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Search results: world picture

Number of results: 70

Innovations: classification and worldwide experience

Classification of innovations, main tendencies of government support for innovative activity, and purposes of innovative policy of Kazakhstan are examined in this article. This work demonstrates an attempt to ascertain by what the necessity of public administration in the field of innovative process is determined.

Author: A.A. Ruban
Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)

Study of the concept essential characteristics

The article discusses the key characteristics of the concept - the basic unit of the ethnic picture of the world. In this paper, an analytical description of the «content» of multidimentional lingvomentional formation which is marked by the cultural specificity.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)
Heading: Humanities

Мotivating the informal assistance in the long-term care for elderly and disabled people system in Кazakhstan

This article discusses the possible options to stimulate informal assistance in Kazakhstan system of long-term care for elderly and disabled persons over the age of 18 years who need to be cared for 8 or more hours daily. Developed in the context of world experience the norms and rules of allocating financial resources in order to optimize partnership between levels of State and family care will increase the levels of quality of life for elderly and people with disabilities.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)
Heading: Social sciences

Young people of Кazahstan and obligatory military educating (1941-1945 гг.)

The article describes the participation of Komsomol and the Kazahstan youngsters in soldiers training for the front. The author analyses the preparation of military resources in security and sports organizations and the role of the youth during World War II.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)
Heading: Social sciences

Тransformation of russian color view of the world under bilingual conditions in Кazakhstan

This article covers a Russian color view of the world enriched with additional associations and getting a new symbolic interpretation in the Russian-Kazakh bilingualism. The author tried to follow up the manner in which speech practice of using color naming in Kazakh language affects color concepts in Russian language.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)
Heading: Humanities

Significancy of diaspores and their influence on socio-economic and political processes in the modern world

In the presented article, diaspores formation, their significancy and influence on socio-economic, political processes as well as growing role and significancy of diaspores in the modern world are examined; their influence on national-territorial and state formation is considered.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Social sciences

The reasons of origins of deviant behavior in the teenage by examples of technical and professional education

The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the causes of deviant behavior in the formation and development of the individual student teenager in technical and vocational education, the authors offer recommendations for college’s psychologists. In this paper we study the causes of deviant behavior among adolescents identified the following socio -psychological factors stabilizing behavior: the role of the family, spiritual and moral traditions, the internal psychological state of a teenager, his attitude toward the world.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Social sciences

National and transnational precedent phenomena in the English linguoculture

This article examines precedent phenomena which fixed values of English linguoculture. In the course of the research of precedent phenomenon of English linguoculture space national and transnational precedent phenomena were identified. The national precedent phenomena based on phenomenon of cultural life, literature, history, politics and language units. The transnational precedent phenomena based on phenomenon of antique mythology, world classical literature, religion.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Humanities


In the paper it is presented methodical approaches of working out the mechanism of national innovative system’s formation and development: regional aspects. World economic processes of integration and globalization are oriented to modern competitive knowledge, science, technologies and production. The regions are being involving not only on the level of one country, they also are being influencing of global economic events.

Year of release: 2011
Number of the journal: 4(44)

Pecularities of regional media for children and teenagers by the example of regional children and youth newspaper “Your world”

This article describes theoretical and practical aspects of regional media, particularlies of media for teenagers, functions performed by the print media, as well as intensive development of regional youth media by the example of the regional children and youth newspaper “Your world”. The authors presented expectations analysis of youth readers.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)
Heading: Social sciences

Cost, availability and development of early childhood education in the United States

This article describes theoretical and practical aspects of regional media, particularlies of media for teenagers, functions performed by the print media, as well as intensive development of regional youth media by the example of the regional children and youth newspaper “Your world”. The authors presented expectations analysis of youth readers.

Author: Cortiella E.
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)
Heading: Social sciences

Role of a proverb and saying in the Kazakh literature

Proverbs and sayings are the expressions taken from literary works used by people as well as well-aimed sayings which express deep and wise meaning. The authors present the analysis of proverbs and sayings and their role in the literature. Knowledge of people on the world around and household life is expressed in them as well as the short and emphatic result of long-term andsometimes centuries-old supervisions is given

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)
Heading: Humanities

The estimation of consumer properties of bee honey represented in the retail trade network

This article views the research methods allowing by the organoleptic and physical and chemical indicators to estimate the honey naturality and approximately determine its origin due to the results of the analyses. The factors influencing the quality of the produced honey have been considered and the chemical Вестник Инновационного Евразийского университета. 2015. №3 ISSN 1729-536X 167 composition of the useful components of honey has been studied. It is shown that Kazakhstani honey can be rather competitive at the world market and the main task is the increase the honey production without changing its quality.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

The ways of forming of value orientations of students in higher education institution

In this article, the author considers the formation of value orientations of students in higher education institution. According to the author, the values of students are formed under the influence of the social environment. Identifying the relationship between value orientations of students, their individual psychological characteristics, individual creativity, and active engagement in the surrounding world is shown through experimentation. In fact, in the article based on methods M. Rokich "Value orientation", S.S. Bubnov "Diagnostics of real structure of value orientations" and R. Cattell "16 factors, exploring personality characteristics of the" analyzing the content of the process of professional adaptation of students identified significant value orientations.The article presents there sultsof research.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

Application of the "Step by Step" technology in the teaching of younger schoolchildren as a means of improving the quality of education

The renewal of the paradigm of 12-year education is associated with the formation of key competencies in students that help to learn, understand and develop the world around. The developed set of tasks is designed to develop the need to transform educational material with the aim of improving the quality of education. This material is compiled in accordance with the age characteristics of primary school students, is aimed at organizing the processes of mastering new ways of acting, which will contribute to the formation of educational and cognitive activities. The issues discussed in the article will allow us to implement a competence approach in the education of students. The tasks presented in the article are intended to activate the educational motivation, the organization of independent cognitive activity, contribute to the systematization and objectification of the processes of monitoring and evaluation of educational activities.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

Religion and youth

The article deals with religion, including Islam, which does not impose restrictions on obtaining knowledge. A learned person must keep up the pace of life in the contemporary world. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to manage the time given in youth correctly; try to get an education, to find a way to the mastery of a profession. The younger generation should strive to introduce modern technology.

Author: A.K. Aitzhanov
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 4(64)

Foreign experience of transition to a "green" economy

With the purpose of transition of the world economy to a sustainable growth model, the principles of the "green" economy should be integrated into the currently implemented structural reforms. The four main directions that form the "green" economy are highlighted. Structural reform, which connected with directions, can serve as engines of economic growth. Particular attention in passing to the green economy is given to the formation of modern infrastructure, which has the key to ensuring sustainable development and modernization that is an important element of the structural reforms analyzed here. Worldwide, initiatives are emerging at the national level that show that countries are moving towards a "green" economy at their own pace and in the context of their national development goals and priorities. Most countries in the world have recently stepped up their environmental policies to move away from a traditional model in which environmental protection is considered a burden on the economy, to a model in which ecology is recognized as the engine of development, i.e. to the "green" economy.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Structure of World Model Formed by Commercial Television Advertising (a case of study of “Pervyy kanal “Eurasia”)

The article presents an analysis of an Advertising World Model through a description of spatio-temporal and subject-object characteristics of the World Model, formed by Commercial Television Advertising. For the description of an Advertising World Model, the authors have conducted a content analysis of commercials broadcasted at “Pervyy kanal “Eurasia.” According to the authors, by impressing specific values, the advertisement thereby promotes a certain way of life. The authors consider advertising as a means of manipulating the mass consciousness. The paper presents an analysis of manipulation of needs; “spiritual” manipulation – generation of certain ideals and values; intellectual manipulation; feeling manipulation, etc.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)
Heading: Social sciences

The importance of diasporas and their influence on socio-economic and political processes in the modern world

In the present article forming of diasporas, their importance and influence on socioeconomic, political processes, and also growing role and importance of diasporas in the modern world, influence of them on national-territorial and state entities is considered.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 3(67)

The innovative system of educational principles in the system of multilingual education

The article deals with the problems of the formation and development of a multilingual education, the mechanism for the training of multilingual specialists in the educational system of Kazakhstan. The multilingual education as an effective tool for training the younger generation for life in an interconnected and interdependent world is considered.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 3(67)

Characteristics of the composition, properties of delicious-spicy plants

The article presents the characteristics of the main types of delicious-spicy plants and organoleptic properties of spices, which are of great importance in the modern world. The mechanisms of influence of tastyspicy plants on the body with therapeutic and preventive purposes, proven in the research work of foreign and domestic scientists, increase the effectiveness of their use in various fields of production, especially as food additives.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 2(70)

Current state and development trends of nanotechnology in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Nanotechnology is a field of fundamental and applied science and technology dealing with a combination of theoretical substantiation, practical methods of research, analysis and synthesis, as well as methods for the production and application of products with a given atomic structure through controlled manipulation of individual atoms and molecules. In the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" New political course of the state, the leader of the nation, N.A. Nazarbayev, defines 10 tasks that Kazakhstan faces, one of which is the transition of Kazakhstan to the third industrial revolution. Nanotechnology is one of the branches of the industrial revolution. In the modern world, over the past few years, there has been a rapid development of nanotechnology. The peculiarity of nanotechnology lies in the possibility of their application in an unlimited sphere; therefore they are the basis for a completely new technological order of the economy. Сonsequently, its development in the country is regarded as a particularly important sphere of science. Usage of nanotechnology products will save on raw materials and energy consumption, reduce emissions to the atmosphere and, as a result, will contribute to sustainable economic development.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 4(72)

The causes and conditions of crime in the modern world

The causes and conditions of crime in the modern world. Abstract. The article discusses the causes of crime, describes the main groups of causes of crime. The conditions of crime – related, necessary, sufficient – were revealed through a detailed study of the causes of the emergence of various types of crime. On the example of the activities of the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Ekibastuz, a number of organizational and practical measures aimed at stabilizing the criminal situation in the Ekibastuz region are identified, and statistical data on the results of these measures are also presented. One of the results of the study of this problem is to increase the professional readiness of all the structures of the law enforcement system, to create the appropriate material and technical conditions for improving the means and methods of preemptive influence on economic crime as the material basis of crime.

Author: Zh.B. Khamitova
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 1(73)
Heading: Social sciences

The system of preschool education of Pavlodar region in the rating of educational systems of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan: analysis of the state, problems and tendencies of development

Domestic and world experience shows that the success of the functioning of the primary school education system is determined not only by its internal factors, but also by the degree of readiness to this process of children at the stage of preschool upbringing and education (PUE). In this regard, special attention is paid to the problems of development of the PUE system in the Republic of Kazakhstan, both from the point of view of legal regulation and in the context of monitoring of the state and evaluation of its development. In the article it is analyzed the main tendencies of development of the RK PUE system and content of procedure of the assessment of the development level of regional systems of preschool nurture and education of the republic; it is given the analysis and assessment of the state, problems and tendencies of development of system of preschool upbringing and education of Pavlodar region and its position in the national ranking of educational systems of the regions of Kazakhstan

Author: L.I. Kashuk
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

Transformation of traditional values in a globalizing world

The article is devoted to the problem of transformation of traditional values of modern Kazakhstan society. With the advent of globalization the question of preserving the linguistic and cultural identity and identity of the traditional culture of the Kazakh and other peoples of Kazakhstan becomes relevant.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Social sciences

Kazakh literature in the period of independence

The author explores the main trends of development of modern literary process in Kazakhstan and overviews the research, reflecting the artistic features of the modern epic genres: novel, story, story. The works published in the period of Independence are analyzed in the article. The author researches the philosophical horizons, genre transformation, the archetypal characters of modern Kazakh literature. This article examines how the ethnic identity, national world are reflected in the works of Kazakh writers. The author reviews modern literary criticism and defines the features of theme, genre "tribal thinking", typology, context of historical prose. The author explains the phenomenon of the popularity of the historical novel, reflecting the metaphysics of the national spirit. Modern writers are revising the wrong official theories of national history, which separate the literature from national existence.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 3(75)
Heading: Humanities

Conceptual sphere in the structure of consciousness

he article presents the results of research on the idea of «conceptosphere» in modern science. The main emphasis is placed on the semantic spheres represented by the meanings of words in the language. The authors conclude how much is the culture of a nation, its folklore, literature, science, fine art, historical experience, and religion is rich, so the concept sphere of the people is richer. In addition, the concept sphere of a person is a field of knowledge made up of concepts as its units. There are reflected the sources of the conceptual unit of ideas from which the world view of the language speaker is formed. The article analyzes the main trends of concepts that form the concept sphere, which enter into correlating relationships, hierarchies with other concepts by their individual characteristics.The specific nature of the system relations of concepts requires research, but the General principle of systematicity undoubtedly applies to the national conceptual sphere, as thinking itself presupposes the categorization of thought objects, and categorization presupposes the ordering of its objects.The article summarizes the conceptual system, which should be considered in terms of mental representations, mental lexicon, and the language of thought that are part of it. The term «cognitive space» also defines an individual cognitive space – a structured set of knowledge and ideas that has any lingual person, every speaker. In their work, the authors highlight the collective cognitive space, represented by a structured set of knowledge and ideas that must be possessed by all individuals belonging to a particul ar society. Attention is paid to the distinction between the concept sphere and the semantic space of the language. According to the authors’opinions, the concept sphere presupposes the existence of a mental sphere. The mental sphere consists of concepts that exist in the form of concepts, diagrams, gestalts, mental pictures, frames, scenarios. The semantic space of a language is that part of the concept sphere that is expressed by means of language signs. The semantic space of language is the subject of co gnitive linguistics research due to the fact that most of the conceptosphere of the human ethnos is represented within the semantic space of language.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Humanities

Some features of the technology of teaching students for the discipline “Economics and entrepreneurship in industry” in English

Various methods and approaches in teaching foreign languages are gaining popularity in the modern world of globalization and integration. The integration of the education system caused by the acceleration of the process of mastering foreign languages and increasing its quality, in this regard, this article discusses the latest world teaching methods in order to implement them in the educational system of educational institutions. In particular, in the modern educational environment, the approach based on the idea of integrating subject and language learning in the process of professional training of future specialists (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is of particular importance, which contributes to the formation of professionally-oriented competence in a foreign language. In this regard, the article presents the methodology for activating the knowledge and skills of students in lectures, practical training and during independent work of students on the example of the discipline “Economics and entrepreneurship in industry” for students of non-linguistic directions of training in accordance with the methodology of content and language integrated learning (CLIL). The methods of applying the “Language input theory”, “Second language acquisition” theory, “Interaction theory” in lectures, practical training and during independent work of students in the discipline “Economics and entrepreneurship in industry” are also proposed. A practical algorithm of the course of the lesson (on the example of lectures) in accordance with the CLIL methodology according to the specifics of the discipline is presented. The methodology of evaluating students’ knowledge in accordance with the credit technology of training is presented. In the article, special attention is paid to the auxiliary role of the teacher in helping students master the materials of the discipline, which is reduced as the student acquires basic professional knowledge and skills. This emphasizes the auxiliary role of the teacher at the first stages of training (acquaintance, introduction, training, including independent analysis and evaluation of data while learning a foreign language), followed by independent training of students

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Human trafficking with the purpose of labour exploitation and illegal labour migration in the Eurasian Economic Union countries: problem statement

Annotation. The research topic is directly connected with the solution of the nationwide issues of the social and labor policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, based on the globalization and regional processes in the world, the experience of its implementation in the regions and, first of all, in the Eurasian Economic Union member-states. Another important factor is the comparative consideration of social policy and labor potential of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan taking into account national and common interests. At the present stage, the issues of illegal labor migration and human trafficking in our country are given special attention. The main aim of the research is developing recommendations and proposals, aimed at further progress of the legal framework for cooperation in the social and labor sphere and the social protection of labor rights as a promising area of legal science and as an important line of social and integration policy. The research also aims at the research and examination of human trafficking and labor migration as a social phenomenon in the EAEU countries, the study of methods and techniques of combating it, and the development of recommendations for improving legislation and strategies to counteract this social phenomenon.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Law

Harmonization of the tax system of the Eurasian Economic Union member states in the context of economic integration

This article discusses the main possible directions for coordinating the tax policy of member countries of economic and monetary unions. The regulatory role of tax instruments in regional integration associations is assessed. The relevance of the article is due to the fact that with the accelera tion of integration processes in various regions of the world, fiscal policy becomes particularly important. Therefore, the research of representatives of various scientific schools pays much attention to the analysis of the impact of the fiscal component on the economies of the member countries of the associations. At the same time, approaches to the organization of taxation within economic unions differ significantly. The activation of integration processes in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) necessitates the convergence of the legislation of the member States in the field of taxation. At the same time, the harmonization and unification of legislation on indirect taxes is particularly relevant, since these taxes have a significant impact on price formatio n and provide a significant part of budget revenues. According to the authors of the article, in the conditions of deepening integration in the EEU, a well-thought-out distribution of powers in the field of tax regulation between state and supranational bodies that ensure a consistent convergence of the tax systems of the participating countries, taking into account the economic situation and the interests of all members of the Association, becomes particularly relevant. Measures to ensure the elimination of double taxation within the Union are proposed. The authors conclude that it is necessary to harmonize the tax policies of the member States of the Eurasian Union. At the same time, the harmonization of taxation in the countries of the Union should become a condition for the formation of a currency zone on the territory of the EAEU.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Assessment of the mechanisms of regulation of innovative activity in the system of global competitiveness

Rapidly changing trends in development of the countries’ economies require rational approach to regulation of innovative activity and investments directed to organization of real economy sector. At the same time, for analysis of current state policy in innovative development system fully it takes to assess effectiveness of regulation innovative activity mechanisms in the economy of Kazakhstan. In this article an assessment of mechanisms of innovative activity regulation in Kazakhstan in global system of competitiveness is carried out. For this purpose, an expert assessment system is used, which is realized as method of Global Competitiveness Index of World Economic Forum (WEF). The authors investigate ranking of WEF in Kazakhstan economy, in particular, assessment of carrying out of country’s innovative activity. Thus, purpose of research is to assess mechanisms of innovative activity regulation in Kazakhstan in a global system of competitiveness. Methodology – synthesis, content-analyze, accommodation, monographic method, factor analysis, economic-statistical research method. Carried out assessment of mechanisms of innovative activity regulation in Kazakhstan in global system of competitiveness allowed fully assess effectiveness of regulation innovative activity mechanisms in economy. Researching subindices of International rating of World Economic Forum for 2017-2018 in relation to 2013-2014 authors noted that in Kazakhstan today there is decrease in all subindices of rating and factors (“Basic requirements”, “Business sophistication”), except for “Innovation” subindex. This subindex was significantly decreased due to sharp deterioration in macroeconomic environment, which is directly related, in opinion of authors, to significant losses in revenues from oil export. This in turn affected deterioration of budget’s indicators. There is special attention to place and role of innovative activity regulation in country’s socio-economic policy. Organizational-methodological problems during realization of innovative policy in Kazakhstan are also in details investigated, which makes it necessary to solve them in order to achieve innovative policy’s efficiency at regional and national levels.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Diagnostic value of hematological studies in ichthyopathology

The article presents studies on the morphological picture of the blood of fish in a comparative aspect, depending on age and species. In recent years, the influence of anthropogenic factors on the ecosystem of water bodies has intensified. In this regard, the main direction of solving the problems of ichthy -epizootological situations is new areas in veterinary medicine, in particular, hematological recognition of shaped elements in the blood of fish. To identify and understand the state of the fish organism, which they reflect, the researcher must first of all correctly determine these forms of cells in the blood, especially this applies to white blood cells. Our review is brief and does not pretend to be completely complete literature data on this issue. All this together gives a complex morphological picture of the blood of fish, which is difficult to typify. Unlike higher vertebrates, fish lack bone marrow and lymph nodes, hematopoiesis occurs both in organs, which include reticular syncytium (gill apparatus, kidneys, lymphoid organ), and vascular endothelium of the gill apparatus and heart and spleen and, in some cases, intestinal mucosa. In bone fish, the anterior part of the kidneys is the main organ of hematopoiesis; hematopoiesis also occurs in the lymphoid organs and in the spleen. The purpose of this research is to study the morphological picture of the blood of fish in a comparative aspect, depending on age and species. 3-7 animals from each age group of fish were examined on average. To study the morphological composition of blood from fish, blood was taken from gill vessels and from the heart cavity. In the process of research, it was found that the peculiarity of fish is the presence in the blood of both mature and young red blood cells, red blood cells have nuclei. Bony fish have four types of myeloid cells at all stages of development, known in the hematology of higher vertebrates and humans. A distinctive feature of fish granulocytes is the ability to observe leukocytes in all successive stages of filling the cytoplasm with granules, and the nucleus of th ese cells is very rarely lobed. Unlike fish, in mammals it is very difficult to distinguish between the stages of development of basophils and eosinophils (myelocytes, juvenile, stab and segmented), since the segmentation of the nucleus is weakly expressed , and the number of granules does not increase as the cells mature. It can be noted that the studies initiated can contribute to determining the choice of hematological studies. Given the above factors, a detailed epidemiological classification of hematolo gical studies will be obtained. The research results make certain additions to the procedures of veterinary-hematological studies in the field of ichthyopathology. In the future, research will continue in the direction of hematological diagnosis of fish di seases and prerequisites will be created for a detailed epidemiological classification of hematological studies.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

G.A. Beshkarev in the memoirs of contemporaries

Gennady Beshkarevis a poet, novelist, publicist, memoirist who lived in Pavlodar for some time in the 30s of the last century. Among other things, in his creative heritage there are memoirs of artistic and historical interest "Pavlodarskiyebyli". In this work, in an artistic and journalistic form, social and everyday pictures are vividly conveyed, which significantly enrich our knowledge about pre-war Pavlodar. "Pavlodarskiyebyli" is especially valuable because earlier the 30s of the 20th century were considered as a kind of "white spot" in the Russian literature of the region. On charges of anti-Soviet activities, G. A. Beshkarev was sentenced to serve a five-year term in Siberian camps, and his work, which remained unpublished for a long time, only finds its readers in our time. The works of G.A. Beshkarev are included in the "Pavlodar literary"anthology on the study of Russian writers in Kazakhstan. In this regard, it is important to restore the portrait of the author's personality, and today the memories of his contemporaries, their written and oral evidencecan only help. This article is an attempt to systematize and analyze the data obtained as a result of the interview and can serve as a material for creating a biography of the writer. Conversations with the author's relatives, conducted in the fall of 2017 in Almaty by the author of the article, reveal the writer's personality traits, his attitude to various aspects of life: to the era, people, and creativity. In the memoirs of family members, Beshkarev appears as a person of rare directness and steadfastness, irreconcilable with the injustices of his time, as a person physically resistant, endowed with endurance. In the memory of friends, he is captured as a talented speaker, sometimes angry with the language, as clockwork, indefatigable, deeply artistic person of rare charm, who was able to impress colleagues, women, and students, as well as a teacher who is ready to selflessly and enthusiastically help students overcome difficulties.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)
Heading: Humanities

The state of the penitentiary system in Kazakhstan: history and modernity

This scientific article examines the history of the emergence and development of this type of penitentiary institution such as a prison on the territory of Kazakhstan, an analysis of the punishment system, its content, goals, main directions of development, without which it is impossible to trace the process of formation of the system of execution of criminal punishments. The article notes that punishment, as a form of coercion, is widely used in solving social-class contradictions. Since the traditional Kazakh society was patriarchal-feudal, it was immanent in the coexistence of the institutions of the clan system (pre-class relations) and the feudal formation (class society), these phenomena did not acquire an antagonistic character. Herefore, in the pre-Russian period, there were no prisons on the territory of Kazakhstan. The article traces the origin, formation and development of the system of prison institutions in Kazakhstan in a historical and legal aspect. Based on a substantive study of this issue, the authors come to the conclusion that penitentiary institutions, like any other social institutions, have evolved in close connection with the needs of social development. The article clearly traces the application of the principle of universality of the general civilization approach in the implementation of the organizational and legal foundations of prison activities. Throughout the history of the development of the penitentiary system in Kazakhstan, the experience of advanced countries was taken into account. The authors believe that the practice of Soviet prisons of rigidly isolating the criminal from society has an insufficient corrective effect. After all, the very meaning of the term “poenitentiarius” (penitentiary) in Latin means “corrective”. In this regard, they propose amending the rules of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan in relation to prisons and include in its activities some fragments of the progressive system of imprisonment, taking into account the best practices of the developed democracies of the world.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)
Heading: Law

Unit economics in the youth entrepreneurship sector: principles, methods of implementation

Basic problem: the Republic of Kazakhstan is a platform for implementing innovative projects in all spheres of the economy, providing the younger generation with resource centers, technological parks, agricultural equipment, industrial technologies and scientific and educational complexes. The main goal of such actions is to activate scientific research, increase the technological potential of the industrial sectors of the national economy, and stimulate the development of innovative activities in the field of research and development. The problems of developing an entrepreneurial culture are a cornerstone issue that combines a combination of motivational principles for generating and promoting ideas, activating youth entrepreneurship as the flagship of the future economy, and a complex epidemiological situation in the world that hinders not only the development of entrepreneurship, but also the course of all socio-economic processes in society. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the problems of youth entrepreneurship and find ways to solve them in accordance with the principles and methods of implementation, including the unit economics. Methods: the research Area focuses on economic modeling techniques that are successfully used in international practice to determine the profitability of business models, taking into account the effect of the production of a unit of goods / services or a single client / customer. The implementation of this approach is facilitated by the use of traditional methods of scientific research, such as analysis, comparison, and a graphical method for visualizing the results obtained; quantification method and parametric method as an evaluation tool that allows formalizing the procedure for evaluating the performance of unit economics models. Results and their significance: when considering business models in relation to youth entrepreneurship, attention is paid to the skills and competencies that students who study the disciplines of the entrepreneurial block in higher education receive. The proposed methods of unit economics are actively used in the development and promotion of startups, as an integral part of business plans. It is concluded that youth business has started to play a crucial role in solving socio-economic problems, such as creating new jobs and reducing the unemployment rate, and training qualified personnel. The set of proposed measures provides additional opportunities and increases the influence of youth entrepreneurship, which becomes the basis for unlocking its potential.

Year of release:
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Design of the designershoes with the use of innovative technologies

The article discusses methods for creating smart things, using the example of the use of innovative technologies in the field of materials for clothing and footwear. The factors of form formation are substantiated by the example of the preferences of an individual customer who forms its image through accessories and shoes. The author considers the factors of shaping, based on the special functional features of shoes in connection with ergonomic factors. The designer is able to foresee the factor of transformability in modern footwear, changes in functional qualities, appearance, and design features of new footwear. As a result, on the basis of these transformations, to get a new emotional image and a new form. The shape of the shoe becomes a factor for transformations at the request of the customer. The article discusses the functional tasks of this shoe, plastic characteristics, technical and design tasks. As research methods, the article proposes variants of experimental models with possible stages of transformation, presents preliminary technical data, conducts a comparative analysis with innovative footwear samples of famous world designers, and makes assumptions about the development of this model in the future. An experimental method was used during the study. A shoe shape was developed, which took into account the preferences of the age group of 12-16 years old, relying on this category of consumers, we were able to go beyond the rational understanding of shoes as a functional form and gave it the meaning of a fantastic image, which allowed us to consider the form in the semantic and artistic context dictated by this age group of consumers. In addition, investing in this model the concept of "smart shoes", we considered not only the ability of modification and transformation by rearranging replaceable parts, the possibility of designing and reincarnating from one form to another, combining the constituent elements of the shoe into one whole, but also the development of the creative potential of the consumer, who at its own discretion can rebuild the structure and, in fact, as a designer itself, form a new model. The article makes assumptions about its further development in various fields of activity. For example, medicine, sports, art, etc. Considering the introduction of new materials, we relied on discoveries in the field of nanotechnology and considered among the possible features of this model the change in color on the basis, the reaction of materials to light, temperature, etc. The project is aimed at creating such shoes that will be developed for a wide range of consumers thanks to the wide range of possibilities contained in the design of the form and the features of modern materials.

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Modern pedagogical technologies in teaching a foreign language in primary school

The article describes modern pedagogical technologies of teaching a foreign language in primary school and examines their impact on the development of various competencies of primary school students. The authors emphasize that information and communication pedagogical technologies help to implement a student-centered approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of younger students, their level of education. And also modern pedagogical technologies as a systemic holistic means of restructuring activities make it possible to improve the quality of the educational process, to solve the problems of personality development. Purpose – analysis of modern educational technologies used in English lessons. The current system of training primary school teachers requires a revision of its structure, organization, relationship with school practice and innovative processes in the education system. Therefore, the article proves that an important part of the educational process should be the use of new pedagogical technologies in improving the quality of training of specialists at the university, providing the possibility of self-development of the teacher's personality, increasing his creative abilities and improving the educational process. The study used a descriptive method, analysis and synthesis methods. The authors of the article call the development of the student's personality (moral and cognitive) and the complex of abilities for successful interaction with the polycultural and multilingual world around him as the goal of foreign language education in primary grades. Therefore, it is important that the future primary school teacher, in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard, has formed the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the application of modern pedagogical technologies. At the present time, when a new education system was created, focused on the world educational space, changes in the educational process changed the paradigm of education, updated the content of education, formed a new approach, new relationships. Keywords: technologies, competencies, multicultural, multilingual, English, modern education.

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Economic interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a state-legal institution: the concept and problems of implementation

Main problem: in the history of mankind there are many examples when the question of national interests remains unresolved. The category of "national interest" has firmly entered the modern political and scientific spheres of all countries of the world. Regardless of the level and nature of development, any country has certain national interests on which it should focus. Undoubtedly, these are economic interests. Future populations, whose state and national goals are not clearly defined, may be unplanned and fragmented. Consequently, it may be violently imposed on a foreign socio-political structure. Historical experience shows that the staging of specific problems can have a negative impact on the application and implementation of the necessary measures to prevent possible mistakes, to strengthen the security of the country. In order to make this article complete and exhaustive, it is necessary to pay attention to the concept of "concept", which reflects the active attitude of people to the surrounding world as the most important category. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyze the concept of economic security as a state-legal institution in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Methods: The following methods are used in the article: comparative-legal, system-structural, as well as the method of systematic analysis of needs. Results and their significance: Necessity, personal interests are one of the key links in the study of the essence of the social state. After all, the rule of law in its norms must express the social interests of man in life. These categories are intended to identify the indirect causes of social actions that lead to changes and additions in various spheres of public life. Every country has its own attractions. Interests are different. And the social group, and the team, and the individual combine their actions with their interests. Man interacts with it through its goal, which determines the interests of the environment. Therefore, at the level of common consciousness, a great value of interest is determined by individual actions and actions of people, as well as by mass historical events and phenomena. By looking at this issue in detail and analyzing its basic principles, we define the concept of economic interest. In order to ensure the economic security of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to rely on its own scientific and technological development, human and natural resources, that is, to decide on management in favor of domestic producers and ensure capital investment in priority sectors of the economy.

Author: Zh.B. Amanbai
Year of release:
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Heading: Law

The main directions of economic development of the region through the prism of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has brought about a new economic reality, to which every economic entity must adapt, regardless of the scale: within a region, a country, or the whole world. The article examines the regional economic mechanism in the context of the pandemic in the context of the interaction of the market mechanism of self-development and the control influence of the regional authorities. The destabilization of the economic situation in the regions as a result of the pandemic and related restrictions poses the problem of revising the main directions of regional policy To achieve the set goals and objectives, the general methods of empirical and theoretical research were used: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalization, description. Three spheres play a key role in the economy of Pavlodar region: industry, trade and transport. Just how to remain positive dynamics in terms of industrial production and maintained the services will depend on the development of the region, the main indicators which are discussed in this article through the prism of the events in the context of the pandemic. The necessary health measures taken in response to the pandemic have led to a severe reduction in mobility and are accompanied by high economic costs. The quarantine measures have had a direct impact on businesses, especially microbusinesses. To support this sector, tax incentives were provided, lending was expanded, and measures were taken to further facilitate the business environment. The article reflects only a small list of issues that required changes in the economic mechanism in the context of the pandemic and the introduction of restrictive measures, as well as the strengthening of the influence of external control on the economy. At the same time, the state as whole and individual regions, taking into account their potential and the actual situation in the economy, need to find an optimal balance between the prohibitions and restrictions imposed to ensure the safety of human health and the preservation of the economy in a functional mode, work and income of employees. This problem of finding a balance between prohibitive and permissive measures requires further analysis. At the same time, the state needs to develop and apply tools of a systematic nature, focused on the long term.

Author: Z.A. Arynova
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Prospects for the use of natural food additives in the production of sausage products

Today, there is a full development of the food industry. It is characterized by the widest mechanization and automation of production and transport processes, the use of artificial cold and vacuum technology, the latest physical methods, chemical and biological preparations to accelerate technological processes. There are a huge variety of new products. New ways of long-term preservation of products in hermetic airtight packaging are promising. Now it is possible to deliver products from almost any industry to anywhere in the world. But the main problem for the modern consumer is that today's food industry is moving by leaps and bounds in the application and addition of chemical food additives: preservatives, flavors, dyes, stabilizers, antioxidants and substitutes for raw materials. To correctly answer the question of how to treat the use of food with food additives, it is necessary to understand and weigh the main disadvantages and advantages of using them. Advantages are that the product is better preserved, has an attractive appearance. Disadvantages are that the human body wears out, processing various chemicals, it is harmful to health. And with certain doses of use it becomes dangerous. Everyone has their own attitude to their health and their own priorities in life. Many people have come to terms with the daily use of products with additives, but others consciously refuse almost everything in the store. But the fact that no one wants to be poisoned from an overdose of various chemicals or starve to death. Therefore, the main advice is to carefully study the composition indicated on the label of food products and know the measure of their consumption. It is also impossible to believe blindly that the label was written with the truth. Manufacturers often use additives literally visually, which can lead to the production of a product with a dangerously higher concentration. It also happens that the manufacturer intentionally exceeds the norm in order to hide the shortcomings of the product (stale, poor quality of raw materials) and increase the yield of the finished product. The food additives added to many foods (usually designated by the code E) are predominantly harmful to the body. With moderate consumption, the use of products with E-supplements is not too harmful to the body (for example, several times a month). The situation is dangerous when a person consumes products with a large number of food additives daily or even several times a day when using various products. Nowadays, there are several hundred food additives with the code E (from E100 to E1521).

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The problem of reason in the philosophy of the Arabic- speaking middle ages. Historical and philosophical aspect

The authors, based on analysis of the philosophy of the Eastern peripatetics, have shown that in the philosophical worldview of the middle ages Arabic magazynowanie there are aspects, which indicate that more needs to trace the Genesis of the problem of reason in Arabic philosophy of the middle ages. The article notes that the world of the XXI century is the world of post-industrial, information society, which constantly raises logical and epistemological problems in the field of science and philosophy. Therefore, there is a need for a critical study of the history of this problem, its Genesis and development to identify positive potential and progressive ideas. In this context, the analysis and study of the problem of reason and logic, the epistemological ideas of al-Kindi, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd of the Arabic-speaking middle ages is not only of historical and philosophical interest, but also of actual significance. In this article, the authors consider the problem of reason in the worldview of representatives of Eastern peripatetism of the medieval Arabic-language philosophy of al-Kindi, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, based on the ideas of Aristotle. The paper presents the historical and philosophical aspect of the problem of reason inherent in the Arabic-speaking middle ages. The cognitive interest of representatives of Eastern peripatetism is connected with philosophy, questions of logic, and the doctrine of reason. Arabic-speaking philosophers in the middle ages were engaged in understanding the epistemological abilities of man, al-Kindi, being the founder of Arabic-speaking philosophy, put forward the idea of types of mind and stages of knowledge. Al-Kindi's positive philosophical ideas were further developed in al-Farabi's worldview. The thinker considered the priority of rational knowledge to be indisputable, in addition, al-Farabi showed an interest in logic, the theory of knowledge and human cognitive abilities. Al-Farabi's philosophy had a significant influence on Ibn Sina's philosophical views. The rationalism of Ibn Sina was also manifested in a very high assessment of logic, the thinker considered logic an introduction to philosophical knowledge. Ibn Rushd in his work developed along the same peripatetic path as his predecessors al-Kindi, al-Farabi, and Ibn Sina. The authors attempt to show that the problem of reason in philosophy and science has its Genesis, associated with the teachings of Eastern peripatetics of the Arabic-speaking middle ages. The teaching of the Arabic-speaking philosophers of the middle ages about the cognitive power of reason, despite the theological context and logical-epistemological limitations, had a progressive role in the history of philosophyd

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Humanities

Grain market of the Republic of Kazakhstan: assessment of the state, identification of problems and development trends

The article reveals the dynamics of grain production in the Republic of Kazakhstan, grain exports by countries. The author analyzes the grain market (sown area, yield, gross harvest). Kazakhstan has a significant potential for grain exports. Grain exports are important for the country's economy. The country is one of the six largest grain exporters in the world. This is due to the high milling properties of Kazakh grain, the quality indicators of Kazakh flour are highly valued in many countries of the world, which allows Kazakh wheat to be competitive in the world market and provide markets in various countries of the world. The main export destinations are Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. The article analyzes the main trends in the development of the grain market and gives an assessment of the state.

Author: O.I. Zhaltyrova
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 2(74)

Ethnolinguistic significance of comparing human character with nature in Kazakh and English

Main problem: It is well known that the development of language in society, the development of speech, the formation of personality largely depends on the interaction of people. Therefore, they develop depending on the specifics of each nation and are one of the values that people have accumulated over the centuries. Comparison of human behavior with nature in English and Kazakh languages describes the spiritual life of each nation. It defines the national feelings, national behavior, national customs and traditions. Purpose: Comparative analysis of the values of the Kazakh and English peoples occupies a special place in the culture and language, the essence and content of which are indelible. This is a fount of cultural and historical life of the people, the spiritual value of the nation, such qualities as prudence and kindness. Methods: This article describes the ethnolinguistic foundations for comparing human character and nature in English and Kazakh. In cultural linguistics and cognitive linguistics, the concept of behavior is studied as an image of the world formed in the consciousness of an ethnic group. Based on the definition of the concept of behavior, the authors describe the manifestations of behavior in the national consciousness, the system of national thinking, beliefs, attitudes. It is noted that the formation of the behavior of unrelated Kazakhs and Englishmen depends on their geographic environment, nomadic lifestyle and behavior. Results and their significance: The phraseological units of the two languages used in this study clearly to show the characteristics of each nation. It is shown that forecasting natural phenomena for both peoples is closely related to their life, economy, occupation and plays an important role in people's lives.

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Heading: Humanities

Revisiting Correlations between Real and Imaginary in Space of Surrealism

Main problem: this article deals with the research of surrealism which is not just one of ordinal modernism directions or one of many isms in the art of the 20th century, but which appears as a universal phenomenon in the culture of the epoch, reflecting its main features; surrealism has risen many issues substantive for culture modernity, and resolutions of which are worthy in-depth study. Purpose: to determine the meaning of the unconscious when building a surrealistic world picture and show the relationship and interinfluence of the arts and reality, real and imaginary within the frames defined by surrealism. Methods: the study is based on philosophical and art review of literary and art works performed by surrealists. In various manifestos and works made by surrealism figures it is traced the intention to penetrate into the depth of human psycho using dreams and different mental illnesses. It is known about the enormous impact that the discoveries made in the field of psychoanalysis had on the development of Surrealist philosophy. So, the method of free associations was popular, which was actively used by the Austrian scientist Z. Freud in his medical practice, talking with the patient and analyzing his dreams, the doctor with the help of key symbols revealed the cause of the neurosis, and the surrealists were attracted by the research of the Swiss psychiatrist C. Jung, devoted to the analysis of archetypes and symbols in the lives of various peoples. Results and their importance: practical significance of the study is related to the following circumstances: the necessity to make sense for the reasons of the crisis which encompasses the culture today, the search of possibilities and ways to recover it; u this work’s materials can be also used in research of creations of young Kazakhstan avant-garde artists. The research materials can also be used in the practice of teaching philosophy, cultural science, psychology, and other humanitarian disciplines and also in work of fine art experts and museum staff; based on the materials of this research, the special courses on culture philosophy, culturology, esthetics and theory of arts can be developed.

Year of release:
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Heading: Humanities

Creating a development plan for students of a children's and youth football school

This scientific and practical article is devoted to the analysis of the results of an experiment aimed at psychological and pedagogical support of the process of building a project for the development of the inner world of a player of a children's and youth football team of the professional football club "Lviv" from the Ukrainian city of Lviv. A special feature of the psychological and pedagogical support for designing the development of the student's psyche is the use of the paradigm of the language of the theory of activity in the version of the Moscow methodological and pedagogical circle (MMPC), using the language of schematic images and the pyramid of subjectivity, explaining the path of formation of human mental mechanisms in the unity of cognitive, emotive and conative processes, starting from the vital level of their development to the level of spirituality. Another feature of the article is that the presentation of methods and techniques does not occur in a separate part of it, but in the process of describing the steps of designing a development plan that is formed for absolutely all professional athletes who have the acmeological potential of professionalization in football. It is presented in the form of 11 steps to create an individual trajectory of the player's development. In each of these steps, it is important that the coaches and the player participate with their parents, representatives of the club, which has its own component in terms of the volume and quality of the efforts required on their part. The article reveals the first of the 4 steps of creating a reasonable player development plan. For example, we consider working with one of the players. The content of this particular illustration is a very illustrative and demonstrative example. It is assumed that a series of articles in this publication will reveal the topic of student development management, which will include both scientific and theoretical and review types of works. The next article will be a continuation of this one in terms of demonstrating the success of implementing this particular development plan by the example of several players from a team consisting of 22 players who have been trained in a similar way, i.e. using methodological criteria for the organization of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of thinking, sensory-motivational and volitional characteristics of players by football club coaches.

Author: S.A. Chekin
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Universal coordinates and methods of reformatting an ambiguous humanitarian paradigm

In the conditions of market uncertainty, the coronavirus pandemic, the absence of an officially articulated national idea, national interests and ideology in Kazakhstan, the problem of the lack of logically justified and coordinated coordinates of systemic thinking, an unambiguous paradigm of humanitarian thinking (analytical, pedagogical, managerial, economic, etc.) is becoming more and more clearly realized as the most important conditions for personal, civil and professional self-determination. The purpose is to substantiate the general logical coordinates and methods of reformatting the ambiguous humanitarian paradigm used in the activity. The study used various methods: the ontological principle of genetically meaningful logic, the method of transformation of concrete images of objects based on their abstract essence, the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, the speculative language of schematic images of thought and the language of methodological theory of activity. Logically justified universal abstract-concrete coordinates of universal motion are given. In relation to life and the world of activity, they can be concretized by coordinates: "standard of living – efficiency of activity", or "efficiency of activity – time", or "results – costs", or "quality – quantity", etc. The use of motion vectors in the logic of descent from the concrete to the abstract (NCA), ascent from the abstract to the concrete (AAC), as well as in their combination – logic CAC gives certainty to thinking. As an example, the scheme of the qualitative difference between educational (pre-professional) activities from professional ones using these methods and paired dialectical categories is given. The scheme and description of the functional model of the system object, considered as a rubicon of the transformation of educational activity into professional activity, are given. To reformat the indefinite, ambiguous paradigms of the humanities used in the activity into functional-logical, visible, constructive and unambiguous, it is recommended to use abstract-concrete coordinates, the methods given, the language of schematic images and the paradigm of the methodological theory of activity. As an example, the concept of a typical unit of activity development is given. A visible unambiguous paradigm is a necessary, but not sufficient prerequisite for adequate personal, civil and professional self-determination of a person in situations of high uncertainty. A sufficient prerequisite is the acquisition by subjects of appropriate reflexive-thinking abilities for self-determination, self-organization, self-regulation, etc.

Author: V.I. Tsoі
Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 4(84)

Main trends in the development of the Kazakh securities market

The securities market is the most important instrument for financing and developing the economy of any state, including Kazakhstan. The main problem is to attract investments for enterprises in all sectors of the economy, as well as to ensure that enterprises have access to cheaper equity than bank loans. Purpose to identify the main trends in the development of the domestic securities market, to assess the level of its profitability. The article emphasizes the role of the securities market as the most important mechanism for the redistribution of funds between sectors of the economy. The securities market, as an integral part of the financial market, is gaining especially growing importance in the economy of Kazakhstan, as well as in the economy of the entire world community. When writing the article, traditional methods (comparison, description, and measurement), general logical methods and research techniques (analysis, generalization, etc.) were used. The article discusses the main theoretical approaches to determining the essence of the analyzed concept, attempts are made to formulate the main problems in the securities market, presents the results of the analysis of data characterizing the current state of the stock market of Kazakhstan. In essence, the securities market is a macroeconomic regulator of the state, through which opportunities are created to attract foreign and domestic capital. Thus, the securities market as an effective tool for attracting capital contributes to solving socio-economic problems. The author notes that the main theories about the state of the stock market are characterized by a superficial approach, as evidenced by the fact that none of them considers the internal structure of the stock market, which is the main tool for determining the patterns of changes in the value of financial instruments. It should also be noted that the choice of theory depends entirely on the perception and opinion of the relevant analyst. Singling out one theory as the only and most acceptable one would be wrong.

Author: Z.A. Arynova
Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 4(84)

Traditional and innovative methods of teaching a foreign language in primary school

The article compares modern and traditional pedagogical methods used in the process of teaching a foreign language in primary school, differentiates both the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, and indicates ways to supplement the shortcomings of traditional methods with new methods. Currently, the main methods used in teaching a foreign language are being considered. Among the new innovative methods that have recently appeared in the sphere of teaching foreign languages there are community language learning / counseling learning, the sugestopedic method, total physical response, the method of language teaching using information and communication technologies, consciousness-raising approach, task based learning, neuro- linguistic programming, guided discovery, the test-teach-test method. Their influence on the development of language competencies and creative abilities of primary school students are considered. The authors note that the main and most important condition of modern methodology in the process of teaching foreign languages is the creation of an artificial foreign language environment, i.e. the creation of a natural linguistic environment. The authors comment on the concept of "electronic linguistic environment" based on recent research. They show that "digital" children are completely immersed in the computer world, i.e. they live in an electronic linguistic environment and this allows them to solve the tasks of teaching a foreign language. The purpose of the article is to analyze traditional and modern educational methods used in modern English lessons. Activation of the student as the main figure of the educational process, the ability to work in close contact with other students, giving the student the opportunity to work independently, depending on their physiological, intellectual, psychological characteristics, is carried out using individual, paired, group, classroom and other forms of work. Both traditional methods and the latest modern methods are listed among the named teaching methods. Each method has its own characteristics. Therefore, it is very important to consider them in a comparative plan. Each old and new method has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the methodology of teaching English always requires additions and improvements. They are of great importance for expanding the horizons of students, increasing cognitive activity, improving knowledge, skills and language competencies. The authors used the following methods: the descriptive methods, methods of systematization, analysis, interpretation were used in the course of the study. Тhe authors of the article note that methods of teaching a foreign language are of great importance for the comprehensive development of primary school students, obtaining high-quality education, good command of English, achieving good vital indicators, conclude that every teacher should be able to use best practices, developing their creative research and effectively teaching modern English. The results of learning through new methods, such as differentiated learning, project-based learning, communicative learning, information and communication training, etc., providing the formation of personality, its language competencies, will undoubtedly contribute to the independent development of the child, the formation of his language competence, the development of cognitive, creative abilities of students.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Management in healthcare: domestic and foreign experience

The specifics of the management of healthcare institutions are due to the fact that healthcare is a special field of activity that differs significantly from other types of activities. One of the most important management tasks in the field of public health protection is the achievement of targets: improving the quality and accessibility of medical care through the effective use of limited financial, material, labor and other health resources in conditions of rapidly growing competition in the medical services market. The purpose - is to review and summarize the domestic and foreign experience of management in health care. The article emphasizes that the serious institutional transformations taking place in the domestic healthcare system in recent years are aimed at improving the quality of medical services in the implementation of the state guarantees program, at switching to a single-channel model of financing medical care, at introducing the principles of result-oriented budgeting into the activities of socially oriented organizations providing socially significant services. The practical implementation of the above innovations requires a revision of the concept of management in the field of healthcare, the priority areas of which correspond to the best world practice. The preservation of the health of the nation is a strategic guideline of state regulation in the field of healthcare, which determines the targets of state policy. When writing the article, traditional methods (comparison, description, measurement), general logical methods and research techniques (analysis, generalization, etc.) were used. The article discusses the main theoretical foundations and organizational and economic mechanisms of the healthcare management system in market conditions. The author notes that effective healthcare is a significant factor stabilizing the socio-political situation at all the above-mentioned early stages of the reform. Therefore, studies of economic relations in healthcare in the transition period, the role of innovation policy in the management of healthcare institutions are becoming relevant. At the same time, issues of the effectiveness of the functioning of healthcare institutions are of particular importance, which are ultimately determined by the creation of socio-economic, scientific, technical, organizational and economic prerequisites for the progressive development of productive forces using the achievements of scientific and technological progress, the latest medical technologies.

Author: Zh.N. Abdikadyr
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

The role of the tax passport in assessing the tax potential of the region

The tax system, as an integral area of the economic direction of state policy, urgently requires such construction and development that will be directly related to those main vectors of the state policy of socio-economic development, which will help ensure a sufficient amount of tax revenues to the budgets of different levels. In many countries around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant deterioration in the state of public finances. Containment measures, increased government spending, and reduced tax revenues have led to an increase in the budget deficit and public debt, which as a percentage of GDP has reached its highest level in several decades. Restoring public finances is a priority for all countries for many years to come. At present, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, it became necessary to develop a single document, the basis of which should be a system of indicators that determine the trends in the development of the macroeconomic situation in the region, as well as the influence of sectoral and regional factors of the current structure of financial flows on the state of the tax base and the prospects for its development. Purpose of the article is a substantiation of the role of the tax passport in assessing the tax potential of the region in modern conditions. The tax passport of the region should be considered as a document that allows assessing the existing tax base of the region, the level of the tax burden in the context of certain types of taxes in dynamics, by industry, as well as developing a forecast for the receipt of taxes and fees for the future, both under the current legislation and taking into account its possible change. When writing the article, the dialectical method of cognition, the methods of scientific generalization and classification, the method of systemic and comparative analysis were used. The introduction of tax passports will mean the beginning of a qualitatively new system of tax collection, corresponding to market conditions and the scale of the revival of the economy, that will contribute to a change in the tasks of the tax service (there is a need to predict the volume of tax revenues in the medium term, develop new concepts in the field of taxation that contribute to the development of business without prejudice social programs, substantiation of tax programs to ensure protectionist policy in the field of foreign economic activity).

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Means of expressing information in complex sentences with elliptical shapes

There have been different approaches to the phenomenon of ellipsis in both world and modern Azerbaijani linguistics. Although ellipsis is widely studied between the sides of compound sentences, but we believe that taking the wider and more diverse evolutionary processes in composite sentences, especially in complex sentences into consideration the fact of ellipsis in these constructions needs to be studied more deeply. The article provides detailed information on the characteristics of the formation of elliptical shapes of subordinate compound sentences. As you know, a subordinate compound sentence consists of two components: a main and a subordinate sentence. The ellipsis observed in a subordinate compound sentence does not manifest itself in the form of omission of any part of a sentence as in a simple sentence, but in the context of omission of the whole mai or subordinate sentence. Although the phenomenon of ellipsis can manifest itself in both components, the article deals with the ellipse observed in the main sentence. The article also notes that the phenomenon of ellipsis is naturally more characteristic of dialogic speech. Because this event occurs not as a deliberate, pre-planned form, but as a result of the natural regularity of language. It is clear that the basis of dialogic speech is question and answer sentences. Some of the question and answer sentences, in turn, form the components of a subordinate compound sentence, forming a dialogue unit. In some dialogues with such a construction, the phenomenon of elliptism manifests itself in the question sentence and in others in the answer sentence. It also provides detailed information on the role of many factors in the emergence of this language fact, in particular, the tendency of the language to save. The article also reflects and compares the views of world linguists on the phenomenon of ellipsis. The fact of the language which is dealt with is substantiated by concrete examples.

Author: N.G. Aliev
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)
Heading: Humanities

Analysis of the epizootic situation of canine distemper among dogs in the city of Tula

Main problem: At present, service, decorative and hunting dog breeding is intensively developing in Russia and in the Tula region. So, in 2020, 119 high-breed puppies were registered in the Book of Pedigree Breeding, and in 2021 already 164 puppies, mostly decorative and service breeds. Thus, the number of pedigreed dogs susceptible to various infectious diseases is increasing annually. Canine distemper is one of the most widespread viral diseases of dogs all over the world, including in Russia. Analyzing the "Patient Admission Logs" of veterinary clinics in the city of Tula, it was found that 44 % of dogs that fell ill with diseases of infectious etiology were diagnosed with canine distemper. Purpose: The aim of our research was to study the epizootological features of the course of canine distemper among dogs in the Tula region of Russia. To achieve the intended goal, it was necessary to solve the following problem: to analyze the breed and age factors for the incidence of canine distemper. Methods: Analysis of data from private veterinary clinics reporting on the incidence of small domestic animals was used. Results and their significance: As a result of studying the epizootic situation of canine distemper among dogs, the following data were obtained: The disease is observed throughout the year and has the character of undamped fluctuations subject to sharp seasonal changes. The maximum number of diseased dogs in all years of observation is recorded in March - 6.2 cases per 1000 individuals. It has been established that among the infectious diseases of dogs, distemper occupies the first place, and there is an annual increase in the number of dogs with distemper.

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Specifics of management in tourism of Pavlodar region

Main problem: for the 2019-2021 years of the implementation of the state program, the indicator for the number of incoming visitors in the tourism sector of the region was achieved in 2019. In 2020-2021, the indicator was not reached due to the global pandemic associated with the spread of coronavirus infection by Covid-19, and therefore the attractiveness and profitability of tourism in Kazakhstan decreased. Tourism and the increasing demand for tourism services every year are becoming a source of large incomes and profits in many countries. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), travel and tourism is currently the largest industry in the world, taking into account the contribution to global GDP and employment. [1] The conclusions made in this paper and practical recommendations can contribute to the development of measures to improve the process of effective management and reform of the tourism industry. The purpose: to study the theoretical and practical aspects of the development of the tourism industry in the Pavlodar region. Methods: in the course of the research, the following methods were used: theoretical analysis of literature, methods of ranking, analysis, grouping and systematization of data, statistical methods. Results and their value: currently, the tourism industry of both Kazakhstan and its regions is gradually beginning to develop. The article presents the result of assessing the attractiveness of the tourism market and shows ways to expand the industry, as well as reveals the specifics of management in the tourism sector. The formulated conclusions and practical recommendations can contribute to the development of measures to improve the process of effective management and reform of the tourism industry of Pavlodar region, as well as the development of a mechanism for using tourism potential in the socio-economic development of Kazakhstan. This study is relevant, since the main task for today is the need to study the problems and challenges in the field of tourism development, which will contribute to the development of other related industries in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The development and solution of the problems of the tourism industry itself will undoubtedly lead to an increase in the opportunities of this market and the demand for services and, as a result, will affect the development of economic indicators of both regions and the whole of Kazakhstan.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)

Tolerance in pedagogical communication

In this article, the need to improve professional communication defines the tasks of improving the psychological and pedagogical qualifications of teachers of primary, secondary and higher education, their professional competence as an increase in interaction in the field of modern achievements in pedagogy, psychology, acmeology. In this regard, it is said about the more efficient use of modern private resources to build effective strategies for professional communication of teachers. The idea is revealed that acmeological design is used for individual work related to the strategy of life, the improvement of professional behavior or communication. It is proved that communication helps to plan and organize joint work; the goals of communication expand to gaining knowledge about the world, training and education, coordinating actions in joint activities, establishing personal and business relationships.

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Games of children of senior preschool age as early career guidance in activities

Early preparation of a child for the choice of a future profession is not a recognition of who the child should be, but an acquaintance of the child with various activities. This may make it easier to choose in the future. Therefore, acquaintance with the activities of adults should begin at preschool age, when children learn about various professions through accessible forms of knowledge. As a result, the child learns the values of labor, gets an idea about various professions, interests in certain types of professional activity begin to form in their mind. In order for a child to make a conscious choice in adult life, professional orientation should begin with a close environment, first of all, with the professions of parents. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to develop mechanisms for early professional orientation of preschoolers through play activities. For the study, methods of ascent from the abstract to the real were applied, the method of transforming real images of objects based on their abstract meaning. As a result of the study, conclusions were drawn that the personal potential of a person in relation to life and the world of activity is manifested in the positions of "individual", "child" and "subject"Confidence in thinking is given by the application of motion vectors to the known abstract, in the logic of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, as well as in their combinations. The cycle of revealing the potential of the individual and its transformation into the subject of educational activity is described. A sufficient prerequisite is the mastery of the subjects of reflexive-thinking abilities in accordance with self-determination, self-organization, self-regulation

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Technology for the preparation of a fermented milk product with the addition of watermelon juice

Main problem: the development of a new direction in the food industry – the so-called functional nutrition, which means the use of such products of natural origin, which, when systematically used, have a regulatory effect on the body as a whole or on its specific systems and organs, has been widely recognized all over the world: immunostimulants, biocorrectors for blood pressure, cholesterol levels, etc. When creating functional dairy products, ingredients of plant origin are increasingly included in recipes, which are sources of dietary fiber, vitamins and microelements, organic acids and other biologically active compounds, which can also serve as flavor fillers. Purpose: to develop a technology for the preparation of a fermented milk product with the addition of an extract from gourds. To do this, it was necessary: to select the amount (dose) of the yoghurt starter introduced into the prepared milk, and also to investigate the effect of temperature on the fermentation process of the drink; to investigate the amount (dose) of the vegetable filler introduced into the mixture and its effect on the organoleptic characteristics of the drink; to investigate the organoleptic properties of the drink with the melon culture extract added to it before fermentation and after fermentation; to investigate the effect of vegetable filler on the fermentation process; to investigate the effect of the dose of vegetable filler on the process of acid formation; conduct microbiological studies of milk and vegetable yogurt; to investigate the change in the acidity of milk and vegetable yogurt during storage; to investigate the effect of the freezing process on the chemical composition and biological value of the extract. Methods: when performing the practical part of the work, physicochemical, organoleptic and microbiological studies were used. Results and their significance: in the course of the study, it was concluded that by adding an extract of gourds to the technology for the preparation of fermented milk products, a new fermented milk product can be obtained that meets all physicochemical, organoleptic and microbiological requirements. As a result, an original method for the production of a fermented milk drink containing an extract from a melon culture was developed.

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New tendencies in the digital transformation of the world economy

Main problem: processes of economic modernization in practical solution should reveal common understanding between institutional, legislative and industrial relations, essence of organizational transformations, formulation of basic provisions for instrumental support of independent transition of technological processes to new round of socio‑economic relations. Processes should be based on new characteristics of standardization, methodology of system functioning, technical conditions, norms, rules, instructions and regulations, which provides for institutional changes. Purpose: to explore new trends in digital transformation of the world economy, as well as to show that tasks and settings of vector of technological processes of digital economy go far beyond known principles of economic development, joining the mainstream of global trends. Methods: theoretical and methodological basis was concepts, hypotheses and theories presented in works of domestic and foreign researchers. The methodology is based on systematic approach, in which methods of comparative, factorial, subject-object, structural-functional, statistical, correlation analysis and extrapolation were applied. Results and their significance: analytical review of theoretical approaches of foreign economists on this problem was carried out, which allowed author to identify theoretical, methodological and applied foundations for determining directions within framework of state strategy for planning socio-economic development. Scientific discussion on conditions for changing model of economic development, modernization of economy with transition to first and second generation platforms, hereinafter referred to as ecosystems, is evaluated. The fundamental differences between theoretical argumentation of proponents of promoted digital technologies and their opponents are determined. Positions of argumentation of impact on change of driving factors are analyzed in order to adjust methods of state policy and choice of vector of technological processes. The question of correlation of macroeconomic theory in evolutionary sense, which goes beyond known principles of economic thought of digital transformation, is considered.

Author: S.A. Buka
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Basic Moral and Conceptual Guidelines for Educational and Pedagogical Activities

Main problem: humane pedagogical thinking seeks to embrace the immensity, and this is the strength of educational systems and processes born in its bowels. To actualize the value of self-disclosure of students’ innovative abilities with the accompanying, providing role of a teacher, it is necessary to recognize a one’s intellectual reflective mechanism as the main subject of education. Developed reflexive abilities are a logical condition for a person to independently overcome all sorts of difficulties in life and activity. Purpose: understanding and formalization of the “golden principles” of socio-natural thinking and activity of a human as a biological organism. Methods: the method of ascending from the abstract to the concrete, the method of transforming specific images of objects based on their abstract essence, the speculative language of schematic representation of a thought. Results and their significance: considering a high dynamics of technological changes in the world of activity, we accept the reflective ability for self-education as the main means to independently discover certain professional abilities necessary in life. This means that, first of all, students must learn how to learn, i.e. learn to think independently, critically perceive and transform the received information into knowledge, pose their own questions, offer a range of answers, logically formulate and coordinate different points of view, build knowledge together with others. Innovative methods and models of pedagogical activity encourage students’ innovative abilities which cause innovative and technological development of a country.

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Analysis of mechanisms of regulation of innovation activity in the system of global competitiveness

Main problem: rapidly changing trends in development of economies of countries require a rational approach to state regulation of innovative activity and investments directed to organization of real sector of the economy. At the same time, for analysis of modern state policy in the system of innovative development, it is necessary to assess the effectiveness of state regulation mechanisms of innovative activity in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Purpose: to assess mechanisms of state regulation of innovative activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the global competitiveness system. Methods: synthesis, content analysis, accommodation, monographic method, factor analysis, economic and statistical research method. Results and their significance: the assessment of the mechanisms of state regulation of innovative activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the global competitiveness system allowed to fully assessing effectiveness of mechanisms of state regulation of innovative activity in the economy. Examining the sub-indices of international rating of the World Economic Forum for 2021-2022 in relation to 2017-2018, the authors came to conclusion that in Kazakhstan today there is the decrease in all the sub-indices of rating and their factors (“basic requirements” and “business complexity”), with exception of “innovation” sub-index. This sub-index was significantly reduced due to a sharp deterioration in macroeconomic environment, which is directly related, according to the authors, to significant losses in oil export revenues. This, in turn, affected the deterioration of the state budget indicators. The article pays special attention to place and role of state regulation of innovative activity in the socio-economic policy of the country. Organizational and methodological problems in development and implementation of innovative policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan are researched in detail, which makes it necessary to solve them in order to achieve the effectiveness of innovative policy at the regional and national levels.

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Information communications in organization management: key aspects and effective strategies

In the modern world, information communications play a crucial role in the management of organizations. The rapid development of information technologies and the availability of broadband Internet create new opportunities for effective information exchange and communication both within the organization and with the external environment. This article discusses the key aspects of information communications in the management of an organization and presents effective strategies and tools for their successful implementation. The purpose of this article is to consider and explain the role and importance of information technologies in the management of organizations, to familiarize with various types of information technologies, their advantages and opportunities in the context of organization management. The main objective of the article is to emphasize how information technologies can improve efficiency, communication efficiency and management decision-making, as well as optimize business processes and create competitive advantages for the organization. When writing this article, the following methods and approaches were used. A review of academic and practical sources related to the use of information technology in the management of organizations was conducted. The study of relevant studies, articles and books allowed us to obtain extensive information about the topic and to back up the statements in the article with factual data and authoritative sources. Various aspects of the use of information technologies in the management of organizations were analyzed, including their advantages, key aspects of implementation and methods of optimizing business processes. As a result of the analytical approach, the main points for inclusion in the article were identified and their significance was substantiated. The information and ideas obtained from the literary analysis and analytical approach were synthesized and combined into a single article. Various aspects of information technology in the management of organizations have been organized into a logical structure to ensure clarity and consistency of presentation. The article highlights the key aspects of information technology implementation, including the need for employee training, strategic communications planning, information flow management and the use of data analytics. Examples of successful application of information technologies in various industries and organizations are given.

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

Universal coordinates and methods of reformatting an ambiguous humanitarian paradigm

The main problem: In the conditions of market uncertainty, the coronavirus pandemic, the absence of an officially articulated national idea, national interests and ideology in Kazakhstan, the problem of the lack of logically justified and coordinated coordinates of systemic thinking, an unambiguous paradigm of humanitarian thinking (analytical, pedagogical, managerial, economic, etc.) is becoming more and more clearly realized. as the most important conditions for personal, civil and professional self-determination. Purpose: to substantiate the general logical coordinates and methods of reformatting the ambiguous humanitarian paradigm used in the activity. Methods: the ontological principle of genetically meaningful logic, the method of transformation of concrete images of objects based on their abstract essence, the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, the speculative language of schematic images of thought and the language of methodological theory of activity. The results and their significance: logically justified universal abstract-concrete coordinates of universal motion are given. In relation to life and the world of activity, they can be concretized by coordinates: "standard of living – efficiency of activity", or "efficiency of activity – time", or "results – costs", or "quality – quantity", etc. The use of motion vectors in the logic of descent from the concrete to the abstract (NCA), ascent from the abstract to the concrete (AAC), as well as in their combination – logic CAC gives certainty to thinking. As an example, the scheme of the qualitative difference between educational (pre-professional) activities from professional ones using these methods and paired dialectical categories is given. The scheme and description of the functional model of the system object, considered as a rubicon of the transformation of educational activity into professional activity, are given. To reformat the indefinite, ambiguous paradigms of the humanities used in the activity into functional-logical, visible, constructive and unambiguous, it is recommended to use abstract-concrete coordinates, the methods given, the language of schematic images and the paradigm of the methodological theory of activity. As an example, the concept of a typical unit of activity development is given. A visible unambiguous paradigm is a necessary, but not sufficient prerequisite for adequate personal, civil and professional self-determination of a person in situations of high uncertainty. A sufficient prerequisite is the acquisition by subjects of appropriate reflexive-thinking abilities for self-determination, self-organization, self-regulation, etc.

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The impact of digitalization on the Kazakhstan banking services market

Main problem: In recent years, the world has seen the widespread impact and implementation of digitalization in all areas of activity. The financial sector is increasingly feeling the impact of this trend. Today, banks are the leaders in this sector in the use of digital innovations. In connection with current events in the world, banks needed to resort to transformation of their products. Products and services such as Internet banking, chat bots, contactless payment systems, biometric identification technologies, etc. appear and are constantly updated. The article discusses the main trends in the development of digital banking products and their impact on the performance of banks. Purpose: is to study and evaluate new digital banking products and their impact on the key performance indicators of the banking sector. Results and their significance: The directions and trends in the development of new digital banking products were studied and the performance indicators of the banking sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan were compared.

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 4(92)

Development of Cognitive Abilities of high School Students by means of Psychological Training

The main problem: the article examines the development of cognitive abilities of high school students by conducting a theoretical analysis of philosophical, pedagogical, psychological, scientific and methodological works and current directions of its development. Improving the educational process in secondary educational institutions and developing the cognitive abilities of high school students is an urgent problem. Therefore, the task arises of developing the thinking and activity of high school students while studying in secondary educational institutions, teaching them to use their knowledge and skills in new life situations. The implementation of these tasks makes it urgent to search for ways and forms of organizing the educational process, which will contribute to the formation of the skills to plan and organize the cognitive activity of high school students. Purpose: to substantiate the general logical coordinates and methods of reformatting various humanitarian paradigms used in action. Methods: ontological principle of logic with genetic content, method of transforming specific images of objects based on their abstract meaning, method of transition from abstract to concrete language, language of thinking of schematic images of thought and language of methodological theory. activities. Currently, such an update represents a transition to the methods and tools of active learning technology as a means of continuous development of science and school practice, the use of which in most cases helps to increase the interest and activity of adolescents. The results and their significance: logically substantiated universal abstract-concrete coordinates of the universal movement are presented. In relation to life and the world of activity, they can be defined by the coordinates: “standard of living - activity efficiency”, or “action efficiency - time”, or “result - costs”, or “quality - quantity” etc. Clarity of thinking is ensured by the logic of movement vectors descending from the real to the abstract, ascending from the abstract to the real, as well as their combination. The constant need for cognitive activity creates in students a feeling of cognitive satisfaction, seeing the result of curiosity, its planning and organization. This result teaches the teenager to actively seek new cognitive activities and gain experience in mastering the subject.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

Evaluation of Mechanisms’ Effectiveness of State Regulation of Innovative Activity

Main problem: Rapidly changing trends in development of economies of countries require a rational approach to state regulation of innovative activity and investments directed to organization of real sector of the economy. At the same time, for analysis of modern state policy in the system of innovative development, it is necessary to assess the effectiveness of state regulation mechanisms of innovative activity in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Purpose: to assess mechanisms of state regulation of innovative activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the global competitiveness system. Methods: synthesis, content analysis, accommodation, monographic method, factor analysis, economic and statistical research method. Results and their significance: The assessment of the mechanisms of state regulation of innovative activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the global competitiveness system allowed to fully assess effectiveness of mechanisms of state regulation of innovative activity in the economy. Examining the sub-indices of international rating of the World Economic Forum for 2021-2022 in relation to 2017-2018, the authors came to conclusion that in Kazakhstan today there is the decrease in all the sub-indices of rating and their factors (“basic requirements” and “business complexity”), with exception of “innovation” sub-index. This sub-index was significantly reduced due to a sharp deterioration in macroeconomic environment, which is directly related, according to the authors, to significant losses in oil export revenues. This, in turn, affected the deterioration of the state budget indicators. The article pays special attention to place and role of state regulation of innovative activity in the socio-economic policy of the country. Organizational and methodological problems in development and implementation of innovative policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan are researched in detail, which makes it necessary to solve them in order to achieve the effectiveness of innovative policy at the regional and national levels.

Author: Buka S.A.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

Legal Education Aspects Among the youth in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The main problem: The development of theoretical aspects of legal education, legal awareness. Organizational forms of legal education. Forms and methods of education of legal awareness, legal culture. Features of the formation of legal culture in the modern period. Problems of improving legal culture and legal education. Legal education forms a sense of confidence and independence in the legal sphere among the population of the state, thereby stimulating the legal activity of an individual, which presupposes voluntary, conscious, proactive, socially and morally responsible human behavior. Purpose: The article deals with the legal education of modern youth. The means of forming a legal culture are the promotion of law, the development of legal knowledge among citizens, the practical strengthening of the rule of law, the presence of a strong legal science, the improvement of the system of legal acts, which is achieved due to the presence in the state of a democratic, effective constitution and high legal and technical-legal quality of laws and by-laws. Methods: Methodology of the study. The methodological basis of the study was made up of: generally recognized methods of scientific research of the phenomena of reality in their interrelation and interdependence both at the theoretical level (systemic, comparative legal, formal legal, historical methods of analysis, etc.) and at the empirical level (statistical analysis, questionnaires, research of documents, printed publications); the main provisions of the theory of criminal law, ethics, philosophy, psychology; rules of formal logic. The results and their significance: In this regard, there is a need to create a Republican Center for Legal Education at the Institute of State and Law, which will provide scientific research on the problems of legal education and upbringing, the development of the content and methodology of legal education at all levels of continuing education of students.

Author: A.S. Satkenov
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)
Heading: Law