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Influence of ultrasonic treatment on the efficiency of biogas production
Annotation: This paper presents the results of the influence of ultrasonic treatment in the cofermentation of the cattle manure mixture (cattle) with the leaven from the rumen of ruminants on the process of biogas production. Anaerobic digestion was carried out in matinence periodic operation at the mesophilic temperature of 38 C ̊. As a substrate, a mixture with a content of 70 % cattle manure and 10 % leaven from rumen of ruminants was used. Treatment with ultrasound of the mixture was carried out at an intensity of 10 W/cm2 and an amount of input energy of 9350 kJ/kg of dry matter (DM), which completely eliminated the processes of stratification and sedimentation. Decomposition of organic matter (OM) in the periodic regime with the enzyme and ultrasound treatment occurred within 8 days, the usual substrate during this time OM decomposed 3.0 times less (only 14 %). The process of fermentation of methane in continuous and periodic modes treated with ultrasound, as at other temperatures, was stable, as can be judged by the values of volatile fatty acids (VFA) Volatile fatty acids (VFAs), alkalinity, pH, and biogas. The energetical efficiency of methane fermentation is estimated by comparing the volume of fuel (biogas) and heat consumption for technological needs. As shown by the comparison of efficiency of different regime, the largest amount of commercial energy in the form of biogas was obtained in the mode of joint fermentation of a mixture of cattle manure (cattle) with a ferment from the rumen of ruminants treated with ultrasound – 3 times more than without treatment (space).
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Ensuring quality control by implementing a quality management system at the enterprise
Annotation: The article presents the results of implementing a quality management system at the enterprise. The study and analysis of the international standard ISO 9001:2015, as well as sanitary and epidemiological requirements for production control were carried out. The main requirements and rules for the implementation of input, operational and output control of products at enterprises at all stages of the product life cycle were identified and presented. In addition, it was determined what requirements must be met by enterprises to implement a quality management system. It is important to note that this work is necessary at the enterprise, as it has the following advantages: by improving product quality, product sales increase, the level of management of the enterprise and personnel increases, and cost savings are realized at the stages of development, production and operation. It follows that to implement a quality management system, it is necessary to set the following tasks: describe the company's processes, develop performance criteria and evaluate processes, develop the necessary documented information, implement documentation in all departments, familiarize them with the quality policy and goals, conduct timely internal audits for further SWOT analysis, and conduct an assessment by an external auditor in order to obtain a certificate of compliance. An important step in quality management is that the organization should not eliminate nonconforming results of processes, but should identify potential nonconformities, assess the risk with the preparation of a Protocol, plan and implement actions to reduce risks. Difficulties may arise: lack of understanding by the staff of the need to implement a quality management system, lack of a clear vision, mission, lack of complete information on processes, lack of quantitative and qualitative evaluation criteria, quality is defined as the quality of products, not as the quality of processes, resources, lack of monitoring of customer satisfaction. It is possible to overcome these difficulties only with the implementation of the quality management system according to ISO 9001, since the requirements prescribed in the international standard are a real tool for improving the efficiency of the enterprise, which will help bring the organization to a higher level of development.
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Extraction of non-ferrous metals from dusts of converter steel-melting production
Annotation: In the article presents the results of studies on the effect of temperature and pressure on the chloride sublimation of zinc and lead from converter dusts of steel production. Currently, an objective necessity is the development of dust utilization technologies for converter steel production, with its further use in production and production of by-products. The use of dust allows not only to save natural raw materials, but also increases production efficiency and improves the environmental situation. The content of non-ferrous metals in dusts makes it difficult to process and use them in agglomeration or in blast furnace production, while the iron content in converter dusts (sludges) makes it possible to use them as promising metallurgical raw materials. Therefore, for a more complete processing of dusts, extraction of non-ferrous metals from them is proposed. The purpose of this work was to determine the possibility of extracting zinc and lead from sludges of the converter production by the method of chloride sublimation. We used dust containing: 86,3 % Fe2O3, 3,5 % FeO, 0,9 % Al2O3, 1,6 % CaO, 0,9 % MgO, 1,1 % MnO, 0,8 % SiO2, 4,4 % ZnO, 0,5 % PbO. The study was conducted in the temperature range 200-1600 degrees C and pressures of 0,01; 0,1 and 1 bar based on a complete thermodynamic analysis using the HSC – 5.1 software package. Finnish metallurgical company Outokumpu, based on the principle of minimum Gibbs energy. According to the results of the studies, it was found that, at normal pressure, lead chloride sublimationbegins at a temperature of 600 degrees С, and zinc - at 900 degrees С: a decrease in pressure to 0,01 bar reduces the temperature to 500 degrees С and 700 degrees С, respectively; lead chloride sublimation under equal conditions is more complete than zinc; To achieve zinc chloride distillation at the level of 90-96 %, the process must be carried out at 1145-1200 degrees С and pressure from logP = -2 to 1,2 bar, while the degree of lead chloride distillation is 99,8-100 %.
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)