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Search results: dominant species

Number of results: 21

Rare species of reptiles of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

Based on the analysis of own and literature data 9 numerically insignificant species of reptiles were found at the territory of the autonomous republic. One of these species belongs to a group of turtles (Testudines), three of them belong to a group of lizards (Sauria) and five of them belong to a group snakes (Serpentes). Systematics, ecological and some biological peculiarities of species are reflected in the article. During the research previously registered Psammophis lineolatus has not been found and its existence at the territory of the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic is under question.

Author: A.F.Mamedov
Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)
Heading: Natural sciences

Species belonging to Aspleniaceae Newm. and Pteridaceae Reichenb. families which are spread in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

The article presents information on the distribution of some species of ferns at the territory of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. The authors note that 10 species of plants are summed in 4 families and 7 genera which belong to ferns. In Aspleniaceae Newm. family it can be found 4 species in two genera in Pteridaceae Reichenb. There are two species in one genus. Data about the area of distribution of these species and their significance are provided in the article.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)
Heading: Natural sciences

Тhe species composition and nutrition of dominant f

The results of analysis of catches with stationary nets made from 2010 to 2012 in the North Absheron Gulf of the Caspian Sea have been presented. 26 species of fish belonging to 8 families (16 marine species, 10 migratory and semi-migratory species ) is registered in the catches. There are data distribution and abundance of each species for all of the families are summarized. The tendency of expansion of areals of marine species (Alosa braschnikowi kisselewitschi, A.b.sarensis) to the north is registered.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)
Heading: Natural sciences

Design strategies for creating a conflict of conduct at the enterprise

The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis M. Doychu species conflicts, conflict structure, developmental stages of the conflict, is also considered rigidity and its ability to influence various spheres of human activity. An analysis of the theoretical material concluded that the performance of the enterprise is important to good social and psychological climate and psychological safety of all participants in the activities of the enterprise.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Social sciences


On the territory of the State Reserve Zagatala marked about 900 species of plants. These plants are distributed according to a vertical zonation. Of the 11 species of plants (1.2%) of the algae, 45 species (5.0%) - mushrooms, 58 species (6.4%) - lichens, 49 species (5.4%) - mosses, 23 species (2.5%) - the highest spore, 5 species (0.5%) - gymnosperms, 130 species (14%) - monocots, 677 species (65.0%) - dicotyledons.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 3(47)
Heading: Natural sciences


The paper presents data on the parasites of two salmonid species: Caspian salmon (Salmo trutta caspius Kessler) and rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri Rich.) in Chaykend salmon factory. Was carried comparative analysis of the seasonal and age dynamics of salmon parasites.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 3(47)
Heading: Natural sciences

Issues of forming of development politics of rural areas (a case of study of Sherbakty district of the Pavlodar region)

In this article, social-and-economic position of Sherbakty district of the Pavlodar region is considered. Dominant industry of economy of district is agriculture. Data are presented on the amount of operating private business entities. Complex description of socio-economic results of development of region is reflected in SWOTanalysis, strengths and weaknesses of development of district, threat and possibility are considered. The assessment of tourist cluster is highlighted for development of district and a necessity is certain for development of the strategic program of development rural territories.

Author: B.Zh. Ibraev
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Interaction of ethnicity and language on the example of the concept of "smell" In Russian lingvoculture

The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of "smell" in Russian linguoculture. Each culture has its own specific smells, which are dominant for the bearers of a particular culture and become the identification marks of the ethnos, helping to convey the beauty and depth of the language. The article deals with phraseological units expressing the attitude of different cultures to smells, characterizing through the smell the personality of a person, its behavior, actions, age, state of health. The author of the article notes that smells have culturally relevant values.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)
Heading: Humanities

Legal views of the nomads

Annotation. The article discusses the tools for regulating social relations in the Kazakh state, formed by the dominant system of patriarchal-feudal relations from the middle of the 15th century to the beginning of the 17th centuries. Historically, the primary type of legal system in the Kazakh society is associated with the emergence of the Kazakh Khanate.

Author: Zh. Bekturova
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)
Heading: Humanities

Problems of ensuring labor protection and safety at the enterprise

The article describes the relationship of man as a species with nature. It is shown that this relationship is determined by the conditions of existence, the quality of air and water, the necessary elements of nutrition. It is also pointed to the role of environmental conditions-optimal for the body, determining human health and life expectancy

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

Historical and pedagogical aspect of the problem of development of gifted children

In this article the modern understanding of giftedness is considered. The author having passed through scientific disputes of many psychological schools argues that it is based on the dominant cognitive motivation and research creative activity, expressing in the discovery of new in the formulation and solution of problems in secondary school through individual technologies.

Author: A.T. Tashimova
Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Social sciences

Diagnostic value of hematological studies in ichthyopathology

The article presents studies on the morphological picture of the blood of fish in a comparative aspect, depending on age and species. In recent years, the influence of anthropogenic factors on the ecosystem of water bodies has intensified. In this regard, the main direction of solving the problems of ichthy -epizootological situations is new areas in veterinary medicine, in particular, hematological recognition of shaped elements in the blood of fish. To identify and understand the state of the fish organism, which they reflect, the researcher must first of all correctly determine these forms of cells in the blood, especially this applies to white blood cells. Our review is brief and does not pretend to be completely complete literature data on this issue. All this together gives a complex morphological picture of the blood of fish, which is difficult to typify. Unlike higher vertebrates, fish lack bone marrow and lymph nodes, hematopoiesis occurs both in organs, which include reticular syncytium (gill apparatus, kidneys, lymphoid organ), and vascular endothelium of the gill apparatus and heart and spleen and, in some cases, intestinal mucosa. In bone fish, the anterior part of the kidneys is the main organ of hematopoiesis; hematopoiesis also occurs in the lymphoid organs and in the spleen. The purpose of this research is to study the morphological picture of the blood of fish in a comparative aspect, depending on age and species. 3-7 animals from each age group of fish were examined on average. To study the morphological composition of blood from fish, blood was taken from gill vessels and from the heart cavity. In the process of research, it was found that the peculiarity of fish is the presence in the blood of both mature and young red blood cells, red blood cells have nuclei. Bony fish have four types of myeloid cells at all stages of development, known in the hematology of higher vertebrates and humans. A distinctive feature of fish granulocytes is the ability to observe leukocytes in all successive stages of filling the cytoplasm with granules, and the nucleus of th ese cells is very rarely lobed. Unlike fish, in mammals it is very difficult to distinguish between the stages of development of basophils and eosinophils (myelocytes, juvenile, stab and segmented), since the segmentation of the nucleus is weakly expressed , and the number of granules does not increase as the cells mature. It can be noted that the studies initiated can contribute to determining the choice of hematological studies. Given the above factors, a detailed epidemiological classification of hematolo gical studies will be obtained. The research results make certain additions to the procedures of veterinary-hematological studies in the field of ichthyopathology. In the future, research will continue in the direction of hematological diagnosis of fish di seases and prerequisites will be created for a detailed epidemiological classification of hematological studies.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Modern lexicography: trends and directions of development

The article examines the state and directions of development of modern Kazakh lexicography. The goals, objectives and possibilities of modern branches of lexicography are determined; the scientific-theoretical and practical foundations of compiling dictionaries are described. The development of the theory and practice of lexicography is due to such needs as the recognition of lexicography as a separate area of linguistics, the development of a theoretical basis for the creation of dictionaries, a general typology of dictionaries, the definition of the macro - and microstructure of dictionaries. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to summarize the experience of Kazakh lexicography, to identify its general theoretical problems, directions of development, to show its place in linguistic science. The study used a descriptive method, analysis and synthesis methods. A brief overview of scientific works is made, which study general theoretical and practical problems of Kazakh lexicography, research on the history of Kazakh lexicography, as well as works that consider the experience and scientific foundations of compiling dictionaries. The authors note the importance of the theory of lexicography in creating dictionaries, improving their quality, choosing the basic principles when sorting vocabulary units in a dictionary, the peculiarities of their functioning, the quantitative and qualitative composition of linguistic units to be included in the corresponding type of dictionary according to the subject of research, denote the theoretical and practical problems of Kazakh lexicography, scientific and theoretical foundations for creating dictionaries of the Kazakh language, determine the scientific, theoretical and practically applied aspects of modern lexicography as a science of language. Pointing to the importance of studying the scientific foundations of compiling dictionaries, their composition and structural features, both from a purely scientific point of view, and from the point of view of the implementation of state programs aimed at the development of the Kazakh language, the authors of the article conclude that the patterns and quality of compiling dictionaries directly depend on the basic functions of the language in modern society. The state of affairs in modern lexicography makes it possible to talk about the allocation of general lexicography, which studies the properties inherent in any dictionary, and particular sections of lexicography (educational, terminological, onomastic, etc.). General lexicography should establish common (or statistically dominant) features of all dictionaries using typology, as well as explore the general patterns of functioning and use of dictionaries. Private lexicography should contain sections that study the internal structure of this type of dictionary and methods for its creation; history of this type of dictionary; purpose and addressee of this type of dictionary. Therefore, experts in the field of lexicography believe that the prospects for the further development of lexicography are seen in the improvement of existing and creation of new types of dictionaries, the emergence of complex dictionaries and the computerization of lexicographic activities.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Humanities

Research of fungal diseases of herbaceous plants exposed from Aksu Ferroalloy Plant

Main problem: Technogenic "metamorphosis" of vegetation near such large industrial facilities as Pavlodar is considered to be the result of various active chemical and mechanical factors provoked by economic activities associated with the influence of emissions from industrial companies. The effect of anthropogenic impacts on vegetation in all regions of Kazakhstan varies and is largely dependent on the economic development of the territory, but in any case, the end result of this impact is the change in the vegetation, causing violations of with structure, reduced vodorazdelnaya flora and productivity of communities. This, in turn, can cause infection of herbaceous plants with pathogenic fungi, which then carry with them: a decrease in the intensity of plant growth, a deterioration in their decorative qualities, a decrease in the survival of the biological species. Purpose: to study the types of fungi-pathogens of phytopathogenic diseases and to determine the degree of modification of the plant component, which is under intense negative technogenic influence from the Aksu Ferroalloy Plant (AFР). Мethods: For the experimental study, species of plants such as: Artemisia dracunculus L; Artemesia vulgaris L; Atriplex fera L; Atriplex patula L; Artemisia annua L were selected for the content of fungipathogens of phytopathogenic diseases. Results and their significance: This experimental study was aimed at the presence of fungi-pathogens of herbaceous plants as a result of human impact, occurring near the industrial zone "AFР". The composition of fungi-pathogens of herbaceous plants collected in this industrial zone was considered and studied. According to the results of an experimental laboratory study, phytopathogenic fungi of herbaceous plants belonging to 1 ordo, 1 familia, and 4 species were found.

Year of release:
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Prospects for the use of natural food additives in the production of sausage products

Today, there is a full development of the food industry. It is characterized by the widest mechanization and automation of production and transport processes, the use of artificial cold and vacuum technology, the latest physical methods, chemical and biological preparations to accelerate technological processes. There are a huge variety of new products. New ways of long-term preservation of products in hermetic airtight packaging are promising. Now it is possible to deliver products from almost any industry to anywhere in the world. But the main problem for the modern consumer is that today's food industry is moving by leaps and bounds in the application and addition of chemical food additives: preservatives, flavors, dyes, stabilizers, antioxidants and substitutes for raw materials. To correctly answer the question of how to treat the use of food with food additives, it is necessary to understand and weigh the main disadvantages and advantages of using them. Advantages are that the product is better preserved, has an attractive appearance. Disadvantages are that the human body wears out, processing various chemicals, it is harmful to health. And with certain doses of use it becomes dangerous. Everyone has their own attitude to their health and their own priorities in life. Many people have come to terms with the daily use of products with additives, but others consciously refuse almost everything in the store. But the fact that no one wants to be poisoned from an overdose of various chemicals or starve to death. Therefore, the main advice is to carefully study the composition indicated on the label of food products and know the measure of their consumption. It is also impossible to believe blindly that the label was written with the truth. Manufacturers often use additives literally visually, which can lead to the production of a product with a dangerously higher concentration. It also happens that the manufacturer intentionally exceeds the norm in order to hide the shortcomings of the product (stale, poor quality of raw materials) and increase the yield of the finished product. The food additives added to many foods (usually designated by the code E) are predominantly harmful to the body. With moderate consumption, the use of products with E-supplements is not too harmful to the body (for example, several times a month). The situation is dangerous when a person consumes products with a large number of food additives daily or even several times a day when using various products. Nowadays, there are several hundred food additives with the code E (from E100 to E1521).

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Study of the biochemical properties of bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus and their identification

This article discusses the current data on the biochemical properties of bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus and their use in industry, particularly in dairy production and biotechnology. Microorganisms of the genus Lactobacillus have antagonistic activity against pathogenic microorganisms and perform an immunomodulatory function. The positive effect of lactobacilli on human health explains their active use in probiotics. The positive effects of normal intestinal microflora and probiotics are mainly due to bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. In probiotic therapy, various types of bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus are used, such as: L. acidophilus, L. rhamnosus, L. plantarum, L. fermentum, L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, L. casei, L. paracasei. In recent years, the biotechnology of probiotics has been intensively developing - drugs used for the correction and prevention of microecological disorders in the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals. An urgent issue is obtaining new data on the biological properties of lactobacilli, creating new probiotic preparations based on them using modified approaches to cultivation. The results of determining the species L. acidophilus L. casei, L. rhamnosus, L. paracasei, obtained by the classical biochemical identification method based on saccharolytic activity, complicating species identification, are comparable to the molecular genetic method. In the case of L. casei, L. rhamnosus, L. paracasei, it is necessary to carry out modern identification methods based on the polymerase chain reaction, since their biochemical properties are similar, which makes it difficult to carry out species identification. The molecular genetic method is a valuable addition to the intergeneric and species identification of lactobacilli, given the variability of the classical biochemical method.

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Foreign experience in the provision of social services

In the implementation of social policy, the most common practice in foreign countries is the payment of a part of the cost of the service by the recipients of social services. However, this decision raises some doubts. After all, these services are for members of the public who are unable to take care of themselves and generally cannot earn a living. On the other hand, when the state bears the costs, there is a risk of overconsumption. The decision on the extent to which a beneficiary of a social care service should share in the costs of social services depends on a variety of factors: criteria for social justice in the country and perceptions of social justice (for example, public opinion about whether unpaid social care services should be provided to all or only the poor), from a group of people in need of social care (social care services for children from social risk groups, especially for people with severe disabilities, are usually free of charge), from the economic ability of the state to provide free social services, etc. The purpose is to study the positive foreign experience in the provision of social services in modern conditions. Determine the role of the state as the dominant body in the implementation of social policy. The study is based on the principles of a systematic approach. Also, when writing the article, the dialectical method of cognition, the methods of scientific generalization and classification, the method of comparative analysis were used. Systematization and generalization of foreign experience in the provision of social services, taking into account the definition of its main goals and objectives, show that the changes taking place in the field of social protection in developed countries over the past two decades already indicate that the model of organizing social assistance, based on the dominance of market relations, operates in many countries. Under the hierarchical model, the organization of social services is based on a vertical division of responsibility and state functions, and the state has a monopoly on providing social care services and funding state or non-state care institutions. However, in recent decades, social assistance services have already been purchased from market participants and funded not by the state, but by the person in need of social assistance. However, such a market is not pure, since the state is involved in both the purchase and pricing of the service.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

The analysis of the avermectin group drugs efficiency in the cattle dehelmentization

The variety of species and forms of parasites of agricultural animals and the features of their life cycles are the basic foundation for the production of different types and medical forms of antiparasite medicine. In the treatment of the parasitic diseases of agricultural animals, one of the main factors is that the veterinary doctors have the knowledge on the mechanics, efficiency and the safety for humans and environment of the medicine being used. Taking into account high pathogenicity and resistance of parasitic organisms and their ability to adapt to effect of medicine, it is crucial to permanently monitor the efficiency of the applied anthelmintic drugs, including the new drugs offered by veterinary services. This article will describe the results of the research on pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic parameters of «Ivermectinum», «Ivermec», «Aversect-1», «Аvrsect-2», «Аivin» drugs and their methods of application with the consideration of terms of maintenance and immune status of cattle herds in Mayconyr village (Irtysh district, Pavlodar region). A comparative analysis of efficiency of the above mentioned drugs in dehelmintization and treatment of cattle was conducted with the results provided. The recommendations and the restrictions on use of the drugs were determined considering the farm condition. The experimental research of the aforementioned broad-spectrum drugs was conducted strictly following the rules of asepsis and instructions on application. The total number of replacement heifers subjected to the dehelmintization under the method of analogues is 150 units. Anthelmintic treatment was conducted two times a year - in springtime (March-April) before pasturage, and fall time (September-October) before confining the cattle in the stable. Coprological study on intestinal helminthes of the examined cattle was conducted in Irtysh RVL of the Pavlodar regional branch of RVE RVL VCaSC MA RK by ovoscopical, flotation and larvoscopical methods. There is a comparative analysis on the efficiency of avermectin group antiparasitic drugs applied twice a year for cattle dehelmintization. The recommendations on the use of the aforementioned drugs for dehelmentization and prevention of parasitic diseases are provided and the requirements for the use were determined.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Results of application of organomineral fertilizer obtained with biocatalytic processes

Main problem: Bird droppings and animal manure contain acids, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, heavy metals. The content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium changes dramatically depending on the quantity and quality of the feed. Purpose: To study the effectiveness of the use of organomineral fertilizer from poultry waste, obtained using biocatalytic processes on the growth and development of plants. Methods: An application for a Patent for the invention of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Method of obtaining organic fertilizer" has been submitted for the developed technology for obtaining organic-mineral fertilizer. In the soil intended for growing seedlings of tomatoes of the “Pepper-shaped Orange” variety and peppers of the “Bogatyr” variety, the resulting fertilizer was applied in the amount of 1 kg per 1 m2 of soil, which was dug to a depth of 8-10 cm and used to grow seedlings in closed ground and subsequent for planting it in open ground. Soil without fertilization was used as a control. The process of soil preparation for open ground, intended for planting seedlings, was carried out for the experimental field with the introduction and control without fertilization. Experimental and control studies were carried out under equivalent climatic conditions, the scheme and technology of watering plants. In total, 100 bushes of each plant species were used in the experiment. Results and their significance: The use of the obtained organomineral fertilizer allows to increase the yield of vegetable crops (tomatoes, peppers) by 20-25% compared to the control. In addition, in the experimental samples, an increase in the number of fruits on a bush was noted with an increase in their size, a decrease in the growing season and the number of damaged fruits.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

Diagnostics of leading coping strategies of students

The article highlights the problem of coping behavior of students in stressful situations of the educational process. Purpose of the article - determination of the dominant productive and non-productive strategies of coping behavior among undergraduate students. While doing research the following methods were used: Coping with Stress Questionnaire (COPE) by K. Carver, M. Scheier and J. Weintraub, adapted by E.I. Rasskazova, T.O. Gordeeva and E.N. Aspen. Fourth-year students show significant variability in the choice of methods of coping behavior. This means they have a wider range of coping strategies. At the same time, first-year students do not have a diverse enough range of coping strategies. This may be due to their less experience and unfamiliarity with various coping techniques. Significant differences were found in the activity of using the effective strategy “Finding a solution to a problem” among students at different stages of training. This suggests that fourth-year students are more prone to problem-oriented coping, while first-year students prefer emotionally oriented coping with exam stress. As a result of the study, it was determined that the most common methods of coping behavior among students are the strategies “Accepting responsibility” and “Planning a solution to the problem.” This means that most students prefer active and mindful approaches to coping with difficulties. It has been proven that the relationship between methods of coping behavior and anxiety of students is different in all courses of study. This may be due to varying levels of experience, degree of curriculum difficulty, and other factors that influence perception and coping with stressful situations. These results highlight the importance of developing a variety of coping strategies in first-year students, as well as the need to support and train fourth-year students in using effective coping strategies.

Author: A. Zabegalin
Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

Productivity of remote pastures depending on the season in conditions of vertical soil regionality

The development, grovth and productivity of livestock depend primarily on providing it with a variety of nutritious feeds. Daily feeds should consist of microbiologically synthesized protein, as well as a variety of seeds, mineral and vitamin supplements of animal and vegetable origin. Indeed, the maximum disclosure of the genetic potential of livestock largely depends on both the quantity and quality of feed. One of the stages of feed quality assessment is the measurement of their chemical composition. The chemical composition is not always constant and depends on many factors, including the species composition of plants, fertilizer application rates, climatic conditions and storage methods. The least accumulation of moisture in the soil was observed in areas where pasture grasses were regularly treated with wormwood. Pacture productivity was also the lowest in the control plots, where the average phyto-chemical composition over three years showed that the dynamics of protein content was the same in all pastures – the protein content reached a maximum at the beginning of the growing sea son and decreased from spring to autumn, while the lowest content of crude protein during harvesting in summer was in control plants of varieties

Author: Zh. Issayeva
Year of release:
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