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Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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Heterological serological diagnostics of nodular cattle dermatitis
Annotation: he article is devoted to the current problem of laboratory diagnosis of nodular dermatitis in cattle. Specific tools and methods for diagnosing t his disease have not yet been developed. There is evidence of an antigenic relationship between the causative agent of nodular dermatitis of cattle and the causative agent of sheep pox. The possibility of using means and methods of serological diagnosis of sheep pox for the diagnosis of ND cattle is being considered. Reducing the timing of diagnosis helps to increase the effectiveness of ongoing therapeutic and antiepizootic measures.
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Scientific substantiation and development of biotechnology of curd product for specialized (herodietic) nutrition
Annotation: he article presents the scientific rationale for a promising trend - a product with a high protein content, enriched with functional ingredients for specialized (herodietic) nutrition. Based on the results of our own research, we determined the component composition of the fermented product and the main dairy raw material - buttermilk, characterized by high biological value. The new product contains an antioxidant complex and a herbal ingredient that expands the product range.
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Improving the efficiency of the road transport power supply system
Annotation: The article discusses a way to increase the efficiency of automobile operation by improving methods for ensuring the operability of electrical equipment based on the diagnosis of generators by output voltage. As a diagnosis, it is proposed to perform a spectral analysis of the generated voltage in idle mode and to determine the state of various generator elements from the results. The effectiveness of the proposed solutions is determined by the non-separable diagnostics of the generator, which, based on a thorough examination, can determine the state of various elements of the generator. This method does not require taking the generator out of operation, does not depend on its design and can be used in difficult operating conditions to obtain preliminary information about the state of the generator at the initial stage of maintenance.
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Carrying out the repair work at petroleum refineries
Annotation: The development of the oil refinery is directly related to the peculiarities of the socioeconomic environment, which is determined largely by the favorable conditions of activity of all branches of economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a stable regulatory processes of all normative -legal framework of implementation of market reforms and efficiency of making management and innovative solutions in the oil refining industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Currently, a lot of efforts are being made to scale modernization of all production processes, as well as modernization of equipment of the oil refining complex of the country
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Technology of electronic distance course development for the adaptation of employees to activities in the enterprise
Annotation: The authors consider the need to adapt new employees at the enterprise through the use of an electronic course. The article provides definitions of the concepts "e-course", "adaptive e-course". The adaptive e-course is a course designed to familiarize new employees with the history, structure and corporate values of t he company, allowing the new employee to be adapted to unusual labor and psychological factors. The analysis of adaptive courses is carried out and the main technologies of e– course development are highlighted (virtual and augmented reality technologies, gamification, online chats, LMS and corporate learning portals, machine learning and artificial intelligence, learning Analytics and BigData, storytelling). The advantages of storytelling technology in the development of an adaptive e -course, especially in providing psychological support during the adaptation period, are considered.
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Theoretical justification of the classification of costs in their regulation in the short and long term
Annotation: The article considers the views among domestic and foreign scientists on such concepts as: expenses, costs, expenses; the authors also generalize the classification of costs necessary for their regulation and increasing the efficiency of the enterprise as an important socially-oriented subject of the system of economic relations.
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Analysis of the status and development trends of the sphere of small and medium-sized enterprises in rural areas on the materials of Ekibastuz city
Annotation: The research of the development of the business sphere of Ekibastuz city showed that despite the existing positive tendencies, it is developing against the background of multidimensional problems that require complex decisions at the regional and institutional levels.
Author: L.I. Kashuk
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Main trends of change in digital business in Kazakhstan and Abroad
Annotation: The article is devoted to: problems of adaptation of tools of strategic management of the company to fast changing external conditions; analysis of the main tendencies of changes in digital busines s caused by intensive development of digital economy. The article deals with the main trends of changes in digital business environment at macro and micro levels, issues of increasing the efficiency of internal potential of the company, the features of competitive struggle based on the active use of information and communication technologies.
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Rights and obligations of persons involved in civil proceedings: problems of legal regulation
Annotation: The article describes in detail the civil proceedings, the General characteristics of the participants of the process, the classification of persons involved in the case, the order of their participation in the proceedings, as well as their rights and obligations. Civil procedure is a system of legal norms regulating civil procedural actions and legal relations formed between the court and other participants of the process in the administration of justice in civil cases. The main purpose of this production is restoration of the violated right and protection o f interests protected by the law. Procedural actions shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure and strict procedure established by law. On the basis of the procedure established by law at all stages of the process, civil procedural relations arise, develop and cease.
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)
Heading: Law

Judicial control over the execution of criminal sentences: state of mind and prospects for improvement
Annotation: his article discusses the concept, essence and purpose of judicial control over the execution of criminal penalties , as a special type of state control, its independent and important role in public administration among the ways to ensure the rule of law.
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)
Heading: Law