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Search results: Middle school

Number of results: 75

Contemporary approaches to assessing the quality of pre-school education

In the article, the authors give a brief overview of approaches about the essence of the concept of "quality of education" in preschool education, as well as justify the need to use in formation and communication technologies in the assessment of the quality of education.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Аdaptation of younger school students to teaching and educational process of specialized school – the boarding school for exceptional children

The analysis of psychological and educational literature on the adaptation of first-graders in a music school - a boarding school for gifted children. The author focuses on the necessity of modern technology and necessity of specialized school for gifted children in optimization the adaptation process of first-grade children.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)
Heading: Humanities

Сommunication as the main development aspect of the child

This article discusses the special role of communication in the harmonious development of the child of preschool age. The article analyzes the characteristic of the content of the following concepts: communication, communication. Considerable attention is given to the process of communication, as a necessary condition for social and personal development of the child, as well as the development of its communication activities.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)
Heading: Humanities

А map of individual development of pupil иниернатного is establishments as method of social adaptation of children-orphans and children, remaining without care of parents

In this article the features of forming of social adaptation are examined for the pupils of schools-boarding-schools for children-orphans and children, remaining without the care of parents. Basic tasks and stages of social adaptation open up in the article, the ways of their realization are offered by drafting of the program of social adaptation in school-boarding-school.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)
Heading: Humanities

Preschoolchildren speech development through the theatrical activities

Theoretical aspects of preschool children speech development by means of theatricalization are highlighted in the article which is understood by the authors as purposeful pedagogical activity providing effective learning of mother tongue vocabulary. A number of games classifications are analyzed that make up the theatrical activity. Emphasizing that the theatrical activities can be organized in different areas of work with children of preschool age the authors reveal issues of these areas.

Year of release:
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Educational potential formation of future primary school teachers at pedagogical higher education institution

The main condition for purposeful forming of students educational potential of speciality 5В010200 «Pedagogics and primary education methodology» is introduction of the special course «Development of educational potential of primary school teacher» into the curriculum. The conducted work is briefly described in the article on the level determination of educational potential components formation for future primary school and method of its forming.

Year of release:
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Formation of universal educational actions at primary school through geometrical trainig

The mathematical education of a pripary schoolchild is one of the directions at primary school. It gives an opportunity to a schoolchild to master successfully the program of secondary and high school. The question of education actions formation for junior schoolchildren through geometric training is considered in this article.

Year of release:
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Test gauges as a means of assessing learning achievements of students

The main purpose of the new test materials: tests, test items is an objective assessment of the level of mastery of knowledge , skills and abilities , relevant state general education standards in mathematics and the ability to apply them in real life ( in extracurricular life situations ). The article deals with technology making control gauges in mathematics at the secondary school, is an example of the development of such a meter

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Social sciences


The article is devoted to the analysis of exercises on the development of verbal thinking of junior schoolchildren as the method of improving oral and written speech of children with hearing disorder.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 3(47)

Using new generation e-books in high school educational process, including faculty of teachers’ development

The article describes that the effective management of the learning process new textbooks using need to create a model of teacher action. The created model explicitly takes into account the objectives, methods, learning outcomes. With its help solve the problem of the knowledge of the student. And the problem of managing the cognitive activity is settled.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)

Mathematics in architecture or the laws of prospects construction are mathematically true

An interdisciplinary connection in the school learning process is a necessary condition for successful teaching. Properly executed drawing of geometric shapes according to the rules of rectangular projection is one of the solutions of mathematical problems in geometry. Such ways of construction as the replacement of the projection planes, rotation and alignment demonstrate finding out of an actual size of a segment and a plane.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

The organizing of the curriculum at the Oktyabrsk secondary school with due regard for the variation components

The building contain, contain is one of the basic meaning of the development of the person and the forming of his basic culture. The authors searched the incompatibility between the definite aims of the building and the curriculum and between the curriculum and the pupil’s book. In this article the working curriculum at the Oktyabrsk secondary school with due regard for the variation components and with due regard of the pupils’ age feature and the material and technical basis are considered. There is also the explaining of the curriculum organizing in this article. During the selection of the contain of the variation components the common didactics criterions which are formulate by Y.K. Babanskiy are suggested like the base.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Pedagogical activity during the period of adaptation to the middle level of secondary school

This article views the issues of adaption of the 5-th grade schoolboy to the middle level of a secondary school. The opportunities of creative attitude to the organizing the transition period schoolboy are considered. The reasons of the problems of the adaptation schoolboy are revealed.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Socialization of children brought up in special

This article deals with the theoretical aspects of socialization of children in the gardens, as well as analysis of the performance of the work. Children with development delays were conductive work. Which consists of two parts diagnosis and correction. The following procedures used in the diagnosis, they are study of children`s self-awareness and polo age identification. Study of graphic and emotional expressiveness of children speech. During the year, the correctional work was conducted. At the end of the school year indicators of socialization of children with developmental delays have shown good results.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Development of creative abilities of students

This article describes the theoretical and practical aspects of peculiarities of development of creative abilities of pupils in primary and secondary schools of the state institution "School-Lyceum №8 for talented children" of Pavlodar". The article proves the need and possibility of use in extracurricular activities of the course "Art therapy" to enhance the level of development of creative abilities of pupils. During the experiment it was proved that not only creative abilities, but emotsionalno-volitional sphere develops in the process of studying the material in this course. The findings suggest that creative abilities of pupils of elementary and secondary fcoli develop in activities.

Author: E.V.Sidorenco
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

External factors affecting the mental development of teenagers of deviant behavior

This article is devoted to the problem of deviant behavior of teenagers; it reveals the influence of external factors on the development of deviations of teenagers and offers to conduct the preventive work in a complex in early stages of development of deviant behavior. The factors and circumstances specifying the demonstration of deviation have revealed. The development of school policy aimed at the organizing the social and pedagogical conditions neutralizing and correcting negative impact of the social crisis has been suggested.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

Communicative competence of preschool-age children as a psychological and pedagogical problem

Development of a communicative competence of a child is a crucial task of educational process of preschool institution. The article describes the problem of communicative competence of preschool children. At the preschool age, the main task of the teacher is to educate an all-around intellectually developed and communicatively competent person.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

Differentiate test control at primary school

Education is one of the priority directions in the development of our state. It is impossible to talk about modernization of education without monitoring its quality. The article considers a differentiated approach to learning, the conditions under which this approach can be applied. Two main criteria of the differentiated approach are singled out: level of training and learning ability. The article gives recommendations on the phased implementation of differentiation. Positive and negative parties of different types of control of education quality are also presented. Most objective is the differentiated test control. The article reveals its characteristics, the possibilities of using it in lessons in primary school.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

Application of the "Step by Step" technology in the teaching of younger schoolchildren as a means of improving the quality of education

The renewal of the paradigm of 12-year education is associated with the formation of key competencies in students that help to learn, understand and develop the world around. The developed set of tasks is designed to develop the need to transform educational material with the aim of improving the quality of education. This material is compiled in accordance with the age characteristics of primary school students, is aimed at organizing the processes of mastering new ways of acting, which will contribute to the formation of educational and cognitive activities. The issues discussed in the article will allow us to implement a competence approach in the education of students. The tasks presented in the article are intended to activate the educational motivation, the organization of independent cognitive activity, contribute to the systematization and objectification of the processes of monitoring and evaluation of educational activities.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

Activation of educational activity of schoolchildren of 6–7 classes by means of application of informatively-communicative technologies (evidence from history lessons)

In this article the question connected with the activation of cognitive activity of students. It one of issues of the day on the modern stage of development of pedagogical theory and practice. An author exposes development of activity, independence, initiativeness, creative approach to the thing, these are the requirements of life, qualificatory that direction in that it is necessary to perfect an educational process in a great deal. Searches of ways of development of schoolchildren’s activation of cognitive activity, developing their cognitive flairs and independence is a task that teachers are called to decide. The use of ICТ, that allows to activate thinking, ability to offer the variants of vision of problem, question, themes in the narrow and wide understanding and participating in the discussion are examined in the article. It helps to improve quality education, forms a culture, aesthetic skills of students, develop attention, memory. All this has a practical orientation in different areas and spheres of activity of student. Information technologies, examined in this scientific article as a process of the use of totality of facilities, methods of collection, treatment and communication of data - assists working off at the methods of students of actions, helps forming of processes of self-government of personality, will transform an effectively-practical sphere and carries out the emotionally-semantic going near the study of questions, that discussions, professional orientation.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

Formation of spiritual and moral values among pupils through the "Self-knowledge" discipline

In the article, the questions of functioning of "self-knowledge" discipline in the school curriculum, setting goals and tasks in the process of educating the younger generation are considered. Based on the ideas of the spiritual and moral education of students.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

Characteristics of mental working ability of pupils of middle school in educational process of secondary school

The study of the dynamics of productivity of middle school students in the general education school during the school week was conducted. It has been revealed that when the class schedule is created, the norms of the organization of the school day are sometimes not observed, which is reflected in the dynamics of the mental working ability of students in the educational process.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

Graphic activity as a means of increasing the efficiency of the formation activity in the primary school age

The article is devoted to improve the efficiency of the formation activity in the early school years. In particular, it discloses approaches graphic activity as a means of increasing the activity. The article describes the manifestation of activity in various areas, the problem of its formation. We describe the types of activity in the early school years, which have different levels of development. The authors have examined the application of the system of graphic activity in the educational process, as a means to improve the efficiency of the formation activity.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

Adaptation of children in a team with a low social status

This article presents an analysis of psychological and educational literature on the adaptation of adolescents in general education schools for children with low social status. The author attached special importance to the work of school staff members, on the part of the state and private foundations, which help children and families with a low social status in Kazakhstan.

Author: T.U. Kussainova
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 4(64)

Evaluation of biological science component of the functional literacy of secondary school students

The article presents the results of a study of the functional literacy of students in biology of grades 9th. The methodology for assessing the functional literacy of 15-year-old students of the international PISA program is used. Approbation was conducted with the test tasks of different level of complexity for an assessment of natural-science functional literacy. The results of the research showed that in the process of preparing students for the exam it is necessary to conduct systematic work directly with the test tasks and at the same time to develop and strengthen knowledge and skills of the basic level.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 4(64)

Psуchological and pedagogical bases of the spirituall and moral education of preschool children

In the article questions of spiritual and moral education of children of younger age and necessity of activization of personality formation of the preschool child in this direction are considered. The author notes the interaction between the preschool institution and familу. Not only the teachers of kindergartens, but parents themselves should remember the importance of developing spirituality. In the spiritual and moral education the primary role is played by the example of relatives, specific facts from the life of family members. Attention is focused on the fact that children should have good examples to follow, because children act in different situations in the same way as the older members of their family do. Emphasizes the importance of arranging life in a family in such a way to fill the needs of both the material and spiritual and moral needs.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 4(64)

Formation of success of primary class learners

The article states a primary school is an uninterrupted level of primary education, this quality of success is determined a future of a person. Formation of success in educational upbringing process is the main problem of primary school. Successes of primary class learners are considered by social-and-pedagogical aspect. The article shows educational methods of formation successes of primary class learners.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Formation of social-and-cultural competence in the process of learning of English language

This article discusses theoretical and practical bases of formation of sociocultural competence in the process of learning English. The structure and content of sociocultural competence are revealed, as well as the criteria for the selection of educational material for its formation in schoolchildren . The article proposes an analysis of the types of educational texts which form social-and-cultural competence among students, discusses the types of communication and their characteristics. The components of the verbal forms of social competence by using comparative analysis of the approaches of learning. Article defines the levels of interpersonal communication and their characteristics.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Features of cognitive activity in elementary-school age

This article deals with the features of cognitive activity of children. The levels, parts, types, principles of cognitive activity are shown. The article describes the cognitive interest as an important personality characteristic of a schoolchild, as an integral cognitive – emotional attitude of a schoolchild to learning.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 1(65)

Psychological features of protective behavior of preschool children

In the article psychological features of protective behavior of preschool children are considered. Also, the theoretical basis for studying protective behavior as an intensive use of behavioral protective means for children is presented, which is part of the normative development process and is conditioned by a complex of socio-psychological, individual psychological characteristics of the child.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 2(66)

Formation of communicative universal actions of younger schoolchildren

In the article proposed by the reader, questions of forming communicative competences of primary school students are considered. The factors that influence the success of their formation are singled out. The results of studying communicative actions of younger schoolchildren are described. The theoretical basis for studying communicative universal actions among younger schoolchildren is also presented, which is a part of the development process and is conditioned by a complex of socio-psychological and individual psychological characteristics of the child.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 2(66)

Development of language in preschool children through fiction

The article considers methods and techniques of speech development in preschool children by means of fiction.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 3(67)

Some aspects of the problem of preparing high school students for family Life

In the article some aspects of preparation of high school students for family life are considered. At present, the issues of understanding the family of those entering into marriage become urgent for the society, which is connected with the life activity of the family. The stability of society depends on the priority and state of the institution of the family and its internal links.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 3(67)

Methods and techniques of art therapy for the correction of hyperactivity of preschool age children

This article contains material about the features of working with pre-school children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. Psycho-corrective effects will be effective if the psychologist cooperates closely with parents and teachers. The choice of methods for correcting ADHD should be individual in nature, taking into account the degree of manifestation of the main manifestations of the syndrome and the presence of concomitant violations. ADHD correction is possible with a variety of therapies, such as art therapy, neuropsychology, game therapy, music therapy, bibliotherapy, sand therapy. The syndrome of hyperactivity influences, first of all, on the development of the emotional sphere of the child of preschool age, which is expressed in an increased sense of anxiety, the occurrence of a large number of fears and other types of emotional disorders.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 3(67)

Features of anxiety of gymnasts aged 8–11 years during competitions

The article presents the results of the analysis of situational, personal, competitive anxiety and characterological features of 4 gymnasts of the main and 6 girls of the Pavlodar youth team in rhythmic gymnastics.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 3(67)

The concept of school socially-psychological service of a family

The article presents the results of researching a problem of the organisation in educational institution of the complex socially-psychological family help. On the basis of the analysis of the empirical data the attempt to reveal mechanisms of development of family ability to normal functioning is undertaken, the article defines the maintenance and an activity orientation of school socially-psychological service of psychological support and a psychological family support service of each schoolboy.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 4(68)

Active learning strategies for the development of numeracy of schoolchildren

This article describes the ways in which students can develop logical thinking skills. Currently, any form of the exam takes precedence over logic. Accordingly, the article grouped logical tasks and provided their solutions.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 4(68)
Heading: Natural sciences

Trends in the development of gender education in higher education in countries of post-Soviet Central Asia

This article identifies the leading development trends of gender education at higher school of the post- Soviet Central Asian countries. Ones relate, firstly, to the legal and regulatory framework for the implementation of gender ideas at higher education. Secondly, trends are related to the conditions for organizing gender training. Thirdly, trends are manifested in scientific activity on gender studies at the universities of the CA countries.

Author: S.N. Grishak
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)

Teaching a foreign language in primary school in the context of updating the content of education

Changes in the education system have influenced the content of education in primary school. Working with younger students requires teachers to use modern methods. Determining the leading principles of teaching, the priority strategies of learning and the organization of an English lesson is what contributes to the 36 Вестник Инновационного Евразийского университета. 2018. № 1 ISSN 1729-536X effectiveness of teaching. The article is devoted to the analysis of the characteristics of teaching English in elementary school in the context of updated educational content. The authors reviewed the elements of the lesson, methods and techniques of organizing the educational process in primary school, described the factors affecting the effectiveness of training. The authors also tried to uncover a number of problems and give recommendations that arise in connection with the tendency to learn English in primary school.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)

Legal views of the nomads

Annotation. The article discusses the tools for regulating social relations in the Kazakh state, formed by the dominant system of patriarchal-feudal relations from the middle of the 15th century to the beginning of the 17th centuries. Historically, the primary type of legal system in the Kazakh society is associated with the emergence of the Kazakh Khanate.

Author: Zh. Bekturova
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)
Heading: Humanities

School readiness study

School readiness issues are addressed by educators, psychologists, special education teachers, and physicians. Recently, the law on compulsory school attendance for all children at the age of 6 has been adopted. In this regard, there arises the question whether six-year-old children are ready for school. Will they be able to meet the requirements of school educational program at the proper level, or only by overworking and tiring themselves both physically and psychologically they may adhere to the desired level of education.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 2(70)

Some aspects of formation of biological concepts in terms of bilingual education in biology lessons

The article presents information on the creation of conditions for school students to create biological concepts in conditions of bilingual education, describes the experience of using pedagogical techniques in the CLIL methodology

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

The algorithm of work on a project at a lesson of foreign language in secondary education stage

In conditions of updating the content of education, the application of the project methodology becomes relevant, as new educational goals aimed at putting theoretical knowledge into practice are gaining importance. Using the project method will allow to update educational and cognitive activities and to activate the student as a subject of this activity. The article discusses the stages of work on the project method and the role of the teacher in the process of organizing the project

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

Influence research water quality on an organism of children of preschool age

This article discusses aspects of the impact of water quality on the organism of preschool children composed of hypotheses and scientifically proven facts. The features of water as a source of healthy lifestyle and rules for compliance with sanitary rules and norms of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been studied.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 4(72)
Heading: Natural sciences

Methodological features of teaching children with hearing and speech impairments multimedia technologies

In accordance with the law on education, the Republic of Kazakhstan guarantees the equality of the rights of all to receive a quality education, taking into account the intellectual development, psychophysiological and individual characteristics of each. The article is devoted to the analysis of the development of inclusive education, the problems on the path of introducing inclusive education are considered, the analysis of the experience of conducting an IT school in the framework of inclusive education is given. An attempt was made to identify factors contributing to the successful implementation of inclusive education methods.

Author: E.V. Prokopets
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

System of work of secondary school on preparation of pupils for subject olympiads

In the light of reforms in the field of education in Kazakhstan, it is necessary to revise approaches to meeting the cognitive needs of students, taking into account their abilities and motivation to learn.Special attention should be paid to children who have increased motivation to learn and pronounced abilities in certain school subjects. These are the so-called "Olympians". The article proposes a solution to the problem that arises in every secondary school, namely, how to teach such children to promote their optimal development. The authors of the article analyzed the work of secondary schools and, on its basis, identified positive and problematic aspects. To solve the identified problems, the system of work of the school in the direction of work with children with increased motivation for learning and gifted children was proposed: a cyclic plan of the school, recommendations on the organization of the school of the Olympic reserve, a strategy for training a selected group of children was proposed

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

Didactic aspects purpose in teaching natural knowledge

The article proposes a solution to the problem of goal-setting from the standpoint of activity and competency-based approaches. Concrete formulations of the goals and objectives of the academic disciplines "Methodology of Teaching Natural Sciences" and the school course "Natural Sciences" are given. The choice of these disciplines to illustrate examples of the formulation of the learning goal is determined by their specificity. Since in the course of “Natural Sciences”, students should learn the initial concepts of natural sciences (biology, geography, ecology, human physiology, history of society, etc.), the proposed examples of the wording of the goals and objectives of science lessons will help, according to the authors, teachers and other specialists in the field of education to formulate, by analogy, the goals of disciplines from other areas of science. The specificity of the school course "Natural Sciences" determines the specifics of the theory and technology of teaching this discipline. The wordings of the goals and objectives of the course “Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences” proposed by the authors are developed in accordance with the goals and objectives of the school discipline “Natural Sciences” in compliance with the logic of presentation, a sufficient degree of validity and convincing conclusions, as well as taking into account the specifics of the subject and the didactic principle of continuity.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

Challenges of using formative assessment in English classes in Pavlodar region secondary schools

The article discusses the questions of formative assessment of secondary school students and the problems that arise when using it. The analysis of homework in English of 7th grade students has been made. The result of the study was the recommendations developed for school teachers in the field of assessment tools, organization and feedback, etc.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

The system of preschool education of Pavlodar region in the rating of educational systems of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan: analysis of the state, problems and tendencies of development

Domestic and world experience shows that the success of the functioning of the primary school education system is determined not only by its internal factors, but also by the degree of readiness to this process of children at the stage of preschool upbringing and education (PUE). In this regard, special attention is paid to the problems of development of the PUE system in the Republic of Kazakhstan, both from the point of view of legal regulation and in the context of monitoring of the state and evaluation of its development. In the article it is analyzed the main tendencies of development of the RK PUE system and content of procedure of the assessment of the development level of regional systems of preschool nurture and education of the republic; it is given the analysis and assessment of the state, problems and tendencies of development of system of preschool upbringing and education of Pavlodar region and its position in the national ranking of educational systems of the regions of Kazakhstan

Author: L.I. Kashuk
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

State regulation of the development of the private segment of the market of preschool educational services of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The article discusses the mechanisms of state regulation of the development of the private segment of the market for preschool educational services and their content. The analysis of development trends and instruments of state regulation of the sphere of preschool services, the main problems of the development of the private segment of the market of preschool educational services and ways to solve them are carried out.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

Historical and pedagogical aspect of the problem of development of gifted children

In this article the modern understanding of giftedness is considered. The author having passed through scientific disputes of many psychological schools argues that it is based on the dominant cognitive motivation and research creative activity, expressing in the discovery of new in the formulation and solution of problems in secondary school through individual technologies.

Author: A.T. Tashimova
Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Social sciences

Harmonization of the tax system of the Eurasian Economic Union member states in the context of economic integration

This article discusses the main possible directions for coordinating the tax policy of member countries of economic and monetary unions. The regulatory role of tax instruments in regional integration associations is assessed. The relevance of the article is due to the fact that with the accelera tion of integration processes in various regions of the world, fiscal policy becomes particularly important. Therefore, the research of representatives of various scientific schools pays much attention to the analysis of the impact of the fiscal component on the economies of the member countries of the associations. At the same time, approaches to the organization of taxation within economic unions differ significantly. The activation of integration processes in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) necessitates the convergence of the legislation of the member States in the field of taxation. At the same time, the harmonization and unification of legislation on indirect taxes is particularly relevant, since these taxes have a significant impact on price formatio n and provide a significant part of budget revenues. According to the authors of the article, in the conditions of deepening integration in the EEU, a well-thought-out distribution of powers in the field of tax regulation between state and supranational bodies that ensure a consistent convergence of the tax systems of the participating countries, taking into account the economic situation and the interests of all members of the Association, becomes particularly relevant. Measures to ensure the elimination of double taxation within the Union are proposed. The authors conclude that it is necessary to harmonize the tax policies of the member States of the Eurasian Union. At the same time, the harmonization of taxation in the countries of the Union should become a condition for the formation of a currency zone on the territory of the EAEU.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Digitalization of education: pros and cons

The pandemic has given a new impetus to the digitalization of society. Digitalization is one of the most significant trends in our real life, which is actively implemented in the field of education and is rapidly gaining ground in Kyrgyzstan. This article examines the positive and negative aspects of the modern educational environment focused on the systematic use of digital learning technologies. Modern technologies are developing at a great speed. The authors are sure that the process of transition of modern education and in particular the school curriculum to an electronic format is inevitable. This determines the relevance of the topic under consideration. The author determined that when the idea of digitalization comes to life, not only the education system will change, but also its meaning and purpose. A new one has already grown digital generation; new digital technologies have emerged, digital technology has been born economy, educational technologies have changed – digitalization has begun education. How not to confuse digitization and digitalization? What legislation what is the basis for digitalization of education supported by? What are the pros and cons of the digitalization of education? The prospects, pros and cons of digitalization of education are presented in this article. The article discusses the main advantages and disadvantages of digital education. It is concluded that the digitalization of education is a necessary and inevitable step that characterizes the modern social reality, so it is necessary to carefully study all the pros and cons in order to avoid serious problems in the future. Digitalization implies independent study of the material. It will be possible to evaluate all the pros and cons of such a system and its consequences decades later. When the time comes, the entire structure of education will change.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

Teaching reading skills in English tothe middle school students (A2 level)

Main problem: The article examines the issues concerning teaching reading skills to the middle school students according to the updated program. Purpose: The article analyses the course book “Excel” for 7 th grade students on teaching reading skills. Methods: The criteria of analyzing the course book contain the forms of text presentation, types and situations modeled by the text, compliance with the level of English proficiency, age of students, information content, and accessibility. It also includes assessment ofcourse book texts for the development of reading for general understanding of information (skimming), for identifying details (scanning) and reading with full comprehension, as well as for the different types of tasks for reading. Results and their significance: The texts in the course book correspond to the age characteristics of adolescents, the level of English language proficiency (A2) and are developed according to the standard curriculum.The most popular forms of text presentation are popular science texts and information about public events. The situations in the texts are dominated by educational, most of all the mixed type of text prevailed. There is a balance for the types of tasks developing reading for general understanding and reading for identifying details which leads to the development of functional reading literacy. The types of reading tasks used are quite diverse and contribute the development of communicative skills (pair work, group work, etc.). The misbalance of tasks on developing low order and high order thinking skills can be solved through adding some tasks developing HOTS.

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Modern pedagogical technologies in teaching a foreign language in primary school

The article describes modern pedagogical technologies of teaching a foreign language in primary school and examines their impact on the development of various competencies of primary school students. The authors emphasize that information and communication pedagogical technologies help to implement a student-centered approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of younger students, their level of education. And also modern pedagogical technologies as a systemic holistic means of restructuring activities make it possible to improve the quality of the educational process, to solve the problems of personality development. Purpose – analysis of modern educational technologies used in English lessons. The current system of training primary school teachers requires a revision of its structure, organization, relationship with school practice and innovative processes in the education system. Therefore, the article proves that an important part of the educational process should be the use of new pedagogical technologies in improving the quality of training of specialists at the university, providing the possibility of self-development of the teacher's personality, increasing his creative abilities and improving the educational process. The study used a descriptive method, analysis and synthesis methods. The authors of the article call the development of the student's personality (moral and cognitive) and the complex of abilities for successful interaction with the polycultural and multilingual world around him as the goal of foreign language education in primary grades. Therefore, it is important that the future primary school teacher, in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard, has formed the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the application of modern pedagogical technologies. At the present time, when a new education system was created, focused on the world educational space, changes in the educational process changed the paradigm of education, updated the content of education, formed a new approach, new relationships. Keywords: technologies, competencies, multicultural, multilingual, English, modern education.

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The problem of reason in the philosophy of the Arabic- speaking middle ages. Historical and philosophical aspect

The authors, based on analysis of the philosophy of the Eastern peripatetics, have shown that in the philosophical worldview of the middle ages Arabic magazynowanie there are aspects, which indicate that more needs to trace the Genesis of the problem of reason in Arabic philosophy of the middle ages. The article notes that the world of the XXI century is the world of post-industrial, information society, which constantly raises logical and epistemological problems in the field of science and philosophy. Therefore, there is a need for a critical study of the history of this problem, its Genesis and development to identify positive potential and progressive ideas. In this context, the analysis and study of the problem of reason and logic, the epistemological ideas of al-Kindi, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd of the Arabic-speaking middle ages is not only of historical and philosophical interest, but also of actual significance. In this article, the authors consider the problem of reason in the worldview of representatives of Eastern peripatetism of the medieval Arabic-language philosophy of al-Kindi, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, based on the ideas of Aristotle. The paper presents the historical and philosophical aspect of the problem of reason inherent in the Arabic-speaking middle ages. The cognitive interest of representatives of Eastern peripatetism is connected with philosophy, questions of logic, and the doctrine of reason. Arabic-speaking philosophers in the middle ages were engaged in understanding the epistemological abilities of man, al-Kindi, being the founder of Arabic-speaking philosophy, put forward the idea of types of mind and stages of knowledge. Al-Kindi's positive philosophical ideas were further developed in al-Farabi's worldview. The thinker considered the priority of rational knowledge to be indisputable, in addition, al-Farabi showed an interest in logic, the theory of knowledge and human cognitive abilities. Al-Farabi's philosophy had a significant influence on Ibn Sina's philosophical views. The rationalism of Ibn Sina was also manifested in a very high assessment of logic, the thinker considered logic an introduction to philosophical knowledge. Ibn Rushd in his work developed along the same peripatetic path as his predecessors al-Kindi, al-Farabi, and Ibn Sina. The authors attempt to show that the problem of reason in philosophy and science has its Genesis, associated with the teachings of Eastern peripatetics of the Arabic-speaking middle ages. The teaching of the Arabic-speaking philosophers of the middle ages about the cognitive power of reason, despite the theological context and logical-epistemological limitations, had a progressive role in the history of philosophyd

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Humanities

Research activity as one of the forms of professional self-realization of a teacher

This article discusses the issue of studying the research activities of teachers. The research activity of a teacher is one of the forms of professional self-realization of a teacher. At this time, schools need teachers of a new formation, in particular researchers who could master the methods of organizing and conducting experimental work in the school. And of course, there is a problem brewing here: how, in modern conditions, when the education system is constantly being reformed, it is possible to develop the professional self-realization of a teacher. The introduction of innovations in the educational process of the school also increases the requirements for the professionalism of the teacher. These requirements include the performance of research activities by schoolteachers. which, unfortunately, causes them some difficulties. One of them may be the lack of sufficient knowledge about research activities, in particular, the lack of necessary research skills and motivation. Therefore, we say that in order for a teacher to systematically engage in research activities, he needs motivation. However, as practice shows, motivation alone is not enough, the teacher must also possess research skills, methods of organizing research activities. In their professional activities, the teacher should understand that research is a way to self-realization. Research activities play a key role in the implementation of the topic of teacher self-education. In addition, the research activity of a modern schoolteacher is the main element of professional activity, the leading criterion of pedagogical creativity, a source of growth of teaching status, an indicator of responsibility, abilities and talent, a condition for the development, socialization and selfdetermination of students. The success of innovative transformations at school depends only on the teacher, his initiative, desire to engage in research and creativity. If the school lives in a development mode, then it is characterized by research, experimental work, and creative search. It is in the course of experimental and research activities that new experience is created, and optimal solutions to complex problems are born. The material presented in the article can be used by teachers of secondary schools when developing the topic of selfeducation and drawing up a teacher's portfolio.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Features of teaching physics in English in secondary school

This article reveals the essence of teaching the disciplines of the natural science cycle in English in high school. When preparing for the lesson, there is a need for careful selection of educational material, the teacher thinks out a specific algorithm for working with the text in a foreign language using subject terminology, while not forgetting the basic grammatical and syntactic models characteristic of the English language. In such a language environment, foreign speakers actively acquire solid knowledge, eliminating language difficulties in professionally-oriented lessons. Given this problem, we decided to create a methodological guide for teachers, which will contain tasks for formative assessment in physics lessons in English. Its lexical and grammatical material meets the requirements for mastering the English language (B1) in educational and cognitive activities. The presented progress tests also meet all the requirements of the corresponding stage of training of non-native speakers and help to consolidate the skills of professionally oriented communication. The purpose is to reveal some principles that should be taken into account when preparing assignments for physics lessons in English, as well as to provide a methodological guide for teachers. This article shows several principles that are most effective when conducting lessons. All the data of the article was confirmed by a computer survey of students, the answers were analyzed and collected for publication. Given the results we have presented, secondary school teachers can improve the quality of the material provided, as well as spend less time preparing for lessons. Physics is one of the fundamental sciences that can combine both the subject content and the language component. Here we present various methods of subject-language integration to improve communication skills. Thus, the preparation and conduct of physics lessons in English requires a strict and careful selection of educational material and takes into account the educational profile of secondary school students.

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Socialization of children with special educational needs in inclusive educational system

Main problem: Today, the opinion about inclusion as the most progressive (in comparison with integration) approach is being strengthened among the society, which allows any child, regardless of the type and severity of the disorder, to learn with their normatively developing peers. The introduction of inclusive approaches into school practice can be called one of the top priorities of the state educational policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Inclusive education will help to resolve the contradiction between the legally guaranteed rights of children with disabilities to equal access to quality education and the de facto inequality in its implementation. Inclusion must be systematic and focused, not spontaneous. Therefore, it is optimal to teach a child with disabilities within the framework of the system of continuous general education. The creation and effective functioning of this system is impossible without a trained teacher, who is a key figure in the implementation of inclusive education. Purpose: Substantiation and disclosure of the contradiction between the guaranteed right of children with IAD and equal access to quality education for the socialization of children with special educational needs in inclusive education. Methods: in the course of the research, descriptive, systematization and analytical methods were used in the application of theoretical concepts, government programs, and legislative acts in inclusive education. Results and their importance: The implementation of the research goal is facilitated by the use of an alternative to the classroom-based organization of the educational process for the progressive development of children with IAD, which allows them to study harmoniously, regardless of the type and severity of the violation, together with their normatively developing peers. The given pedagogical observation is the obtained practical result of this study. The development of the system of class-based organization of the educational process for children with IAD in educational institutions is aimed at forming an effective system for ensuring the comprehensive development of inclusive education.

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Creating a development plan for students of a children's and youth football school

This scientific and practical article is devoted to the analysis of the results of an experiment aimed at psychological and pedagogical support of the process of building a project for the development of the inner world of a player of a children's and youth football team of the professional football club "Lviv" from the Ukrainian city of Lviv. A special feature of the psychological and pedagogical support for designing the development of the student's psyche is the use of the paradigm of the language of the theory of activity in the version of the Moscow methodological and pedagogical circle (MMPC), using the language of schematic images and the pyramid of subjectivity, explaining the path of formation of human mental mechanisms in the unity of cognitive, emotive and conative processes, starting from the vital level of their development to the level of spirituality. Another feature of the article is that the presentation of methods and techniques does not occur in a separate part of it, but in the process of describing the steps of designing a development plan that is formed for absolutely all professional athletes who have the acmeological potential of professionalization in football. It is presented in the form of 11 steps to create an individual trajectory of the player's development. In each of these steps, it is important that the coaches and the player participate with their parents, representatives of the club, which has its own component in terms of the volume and quality of the efforts required on their part. The article reveals the first of the 4 steps of creating a reasonable player development plan. For example, we consider working with one of the players. The content of this particular illustration is a very illustrative and demonstrative example. It is assumed that a series of articles in this publication will reveal the topic of student development management, which will include both scientific and theoretical and review types of works. The next article will be a continuation of this one in terms of demonstrating the success of implementing this particular development plan by the example of several players from a team consisting of 22 players who have been trained in a similar way, i.e. using methodological criteria for the organization of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of thinking, sensory-motivational and volitional characteristics of players by football club coaches.

Author: S.A. Chekin
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The place of concept «mafhum al-muhalafa» in the methodology of islamic law

The article examines in detail the role of the concept of al-muhalafa in making judgments from religious texts and other legal grounds. In addition, a comparative analysis of the legal and linguistic principles and features of the Hanafi and Mutakallim schools of Islamic law, as well as issues of disagreement between the two movements, will be considered. There is much debate among scholars as to whether Mafhum al-Muqhalafa is accepted as evidence. Even Abdul Aziz Bukhari said: "This issue occupies a large place in the science of jurisprudence," he said. That is, below we answer the question of how much influence the evidence from this principle has on the verdict and whether these sentences are legitimate. The principle of Mafhum al-Mukhalafa is not accepted as evidence in the Hanafi Madhhab, and the ruling resulting from it is invalid. This is because the concept of al-muhalaf is to render a verdict that contradicts the verdict in the text (Amidi), confirming a verdict that is not in the text, that is, according to Abu Hanifa, the verdict in the text and the verdict that does not appear in the text are not equal. However, in schools other than Hanafi schools, this principle fully applies. The authors used the method of comparative analysis of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet, which are the basis of Islam, to prove your point Some scholars of the Hanafi Madhhab do not completely refute this principle. It is unacceptable to judge by this principle only by Sharia texts, but in everyday life, in communication with people, the concept of al-muhalaf is accepted as proof. Ibn al-Humam reports that the Hanafis do not recognize the concept of al-muhalyaf as proof only in Sharia texts. Therefore, scientists are divided into two main groups regarding the application of this principle as evidence, and each group has its own strong arguments, which are discussed in detail in the second part of the article.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Ways to improve the skills and abilities of oral speech of primary schoolchildren using interactive cognitive strategies

The article discusses ways to improve the oral and speech skills of primary school students, where the primary role is given to interactive strategies aimed at organizing the optimal interaction of students with other subjects of the educational process in a communicative educational environment. Currently, the main criteria and indicators of the methodology for the development of foreign language communicative competence of schoolchildren have changed, the basic basis of the system of techniques and methods of teaching English to primary schoolchildren based on the use of interactive cognitive strategies. The authors call a complex of exercises of a receptive, productive and productive-creative nature, which is consistently implemented at all stages of the corresponding technology: motivational-stimulating, informational, analytical, actualization, productive, creative, analytical and evaluative. The article describes their influence on the development of language competencies and creative abilities of primary schoolchildren. The authors note that the motivational-stimulating, informational, analytical stages, the stage of actualization, as well as the productive, creative, analytical-evaluative stages, provide for the involvement of students in joint activities to master the content of cognitive problems in English, it presupposes the interiorization of communicative skills by younger students in accordance with with the accepted norms of interaction, the organization of the development of oral speech in English lessons in the lower grades based on the use of interactive cognitive strategies in accordance with the level of their linguistic and sociocultural knowledge, skills and abilities. To study various approaches in the development of oral and speech skills in lower grades based on interactive cognitive strategies, analysis of a set of tasks and exercises at different stages of the formation of oral and speech competence in lower grades using interactive cognitive strategies, goals and objectives of the practical application of interactive cognitive strategies when teaching foreign language communication, the contradictions between social expectations and the objective need for educational practice in the creation and implementation of a special methodology for the development of oral speech in primary grades based on the use of interactive cognitive strategies. Methods: during the study, a descriptive method, methods of systematization, analysis, interpretation were used. The authors of the article note that the integration of communicative activity in a foreign language with project, research, musical, visual, subject, literary and creative is of great importance for the comprehensive development of the skills and abilities of oral speech of primary school students when using interactive cognitive strategies. The developed training model for the development of oral and speech skills in the lower grades on the basis of interactive cognitive strategies (goal, objectives, approaches, principles, content, technology, means, performance criteria, conditions for implementation) contributes to the development of communication skills and linguistic competencies in the process of mastering foreign language students of elementary grades.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Traditional and innovative methods of teaching a foreign language in primary school

The article compares modern and traditional pedagogical methods used in the process of teaching a foreign language in primary school, differentiates both the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, and indicates ways to supplement the shortcomings of traditional methods with new methods. Currently, the main methods used in teaching a foreign language are being considered. Among the new innovative methods that have recently appeared in the sphere of teaching foreign languages there are community language learning / counseling learning, the sugestopedic method, total physical response, the method of language teaching using information and communication technologies, consciousness-raising approach, task based learning, neuro- linguistic programming, guided discovery, the test-teach-test method. Their influence on the development of language competencies and creative abilities of primary school students are considered. The authors note that the main and most important condition of modern methodology in the process of teaching foreign languages is the creation of an artificial foreign language environment, i.e. the creation of a natural linguistic environment. The authors comment on the concept of "electronic linguistic environment" based on recent research. They show that "digital" children are completely immersed in the computer world, i.e. they live in an electronic linguistic environment and this allows them to solve the tasks of teaching a foreign language. The purpose of the article is to analyze traditional and modern educational methods used in modern English lessons. Activation of the student as the main figure of the educational process, the ability to work in close contact with other students, giving the student the opportunity to work independently, depending on their physiological, intellectual, psychological characteristics, is carried out using individual, paired, group, classroom and other forms of work. Both traditional methods and the latest modern methods are listed among the named teaching methods. Each method has its own characteristics. Therefore, it is very important to consider them in a comparative plan. Each old and new method has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the methodology of teaching English always requires additions and improvements. They are of great importance for expanding the horizons of students, increasing cognitive activity, improving knowledge, skills and language competencies. The authors used the following methods: the descriptive methods, methods of systematization, analysis, interpretation were used in the course of the study. Тhe authors of the article note that methods of teaching a foreign language are of great importance for the comprehensive development of primary school students, obtaining high-quality education, good command of English, achieving good vital indicators, conclude that every teacher should be able to use best practices, developing their creative research and effectively teaching modern English. The results of learning through new methods, such as differentiated learning, project-based learning, communicative learning, information and communication training, etc., providing the formation of personality, its language competencies, will undoubtedly contribute to the independent development of the child, the formation of his language competence, the development of cognitive, creative abilities of students.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Features of correctional work to improve academic performance in younger students

Education, as known, is the foundation on which a strong and healthy government is built and maintained. In elementary school, the foundation of the system of knowledge is laid, which is replenished during all educational activities. At the same time, many younger students poorly learn the program material, which leads to failure in subsequent studies. There are also students who, receiving satisfactory grades, could study better. Therefore, difficulties that appear in children in primary classes prevent them from mastering the compulsory school curriculum. The important task of the teacher is to provide timely help to avoid difficulties in education. For this, it is necessary to know their causes in the educational activity, the ability of the teacher to establish which of them are effective in a specific case with the help of diagnostics, to be able to eliminate them in time or correct the consequences. Thus, timely corrective work aimed at improving the performance of younger schoolchildren is necessary.Today, the organization of correctional work to improve the performance of younger schoolchildren is one of the most pressing problems of modern schools. The study of the features of correctional work aimed at improving the performance of younger schoolchildren will contribute to increasing the efficiency of the educational process. Purpose of the article is increasing the effectiveness of correctional work of underachieving students in primary classes. Descriptive method, methods of systematization, analysis and interpretation, synthesis were used during the research. The problem of school failure is very complex, its research involves many different approaches, but all of them are grouped around two main aspects of the problem: how the teacher teaches, how the student learns and how their development is carried out. Recommendations on the construction of correctional work taking into account its features in primary school will help to increase the efficiency of the educational process and reduce the level of failure in the primary level of secondary general education school.

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Games of children of senior preschool age as early career guidance in activities

Early preparation of a child for the choice of a future profession is not a recognition of who the child should be, but an acquaintance of the child with various activities. This may make it easier to choose in the future. Therefore, acquaintance with the activities of adults should begin at preschool age, when children learn about various professions through accessible forms of knowledge. As a result, the child learns the values of labor, gets an idea about various professions, interests in certain types of professional activity begin to form in their mind. In order for a child to make a conscious choice in adult life, professional orientation should begin with a close environment, first of all, with the professions of parents. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to develop mechanisms for early professional orientation of preschoolers through play activities. For the study, methods of ascent from the abstract to the real were applied, the method of transforming real images of objects based on their abstract meaning. As a result of the study, conclusions were drawn that the personal potential of a person in relation to life and the world of activity is manifested in the positions of "individual", "child" and "subject"Confidence in thinking is given by the application of motion vectors to the known abstract, in the logic of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, as well as in their combinations. The cycle of revealing the potential of the individual and its transformation into the subject of educational activity is described. A sufficient prerequisite is the mastery of the subjects of reflexive-thinking abilities in accordance with self-determination, self-organization, self-regulation

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Promising directions in the use of retort packaging for the production of canned food products in Kazakhstan

The article is devoted to the study of the main types of retort packaging, as well as polymer and combined materials used for its manufacture. The authors have compiled a classification of retort packaging presented on the modern market, investigated the technological properties of packaging materials, and also determined the requirements for modern retort packaging: resistance to sterilization at a temperature of at least 120°C, steam and moisture resistance, chemical inertia to canned products, tightness, low gas permeability. It has been established that in order to give the retort packaging the required properties, it is made of multilayer polymer or combined materials, each of the layers of which performs certain functions. It is determined that due to the barrier properties of polymer and combined materials with respect to oxygen, retort packaging provides shelf life of canned products up to 5 years, which allows the use of retort packaging made of polymer and combined materials as an alternative to glass and metal packaging. In experimental studies, the composition of the outer layers of modern retort packaging was analyzed and it was concluded that polypropylene or polyethylene terephthalate are most often used, since these polymer materials are thermally and chemically resistant, vapor- and moisture-proof. It is established that materials that are barriers to gases are used as the middle layer – aluminum foil, metallized films, ethylene vinyl alcohol, polyamide. It is proved that polymer co-extrusion, multilayer injection molding or lamination is used for the manufacture of such materials and packaging. The data obtained indicate the high barrier properties of combined packaging materials, therefore, the thermal and chemical stability of the polymer and combined materials used makes it possible to use retort packaging for packing almost all groups of canned products.

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Pedagogical Conditions for Creative Self-realisation of Students in Fine Arts

Main problem: the issue of self-actualisation of schoolchildren is one of the most urgent problems of pedagogical science, aimed at investigating and comprehending the contradictory processes of development, training and education of schoolchildren’s personality in modern socio-cultural conditions. Thus, one of the tasks of the secondary school and the teacher is to create optimal conditions for the development of adolescents’ personality abilities for self-realisation. Purpose: is to reveal the optimal pedagogical conditions that promote the process of development of teenagers’ personality abilities to self-realization. Methods: the task of the research cintains the study and experimental verification of a certain set of conditions which contribute to the self-realisation of students in the process of fine arts lessons at a comprehensive school. Results and their significance: organizational forms of conducting classes for the formation of abilities to creative self-actualisation are defined. It is shown that the most important pedagogical conditions for the self-realization of the teenagers’ personality are the combination of individual and collective organization of learning at the fine arts lessons and the wide use of the problem-based method of teaching.

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

Research competence as one of the components of the system of key competencies

The main problem is that the study of research competence does not lose its relevance nowadays, but on the contrary, requires special attention of teachers of secondary schools. The main subject of the study is teaching students research skills to the most effective methods of mastering key competencies. Objective: the role of research competence in the learning process of students. Methods: analysis, synthesis and comparative analysis are the main research methods. Results and their significance: as a result, the concept of "research competence" was studied. Various views on this idea are considered. In the last ten years, the program of socio-economic development of Kazakhstan has determined the main directions of the development of the system of education of students. The research has both theoretical and practical significance, since its results can be used in the development of programs and methods for the development of research competence in biology lessons.

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Ways to Solve the Problem of Recycling Household and Industrial Waste in Pavlodar

The relevance of this article is that the impact of human economic activity on the natural environment is becoming comparable in scale to geological factors. In this regard, the importance of protecting the biosphere has increased immeasurably. The earth is the only common home of all earthlings. Society, including us, cannot help but worry that the planet has approached a critical ecological threshold. The main goal of the research that we set for ourselves in this article is to create a predictive model for overcoming the environmental crisis in the following areas: environmental education, greening technologies, administrative and legal direction, international cooperation. To achieve the result, we tried to process as much information as possible, analyze the situation, draw appropriate conclusions and propose our own model for overcoming the environmental crisis. The hypothesis is that environmental pollution, improper disposal of household and industrial waste, and poor environmental culture have a detrimental effect on the ecology of the city, poisoning the environment and public health. The main research methods used were methods of empirical knowledge - these are observations, survey methods, questionnaires, as well as theoretical methods. The results of these studies can be used to inform the population about the impact of waste on human health, as well as the importance of storing, recycling and obtaining secondary raw materials, in order to reduce the amount of garbage on city streets. And also about the existence of unauthorized waste collection sites and administrative responsibility for the creation of such landfills in the city and in the surrounding area, this is an educational activity in all areas of education, starting from preschool institutions, the media, advertising agencies, NGOs, environmental authorities and also, using international experience, in the construction of a solid waste processing plant in his hometown.

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Theoretical Basis of Training of Pedagogues and Psychologists for the Development of Cognitive Activity of Teenagers

The main problem: the current directions of its development are determined in the article by conducting a theoretical analysis of philosophical, pedagogical, psychological, scientific and methodical works on the training of specialists for the development of the cognitive activity of teenagers. Currently, it is shown that the training of specialists in the development of cognitive activity of teenagers is a pedagogical and psychological problem. Purpose: to clarify the theory and propose a technology for the training of pedagogical and psychological specialists for the development of the cognitive activity of adolescents. Methods: When conducting the research, it was important to take into account statistical data that were sufficiently understandable and reliable. Therefore, in the framework of our research, we used the methodology of B. E. Milman, survey, method of expert evaluation, conversation, questionnaire, interview, series of tests, which include observation and open questions. The results and their significance: according to the results, the methodological predominance of the average level of social intelligence allowed students to see the following signs: the social significance of professional behavior, actions, relationships, full mastery of theoretical knowledge. During the course, we believe that the existence of a reflexive culture, which is evidenced by the improvement of communication in everyday life, in turn, is very valuable. Development of thinking, training and education of future teachers-psychologists, preparation for creative activity depend on methodological competence, qualifications and training of the teacher in the organization of research activities. Self-learning needs and skills do not arise by themselves. Such qualities begin to be formed in the process of organizing educational activities during the joint work of teachers and students in and out of class, even during school. In accordance with the tasks of the professional training of the future pedagogue-psychologist, active methods of training - problem-based lectures, seminars, debates and discussions, professional-oriented special courses, course and diploma works, scientific studies of school pedagogy and didactics, educational events such as scientifically organized forms of continuous pedagogical practice. As a result of mastering pedagogical activity, professional motivation of future pedagogical-psychological specialists is formed, understanding of goals and tasks, subject, psychological-pedagogical and didactic-methodical knowledge is developed, as well as relevant skills and abilities necessary for the development of cognitive activity of teenagers.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

Development of Cognitive Abilities of high School Students by means of Psychological Training

The main problem: the article examines the development of cognitive abilities of high school students by conducting a theoretical analysis of philosophical, pedagogical, psychological, scientific and methodological works and current directions of its development. Improving the educational process in secondary educational institutions and developing the cognitive abilities of high school students is an urgent problem. Therefore, the task arises of developing the thinking and activity of high school students while studying in secondary educational institutions, teaching them to use their knowledge and skills in new life situations. The implementation of these tasks makes it urgent to search for ways and forms of organizing the educational process, which will contribute to the formation of the skills to plan and organize the cognitive activity of high school students. Purpose: to substantiate the general logical coordinates and methods of reformatting various humanitarian paradigms used in action. Methods: ontological principle of logic with genetic content, method of transforming specific images of objects based on their abstract meaning, method of transition from abstract to concrete language, language of thinking of schematic images of thought and language of methodological theory. activities. Currently, such an update represents a transition to the methods and tools of active learning technology as a means of continuous development of science and school practice, the use of which in most cases helps to increase the interest and activity of adolescents. The results and their significance: logically substantiated universal abstract-concrete coordinates of the universal movement are presented. In relation to life and the world of activity, they can be defined by the coordinates: “standard of living - activity efficiency”, or “action efficiency - time”, or “result - costs”, or “quality - quantity” etc. Clarity of thinking is ensured by the logic of movement vectors descending from the real to the abstract, ascending from the abstract to the real, as well as their combination. The constant need for cognitive activity creates in students a feeling of cognitive satisfaction, seeing the result of curiosity, its planning and organization. This result teaches the teenager to actively seek new cognitive activities and gain experience in mastering the subject.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

Methodological Aspects of Inclusive Education in the Field of IT Technologies

The main problem: Today, the introduction of inclusive education is becoming one of the priorities of the state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the system of modern education. In accordance with the law on Education, equal access to quality education for citizens is guaranteed, taking into account their intellectual development, psychophysiological and individual characteristics. The article is devoted to the analysis of the development of inclusive education. The author considers the problems on the way to the introduction of inclusive education, provides an analysis of the experience of conducting an IT school within the framework of inclusive education. An attempt has been made to identify the factors contributing to the successful implementation of inclusive education methods in the modern educational space. Objective: To consider the issues of the development of inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. To present the methodology of teaching children with special educational needs, to suggest possible ways to solve problems on the way of introducing inclusive education into the domestic education system. Methods: The methods of analysis, synthesis and deduction were used in the article. Results and their significance: Based on the results of the work carried out aimed at identifying the main problems hindering the process of implementing inclusive education, as well as based on the results of the analysis and the identified main aspects in the cognitive activity of children with hearing and speech disorders, the author of the article proposes a methodology for teaching children multimedia technologies. In addition, the author clearly substantiates the need to prepare a teacher for the use of inclusive education methods, due to the lack of willingness of some teachers to teach in a class (group) in which people with disabilities study, fearing to get into a situation of psychological and professional discomfort.

Author: Prokopets E.V.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)