoretical concepts, government programs, and legislative acts in inclusive education. Results and their importance: The implementation of the research goal is facilitated by the use of an alternative to the classroom-based organization of the educational process for the progressive development of children with IAD, which allows them to study harmoniously, regardless of the type and severity of the violation, together with their normatively developing peers. The given pedagogical observation is the obtained practical result of this study. The development of the system of class-based organization of the educational process for children with IAD in educational institutions is aimed at forming an effective system for ensuring the comprehensive development of inclusive education.

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International experience in automating public services in the system of land relations

The article considers international experience in automating the system of land relations, aimed at improving the quality and reducing the time for the provision of services by state bodies to citizens and organizations, providing access to information databases, which positively affects the development of effective government decisions for the effective use of land resources, and also improves social welfare. In Kazakhstan, the transfer of land cadastral information to electronic media continues, and the automated information system of the land cadastre is being improved. The task of creating a unified mechanism for state cadastral registration of land plots according to uniform rules and technologies for all, identification and individualization of land plots and objects of immovable property firmly associated with them, for subsequent state registration of rights to land plots and transfer of information to the territorial bodies of the State Revenue Committee, remains relevant. To study the experience of developed countries in the provision of public services in the system of land relations through the development of official land information systems. The article used general scientific methods from general to concrete one, synthesis, theoretical generalization, induction, deduction, and system analysis. Based on the studied experience of developed countries, relevant conclusions and proposals were made: information technology is a useful tool and can help overcome bureaucracy, backwardness, isolation, monopolistic practices, and inefficiency in the public and private sectors; the use of state bodies for effective regulation of geographic information (GIS) systems that allow solving a wide range of tasks, as well as the use of modern information technologies, contributes to the transition of the activities of state bodies to a qualitatively new level of state control, which allows for full transparency of information about the land fund and objects real estate of the country, as well as its availability to the population. The provision of public services in the field of land relations using information and communication technologies reduces entry barriers and transaction costs in business, increases competition, and improves mechanisms in this area.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

The role of the tax passport in assessing the tax potential of the region

The tax system, as an integral area of the economic direction of state policy, urgently requires such construction and development that will be directly related to those main vectors of the state policy of socio-economic development, which will help ensure a sufficient amount of tax revenues to the budgets of different levels. In many countries around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant deterioration in the state of public finances. Containment measures, increased government spending, and reduced tax revenues have led to an increase in the budget deficit and public debt, which as a percentage of GDP has reached its highest level in several decades. Restoring public finances is a priority for all countries for many years to come. At present, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, it became necessary to develop a single document, the basis of which should be a system of indicators that determine the trends in the development of the macroeconomic situation in the region, as well as the influence of sectoral and regional factors of the current structure of financial flows on the state of the tax base and the prospects for its development. Purpose of the article is a substantiation of the role of the tax passport in assessing the tax potential of the region in modern conditions. The tax passport of the region should be considered as a document that allows assessing the existing tax base of the region, the level of the tax burden in the context of certain types of taxes in dynamics, by industry, as well as developing a forecast for the receipt of taxes and fees for the future, both under the current legislation and taking into account its possible change. When writing the article, the dialectical method of cognition, the methods of scientific generalization and classification, the method of systemic and comparative analysis were used. The introduction of tax passports will mean the beginning of a qualitatively new system of tax collection, corresponding to market conditions and the scale of the revival of the economy, that will contribute to a change in the tasks of the tax service (there is a need to predict the volume of tax revenues in the medium term, develop new concepts in the field of taxation that contribute to the development of business without prejudice social programs, substantiation of tax programs to ensure protectionist policy in the field of foreign economic activity).

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Foreign experience in the provision of social services

In the implementation of social policy, the most common practice in foreign countries is the payment of a part of the cost of the service by the recipients of social services. However, this decision raises some doubts. After all, these services are for members of the public who are unable to take care of themselves and generally cannot earn a living. On the other hand, when the state bears the costs, there is a risk of overconsumption. The decision on the extent to which a beneficiary of a social care service should share in the costs of social services depends on a variety of factors: criteria for social justice in the country and perceptions of social justice (for example, public opinion about whether unpaid social care services should be provided to all or only the poor), from a group of people in need of social care (social care services for children from social risk groups, especially for people with severe disabilities, are usually free of charge), from the economic ability of the state to provide free social services, etc. The purpose is to study the positive foreign experience in the provision of social services in modern conditions. Determine the role of the state as the dominant body in the implementation of social policy. The study is based on the principles of a systematic approach. Also, when writing the article, the dialectical method of cognition, the methods of scientific generalization and classification, the method of comparative analysis were used. Systematization and generalization of foreign experience in the provision of social services, taking into account the definition of its main goals and objectives, show that the changes taking place in the field of social protection in developed countries over the past two decades already indicate that the model of organizing social assistance, based on the dominance of market relations, operates in many countries. Under the hierarchical model, the organization of social services is based on a vertical division of responsibility and state functions, and the state has a monopoly on providing social care services and funding state or non-state care institutions. However, in recent decades, social assistance services have already been purchased from market participants and funded not by the state, but by the person in need of social assistance. However, such a market is not pure, since the state is involved in both the purchase and pricing of the service.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Problems and prospects for the development of the banking system of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The banking system is one of the most important components of the economy of any state, ensuring the functioning of the economy. The researchers study the functioning of individual banks and the banking system as a whole, because it is the banking system being an intermediary in the market system of relationships that allows financing of all spheres and branches of the national economy and the organization of their interaction. In modern conditions of aggravation of the economic crisis, pandemic, the role and importance of second-tier banks is changing. Banks, being one of the most dynamic and «flexible» spheres of economic activity, not only organize the functioning of economic entities, but also face a number of «newly created» problems that were not discussed until recently: cybercrime, data leakage, various modified fraudulent schemes and much more. An important distinguishing feature of the banking system is its dynamism, the ability to quickly respond to changes in the economy, the challenges of globalization. The domestic banking system copes quite well with the challenges of globalization, which is highlighted in this study. The purpose of the article is to consider the changes taking place in the banking system of Kazakhstan in modern conditions. When writing the article, methods of comparison, analysis, synthesis, aggregation, etc. were used. The result is the identification of the main problems related to the current state of the banking system, as well as their impact on the future configuration, improvement of the banking system, can be useful to bank employees dealing with the management of the banking system.

Author: A.T. Kaidarova
Year of release:
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The place and role of the teacher in the system of activities

The ideas of accelerated disclosure of the spiritual, intellectual and professional potential of a person have always been occupied by scientists and teachers (Ya.A. Komensky, K.D. Ushinsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, Ya. Korchak, A.S. Makarenko, A. Kunanbayev, Y. Altynsarin and others). Modern innovative teachers are guided by a personality-oriented approach, the ideas of subject-subject relations, and generational cooperation. Georgian teacher Sh. A. Amonashvili wrote: «humanitarian pedagogy perceives the child by his nature. He sees the infinity of the child, understands his cosmic quality and prepares him for the service of humanity throughout his life. It establishes the personality of the child through the determination of his will and builds pedagogical systems, the procedural of which predetermines love, optimism and high spiritual morality. Humanitarian pedagogical thinking seeks to take on something enormous, and this is the power of educational systems and processes that have arisen in its bowels». In order to realize the value of self-disclosure of innovative abilities of students, ensuring the role of a teacher, it is necessary to recognize the intellectual reflexive mechanism of a person as the main subject of Education. The purpose of the article is to identify innovative methods and models of pedagogical activity for the cultivation of innovative abilities of students, which determine the development of the country. The study used methods such as analysis, generalization, synthesis, modeling of scientific sources.

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