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Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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Development of the technology of cream bioadditive for enrichment of processed cheese product of functional orientation
Annotation: The article is devoted to comprehensive research and development of the technology of cream supplements for the enrichment of processed cheese products. This article discusses the steady trend towards the use of dairy products with probiotic properties in the diet of modern people. The authors justify the requirements for the chemical composition and properties of a new type of processed cheese product: the mass fraction of dry processed cheese product must be at least 45 wt.%, the amount of probiotic microflora at least 107 CFU/g, to adjust the fatty acid composition of the product, the use of milk fat substitutes. As a result of the research, the composition and technological parameters of the production of a cream Supplement intended for enriching a new processed cheese product were determined. Skimmed milk powder concentrate with a mass fraction of dry substances (48.0±0.5) %was selected to increase protein (nitrogenous substances) in the nutrient medium for microorganisms. To activate the growth of bifidobacteria, the prebiotic No. 1 – lactulose was studied. The main content of the study is the analysis of the effect of increasing the amount of SOM concentrate on the chemical composition of the compositions of experimental products. The bacterial concentrates Bifilact-B and Bifilact-u were selected as the source of probiotic cultures. In fermented products, microbiological indicators were determined: the total number of lactic acid cultures and bifidobacteria. The article analyzes the dynamics of acidity of experimental products fermented with bifilact-B bacterial concentrate and bifilact-u bacterial concentrate. It was found that in experimental products with a high level of acid formation, the growth of bifidobacteria decreases, this is due to the fact that at low pH values, the growth of bifidobacteria slows down, and at a pH below 4.5 – stops. There was a significant increase in the number of bifidobacteria in the presence of a prebiotic – lactulose concentrate. The authors proved that the fermentation process with the formation of a clot in experimental products with bifilact-B bacterial concentrate is completed within 9-10 hours, taking into account the time of compaction of the consistency. In experimental products fermented with bifilact-U bacterial concentrate, the fermentation process ends within 7-8 hours, that is, by (2.0±0.5) hours faster.
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

Study of the possibility of using heterologous preparations in the serologic diagnosis of carnivorous plague
Annotation: Main problem: The genus Morbillivirus of the family Paramyxoviridae includes agents of morbilli, plague of cattle, carnivores and small ruminants. Plague agent of carnivores causes a dangerous disease of fur animals and dogs, which in many cases ends in death. The disease is widespread everywhere, including Kazakhstan. In our country, the mixed form of the disease is most common, and the least common is the skin and nervous forms. The chronic course of plague is observed to a greater extent with the nervous form, subacute - with mixed and intestinal, acute - with cutaneous and pulmonary forms of the disease. Goal: Veterinarians have significant difficulties in diagnosing carnivorous plague. Despite the fact that serological methods for diagnosing this infection have been developed and applied for research purposes, the lack of commercial diagnostic preparations on sale significantly restrains their use by practical veterinary workers. Therefore, the diagnosis of plague of carnivores is mainly established on the basis of the symptom complex of the disease and the data of epizootic and pathological anatomical studies, the results of which are largely similar to those in some other diseases of carnivores. Scientific research in the field of means and methods of laboratory diagnostics of carnivore plague, applicable in practical veterinary medicine, is in great demand. Methods: Considering the fact that the carnivores plague and cattle plague are antigenically closely related, studies were carried out to determine the possibility of using means and methods for diagnosing cattle plague for serological diagnosis of carnivores plague. Results and their significance: It has been established that the use of means and methods for diagnosing cattle plague makes it possible to diagnose carnivore plague at all stages of the course of the disease, their use makes it possible to reliably establish a diagnosis of the disease in fur-bearing animals and dogs in a short time after the receipt of samples of material for research, even in cases of mixed viral and bacterial infections; and also to differentiate the plague of carnivores from diseases similar to it - parvovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis and a number of others.
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

Economic efficiency of the scheme for preventing infertility of dairy cows
Annotation: The work is intended to determine the etiopathogenetic principles of animal prevention in gynecological pathology and issue a theoretical justification. At the same time, improving preventive measures aimed at preserving their health, increasing the productivity of animals in modern conditions of animal husbandry and ensuring high productivity of cows. In this regard, the main task is to develop ways to increase insemination of cows with the use of complex and homeopathic treatment. For the first time in the East Kazakhstan region, new scientific data on the main etiological factors leading to gynecological pathology and infertility of cows were obtained. Work has been carried out to improve measures aimed at preventing infertility of cows in the conditions of dairy farming in this region and stimulating increased insemination. New schemes for stimulating increased insemination using hormonal, homeopathic and other drugs have been tested. As a result, an increase in the productivity of cows was revealed, and stimulation schemes were introduced. For the first time in the farm" kamyshinskoye" an economic assessment of the damage from infertility of cows is given. Research work is done between 2016 and 2019 years by the Department of veterinary medicine of the State University named after Shakarim, in the laboratory "Agrotechnopark" of the State University named after Shakarim and national University of veterinary medicine and biotechnology named after Lviv and in the farm "kamyshinskoye" of the Shemonaikha district of East Kazakhstan region. To enhance the insemination of cows 3 groups of animals was obtained: animals of group I were not subjected to insemination; animals of group II for 1-3 hours before insemination grafted surfagon 3 ml (15 mg), 15 ml of Catosal, 15 ml habilita-Se, 10 ml uteroton; 8 days prior to insemination progesterone 2,5% 2 ml, Catosal 15 ml, habilita-Se 15 ml; cows of group III for 30-60 minutes before insemination were given Ovariovitis, and after fertilization Ovariovitis for 25-30 days and liarcine 5 ml. According to the results of drawings based on complex and homeopathic preparations, low costs were shown.
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)