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Number of results: 6

Methods of energy saving increase under during agglomerate production at Aksu Ferroalloy Plant Branch of “Kazchrome” JSC

In this article issues of efficient use of ferroalloys production waste to save costs are considered; energy efficiency of agglomerate production is calculated; sintering heat balance data are presented by a case study of Aksu Ferrolloy Plant. According to the annual economic benefits calculation the folowing results are obtained: due to аglogases recirculation, fuel saving is 1334.5 t.o.e.; due to reheating it is 1491 t.o.e.; due to installation of thyristor converters to the unit the annual energy saving is 1714000 kWh. Thus, it is identified that besides energy-efficiency measures during recycling of solid and gaseous wastes, the use of agglomerate increases IPF electric furnaces performance as well, decreases specific energy and reducing agent consumption which means the prime cost of finished products will be reduced.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)

Morphofunctional characteristic of endocrine part of pancreas under affecting of γ-HCH

In the last decades of the twentieth century, in the national economy of many countries, organochlorine pesticides were most widely used, characterized by stability in the external environment, the ability to cumulate in various tissues of organisms. Lindane (the gamma isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane) is listed as a restricted persistent organic pollutant and is an ecotoxic substance with severe and chronic effects on the human body. The study of the effect of lindane on carbohydrate metabolism at the present stage is still insufficient. This fact led to the study of the effect of γ-HCH on the insulinogenic function of the pancreas in in vivo and in vitro experiments. In experiments in vivo, the animals of the experimental groups were once orally administered γ-HCH at a dose equal to 1/5 DL50. Isolated pancreatic islets, precipitated in vitro and fixed on mica plates, were exposed to γ-HCH in amounts equivalent to 1/5 to 1/4 DL50. Paraffin sections of pancreatic tissue from experimental and control animals were stained with aldehyde fuchsin according to Gomori, and tissue preparations were also examined by a highly specific method for detecting insulin in β-cells using diethylpseudoisocyanin staining, followed by examination of the preparations in the ultraviolet light of a luminescent microscope.The same methods were used to study preparations of isolated pancreatic islet tissue on the 4th day of cultivation. The influence of orally administered γ-HCH on the level of immunoreactive insulin in the blood of experimental animals was also studied. The insulin level was determined by the enzymatic-immunological method. The concentration of IRI was established before the start of the experiment and 4-4.5 hours after acute inoculation. Results and their significance. In the study of stained preparations of the pancreas of experimental animals, numerous islets of ordinary sizes were revealed, the cytoplasm of which was filled with aldehyde-fuccin granularity in quantities indistinguishable from those observed by microscopy of preparations of control animals. The value of the fluorescence coefficient in the histofluorimetric study of the control and experimental preparations did not differ significantly. However, the content of IRI in the blood serum showed a distinct decrease in the first hours after priming. In experiments in vitro, when studying the effect of γ-HCH on cultured tissue, introduced into the nutrient medium on the second day, in the field of view of the microscope, single, small pancreatic islets were revealed. Their number on a constant area of the plates was significantly lower than the value of the same indicator in the study of control preparations. Thus it has been shown that γ-HCH does not affect the histostructure of the endocrine pancreas, but causes a significant decrease in IRI in the blood serum, as well as a change in the histochemical characteristics of cultured β-cells.

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Analysis of the problems of the procedure for issuing an Industrial Certificate in the Republic of Kazakhstan and ways to solve them

Main problem: It is very important for each company to obtain an industrial certificate, which makes it possible to get into the Register of Domestic Manufacturers, as they expect to receive large orders. With the receipt of an industrial certificate, their prospects for participation in various tenders and purchases will significantly increase, where they can show their abilities, compete with domestic producers, and also have an advantage over importers. Since July 1, 2019, the industrial certificate has become mandatory for participation in public procurement. Corresponding changes to the rules for public procurement were made by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Taking into account the experience of the «Rules for determining the country of origin of goods, issuing a certificate of origin of goods and canceling its validity», approved by Order of the Acting Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 24, 2015. No. 155», it becomes clear that the document does not take into account a number of «narrow» specifics of individual industries. Purpose: development of amendments and additions to the «Rules for the formation and maintenance of the register of domestic producers of goods, works and services, as well as the issuance of an Industrial Certificate» for the subsequent possibility of obtaining an Industrial Certificate by a chemical industry enterprise for the production of mineral fertilizers. Methods: study and analysis of literary sources, statistics and modeling of the procedure for issuing an Industrial Certificate. Results and their significance: the problems of application were studied, ways to solve these problems were found, and amendments and additions to the “Rules for the formation and maintenance of the register of domestic producers of goods, works and services, as well as the issuance of an industrial certificate” were developed. At the moment, the Rules need to be carefully finalized. It is necessary to consider this issue together with authorized state bodies, associations and business representatives, since obtaining an Industrial Certificate will directly affect participation in public procurement, and, accordingly, the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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Improving the means and methods for the prevention and treatment of postpartum paresis of cows

In modern conditions, the problem of the incidence of cows with high productivity in the postpartum period is relevant. It is these animals that are more susceptible to various diseases, primarily due to violations of the technology of keeping and feeding, weak body resistance, heavy loads during fruiting and milk production. It is known that as a result of various metabolic disorders, calving of cows in farms proceeds with various deviations. The lack of calcium in the blood due to hormonal disorders leads to hypocalcemia and paresis after calving, which is often the cause of death of animals. Therefore, the improvement of prevention schemes and treatment of puerperal paresis in cows is very relevant. Purpose of the article – Improvement of preventive and therapeutic measures for postpartum paresis in cows on the basis of the Tassu farm in Akmola district. The work was carried out under production conditions on a livestock farm in the Akmola region, in the farm "Tassu" in the spring and summer. The object of the study were black-motley cows with a pregnancy period of 250-260 days. 22 animals were selected in the experimental group, 12 animals in the control group. The average weight of animals is 567 ± 34.5 kg, age 5-6 years. The cows of the experimental group received injections of the drug Karsulen, which included: 2 % Cardus marianus D3, 1 % Sulfur D6 and 1 % Arsenycum album D6. Karsulen was administered to cows intramuscularly or subcutaneously at the rate of 1 ml per 100 kg of animal weight, the dose volume should not be less than 5 ml per animal. In the postpartum period, in the complex therapy of postpartum paresis in cows, Karsulen is used intramuscularly or subcutaneously 1-2 times a day. The use of the drug Karsulen with the composition: 1 % Cardus marianus D3, 1 % Sulfur D6 and 1 % Arsenycum album D6 has a regulatory effect on protein, carbohydrate, fat metabolism, restores impaired function of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

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The prevalence and effectiveness of the treatment of edemagenosis in sika deer in the Ussuri urban district

The degree of dаmаge to deer by the lаrvаe of Oedemаgenа tаrаndi of the Hypodermаtidаe fаmily depends on the number of femаles of the subcutаneous gаdfly in the summer. For the development of meаsures to combаt deer gаdflies, vаrious methods hаve been tested over the yeаrs, аmong them methods of wаtering аnd externаl locаl аpplicаtion. For this purpose, mаny reseаrchers tested dipterex (80 %), crystаlline chlorophos (97 %) in the form of аn 8 % solution, tiguvon, ricifon, dioxаfos, sulfidophos-20 аnd ectopor (2 % cypermethrin) аnd other drugs. Vаrbeks 35 %, Bаytex-50, Fenthion-50, Nаtаsol аnd Etаcid, etc. were tested intrаmusculаrly in vаrious doses on deer. The purpose is to study the prevаlence аnd effectiveness of the treаtment of edemаgenosis in sikа deer in the Ussuriysk urbаn district. The reseаrch wаs cаrried out аt the deer fаrm "Borisovskаyа". For the experiment, three groups of deer were formed with 6 heаds eаch. In order to study the therаpeutic аnd prophylаctic efficаcy of the two groups of drugs Аversect-2 аnd Dectomаx, the аnimаls of the first experimentаl group were injected with the drug Аversect-2 subcutаneously аt the rаte of 1 ml per 50 kg of аnimаl weight, deer of the second experimentаl group were injected subcutаneously with Dectomаx аt а dose of 0.2 mg per 1 kg of mаss, which corresponds to 1 ml of solution per 50 kg of mаss. The prepаrаtions were аdministered immediаtely аfter the end of the summer of gаdflies (end of July-beginning of Аugust). The third group of deer did not receive drugs, аnd it remаined the control group. The incidence of sikа deer entomosis in the Ussuriysk urbаn district for three yeаrs wаs quite high аnd remаined аt the sаme level for аlmost the entire period (43.21-48.8), with а slight decreаse in 2021 to 37.4 %, which wаs most likely due to the climаtic conditions of this period. Of the two selected drugs with seemingly the sаme spectrum of аction, the best results were obtаined on the deer of the second experimentаl group, where the drug "Dektomаx" wаs used, while the EI wаs significаntly (two times) lower thаn in the first experimentаl group аnd аmounted to 16.7 % versus 33. 3 %, аnd АI - 0.03, аgаinst 0.83.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)

Constitutional Status of the Presidents of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the USA

The article provides a comparative legal analysis of the constitutional statuses of the Presidents of the Republic of Kazakhstan (ROK) and the United States. The study was conducted according to the relevant provisions of the Constitution of the studied countries and according to the criteria: form of placement; form of government; presidential elections and powers; censorship established for presidential candidates, etc. The peculiarities of the legal status of the institution of the presidency of these countries were noted, including the following issues: participation in the formation of the upper house of the Parliament, ministries and other government bodies; interaction with the Parliament and judicial branches of the Government; powers in the field of defense and security; international relations; lawmaking, etc. Purpose: to reveal the content of the legal status of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to reveal the doctrinal, specific, normative legal status of the head of state, to analyze the features of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, his normative and actual status. The article evaluates the constitutional and legal status of the President of Kazakhstan in relation to the administrative and legal status, analyzes the status positions of the ‘President’ as the head of the state and the highest official performing the functions of public administration in the context of constitutional foundations. Methodology: the methodological basis of the research as well as the work is based on a set of scientific methods of phenomena cognition: comparative Jurisprudence, the method of dogmatic analysis of legal acts, etc., which made it possible to identify the problems of the constitutional and legal status of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to establish the fact of combining elements of the super-presidential form of the government. The results and their significance: therefore, based on the results of a comparison between the presidential institutions of the United States and Kazakhstan, the right to address the Parliament, the participation of the Senate in the appointment, approval, election of officials proposed by the President, the right of veto, the General Command of the Armed Forces, one person cannot be a president for more than two consecutive terms.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)
Heading: Law