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The prevalence and effectiveness of the treatment of edemagenosis in sika deer in the Ussuri urban district
Annotation: The degree of dаmаge to deer by the lаrvаe of Oedemаgenа tаrаndi of the Hypodermаtidаe fаmily depends on the number of femаles of the subcutаneous gаdfly in the summer. For the development of meаsures to combаt deer gаdflies, vаrious methods hаve been tested over the yeаrs, аmong them methods of wаtering аnd externаl locаl аpplicаtion. For this purpose, mаny reseаrchers tested dipterex (80 %), crystаlline chlorophos (97 %) in the form of аn 8 % solution, tiguvon, ricifon, dioxаfos, sulfidophos-20 аnd ectopor (2 % cypermethrin) аnd other drugs. Vаrbeks 35 %, Bаytex-50, Fenthion-50, Nаtаsol аnd Etаcid, etc. were tested intrаmusculаrly in vаrious doses on deer. The purpose is to study the prevаlence аnd effectiveness of the treаtment of edemаgenosis in sikа deer in the Ussuriysk urbаn district. The reseаrch wаs cаrried out аt the deer fаrm "Borisovskаyа". For the experiment, three groups of deer were formed with 6 heаds eаch. In order to study the therаpeutic аnd prophylаctic efficаcy of the two groups of drugs Аversect-2 аnd Dectomаx, the аnimаls of the first experimentаl group were injected with the drug Аversect-2 subcutаneously аt the rаte of 1 ml per 50 kg of аnimаl weight, deer of the second experimentаl group were injected subcutаneously with Dectomаx аt а dose of 0.2 mg per 1 kg of mаss, which corresponds to 1 ml of solution per 50 kg of mаss. The prepаrаtions were аdministered immediаtely аfter the end of the summer of gаdflies (end of July-beginning of Аugust). The third group of deer did not receive drugs, аnd it remаined the control group. The incidence of sikа deer entomosis in the Ussuriysk urbаn district for three yeаrs wаs quite high аnd remаined аt the sаme level for аlmost the entire period (43.21-48.8), with а slight decreаse in 2021 to 37.4 %, which wаs most likely due to the climаtic conditions of this period. Of the two selected drugs with seemingly the sаme spectrum of аction, the best results were obtаined on the deer of the second experimentаl group, where the drug "Dektomаx" wаs used, while the EI wаs significаntly (two times) lower thаn in the first experimentаl group аnd аmounted to 16.7 % versus 33. 3 %, аnd АI - 0.03, аgаinst 0.83.
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)

Obtaining an effective biological instrument and method of reproducing lumpy skin disease
Annotation: The production of vaccine preparations before release requires standardization of their immunobiological parameters, especially safety and immunogenic efficacy. An indicator of the immunogenic effectiveness of the lumpy skin disease vaccine is the resistance of vaccinated cattle against the virulent virus. However, according to preliminary studies, the virulent control virus did not always cause clinical disease with characteristic symptoms when infected subcutaneously. The purpose is to develop a biological model in the form of a complex consisting of a pathogenic virus, a method of infection and a susceptible animal to assess the immunogenicity of a lumpy skin disease vaccine. Local cattle, intact from lumpy dermatitis, were used to reproduce lumpy dermatitis and develop the causative agent of the disease. As the initial infectious virus, we used a 20 % tissue suspension of nodules (skin nodules) obtained from cattle that fell ill with lumpy dermatitis in the field in the Atyrau region in 2016. As a viral mass to control immunogenicity, a 20 % suspension of skin nodules and edematous skin tissue at the site of the pathogen injection, obtained after the “refreshment” of the virus in animals, were used. The disease was reproduced by infection with the test suspension of the virus intradermally, subcutaneously, intravenously at a dose of 0.5 cm3 and titration on the skin of the animal. The effectiveness of the biological model was assessed by morbidity, severity of the course and severity of the manifestation of the disease. During primary intradermal infection with a field isolate of the virus, the disease manifested itself in one of three animals in the form of hyperthermia, depression, lacrimation, and the appearance of several nodular nodules in the skin of animals. The refreshed tissue virus caused clinical disease both in subcutaneous, intradermal and intravenous infection. But the clinical signs of the disease were more pronounced with intradermal inoculation of the virus, and with intravenous inoculation, it manifested itself in a more severe form with a fatal outcome. Inoculation of the virus intradermally into different areas of the skin led to the development of an independent skin lesion in each infected point in the form of painful edema, followed by necrosis, the size and intensity of which depended on the dose of the injected virus. This development of skin pathology made it possible to work out a method for determining the virus titer in vivo. The tissue virus obtained from the edematous tissue at the site of the pathogen injection was guaranteed to cause clinical disease in cattle during intradermal inoculation and made it possible to evaluate the immunogenic efficacy of the produced batches of vaccine against lumpy dermatitis.
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)

Efficient use of natural pastures in conditions of vertical zonation of the south-east of Kazakhstan
Annotation: In this article, comprehensive studies have been conducted on the effective use of natural pastures in conditions of vertical zonality in the project territory of Batyr Korday district (Zhambyl region). The data presented shows how important it is to comply with the norms and loads of pastures for further preservation of pasture yields and prevention of degradation. Consequently, there is a need to develop effective and scientifically-based systems of pasture turnover and the introduction of measures to restore pasture lands in the Zhambyl region, taking into account the peculiarities of the climate and geo-botanical indicators. Pasture lands make up about seventy percent of the entire territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The potential productivity of these lands reaches twenty-five and more million tons of fodder units. Pasture is the main renewable forage plant resource. It should be emphasized that haphazard use has led to the fact that land degradation processes occur on 27.5 million hectares of pastures, feed capacity decreases, biological diversity decreases, erosion processes manifest themselves, etc. All this requires the development of science-based approaches to the exploitation of pasture resources, compliance with the basic elements of rational grazing. The current situation may have a twofold path of development. The first way is the absence of strategic initiatives for the effective use of pastures for small producers will lead to a final reduction in the feed capacity of the pastures used. And the second way is small and large-scale use of the huge forage potential of the restored pastures.
Author: Zh. Issayeva
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)